Diplomats' Note

AMISOM commanders meet to plan military operations

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Senior military commanders of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), started a four-day meeting in Mogadishu on Monday (February 11) to develop a comprehensive plan for implementation of the new Concept of Operations (CONOPS). Those taking part are AMISOM sector commanders, representatives from the Somali National Army (SNA), the UN and development partners. The new CONOPS was approved by the Military Operations Coordination Committee, a forum of Chiefs of Defense Staff and representatives of the AMISOM Troop- and Police-Contributing Countries, the Federal Government of Somalia, UN, development partners, and the AU Peace and Security Council, in November last year. It will guide AMISOM military activities and operations for the next three years, and is taking place as AMISOM is drawing down one-thousand more troops by the end of this month, in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 2431 (2018), following the first reduction undertaken in December 2017.

The plan will identify activities and operations to be implemented and lay out the necessary time-frame and logistical support needed to implement these. Simon Mulongo, the Deputy Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (DSRCC) for Somalia, urged the commanders to come up with realistic operational plans that will ensure the key CONOPS requirements are successfully implemented. “We need to do with the little resources we have and implement the new CONOPS to help AMISOM fulfill its mandate of securing Somalia,” said Mr. Mulongo.

Under the new CONOPS, a number of Forward Operating Bases are being reconfigured and others closed as troop numbers reduce. AMISOM has assured local populations that changes will be undertaken with utmost consideration of the safety and security of populations living in these areas. AMISOM Force Commander, Lt. General Tigabu Yilma said: “In order to implement the Concept of Operations effectively, we will focus on conducting targeted offensive operations against Al-Shabaab to degrade its capability, deny them freedom of action and movement and secure our friendly forces in fulfillment of our mandate.”  General Tigabu, who took over from Uganda’s Lt General Jim Owesigyire two weeks ago, described the meeting as crucial in aiding the planning of military activities and operations in all AMISOM sectors.amisom

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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