Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 25.09.2020

In this Edition

News in Brief

A friend in Need: Ethiopia Accompanying South Sudan in Peaks and Valleys

“Dine for the Nation”: A call to the Diplomatic Community to Engage in Gorgora, Koysha, Wonchi Projects

SM Redwan Urges International Community to address external debt of Landlocked Developing Countries

Stakeholders establish a Joint Forum on tourism promotion and marketing in Ethiopia

Africa and the African Union

The AU Commission announced on Wednesday (September 23) that the Director of the African Union’s Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Africa CDC, Dr. John Nkengasong, has been awarded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) 2020 Global Goalkeeper Award. The award celebrates an established individual (or group) who has demonstrated commitment to the global development goals through impactful work during or in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in their country and/or globally.

The AU Commission on Wednesday (September 23) announced that His Majesty King Letsie III Head of State of the Kingdom of Lesotho, African Union Nutrition Champion and also a champion of African Leaders for Nutrition (ALN), has issued a position paper titled, “Embedding Nutrition within the COVID-19 Response and Recovery”. The position paper which has been sent to all the African Union Member States calls on all Heads of State and Governments to ensure the incorporation and promotion of nutrition smart interventions within COVID-19 response and recovery action plans.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and their partners, on Monday (September 21) launched the FOCUS‑Africa — an $8.2 million initiative funded by the European Commission to increase resilience and adaptation in Southern Africa over the next four years.  FOCUS will deliver tailored climate services in four key sectors: agriculture and food security, water, energy and infrastructure.

The European Union has provided 4.1 million Euros for Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Uganda for humanitarian support in the wake of the havoc that continues to be caused by flooding. According to a statement released by the EU on Monday (September 21), the funding will be channeled through humanitarian organizations in the East African nations. 

Last week on Friday (September 18), the Secretary-General of the UN spoke at the first Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) moment.  He emphasized that the pandemic has pushed us towards the worst recession in decades, with terrible consequences for the most vulnerable.  But he added that there is still a path that brings health to all, revives economies, brings people in from the margins of society and builds long-term resilience, sustainability, opportunity and peace.  That path is the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, he said, which is designed to address the very fragilities and shortcomings that the pandemic has exposed.

On Thursday (September 20), in a meeting of the Security Council on the protection of civilians in armed conflict that focussed on food security risks, the Head of the World Food Programme (WFP), David Beasley, made a direct appeal to billionaires across the globe to step up their assistance to the most vulnerable. As 270 million people are marching toward the brink of starvation, Governments and people around the world are strapped financially.  He said there are over 2,000 billionaires with a net worth of $8 trillion. It’s time for those who have the most to step up to help those who have the least in this extraordinary time.  It’s the right thing to do, Mr. Beasley concluded.


Unprecedented floods caused by the overflow of Awash River has displaced more than 144,000 persons and caused over 5 billion Birr damage in Afar Regional State. Afar Regional State Disaster Prevention and Food Security Bureau Head, Mohammed Hussein told the media on Thursday (September 24) that a total of 240,000 persons have been affected by the flood.

President Sahle-Work Zewde on Thursday (September 24) held a phone conversation with President Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Both Presidents discussed many bilateral issues as well as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), according to the Office of the President. President Sahle-Work thanked Tshisekedi for his initiative and for providing additional clarification on issues relating to GERD. She reiterated Ethiopia’s commitment to the African Union-led negotiation process with regards to the dam.

Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Gedu Andargachew on Thursday (September 24) received and held talks with the outgoing Switzerland Ambassador to Ethiopia, Daniel Hunn. Gedu appreciated the Ambassador for his efforts to strengthen the long-standing relations between the two countries during his tenure in Ethiopia.

State Minister Ambassador Redwan Hussien received on Thursday (September 24) copies of the credentials of Outi Holopainen, Ambassador of Finland, Hans Henric Lundquist, Ambassador of Sweden, Henk Jen Bakker, ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Nicola Brennan, ambassador of Ireland and Adekunle J.M King, Ambassador of Sierra Leone to Ethiopia. State Minister Redwan affirmed that the ambassadors would get all the necessary support from the Government and the people of Ethiopia during their stay in Addis Ababa.

A 22-person-investor delegation is visiting the historical city Gondar with a view to particularly invest in tourism and industry. The delegation was warmly received upon its arrival in Gondar city. According to Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Sudan, Yibeltal Aemro the delegation will as its first destination visit tourist destinations in Amhara Regional State. The ambassador said that Sudanese investors have shown keen interest in investing in tourism, especially after the construction of the projects under the “Dine for Nation” initiative.

Ambassador Redwan Hussien urged the international community to address the burden of unsustainable external debt of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs). An urgent mobilization of resources is required to help developing countries withstand the economic shocks of the global scourge, he added. The state minister said this in his address to the Annual Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) hosted virtually today (September 23). (See article)

The newly posted Ethiopian Ambassador to Egypt, Markos Tekle on Wednesday (September 23) presented his credentials to the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, effectively kicking off his diplomatic tenure in the country. On the occasion, Ambassador Markos noted the longstanding relationship between Ethiopia and Egypt and pledged his level best to scale up the relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. The ambassador also expressed his hope that he would spend a fruitful time in Egypt with brotherly cooperation from the Government and people of Egypt.

Ethiopia repatriated 251 citizens from Saudi Arabia on Tuesday (September 22). Seven of them are children. Senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia welcomed the returnees upon their arrival at Bole International Airport. The Ministry commends all governmental and non-governmental organisations that have participated in the repatriation process.

President Sahle-Work Zewde has participated on Wednesday (September 23) at the launch event of the Africa office of the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA). Speaking at the virtual launch, the President highlighted the importance of crafting climate-conscious policies and getting ahead of the crisis. “In the Post-COVID period, our objective should not only be to recover and rebuild better, but to do so in a climate conscious way,” she said.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Gedu Andargachew and Director-General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), António Manuel exchanged views in a phone conversation on Wednesday (September 23). Gedu extended his gratitude to IOM for its support to Ethiopians returnees from the Middle East and hoping that the support would continue. He urged the IOM to reconsider its decision to relocate its liaison office at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) from Addis Ababa to a neighboring country.

The outgoing Ambassador of China to Ethiopia, Tan Jian told the media that China continues to be the biggest trading partner and the single largest foreign direct investment source for Ethiopia. In a press conference organized by the embassy on Wednesday (September 23), the outgoing ambassador stressed that the economic cooperation between the two countries will be promoted to a new high driven by the momentum gathered from the Forum on China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and BRI.

House of Peoples’ Representatives on Wednesday (September 23) approved a resolution which recommends conducting the sixth national elections, re-opening of schools, undertaking of sports games as well as celebrating public holidays. In its 5th year 4th extraordinary meeting, the House endorsed a resolution which was prepared by the House’s Women, Youth and Social Affairs Standing Committee in collaborating with the Legal, Justice and Democracy Affairs Standing Committee which recommend the possibility of the aforesaid national agenda taking ultimate general precautions to arrest the spread of Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).

This week, (21 September 2020), Minister for Presidential Affairs H.E. Mr. Nhial Deng Nhial led a delegation of the government of the Republic of South Sudan to submit a letter of invitation to H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed from H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit. The invitation was to attend, along with leaders of the IGAD countries, the signing ceremony which will be held in Juba between the Government of the Sudan and its opposition umbrella known as the SRF that comprised eight politico-military parties. Appreciating the phenomenal success registered by H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit in the peace process of Sudan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia wants to seize the moment to reflect on the relationship between Ethiopia and South Sudan. (See article)

Environment, Forest and Climate change Commission announced on Wednesday (September 23) that it has planned to increase the country’s forest coverage to 30 percent in 2030. As to the information obtained from the commission’s ten-year plan document, it is committed to work hard targeting at achieving the plan via nurturing 40 billion seedlings across the country.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and stakeholders on Tuesday (September 22) co-organized a briefing on the “Dine for the Nation” project for resident diplomats in Addis Ababa. At the occasion, Gedu Andargachew, Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, delivered opening remarks. He called on the diplomatic community to make a practical contribution to the realization of Koisha, Gorgora and Wonchii tourist attraction sites planned to be built by the Ethiopian Government. (See article)

Stakeholders in the tourism sector established on Tuesday (September 22) a joint forum for promoting and marketing Ethiopia’s tourism attractions. State Minister Tsion Teklu will chair the forum that constitutes stakeholders from both the government and private sectors in the tourism industry. (See article)

Reaffirming that Ethiopia will remain a committed supporter of the principle of collective security, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has stressed the need for reforming the UN Security Council to make it fit for the purpose. This came when the Premier addressed on Monday (September 21) the United Nations General Assembly during the High-Level commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations themed: ‘The future we want, the United Nations we need’.

The Ethiopia-Djibouti Standard Gauge Railway has recorded an over 51 percent increase in revenue during the first half of 2020 despite the difficulties brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway stated that its revenue had increased 45 percent in 2019 as compared with its maiden year in 2018, while its income also climbed by 51.38 percent in the first half of 2020 as compared with the same period of 2019 despite the difficulties brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, it was noted.


Five patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out on Thursday (September 24) at Quarantine Centers in Mukhti (3) and Adibara (2) in the Gash Barka region. All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently. On the other hand, twenty-one patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities. The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 330. The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 369.

Eritrea is participating at the 87th 2020 Road World Championships Cycling competition that commenced on Thursday (September 24 in Imola, Italy. In his telephone speech to Erina, Mr. Samson Solomon, coach of the Eritrean National Cycling Team stated that competitors from over 40 countries will participate at the World Championships and professional cyclists that have been riding in international cycling competitions in Europe Merhawi Kudus, Natnael Berhane and Amanuel Gebrezigabihier will represent Eritrea.


The UN team, led by Resident Coordinator Barbara Manzi, is supporting the national response to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the UN report on Friday (September 18),  the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) helped to supply medicine and two ambulances to boost emergency treatment capacity. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) worked with the Government to train leaders of vulnerable communities, including more than 1,000 refugees and migrants, on COVID-19 prevention. UNHCR, along with the World Food Programme, are working with community leaders to take action against the sexual exploitation and abuse of women and girls in refugee camps during the pandemic.


Officials in Kenya say three non-Muslim bus passengers were abducted by suspected Islamic extremists in Kenya’s northern Mandera County that borders Somalia. Gunmen, believed to be Somalia’s al-Shabab rebels, stopped a bus about 30 kilometers (18 miles) from Lafey town and ordered everyone out. The attackers picked three passengers from 54 on the bus and ordered the rest to leave, regional police chief Rono Bunei told The Associated Press on Thursday (September 24).

Leaders from Meru’s miraa growing areas have resolved to give the national government more time to resolve a trade impasse with Somalia after it emerged that Kenya was closing in on a deal. This comes as calls for mass demonstrations against the government grew louder after the suspension of miraa trade in Somalia went past six months on Saturday (September 19).


Somali authorities have met their first round of targets for financial reform, the International Monetary Fund said on Thursday (September 24), part of a broader program paving the way to debt relief for the war-ravaged nation. “Authorities have remained steadfast in their commitment to economic reforms, meeting all structural benchmarks for the first review,” the press release said.

Political newcomer Mohamed Hussein Roble became Somalia’s prime minister Wednesday after getting unanimous approval from lawmakers. Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed was in attendance when all 215 members of parliament cast their votes in favor of his appointee. Roble’s predecessor, Hassan Ali Khaire, was ousted by parliament in July in a no-confidence vote tied directly to his failure to present a roadmap to holding democratic elections due before February 2021.  

The Force Commander of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Lieutenant General Diomede Ndegeya on Wednesday (September 23) lauded Ethiopian forces serving under AMISOM, based in the Southwest state of Somalia, for securing the local population and their contribution to the overall stabilization effort in Somalia. Lt. Gen. Ndegeya, who recently assumed command of the peacekeeping force, was addressing ENDF senior officers on Wednesday at the sector Headquarters in Baidoa, as part of his familiarization tour of the six sectors that form AMISOM.

The UN humanitarian agency on Tuesday (September 22) called for increased funding to provide life-saving humanitarian assistance to millions of Somalis in need. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that slowing down programs due to funding constraints could reverse recent humanitarian and socio-economic gains in Somalia. The OCHA said Somalia funding constraints come when the triple threat of COVID-19, floods and locusts has aggravated humanitarian needs.

A Kenyan cargo plane on Saturday (September 21) crashed at Mogadishu’s main airport in Somalia, injuring two of the five crew members. Following the accident, the Aden Adde International Airport was shut down briefly as emergency personnel attended to the crew who were aboard the Silverstone plane. The aircraft, a Dash-8, was on its way to deliver supplies to the African Union Mission (Amisom) forces in Beledwyene, some 335 km north of Mogadishu in Central Somalia.

Two UN agencies on Saturday (September 21) kicked off a polio vaccination exercise targeting 1.65 million children aged under five years, with oral polio vaccine in the south and central parts of Somalia.The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have also advised health workers and caregivers to observe health and safety measures against COVID-19 during the four-day campaign.

Militants detonated a car bomb in front of an upscale hotel in the Somali capital on Sunday afternoon (September 20), and then stormed the beachside property. State security forces engaged in a four-hour standoff before killing two attackers who had been holding those inside hostage. A spokesman for the country’s Information Ministry said the attackers, who belonged to the militant group al-Shabab, killed 11 people. The ministry said 205 others were rescued from the Elite Hotel on Lido Beach.

South Sudan

South Sudan’s Minister of Petroleum, Puok Kang Chol, arrived in Khartoum on Tuesday (September 23), to discuss developing oil technical cooperation, between the two countries. Chol told reporters that the purpose of the visit is to inspect the arrival of oil production equipment through Port Sudan. These gears are needed for the resumption of oil production in the Thar Jath field in Unity state and how to transport it to South Sudan.

The advance delegation of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) and the transitional government negotiators on Monday (September 21) discussed the reform of the constitutional document to harmonize it with the peace agreement. The peace deal negotiated in Juba will extend the term of the transitional period, extend the members of the Sovereign Council and the cabinet, all these measures require a reform of the transitional constitutional document governing the country.


United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday (September 24) called on the international community to provide economic assistance to the transitional government in Khartoum stressing that no one can afford to not support Sudan. Guterres made his call in his first report about the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan (UNITAMS) which will begin its activities in January 2021.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok said his government is awaiting legislation restoring Sudan immunities before paying the compensation to the victims of terror attacks. Hamdok made his statement in a briefing about the progress in the ongoing efforts to remove the country from the list of state sponsors of terrorism to the regular cabinet meeting on Wednesday (September 23).

The Office of the General Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in a letter dated 17, September requested to postpone the trial of Darfur militia leader Ali Kushayb to June 2021 saying they need more time to conduct further investigations. Kushayb was arrested in the Central African Republic (CAR) and transferred to the ICC, on 9 June 2020 to become the first militia leader accused of murder and rape in Darfur held by the war crimes court.

UNAMID Joint Special Representative/Joint Chief mediator (JSR/JCM), Jeremiah Mamabolo on Sunday (September 20), met in Khartoum, Sudan with Mr. Omar Manis, Sudanese Minister of Cabinet Affairs. During the meeting, they discussed issues related the Sudan peace process, the prospect of the participation of IDP representatives in the signing of the peace agreement scheduled for 3 October in Juba, South Sudan and the work of the Joint Task Force on the National Plan for Protection of Civilians. Mr. Mamabolo also briefed the Minister of Cabinet Affairs on his recent visit to Darfur and interaction with local authorities, IDPs and civil society.

Media report on Sunday (September 20) revealed that the judicial authorities in Sudan found a new mass grave believed to contain the remains of victims of torture during the 30-year oppressive regime of Omer al-Bashir. The new mass grave which is the third since the fall of the former regime is located in the Karary area in Omdurman, inside a training camp belonging to the security apparatus.

The Transitional Sovereign Council announced the departure of its head to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Sunday; press reports disclosed that his delegation will discuss normalization with Israel. Earlier in Khartoum, it was announced that Abdel Fattah al-Burhan would travel to the UAE flanked by a delegation including Justice Minister Nasr al-Din Abdel-Bari and a team of Sudanese expert for talks on Sudan removal from the terror list, needed support for the transition, Sudan’s exemption of U.S. debt. The Sovereign Council in its statement said the Sudanese delegation will hold talks with a U.S. delegation in Abu Dhabi while al-Burhan will meet the Emirati leaders.


A Friend in Need: Ethiopia Accompanying South Sudan in Peaks and Valleys

This week, (21 September 2020), Minister for Presidential Affairs H.E. Mr. Nhial Deng Nhial led a delegation of the government of the Republic of South Sudan that included the Minister for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Beatrice Khamisa Wani as well as Governor of Jonglei Mr. Denay Chagor. The delegation has submitted a letter of invitation to H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed from H.E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit. The invitation was to attend, along with leaders of the IGAD countries, the signing ceremony which will be held in Juba between the Government of the Sudan and its opposition umbrella known as the SRF that comprised eight politico-military parties.

This is an amazing transformation of South Sudan which successfully mediated the government of the Sudan and its SRF opposition that would culminate on October 3 2020 with the signing ceremony in Juba. This must be one of the opportune moments to reflect on how South Sudan under the leadership of President Salva Kiir Mayardit has evolved to a position of mediator while just exactly two years ago South Sudanese government and its many oppositions have signed the September 2018 Revitalized Peace Agreement mediated by IGAD under Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, a process that was on play since 2013 and 2016 civil war in South Sudan.

It seems that South Sudanese parties, except the National Salvation Front (NAS) of General Thomas Cirilo, are in the country that formed the Unity Government which enabled South Sudan to have a nationwide ceasefire which has held ground except in some pockets in Equatoria. Encouraging negotiations between the government and NAS is underway and the big objective should be silencing the gun while seeking a negotiated settlement and such an objective seems to be within reach.

In all this process of progress, Ethiopia takes a great pride in associating itself with both the struggle for independence and in the search for peace since 2013 in the ups and downs of South Sudan. South Sudanese people and its leadership without exception tell the world that the key to the problems in South Sudan is found in Addis Ababa. Very simple and yet a great statement when one finds the fact that the people and government of Ethiopia under Emperor Haile Sellassie succeeded to mediate the 1972 Addis Ababa Agreement that saw the seed of autonomy to South Sudanese, a springboard to the independent South Sudan of today.

Continuing the common destiny of the Ethiopian and South Sudanese people, it was under Mengistu Hailemariam’s leadership that Ethiopia singlehandedly helped the establishment of the SPLM/A under the leadership of Dr. John Garang. 

Ethiopia didn’t hold a break when the EPRDF took over and it was under the leadership of former PM Meles Zenawi that South Sudan got the right to self-determination which led to six years of transition culminating in the referendum in 2011.

In the unfortunate breakout of the civil war in 2013, it was Ethiopia as chairman of IGAD that took the driving seat in the search for a negotiated settlement of the South Sudanese bitter civil war. This peace process of eight years was concluded with the agreement in Addis Ababa on 12 September 2018 under the able leadership of the then very new Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed. It was a breakthrough that brought all of the South Sudanese political-military parties, the civil society, the faith groups, the women block, the youth and all other internal stakeholders in South Sudan.

The point here is that the successive governments of Ethiopia from Emperor Haile Sellassie’s to Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed have sacrificed to the independence, stability and prosperity of South Sudan.

In light of these, it would be unwise to doubt the unbreakable bonds between Ethiopia and South Sudan. Ethiopia, that is, its people and its government, do strongly believe that Ethiopia was, is, and will be a priority country as the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.


“Dine for the Nation”: A call to the Diplomatic Community to Engage in Gorgora, Koysha, Wonchi Projects

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and stakeholders on Tuesday (September 22) co-organized a briefing on the “Dine for the Nation” project for resident diplomats in Addis Ababa. The “Dine for the Nation” initiative was proposed by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to gather financial resources for tourist attraction sites planned at Koysha, Wonchi, and Gorgora. The initiative aims to raise 3 billion Birr within two months, via dinner programmes that will be hosted in the first weeks of October.

Eng. Abraham Belay, Minister of Innovation and Technology and Eng. Habtamu Tegegn, General Manager of Ethiopian Roads Authority, briefed the diplomats on the Koysha, Wonchi, and Gorgora projects. The presentations elucidated the economic benefits the nation would reap and employment opportunities that would be created to the youth due to the creation of these projects.

At the occasion, Gedu Andargachew, Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, delivered opening remarks. He said the success stories of the recent Addis Ababa city beautification projects inspired the Government to aspire even for more grand scale projects at the national level. He recalled the successful ‘Dine for Sheger’ initiative that was launched in May 2019 and resulted in the refurbishment of both Sheger and Entoto parks in Addis Ababa. The minister said the projects on Koysha, Wonchi, and Gorgora would add value to the transformation of Ethiopia’s Ecotourism.  The projects will also employ many people in the countryside and further stimulate the country’s aspiration to build a Green Economy, he added. Minister Gedu concluded his speech calling on the diplomatic community to make a practical contribution to the realization of these noble projects.

State Minister Burtukan Ayano, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia also made a briefing about the establishment of a fundraising committee to support the projects.  Facilitated by Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Din Mufti, the audience discussed various issues regarding the projects.


SM Redwan Urges International Community to address external debt of Landlocked Developing Countries

Ambassador Redwan Hussien urged the international community to address the burden of unsustainable external debt of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs). An urgent mobilization of resources is required to help developing countries withstand the economic shocks of the global scourge, he added. The state minister said this in his address to the Annual Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) hosted virtually Wednesday (September 23).

Held under the theme, “Partnering for accelerated implementation of the Vienna Program of Action (VPoA) and achieving sustainable development in LLDCs in the era of COVID-19,” the meeting aimed to review VPoA’s progress and identify a new path to meet LLDCs development goals.

Ambassador Redwan said Ethiopia has been taking policy measures to improve its manufacturing base, competitiveness, and connectedness to the global market despite the development constraints of being a landlocked country. Although Ethiopia has integrated the VPoA into its national development plan and priorities, a lot remains to realize inclusive and sustainable development in the country, the Ambassador added. He finally urged the participants to recommit to the VPoA that sets out to address poverty stemming from being a landlocked country through the implementation of specific actions related to selected priority areas.

Ministers and high-level officials from LLDCs, transit developing countries, development partners, senior officials from the UN, and international and regional organizations have participated in the meeting. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan and Global Chair of the Group of LLDCs hosted the meeting.


Stakeholders establish a Joint Forum on tourism promotion and marketing in Ethiopia

Stakeholders in the tourism sector established on Tuesday (September 22) a joint forum for promoting and marketing Ethiopia’s tourism attractions. State Minister Tsion Teklu will chair the forum that constitutes stakeholders from both the government and private sectors in the tourism industry.

The forum has also established a steering and technical committee to identify the bottlenecks in the tourism sector and promote tourism attractions in a coordinated and efficient manner.

The forum gave Ethiopian Diaspora Agency the responsibility to promote tourist attraction sites targeting Ethiopians living abroad and those of Ethiopian descent.

The meeting deliberated on how stakeholders in the tourism industry can operate per the criteria set by the World Travel and Tourism Council.

The forum agreed to employ local and foreign media in announcing and promoting the plan to open the tourism sector that was partially closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The forum also discussed the Tourism Promotion and Marketing Strategy Plan in the new Ethiopian fiscal year and decided to use the Amharic phrase ‹ጤና ይስጥልኝ› [tena yestelegn] as a promotional brand in welcoming tourists entering into the country.

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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