Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 27.03.2020

In this Edition

News in Brief

Abiy-Jack Ma Covid-19 Initiative further Solidifies Solidarity in Africa

Jack-Ma’s Donation adds Muscle to Africa’s Fight against Covid-19

Ethiopia Pleads G-20 Countries to Carry Covid-19 burdens together with Africans


Africa and the African Union


Africa’s response to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak received a boost on Sunday (March 22) as the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the Government of Ethiopia received a consignment of medical equipment from the Jack Ma and Alibaba Foundations. The shipment included over 1.5 million laboratory diagnostic test kits and over 100 tons of infection prevention and control commodities. This relief initiative was launched by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, the Jack Ma Foundation, and Alibaba Foundation as part of actions towards implementation of the Africa joint continental strategy for COVID-19 led by the African Union through Africa CDC. (See article)

Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mussa Faki Mahamat, has praised Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for his leadership in the fight against coronavirus (COVID-19) in Africa. He appreciated the Prime Minister for facilitating the delivery of testing and other equipment donated by the “PM Abiy-Jack Ma Foundation (Alibaba) Initiative to Reverse COVID-19 from Africa.” Through the “PM Abiy-Jack Ma Initiative,” the first shipment of medical equipment arrived in Addis Ababa last Sunday (March 22). They are being distributed to each of the 54 African nations.

In a statement issued today (March 27) Executive Secretary of IGAD, Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu appreciated IGAD member states for standing together while closely observing the rapid spread and significant impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) around the world over the past several weeks. He said: “It is important, now more than ever for us in the IGAD region to continue supporting each other as we fight this global pandemic.”

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has honored 28 Individual Police Officers (IPOs) for their dedication and service to the mission during their year-long deployment in Somalia. The officers from Ghana, Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Zambia were awarded medals and certificates at a send-off ceremony in Mogadishu last week on Tuesday (March 17).  AMISOM Police Commissioner, Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP), Augustine Magnus Kailie, urged the officers to utilize the knowledge gained serving in Somalia for individual growth and for the improvement of others on return to their countries.


Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed on Wednesday (March 25) has held phone conversations with the IGAD Member States on ways to fight against coronavirus (COVID-19). The discussions were held with leaders of Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya, and South Sudan. The Prime Minister underscored that the regional integration goals need not be hampered if members align and lead with collective interests. On the same page, the Premier on Thursday (March 26) has held a phone conversation with Akinwumi Adesina, President of AfDB and Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of IMF. The Prime Minister said on Twitter that “both reiterated their understanding of the continent’s unique needs.” The Prime Minister thanked AfDB and IMF chiefs for expressing their institutional solidarity “as we work to overcome the impact of COVID19.”

As part of efforts to fight the spread of coronavirus, Ethiopia has instituted a mandatory quarantine of all passengers entering Ethiopia starting from Monday (March 23). Accordingly, passengers entering Ethiopia as of March 23 will be placed in a mandatory quarantine at the Ethiopian Skylight and Ghion hotels for 14 days at their own personal cost. Diplomats will be quarantined at their respective embassies. The 14 days’ quarantine does not apply to transit passengers. Transit passengers holding connecting flight bookings will stay at the Ethiopian Skylight Hotel until their connecting flight.

The Government of Ethiopia announced on Thursday (March 20) the place of missions assigned to the newly appointed ambassadors earlier this month by President Sahle-work Zewde. Accordingly, six individuals are assigned as ambassadors while nine of them are ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary. Among the appointees, the incumbent State Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Hirut Zemene has been appointed as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Belgium, Brussels; while the current spokesperson of the Ministry, Nebiat Getachew has been appointed as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Algeria, Algiers.

The national resource mobilisation committee, which was established by the Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed on Thursday (March 25), has begun work today. The Committee is tasked with coordinating efforts of gathering financial and non-financial materials for coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency preparedness. Muferihat Kamil, Minister of Peace and Chairperson of the Committee, said the national committee is comprised of 10 members and four sub-committees. Members of the committee have started their task by donating their one month salary to the national COVID-19 resource pool, she told journalists today. In addition to the SMS system set up by Ethio-telecom, 13 bank accounts have been opened for any amount of donation. Another system has also been set up for non-financial materials contribution.

As part of the national campaign to fend off the spread of Covid-19, President Sahle-work Zewde announced on Wednesday (March 25) that she has granted pardons to some prisoners. “In order to reduce prison overcrowding and prevent the spread of Covid-19,” says the President in her twitter page, “I have, in accordance with article 71/7 of our Constitution, granted pardon to 4011 prisoners convicted of minor crimes serving a sentence up to 3 years and those about to be released.”

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has called for increased COVID-19 preparedness strict adherence to health guidelines to stop the spread of the virus. “As the global community is gripped by the uncertainty COVID-19 has brought about, one thing that is certain is that our level of preparedness and strict adherence to health guidelines and other measures drawn, will determine how we cope and overcome,” he said in a statement issued on Thursday (March 26).

The Ethiopian embassy in South Africa has confirmed that all those who have suffocated to death in a lorry are Ethiopians. 64 Ethiopians have died due to asphyxiation as they were transported on Tuesday (March 24) from Malawi to Mozambique in a cargo container loaded on to a truck. About 14 people have survived the horrible condition and they are being provided with assistance via the embassy, government of Mozambique, IOM office and Ethiopian community in Mozambique. President Sahle-work Zewde, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and Foreign Minister Gedu Andargachew expressed their condolences.

The Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, with Jack Ma, Founder of the Jack Ma Foundation, and the Alibaba Foundation have jointly launched a relief initiative to support African countries with diagnostics, and infection prevention control commodities to help fight the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic across the continent, a statement issued by the Prime Minister office on Tuesday (March 24). According to the statement, the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation’s donation will include 1.1 million testing kits, 6 million masks, and 60,000 protective suits to be distributed throughout Africa – accounting for 20,000 test kit s, 100,000 medical masks and 1,000 protective suit s and face shields to each of the 54 African countries. (See article)

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education announced on Wednesday (March 25) temporary closure of higher learning institutions. Dr. Samuel Kifle, State Minister of Science and Higher Education said the closure is aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Ethiopia closed all schools a week ago. Meanwhile, The Council of Ministers on Tuesday (March 24) passed a decision allowing federal employees, except selected ones, to work from home, effective from Wednesday (March 25).

Sansheng Pharmaceutical, a company in Eastern Industrial Park on Tuesday (March 24) has launched a new production line to manufacture hand sanitizer to help prevent the spread of coronavirus in Ethiopia. According to Abebe Abebayehu, Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), the Chinese pharmaceutical company produces 24 thousand liters of hand sanitizer per day.

Ethiopia has confirmed one more case of coronavirus (COVID-19) on Tuesday (March 24) bringing the total number to 12. The 12th case is a 34-year old Ethiopian who came from Dubai on March 19, 2020, said the Ministry of Health in a statement issued on Tuesday (March 24). The patient is in a stable condition at a treatment center, it added. Ethiopia has suspended flights to more than 30 countries and closed its land borders to prevent the spread of the virus.

Considering the need to have a global approach and strategy to stop the spread of Covid-19, the Government of Ethiopia, working closely with other African countries, proposed three points on Tuesday (March 24) to be considered in the Extraordinary G: 20 Leader’s summit. Among others, the proposal calls for a $150 billion budgetary support to Africa to mitigate the socioeconomic challenges posed by the pandemic, financing, and support to facilitate medical equipment supply in the continent and the cancellation of all interest payment to government loans and part of the debt of low-income countries. (See article)


Two passengers who returned home with Air Arabia Airlines on Monday (March 23) tested positive, bringing the total number of patients in the country diagnosed with COVID-19 to six, Eritrean Ministry of Information disclosed on Thursday (March 26). All the patients are receiving necessary treatment and their condition remains satisfactory, the statement by the Ministry added. Meanwhile, as part of the measures to contain the virus, the Government has announced that all institutions of learning will be closed and all public transport vehicles will not be allowed to give service as of today (March 27).

The desert locust swarm that appeared at the Araeta sub-zone, Southern Red Sea region, was put under control through integrated response by the Ministry of Agriculture, administration of the sub-zone as well as the public and members of the Defense Forces before inflicting damage on grazing areas and trees, Eritrean Ministry of Information said on Thursday (March 26).


International air transport lobby, IATA, is asking governments to extend emergency support to airlines as the losses attributable to disruptions caused by the Covid-19 crisis mount for African carriers. IATA says what started as a health emergency has morphed into an economic crisis across the world and that it should be given equal attention to prevent a catastrophe. By March 11, airlines in Africa had chalked up a combined $4.4 billion in losses. Kenya’s potential losses supersede Ethiopia’s which IATA has projected at 479,000 passengers and $79 million in revenues. Also, 98,400 jobs are at risk in Ethiopia. Passenger volumes could, however, sink by 1.2 million if the situation escalates and revenue losses to $202 million.

Riot police in Kisumu, Kenya, fired tear gas into a crowded market on Wednesday (March 25), in an attempt to clear it in accordance with government rules to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Police vehicles entered the market area with sirens blaring and armed security officers in full riot gear began firing tear gas grenades in the market stalls, sending people scattering. Angry customers and traders at the market told reporters that they recognize the threat of the coronavirus, but said many Kenyans are poor and need to work and get food.

As a third of the world went into lockdown, the Kenyan government was at a crossroads. It was torn between following expert advice to impose a total shutdown to reduce the coronavirus spread and saving its citizens from plunging deeper into the financial abyss. In the end, President Uhuru Kenyatta issued a nationwide curfew from 7pm to 5am starting Friday. However, he warned that he will not hesitate to impose a total lockdown if Kenyans continue ignoring government directives.

Kenya has recorded its first coronavirus related death. The patient, a 66-year-old citizen, had a long-term health condition, the Ministry of Health said on Thursday (March 26) evening. “The man had arrived in the country on March 13 from South Africa via Swaziland,” Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe said in a statement. The patient died at the Aga Khan Hospital intensive care unit on Thursday afternoon.


The Ministry of Health of Somalia confirmed the second case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Mogadishu on Thursday (March 26). The patient is said to be a Somali citizen.

At least five people were killed, including a district commissioner, when an improvised explosive device targeted their vehicle near the Somali-Kenyan border on Wednesday (March 25).   According to Guled Abdirahman, a police official in the Lower Juba region, the roadside bombing also wounded several others.

The United Kingdom and the European Union cleared arrears on loans amounting to $122.55 million that Somalia owed the African Development Bank (AfDB), the institution said on Tuesday (March 24). The AfDB said the clearance now marked the end of sanctions and the resumption of full re-engagement between itself and the Horn of Africa nation.

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday (March 25) approved three-year arrangements under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Somalia in the amount of SDR 292.4 million (about US$395.5 million or around 179 percent of quota). The program will support the authorities’ implementation of their ambitious reform agenda and catalyze concessional donor financing. This will help the country implement its National Development Plan to build greater economic resilience, promote higher and more inclusive growth, and reduce poverty.

At least four people including civilians were killed, more than eight wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up on Wednesday (March 25) in a tea shop in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, according to officials. The attack took near the parliament building which was in close proximity to the presidential palace. Government spokesman Ismail Mukhtar Orongo said survivors are being treated at a hospital.

Somali army arrested the intelligence chief of al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabaab group in the Lower Shabelle region, a military official said on Sunday (March 22). Gen. Abdihamid Mohamed, Somali military infantry commander, told reporters that Al-Shabaab intelligence chief Hassan Sulet known as Hassan Geney, was captured near the newly liberated strategic agricultural rich town of Janaale.


South Sudan

South Sudanese government imposed a nationwide curfew to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the coronavirus-free country. Paul Mayom Akec, Minister of Interior said in a ministerial order issued on Wednesday (March 24) that the curfew comes in line with the presidential decision on 4 March for the protection of South Sudanese from the coronavirus risks. “The curfew shall restrict the movement of people from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am throughout the Republic of South Sudan (cities and towns) with effect from 25 March 2020 AD.”

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday (March 24) appointed Guang Cong of China as Deputy Special Representative for South Sudan and Deputy Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). “Cong succeeds Moustapha Soumaré of Mali to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for his distinguished service in South Sudan,” said the UN spokesman in a statement on Tuesday.

Designated Deputy Minister of Interior Mabior Garang de Mabior called on South Sudanese to reconcile and work together to implement peace. De Mabior arrived last week on Saturday (March 21) in Juba International Airport where he was received by supporters and relatives before to meet his mother Vice President Rebecca de Mabior. In a short speech delivered at the airport, Mabior said peace emanates from people but does not come from the presidential palace and called on South Sudanese to work together to achieve it.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, in a statement issued last week on Friday (March 21) urged South Sudanese authorities to curb intercommunal violence in central and eastern parts of the country and to bring the responsible to justice. Hundreds have been killed during the fighting between the Dinka Bor, Lou Nuer and Murle communities in Jonglei, which began in mid-February. The tribal violence also displaced 8,000 people who sought protection in makeshift shelters near the UNMISS base in Pibor.


Sudan’s Defence Minister Lt-Gen Jamal Omar on Wednesday (March 25) has died of a heart attack in South Sudan. Gen Omar is reported to have been engaged in negotiations with armed movements in South Sudan’s capital, Juba. He became defence minister after long-time leader Omar al-Bashir was ousted last April following months of nationwide protests. Meanwhile, Sudan’s peace talks in Juba have been suspended for one week on Wednesday following the death of the defence minister.

UNAMID’s head Jeremiah Mamabolo called on the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid al-Nur to join the ongoing peace process in Juba and to cease fighting in Darfur. In a statement issued on Thursday (March 26), Mamabolo praised the Sudanese parties participating in the Juba process for peace in Sudan for their commitment to a cessation of hostilities agreed on 21 October 2019. “I, therefore, take this opportunity, at this critical juncture in the history of Sudan to once again urge Abdul Wahid Al-Nur, the leader of the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA/AW), to join the process as the Coronavirus pandemic requires an absolutely united front to save lives,” he said.

The Sudanese government on Tuesday (March 24) has announced a third confirmed case of coronavirus in Khartoum. In a press briefing after a cabinet meeting, the Minister of Culture and Information and government spokesman, Faisal Mohamed Saleh, said health authorities found a new case of coronavirus. The patient was exposed to the COVID-19 while travelling in an Arab country from where he returned on 21 March.

Sudan on Monday (March 23) declared a partial curfew across the country within its efforts to fight the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. For his part, the head of the transitional Sovereign Council announced the establishment of a national fund to collect donations to combat the pandemic. The Higher Committee for Health Emergency declared the curfew in the whole country from 08:00 pm until 06:00 am as of Tuesday, March 24, 2020.

The hybrid peacekeeping operation in Darfur (UNAMID) denied reports about the existence of eight suspected cases of COVID-19 among its troops in Kass of South Darfur states. “None of these troops in Kass has tested positive and none is demonstrating any of the symptoms associated with Coronavirus (COVID-19). All tests conducted on them produced negative results,” said the UNAMID’s Medical Section on Monday (March 23).

The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Sudan said its staff member who contracted coronavirus did not transmit the respiratory disease to other people because he self quarantined himself immediately after his arrival in Khartoum. Last week on Friday (March 20), an international United Nations staff member residing in Khartoum tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). He was the second patient to be tested positive in Sudan.


Abiy-Jack Ma Covid-19 Initiative further Solidifies Solidarity in Africa

In a statement issued on Sunday (March 22), the Prime Minister Office of Ethiopia announced that Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, with Jack Ma, Founder of the Jack Ma Foundation, and the Alibaba Foundation have jointly launched a relief initiative to support African countries with diagnostics, and infection prevention control commodities to help fight the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic across the continent. This Initiative is Prime Minister Abiy’s and Jack Ma’s full recognition and support of the need to have a continental strategy for Coronavirus for Africa that is underpinned by coordination, cooperation, collaboration, and communication, the statement reads.

As per the initiative, the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundations donated 1.1 million testing kits, 6 million masks and 60,000 protective suits to be distributed throughout Africa – accounting for 20,000 test kit s, 100,000 medical masks and 1,000 protective suit s and face shields to each of the 54 African countries.

Following the arrival of the supplies in Ethiopia on Sunday (March 22), the Ministry of Health coordinated the logistics and jointly worked with Ethiopian Airlines and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. In addition to Prime Minister Abiy’s calls for solidarity, the commendable deeds of Ethiopian Airlines in bearing the cost of distributing medical equipment and testing kits for all African countries is a testament to Ethiopia’s commitment to the ideals of Pan-Africanism in creating solidarity among the countries. Several partners have also supported the initiative particularly in being part of the distribution chain to the different countries. The World Food Programme and the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can be cited as the active ones participating in the distribution process and help the initiative achieve its objectives. Upon the arrival of the materials, Dr John Nkengasong, Director of Africa CDC said: “This is a great honour and initiative and a great sign of the solidarity that the world needs at this critical time. The test kits and other materials will support African countries in their fight against this outbreak. We are facing a humanitarian situation, an economic situation and a security situation in the continent and Africa CDC clearly applauds the initiative of the Prime Minister and the Jack Ma and Alibaba Foundation.”

On Monday (March 23) the Prime Minister announced the first shipment of Covid-19 prevention materials to Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti. Eritrea has six Covid-19 cases until yesterday, while Sudan has registered three confirmed cases of coronavirus until Tuesday (March 24). According to Djibouti’s Ministry of Health, up until Wednesday (March 25), the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Horn of Africa nation was 11.

Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Sudan, Ambassador Shiferaw Jarso handed over the medical supplies to Sudan’s Minister of Health, Dr Akram Atom upon its arrival at Khartoum Airport onboard Ethiopian Airlines cargo plane. On a statement made during the delivery, the Minister of Health, Dr Akram Atom extended his gratitude on behalf of the Peoples and Government of the Republic of Sudan to the Peoples and Government of Ethiopia and in particular to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for having provided and making Sudan the first destination of these greatly needed supplies at a very critical moment in the country. Ambassador Shiferaw Jarso on his part stated that the initiative facilitated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is a clear testament to Ethiopia’s unwavering commitment to African causes and its readiness stand in solidarity with Sudan and other sisterly African nations on difficult circumstances such as COVID-19 pandemic. The Ambassador also indicated that the task and cost of handling the logistics and distribution of the Medical supplies to be delivered to African countries including Sudan, Egypt, Eritrea, Djibouti, and South Sudan is covered by the Government of Ethiopia and its flag carrier Ethiopian Airlines.

The second shipment for prevention of Covid-19 materials from Jack Ma and Alibaba Group has been dispatched on Tuesday (March 24) to Somalia and Tanzania. “Together and with the right measures we can and we will reverse the adverse effects of this virus on our communities,” the Prime Minister wrote in one of his Tweets revealing the dispatches undertaken by Ethiopian Airlines. On the same day the Ethiopian national flag carrier has also flown to South Africa, Burundi, Rwanda, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Nigeria and South Sudan with the medical supply.

Gabon, Ghana, Congo and the DRC have received their COVID19 prevention materials on March 25 while Ethiopian Airlines has continued dispatch to Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros and Madagascar, Cameron, Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Chad, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea Conakry and Guinea Bissau on the following day.

The Office of Prime Minister of Ethiopia, in a statement, expressed its belief that Africa and the world would act collectively in solidarity to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, which poses a severe global social, economic and security threat. “Prime Minister Abiy,” says the statement, “calls on all countries, private and philanthropic organizations and partners to reunite for such solidarity.” “In this regard, Government of Ethiopia sincerely appreciates the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation for this generous support and partnership to reverse COVID-19 from Africa.”


Jack-Ma’s Donation adds Muscle to Africa’s Fight against Covid-19

Africa’s response to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak has received a major boost, after the donation of medical equipment, including over 1.5 million laboratory diagnostic test kits and over 100 tons for infection prevention and control commodities, by the Jack Ma Foundation and the Alibaba Foundation, stated a statement issued by the African Union on Monday (March 23). The shipment arrived in Addis Ababa on the 22nd of March.

According to the statement the relief initiative was launched by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr Abiy Ahmed, together with the Jack Ma Foundation and the Alibaba Foundation, as part of actions towards implementation of the Africa joint continental strategy for COVID-19, led by the African Union through the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).

“On behalf of the Chairperson of the African Union, His Excellency, Cyril Ramaphosa, we thank the Jack Ma Foundation and the Alibaba Foundation for this generous contribution to the continent. We thank His Excellency the Prime Minister, and the Government of Ethiopia, for facilitating the donation”, said Mr Edward Xolisa Makaya, South Africa’s Permanent Representative to Ethiopia and the African Union.

“This is a great honour and initiative and a great sign of the solidarity that the world needs at this critical time. The test kits and other materials will support African countries in their fight against this outbreak. We are facing a humanitarian situation, an economic situation and a security situation in the continent and Africa CDC clearly applauds the initiative of the Prime Minister and the Jack Ma and Alibaba Foundation,” said Dr John Nkengasong, Director of Africa CDC.

The COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread rapidly across the world, claiming thousands of lives and huge resources. In just about three months it has caused over 12,000 deaths worldwide and impacted socio-economic activities, particularly tourism and transport.

Each of the Member States of the African Union is expected to receive 20,000 laboratory diagnostic test kits, 100,000 medical masks, and 1000 protective suits and face shields, to support their fight against COVID-19 in Africa. Ethiopian Airlines will help distribute the equipment across the continent.

“We appeal to our ministries of health to ensure that these materials are distributed and used where they are most needed,” said Ambassador Mohamed Idriss Farah, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Djibouti, who is the Dean of African Diplomatic Corps, and Chair of the African Union Peace and Security Council.


Ethiopia Pleads to G-20 Countries to Carry Covid-19 burdens together with Africans

Being cognizant of the fact that the current global pandemic (Covid-19) requires a global approach and strategy to stop it, the Government of Ethiopia, working closely with other African countries, proposed three points to be considered in the upcoming Extraordinary G: 20 Leader’s summit. In a statement issued by the Prime Minister Office on Tuesday (March 24) Dr. Abiy Ahmed hoped that the G-20 summit will clearly recognize the fragile nature of the African economies and extend financial assistance to save them from the danger posed by Covid-19.

In the first point regarding ‘Africa Global COVID-19 Emergency Financing Package,’ the Government of Ethiopia proposes a USD 150 Billion financial assistance from G-20 countries. According to the statement, this may include, “Supplementary Budgetary Support from the World Bank Group (including by recycling un-disbursed IDA resources) for health emergency support, to boost foreign exchange reserves and safety nets; IFC Global Private Sector Financing—Trade Financing, working capital support and medium-term financing to private companies struggling with disruptions of supply chains; IMF Global Crisis Financing to Low-Income Countries to meet the urgent balance of payment needs; and other G-20 Facilities.”

Under the ‘Global Africa Health Emergency Package’ the Ethiopian Government suggested that the assistance might include support to WHO to strengthen public health delivery and emergency preparedness in Africa and support to Africa CDC to help supply medical equipment, protective gears and testing kits and Financing by the Global Fund (for AIDS, TB and Malaria) to strengthen the system for health services and support health equipment purchases in Africa.

In an effort to ease up the burden of African countries by heavy debts, the Government of Ethiopia proposes the third point, ‘Debt Resolution and Restructuring Package.’ This will follow the examples of previous successful debt relief efforts, reads the statement from the government.

“Ethiopia proposes all interest payment to government loans should be written off. In addition, Ethiopia proposes part of the debt of low-income countries should be written off. We suggest the remaining debt to be converted into long term low-interest loans with 10 years grace period before payment. All debt repayments will be limited to 10% of the value of exports,” stated the statement.

“This global pandemic requires a global approach and strategy to stop it,” says the statement and, “more than ever, the global community needs global-level leadership to address this pandemic, its toll on human life and health, as well as its catastrophic impact on the global economy generally, and the economies of the most vulnerable members of the international community in particular.”

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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