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State Minister Hirut Zemene meets with Italian Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Luciano Pezzotti

State Minister Hirut Zemene meets with Italian Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Luciano Pezzotti

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Hirut Zemene met with Italian delegation led by Luciano Pezzotti, Italian Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa today (March 29). The Special Envoy, recalling his brief visit to Somalia a day before noted that once dubbed “the world’s failed state”, Somalia is now on the right track to throw off this title. This is due in part from the commitment shown from the people and Government of Somalia, IGAD and the international community, Pezzotti added. He also mentioned Italy, as a Co-Chair of IGAD Partners Forum, was committed in supporting the implementation of different programs and projects undertaken by IGAD. IGAD Partners Forum, initially known as the Friends of IGADD, has been in existence since IGAD’s set up in 1986.

State Minister Hirut appreciating the visit by the Special envoy and his delegation said, “We value the regular exchange of ideas between Italy and Ethiopia.” Commending the positive progress in Somalia, the State Minister called for more support from the international community and partners in capacity building of budding institutions, strengthening the Somalia National Force and also laying down groundwork for economic stability for the country. She underlined the need to expedite the pledges made by the international community to help Somalia cop-up the looming drought.

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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