Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 21.08.2020

In this Edition

News in Brief

Ambassador Dina Mufti delivers Ministry’s bimonthly Press Briefing

Shared Consensus on GERD is absolute, says Gedu Andargachew


Africa and the African Union

The UN on Thursday (August 20) reported that in a survey conducted in sub-Saharan Africa by WHO, the survey has found that schools are fully open only in 6 of the 39 countries surveyed.  As a result, WHO and UNICEF are urging governments in Africa to promote the safe reopening of schools while taking measures to limit the spread of the virus.  They say the impact of extended education disruption is significant.  Poor nutrition, increased exposure to violence, childhood pregnancies, and overall challenges in children’s mental development are some of the consequences faced by children.

Ghana on Monday (August 17) handed over a building in its capital Accra to the African Union (AU) to serve as the secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). The establishment of the AfCFTA was initiated in March 2018 and the operational phase was launched in May 2019. In July of the same year, Ghana was selected to host the AfCFTA headquarters.

The African Union on Monday (August 17) issued a statement announcing that with the prevention and containment measures against the COVID-19 pandemic such as lockdowns and restrictions, birth registration centers and service points have reduced availability and accessibly of services. The statement further said the new realities threaten to reverse the accumulated gains and decelerate the evident progress to be on track with the aspirations of Agenda 2063 and the global Sustainable Development Goals.

The UN Secretary-General on Monday (August 17) strongly condemns Sunday’s attack on the Elite Hotel in Mogadishu, resulting in the deaths of at least 16 people and many more injured. He extends his deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of the deceased and wishes a speedy recovery to those injured.  He calls on all the perpetrators of this heinous act to be held accountable.


Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Dina Mufti, has presented today (August 21), the Ministry’s bimonthly press briefing focusing on the fundraising Campaigns for the construction of GERD, the Ministry’s recent activities to address the problem of Ethiopian migrants in Djibouti, Yemen, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, the annual meeting of Ethiopian Ambassadors and Mission leaders, and various diplomatic activities carried out by the Ministry within the past two weeks. (See article)

President Sahle-Work on Thursday (August 20) received credentials of newly appointed ambassadors of four countries to Ethiopia. The reception ceremony was held at the National Palace. The diplomats who presented their credentials are Ambassador Anna Farrou of Greece, Ambassador Stephen Auer of Germany, Ambassador Jamal El Sheikh of Sudan and Ambassador Mousseit Khadjetou Mbareck of Mauritania. The Ambassadors expressed commitment to strengthening the relations between Ethiopia and their respective countries. President Sahle-Work briefed the ambassadors on the overall socio economic activities in Ethiopia.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has expressed gratitude to the leadership, board members and workers engaged in the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) for progress achieved in the project. GERD project manager, Kifle Hora provided a status update on the progress of the dam construction works to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and board members this morning. On the occasion, the Premier stressed that the Leadership, board members and workers involved in the construction process have marked critical milestones and progress in GERD Project.

Ethiopia on Thursday (August 20) reported a record 1,778 COVID19 cases, taking the total cases to 35, 836. The new cases were identified out of the 21, 456 laboratory tests conducted in 24 hours. The country also reported 20 deaths from the virus, bringing the death toll to 620. The total number of recoveries has reached 13, 536 as additional 228 patients recovered from the disease in the reported period. There are now 21, 678 active cases in Ethiopia, of which 248 are in a severe condition. The country has so far conducted 694, 093 laboratory tests.

A media report on Thursday (August 20) revealed that as per the kiremt season (June – September) weather forecast by the National Meteorological Agency, all kiremt rain-receiving areas are getting normal to above normal rainfall. The heavy rainfall and discharge of filled dams in some areas, have caused flooding and landslides, displacing people in several parts of the country. Overall, at least 151,828 people were affected by recent floods (July and August), including 100,176 people displaced as of mid-August, including 40,731 people displaced in Afar, 20,868 people displaced in Somali, 1,125 people displaced in Oromia (excluding the 141 people displaced by a landslide in East Wollega zone), 25,703 people displaced in SNNP and 11,749 people displaced in Gambella.

Ethiopia has finalized preparations to commence the first phase of public-private partnership (PPP) program by launching the construction of two solar projects in the coming two months, Ministry of Finance disclosed on Thursday (August 20). In an exclusive interview with ENA, Ministry PPP Director-General Tilahun Tadesse said the country kicked off its first-ever public-private partnership (PPP) program by approving 17 projects based on the detailed identifications of the first phase of the program. Out of the approved projects, eight are solar, five hydropower, and the rest road projects.

Kerui Petroleum, Chinese equipment and oil services company engaged in an energy project in Ethiopia, announced on Thursday (August 20) it has successfully lifted the derrick and substructure for the first 1500HP drilling rig at Aluto-Langano, Ethiopia’s 70 MW geothermal energy project. This marks a milestone for a project which holds a significant place in Ethiopia’s plans to expand geothermal generation rather quickly in the coming years. Kerui Petroleum, along with Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC, signed a contract with Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP).

A virtual meeting aimed at forging a joint front and shared consensus on the GERD issue among all Ethiopian missions and citizens residing in the Nile River riparian states was held on Saturday (August 15). Gedu Andargachew, minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, delivered opening remarks urging Ethiopians to continue contributing financial and technical supports to the construction of the dam. The minister said utilizing the Abay River is a matter of sovereignty and an essential requirement for the development of the country.

Pope Francis on Saturday called for dialogue between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on Saturday, urging to avoid conflict over the Blue Nile water. The Pope made his call during the annual Angelus message for Assumption Day, the most important Catholic feast dedicated to the Virgin Mary. “Continue on the path of dialogue so that the Eternal River might continue to be a source of life”, uniting, not dividing, nourishing friendship and not hostility or conflict, he said.

A delegation led by State Minister Tsion Teklu paid a working visit to the Republic of Djibouti from August 8-11. During the visit, Mrs. Tsion discussed with various Djiboutian government officials (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Security Officers and leaders of the Police Commission), the Djibouti Chamber of Commerce, IGAD, and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Djibouti.  The discussions were aimed at observing the situation of Ethiopian refugees stranded in Djibouti after their forceful deportations from some countries in the Middle East. Consultations were made to chart out plans to better serve the interests of Ethiopian refugees in Djibouti amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting with the leaders of Djibouti’s chamber of commerce consulted how to withstand the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic activities of the two countries.

Ambassador Redwan Hussien has received on Wednesday (August 19) copies of the credentials of newly appointed German, Mauritania and Greece ambassadors. He assured them that he would fully cooperate and support the efforts of the Ambassadors to further strengthen the relationship and cooperation of the countries with Ethiopia. Ambassador Redwan took the opportunity to clarify Ethiopia’s position on the ongoing negotiation over the GERD.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has offered training to media and communication experts to enable them to deliver on their responsibilities for the success of the nationwide COVID-19 testing campaign. The campaign, which was officially launched a week ago, sees testing 200,000 people for the virus in two weeks times and conducting a door-to-door survey covering 17 million citizens.

Members of the Diaspora in Texas state of the US, through Austin San Antonio Fund rising Task Force, have raised 70,000 US Dollars in response to COVID 19 prevention activities in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Ambassador to the US, Fitsum Arega said members of the Diaspora living in different states have been continuing contribution to the construction of GERD besides participating in fundraising for COVID 19 response in Ethiopia.


The Ministry of Health announced on Thursday (August 20) that two patients diagnosed positive for COVID-19 at Adibara Quarantine Center; Gash Barka region. Two patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Adibara Quarantine Centre in Gash Barka Region. The two patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.  On the other hand, thirteen patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities.  The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 274.

Minister of Information Yemane Gebre Meskel announced on his Twitter page that Joint Graduation Ceremonies of 33rd Round of National Service & 11th Commencement of HAMAMOS Technical School was held on Saturday (August 15) in Sawa. President Isaias applauded the excellence of the graduates in this exceptional year eclipsed by the global threat of the COVID-19 pandemic


Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the UAE on Friday (August 14), in a telephone call with Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Djibouti, explored means of bolstering bilateral ties and cooperation in several fields. During the telephone conversation, the two ministers reviewed the latest developments in the region and a host of the latest regional and global issues of common interest. They also discussed the latest developments related to the coronavirus, COVID-19, and the efforts by the two friendly countries to address its impact and affirmed the need for supporting global research efforts to find a vaccine. Sheikh Abdullah praised the distinguished UAE-Djibouti ties, noting the sincere desire of both sides to further consolidate cooperation between them.


The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, on Thursday (August 20) briefed members of the UN Security Council on current developments in Somalia.  He told the diplomats that Somalia, like the rest of the world, is focused on confronting the COVID-19 pandemic.  The pandemic is also having a severely negative economic impact in the country, with the Government projecting an 11 percent decline in the gross domestic product (GDP) this year.  Mr. Swan added that the UN is working to reinforce the Government’s response.  UN agencies, funds and programmes have reoriented their activities to give priority to the pandemic.  But even before the virus, Mr. Swan stressed that more than 5 million Somalis were already in need of humanitarian assistance.  2.6 million people in the country are internally displaced, and 1 million are now being impacted by flooding.  The country is also dealing with the worst desert locust infestation in 25 years.  He added that the coming weeks will be decisive in determining how Somalia will proceed with the planned elections, adding that the UN will continue to support the country in this process.

The SRCC and Head of the African Union Mission in Somalia, AMISOM, Ambassador Francisco Madeira on August 17, 2020, has condemned the heinous attack on innocent and unarmed Somalis at the Elite hotel, along the busy popular Liido Beach strip in Mogadishu on Sunday, August 16, 2020. “This attack was clearly intended to cause maximum casualty on innocent civilians’- men, women and children. I would like to appeal to the population to remain resilient and reaffirm the African Union Commission’s continued support and solidarity with the people and the government of Somalia as they resist the enemies of peace, unity, progress and development in Somalia,” he said.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on Thursday (August 20) launched a document detailing mandatory environmental protection guidelines and practices that all mission personnel are to follow as they go about their duties on the peacekeeping mission. The document, titled AMISOM Environmental Protection and Management Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), was launched virtually on Wednesday by the Special Representative of the Chairperson of that African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Francisco Madeira.

South Sudan

The UN Mission in South Sudan initiated on Monday (August 17) extensive renovations of the Bentiu Infectious Diseases Centre to turn it into a fully equipped isolation facility for COVID-19 patients.  The peacekeeping Mission has upgraded two accommodation units, three ward units, one triage unit, a kitchen and a laundry.  This is part of ongoing civil-military cooperation activities to address the needs of host communities.

The head of the National Democratic Movement, Lam Akol Monday (August 17) voiced concerns about the missed timelines in the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement and proposed a number of measures to catch up with the time. Next Saturday (August 22) will mark the sixth month into the transitional period for the implementation of the levitated peace pact of 12 September 2018 that ended a five year period of civil war in the young nation.

(August 14) I have an update on the situation in South Sudan’s Tonj region from our peacekeeping mission:  As you know, Tonj was the scene of violent clashes last weekend between members of the South Sudan People’s Defence Forces and armed youth. The UN Mission’s (UNMISS) team, which arrived in Tonj earlier this week, heard from local authorities that at least 150 people were killed and up to 5,000 families have now been displaced by the clashes.  The Mission tells us that 45 troops plus two UN Military Observers and two Community Liaison officers are on the ground.  UN peacekeepers have carried out patrols to deter a fresh outbreak of violence in the town, where they set up a temporary operating base, as well as the nearby villages of Ameth and Mabior-Yar.

UNMISS last week on Friday (August 14) announced that a temporary United Nations peacekeeping base has been set up in Tonj and regular patrols are underway to deter a fresh outbreak of violence following a series of clashes that resulted in the death and displacement of many civilians at the weekend. Fighting erupted between members of the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces and armed youth last weekend, with much of the violence centered around the village of Romich, about 100 kilometers east of Tonj town in Warrap state. The conflict came amidst a disarmament exercise being carried out across the region.


The SPLM-North led by Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu, withdrew on Thursday (August 20) from the peace negotiations in Juba to protest Hemetti’s leadership of the government negotiating delegation. Amar Daldoum, the SPLM-N al-Hilu Secretary-General and chief negotiator said they had already on 18 August lodged a complaint to the mediation where they indicated their position considering that his RSF militiamen commit heinous violations against civilians across the country.

The South Sudanese chief mediator announced, on Wednesday (August 19), the resumption of talks on the security arrangements between the Sudanese government and Darfur armed groups. “The session of talks that took place this morning between the government delegations and the armed movements discussed many items in the security arrangements, and that there are no major differences between the two parties,” said Tut Gatluak. The meeting discussed the development of the armed forces and how to integrate the forces in addition to the formation of joint forces tasked with maintaining security in Darfur upon the withdrawal of the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur “UNAMID”.

Sudan proposed amending the expected agreement on the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) within 10 years after its implementation. South African Presiden Cyril Ramaphosa who is the Chairman of the African Union mediation on the GRED requested from Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia to submit their draft-agreements with the aim of writing one draft agreement with the participation of the technical teams of the three countries. The three countries filled their draft agreements on Tuesday (August 18). The Sudanese draft, seen by Sudan Tribune, says the agreement on the GRED can be amended with the approval of the three parties after 10 years of its entry into force.

The Sudanese government on Tuesday (August 18) disavowed statements by the official spokesman of the foreign ministry about ongoing contacts with Jerusalem over the normalization of bilateral relations between Sudan and Israel. The Foreign Ministry spokesman Haydar Badawi Sadiq on Tuesday (August 18) morning welcomed the normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

The UN announced on Monday (August 17) that the continuing heavy rains and floods have impacted nearly 220,000 people in 17 of the country’s 18 states. More than 20,000 houses have been completely destroyed and an additional 20,000 more have been damaged. Some 2,000 water sources have now been contaminated or are non-functional, compromising access to clean water in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Sudanese government and the SPLM-N of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front led by Malik Agar reached an agreement on security arrangements in the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains states, paving the way for the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement in Juba. Sudan Tribune learned from a source close to the talks that the agreement was completed on Sunday (August 16) evening following a series of meetings between the two delegations chaired by Defence Minister Yassin Ibrahim and SPLM-N Chief Negotiator Yasir Arman.


Ambassador Dina Mufti delivers Ministry’s bimonthly Press Briefing

August 21, 2020

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Dina Mufti, has presented today (August 21), the Ministry’s bimonthly press briefing focusing on the fundraising Campaigns for the construction of GERD, the Ministry’s recent activities to address the problem of Ethiopian migrants in Djibouti, Yemen, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, the annual meeting of Ethiopian Ambassadors and Mission leaders, and various diplomatic activities carried out by the Ministry within the past two weeks. (See article)

Fund Raising Campaigns for the construction of GERD

According to the directions set by the Ministry, Ethiopian missions have been engaged with a fundraising campaign targeting the Ethiopian Diaspora to complete the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam as per the schedule. Accordingly, our missions have continued to report financial contributions to the construction of the dam by the Ethiopian Diaspora.

For example, Ethiopians living in Kuwait have purchased more than one million birr worth of bonds following the initial filling of the Renaissance Dam. Similarly, Ethiopians living in Doha, Qatar have pledged to purchase more than half a million birr worth of bonds. Ethiopians in Canada have also been reported to have donated more than 62 thousand dollars.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia appreciates the generous donations and purchases of the GERD bond by the Ethiopian diaspora and urges them to continue to do so.

Following the first-year filling of the GERD, public participation over issues regarding the dam has been observed and the Ministry has crafted a fundraising campaign aimed at encouraging financial contribution to the construction of the dam from the Ethiopian community residing abroad.

Ethiopian Migrants in Djibouti, Lebanon, Yemen and Saudi Arabia

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia has been closely following the situations of Ethiopian migrants in Djibouti, Lebanon, Lebanon, Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

Djibouti: A delegation led by State Minister Tsion Teklu paid a working visit to the Republic of Djibouti from August 8-11. During the visit, Mrs. Tsion discussed with various Djiboutian government officials (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Security Officers and leaders of the Police Commission), the Djibouti Chamber of Commerce, IGAD, and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Djibouti.  The discussions were aimed at observing the situation Ethiopian refugees stranded in Djibouti after their forceful deportations from some countries in the Middle East. Consultations were made to chart out plans to better serve the interests of Ethiopian refugees in Djibouti amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Beirut: Our consul general in Beirut is collaboratively working with the Lebanese government, development partners, Ethiopian community in documenting and processing exit visas.  So far he has been successful with 180.  Our three-month plan includes deploying more local staff and volunteers and we will be assisting our citizens to repatriate them in a safe and dignified manner.  Many organizations and individuals are interested in helping us so we are hoping we will have a successful reintegration process.  Those who will be repatriated will be tested (PCR) for easy reintegration upon return.

Yemen: Since it is hard to get documents that identify migrants in Yemen, the Ethiopian government is working with IOM in documenting about 1200 migrants to start their process.  In the meantime, the government is working with the EU, and UN to provide basic assistance to migrants in Yemen regardless of their citizenship.

Saudi Arabia: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Ethiopian government are working together on border control and reintegration of migrants as well as gathering background information on migrants.  We would like to thank the Saudi Government for their relentless support in this matter.

The Ministry of Foreign affairs is grateful for the Ethiopian community’s support, development partners’ assistance and host government at this challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Annual Meeting of Ambassadors and Mission leaders

A 15-day annual meeting of ambassadors and mission leaders will be held in Bishoftu as of Monday (August 24), under the theme “Our Diplomatic Mission for Sustainable Peace, Mutual Benefit and National Prosperity”. At the meeting, the annual planning and performance review of missions will be conducted and discussion will be held on various national policies, including the new Foreign Relations Policy of Ethiopia. The meeting is expected to end following consultation with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.


Shared Consensus on GERD is absolute, says Gedu Andargachew

A virtual meeting aimed at forging a joint front and shared consensus on the GERD issue among all Ethiopian missions and citizens residing in the Nile River riparian states kicked off today (August 15).

 Gedu Andargachew, minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, delivered opening remarks urging Ethiopians to continue contributing financial and technical supports to the construction of the dam.

The minister said since the Nile river basin holds 2/3 of Ethiopia’s water resources, utilizing it is a matter of sovereignty and an essential requirement for the development of the country.

Upon completion, the flagship project will enable millions of Ethiopians to get access to electricity, engage in newly created jobs and uplift themselves out of poverty, he said.

The building of the dam corrects historical imbalances and sets the relationship among the Nile River riparian states on the right track, said Mr. Gedu.

According to Mr. Gedu, the building of the GERD initiated the Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA) by recognizing the right of all the Nile River riparian states, including Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, and South Sudan to utilize the water resource too.

The meeting was attended by more than two hundred people including Ambassadors of Ethiopia residing in neighbouring countries and people who have got a lot of experience in the GERD negotiation, such as Engineer Gedion Asfaw, Dr.Yakob Arsano, and Mr. Zerihun Abebe.

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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