Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 12.02.2021

In this Edition

News in Brief

34th Ordinary Session of AU Assembly held virtually from 6-7 February 2021

UNDP Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa visits Ethiopia

Disinformation campaign against Ethiopia Vs the Reality

Africa and the African Union

The Virtual Summit of the African Union was held on 6th and 7th of February 2021. As usual it was preceded by the 38th ordinary Session of the Executive Council which was also held virtually on the 3rdand 4th of February 2021.The main agenda items of the Assembly were election of the AUC Senior Leadership i.e. the AUC Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and the Commissioners, adoption of the Theme for the Year 2021 and discussion on Covid-19 responses. Adoption of the realigned Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and the Statute of the Commission in line with the AU reform processes were also endorsed by the Assembly. (See article)

The 34th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union, held virtually, re-elected Moussa Faki Mahamat as the African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson. “Deeply humbled by the overwhelming and historic vote of confidence by AU Member States by voting 51 out 55 to extend my mandate at the helm of the AUC Commission for another 4 years,” he tweeted later. Following the news of the re-election of the AUC Chairperson, Prime Minister  Dr. Abiy Ahmed congratulated Moussa Faki on his Twitter page and said, “Ethiopia wishes you the best.” Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa of Rwanda was elected as deputy Chairperson of the Commission.

The Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) elected last week Felix Tshisekedi, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as the new Chairperson of the African Union for the year 2021.On behalf of the outgoing President of the Union, the symbols of the Union were presented physically to the incoming Chair by the AUC Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat, while the flag of the African Union was handed over virtually by the South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa. Under the Chairmanship of the DRC, the new bureau of the Assembly of the AU for 2021-2022 will constitute Senegal, Comoros, and Egypt as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd vice-chairs respectively, while South Africa will be the Rapporteur. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has congrulated President Tshisekedi and pledged that Ethiopia will support and work with him in carrying out the responsibilities entrusted upon him.


President Sahle-Work Zewde Upon the invitation of the President of the Republic of Burundi, President Évariste Ndayishimiye, has spent a two-day working visit in Brundi as of Tuesday (February 09). Upon arrival, the President of Burundi and senior officials of the country warmly welcomed Ethiopia’s President, Sahle Work Zewde and her delegation at Melchior Ndadaye International Airport. The presidents discussed bilateral and regional issues to further strengthen relations between Ethiopia and Burundi.

The UNDP Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa, Ahunna Eziakonwa visited Ethiopia this week and held important discussions with high-level officials of the Ethiopian government. The purpose of Eziakonwa’s visit was to undertake discussions on the humanitarian situation in Tigray and what the UNDP can do to help in rehabilitation and recovery efforts; the challenges to the implementation of the SDGs in the context of the COVID-19 and its impacts, as well as preparations for the upcoming national elections. The Assistant Administer held a wide-ranging discussion on these issues with President Sahle-Work Zewde and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. She also had a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen and the Minister of Peace Mrs. Muferiat Kamil. (See article)

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen, received at his office today (February 12) Turkish Ambassador to Ethiopia, Yaprak Alp. In the discussion, Demeke mentioned the strong bilateral relations between the two countries and urged Turkey to continue supporting Ethiopia’s role in fighting terrorism in the horn of Africa. Appreciating Turkey’s stance in the law enforcement operation held in Tigray regional state, he said, the government has now given priority towards providing humanitarian assistance and rehabilitating the region

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen held a phone conversation on Tuesday (February 2) with Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Ann Linde. During their discussion, Demeke briefed his counterpart on the successful accomplishment of the law enforcement operation in Tigray and the rehabilitation and reconstruction works that the government of Ethiopia has been undertaking since then. Demeke also raised his concerns on the unhelpful and unfounded claims made by some corners in the European Union who failed to understand the nature and objectives of the law enforcement operation and the humanitarian assistance efforts on the ground. The two officials also pledged their country’s commitment to strengthen the historical and strong relationship between Ethiopia and Sweden.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen conferred over the phone on Monday (February 1) with the Foreign Minister of Russia, Sergey Lavrov. During the talks Demeke briefed his Russian counterpart on the ongoing rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts in Tigray region. Recalling the telephone conversation the two foreign ministers had last December, Demeke said progress has been achieved in addressing the humanitarian situation in the region and collaborative efforts with humanitarian actors on the ground to fully respond to the people in need of such assistance. Lavrov said for his part that Russia understands and supports the efforts of the government of Ethiopia to address the humanitarian challenges in the Tigray region. He added that his Government is always ready to continue to assist Ethiopia in this regard.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen briefed on Wednesday (February 10) resident ambassadors and diplomats of African countries based in Addis Ababa about the current situation in Ethiopia. The briefing focused on the on-going humanitarian operation in Tigray, negotiations being held on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), preparations for the upcoming general elections, and the Ethio-Sudan border dispute.

Gudaf Tsegay broke the women’s world record for the indoor 1500 metres on Tuesday (February 9) after posting a time of three minutes, 53.09 seconds during a meeting in Lievin, France. Ethiopian Tsegay beat by more than two seconds the previous record set by her compatriot Genzebe Dibaba in Karlsruhe in 2014. Athlete Lena Hailu also won the French Indoor Championships in the 3000 meter while Athlete Habtam Alemu finished second in the French 800 meter.

The Embassy of Ethiopia in Geneva has issued a statement regarding the impact of exaggerated and misguided information disseminated by various corners among the international community on the humanitarian assistance efforts in  the Tigray region. (See article)


Seventeen patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out on Wednesday (February 10) at Quarantine Centers in Gash Barka and Anseba Regions. The total number of recovered patients to-date has accordingly risen to 1824 while the number of deaths stands at seven. The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has increased to 2418.


The United Nations Security Council called on Somalia’s federal government and regional states to urgently resume talks and agree on arrangements to hold elections as soon as possible. A September agreement allows for the president and others to stay in office after Monday’s election date if needed, but UN special representative James Swan has warned that going beyond that day brings “an unpredictable political situation in a country where we certainly don’t need any more of that”. After a closed virtual briefing by Swan, council members issued a statement welcoming efforts by leaders of the government and regional states to find agreement on implementing the September deal but also expressing concern that talks ended without agreement on Saturday (February 6).

The UN Security Council called Tuesday (February 09) on Somalia’s leaders to quickly resume dialogue to arrange new elections, hoping to resolve a new crisis in Somalia. In a statement approved unanimously, the 15-nation Security Council asked Somalis to “resume their dialogue urgently and work together, in the interests of the people of Somalia.”

In related news, The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat issued a statement on Tuesday (February 09) calling on the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia,  Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, the Federal member state leaders and the entire Somali national leadership, to work constructively together to resolve the political differences that have led to the present electoral and political impasse. The Chairperson further called on all Somali stakeholders to put national interest first and constructively seek solution to their differences through dialogue and compromise.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has launched investigations into circumstances under which its helicopter crashed last week in southern Somalia injuring four Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) soldiers. In a statement released Sunday evening, Amisom said the helicopter, whose registration details were not disclosed, belonged to the AU mission’s Aviation Unit from the UPDF. The statement, however, said all the four soldiers aboard the helicopter were in stable condition following the incidence.


Kenya has cautioned the African Union and the United Nations against any attempts to withdraw AMISOM from Somalia. This comes following a the 978th Session of the African Union Peace and Security Council (PSC) convened to consider the situation in Somalia and the activities of the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM). In a statement on Tuesday (February 09), Nairobi said it welcomed the opportunity afforded by the PSC gathering to discuss and deliberate on matters of strategic importance in the Peace and Security architecture of the region.

South Sudan

South Sudan’s Central Bank on Tuesday issued a 1,000 South Sudanese Pound banknote as it struggles with hyperinflation amid dwindling foreign reserves. Speaking to reporters in the capital, Juba, the Central Bank governor, Dier Tong Ngor said the bank will henceforth embark on a nationwide campaign to educate the public on the new notes. “It is in the view of the need to make our currency more convenient to use that we are today introducing the SSP 1000 banknote into circulation to complement the existing banknotes to ensure convenience, and bring about efficiency in the printing of currency to generate savings for the country,” he explained. Ngor said the world youngest nation has, in the past few years, grappled with how to address a situation characterized by high inflation, including perpetual depreciation of the currency which has eroded public confidence and monetary value of the banknotes.


A senior Sudanese military official, on Thursday, inspected the army troops deployed on the border with Ethiopia. Lt Gen Yasir al-Atta who is also a member of the Sovereign Council travelled to the border area to meet the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in Abu Tayour, Wad Arroud in Al-Fasha Al-Seghra. Since last November, Sudan deployed a significant number of troops and launched the construction of a road network as well as military infrastructures in the eastern Sudan areas. The army “is committed to retaking control of all Sudanese areas and then will establish permanent military bases at the international borders,” he told the soldiers.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok formed on Monday evening (February 8) his second cabinet announcing a new phase of the political transition in Sudan after the signing of a peace agreement with the Sudanese Revolutionary Front. Formed after a year of negotiations with the armed groups in Juba, the new cabinet can be seen as a realization of an incomplete peace in the country. Hamdok held a press conference to announce the new cabinet which is composed of 25 ministers nominated by the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) and the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF).

Volker Perthes UN Secretary-General Representative in Sudan and UNITAMS chief welcomed on Tuesday (February 09) the formation of a new transitional government including former rebel groups in Sudan. “On behalf of the United Nations in Sudan, I congratulate Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok on the formation of the new Government, as well as the Sovereignty Council and Cabinet members on their appointments,” said Perthes who recently arrived in Khartoum. The 7 of 26 portfolios in the new cabinet have been allocated to the former rebels who signed a peace agreement in Juba on 3 October 2020. Also, three leaders of the former rebel groups joined also the Sovereign Council. The peace groups will also join the Transitional Legislative Council to be established by the transition’s partners during the last week of February.

Sudan looks forward to the continuation of the African Union mediation to reach a binding agreement on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), said the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok. Hamdok was speaking at the 34th African Union virtual summit on Saturday (February 6) as Felix- Antoine Tshisekedi, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been elected as the new Chairperson of the African Union for 2021, replacing Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa. “We hope that the efforts of the Presidency of the African Union, under the leadership of Congolese President Felix- Antoine Tshisekedi, will continue to reach satisfactory and sustainable solutions for all parties on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam,” said Hamdok.


34th Ordinary Session of AU Assembly held virtually from 6-7 February 2021

The Virtual Summit of the African Union took place on the 6th and 7th of February 2021. As usual, it was preceded by the 38th ordinary Session of the Executive Council which was also held virtually on the 3rdand 4th of February 2021.

The main agenda items of the Assembly were the election of the AUC Senior Leadership i.e. the AUC Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, and the Commissioners, adoption of the Theme for the Year 2021. Adoption of the realigned Rules of Procedure of the Assembly and the Statute of the Commission in line with the AU reform processes were also endorsed by the Assembly.

The Assembly has noted important achievements of the African Union in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the Implementation of the Africa Joint Continental Strategy for Covid-19, establishment of the African Union COVI-19 Response Fund, Formation of an African Medicine Supplies Platform, the Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing, Appointment of African Union Special Envoys to mobilize support to stem the negative economic impacts of COVID-19, and establishment of African Vaccines Acquisition Task Team (AVART). The Assembly has appreciated the work done in response to combat covid-19 pandemic in Africa and dully recognized efforts of the African Heads of State and Government, in this regard, including the exceptional leadership provided by the outgoing Chairperson of the African Union, H.E Cyril Ramaphosa, and the contribution of  Dr. Abiy Ahmed in collaboration with Jack Ma Foundation, during the early continental response against the pandemic.  

The Summit also expressed appreciation to the Assembly Bureau for providing timely, focused, and effective leadership to Africa’s response to COVID-19. With regard to the acquisition of Vaccines for Africa, the summit apart from the AVART initiative has requested the WTO to make a waiver of certain provisions of the TRIPS Agreement for the Prevention, Containment, and Treatment of COVID19 as contained in the WTO legal instruments.

The Assembly has virtually elected the African Union Commission Senior Leadership for the term of 2021-2024. Accordingly,  Moussa Faki Mahamat has been re-elected and appointed, as the Chairperson and Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa of Rwanda, as Deputy Chairperson of the Commission. According to the Assembly decision on reform, the regions that secure the position of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson are required to automatically withdraw their candidates from the positions of Commissioners. In line with these rules, the Eastern African region having secured the position of deputy Chairperson had to withdraw all its candidates, including Ethiopia’s candidate for the position of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation.

The Assembly also elected the Chair of the African Union for the year 2022 and the members of the Bureau for the year 2021. Based on the Troika arrangement, the outgoing chair (South Africa) remains a member of the bureau for the following one year as a Rapporteur. The Republic of Senegal has been endorsed to be the Chair of the Union for the year 2022 and will be a member of the bureau for 2021.

The Ethiopian delegation led by H.E Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, has participated in the Summit.  Dr. Abiy Ahmed, addressing the Assembly, has raised the issue of GERD pointing out the clear stand of Ethiopia on the utilization of the Nile waters. The PM has noted that Ethiopia utilizes the Nile waters because two-thirds of the country’s water resources are within the Nile basin and because the livelihood of its people depends on it. He further stressed that Ethiopia fully recognizes the Transboundary nature of the Nile River and that Ethiopia is mindful of the rights of the people of Sudan and Egypt. He stressed that in the utilization of the Nile, Ethiopia is guided by internationally accepted principles of equitable and reasonable utilization and that Ethiopia upholds its obligation not to cause significant harm to the downstream nations. He further underlined that Ethiopia has confidence in the continuation of African leadership in the facilitation of the tripartite negotiation process and reiterated Ethiopia’s firm commitment to make the African led process successful with a win-win outcome for all parties. 

Sahle-Work Zewde, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, has led the Ethiopian delegation on the second day. During this session, the President has clarified to the Assembly the current tension along the border between Ethiopia and Sudan. The President stated that the historical friendship between Ethiopia and Sudan is deep. Unfortunately, since early November 2020, Sudan has militarily moved into territories along the common border which was previously under sovereign Ethiopian administration, she said. The President noted that this has caused unnecessary suffering to the border communities, and further explained that Ethiopia has so far refrained from escalating the already tense situation. She has concluded her remarks by stressing Ethiopia’s hope that reason will prevail and Sudan will immediately withdraw its forces to the November 6, 2020 lines and return to the existing bilateral committees and mechanisms established to find a peaceful solution. 

Finally, the Chairperson of the African Union,  Felix Tshisekedi, president of the Democratic Republic of Congo, has presided over the closing ceremony and outlined his priorities for the year 2021 which included a focus on COVID-19, continental peace and security, a bringing the trilateral GERD negotiations to a fruitful conclusion, enhancing continental integration among others. 


UNDP Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa visits Ethiopia

The UNDP Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa, Ahunna Eziakonwa visited Ethiopia this week and held important discussions with high-level officials of the Ethiopian government. Eziakonwa was the UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative, and UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ethiopia before assuming her current position. Therefore, she is familiar with developments in Ethiopia. 

It is to be recalled that a number of other senior UN officials also visited Ethiopia last week. The purpose of  Eziakonwa’s visit was to undertake discussions on the humanitarian situation in Tigray and what the UNDP can do to help in rehabilitation and recovery efforts; the challenges to the implementation of the SDGs in the context of the COVID-19 and its impacts, as well as preparations for the upcoming national elections. The Assistant Administer held a wide-ranging discussion on these issues with President Sahle-Work Zewde and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. She also had a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen and the Minister of Peace Mrs. Muferiat Kamil.

UNDP is the lead UN development agency, which helps implement the Sustainable Development Goals through its work in some 170 countries and territories. The SDG is the global blueprint for achieving sustainable development without leaving anyone behind. It is an integral part of Ethiopia’s development plan. Ethiopia and the UN have signed the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (2020-2025) to help achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (7.1 Billion). The Framework is based on Ethiopia’s priorities as outlined in the 10 years perspective plan and the Homegrown economic reform agenda. During her discussion with Demeke, Eziakonwa exchanged views on the ongoing reforms in Ethiopia and the impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of the SDGs.  Demeke recalled the excellent cooperation with the UN during the El-Nino crisis a few years ago. He briefed Eziakonwa on the Homegrown economic reform agenda in Ethiopia and the impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of the SDGs.

On the other hand, Ethiopia is scheduled to hold a general election this year. Upon Ethiopia’s request and in coordination with the Electoral Assistance Division of the United Nations Department for Political Affairs, UNDP is implementing an electoral support project to strengthen the capacity of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) in organizing credible, inclusive, and peaceful elections. 

In this relation,  Demeke briefed the Assistant Administer on the ongoing preparations for the upcoming elections in Ethiopia. On her part, Ahunna Eziakonwa mentioned the project that UNDP has been implementing to strengthen the capacity of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) in organizing credible, inclusive, and peaceful elections and expressed commitment to enhance support in this regard. 

On the situation in Tigray,  Demeke explained the priorities of the government at this moment, which is delivering humanitarian assistance to affected people, rehabilitating and reconstructing destroyed infrastructures by the renegade group. He highlighted the work that is being done jointly with the UN and other aid agencies in delivering humanitarian assistance to those in need through 92 distribution centers in Tigray. He also indicated that a task force has been set up to handle rehabilitation and recovery issues and discussion has started with the World Bank and the African Development Bank in this regard. Eziakonwa expressed UNDP’s readiness to assist in the rehabilitation and recovery efforts in the region. It is in this context that she visited Mekelle and undertook discussions with the regional interim administration to assess the situation on the ground for possible support on post-recovery and rehabilitation issues. 


Disinformation campaign against Ethiopia Vs the Reality

The exaggerated claims by certain quarters that we see these days on social media regarding the situation in the Tigray region is designed to influence international public opinion. It is unfortunate that the mainstream media is swept away by this misinformation campaign and popular hashtag PR Wars. One can easily visit the web site, which generates pre-written fabricated message that anyone can tweet (Refer to this one as an example here: https://linktr.ee/istandwithtigray ). In its publication of February 5/2021, the Washington post also noted that “Over 3000 new twitter accounts were created between November 2020 and the end of January 2021. These accounts demonstrate a low level of digital literacy, few followers and short-term engagements.” 

The fact of the matter is the situation in the Tigray region is slowly but surely stabilizing and people have resumed their daily life. Basic services have been restored and the government has already embarked on the herculean task of rehabilitating and rebuilding the region.  Criminal investigation against the leadership of the TPLF as well as former national defence and police force members is underway. Key findings of the investigation show that the TPLF undertook a massive preparation to wage war and regain its dominant position, which it lost through peaceful popular demands and the ensuing reform initiatives. Evidences show that the TPLF leadership masterminded and sponsored communal conflicts and atrocities in various parts of the country.

Several Senior UN Officials, including the Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security, the High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Executive Director of WFP visited the Tigray Region to assess the situation on the ground and to scale up a Government-led humanitarian response to meet the immediate needs of the people. The Executive Director of WFP commended the emergency food assistance that the Government and partners have already provided to the people of Tigray since the onset of the crisis. The Ministry of Peace has announced that the relief operation has already reached out to more than 2 million people in need. Eritrean refugees residing in the region have also received food and nutrition assistance. Currently, humanitarian assistance is underway through 92 distribution centers. The Government is ready to tackle the bureaucratic hurdles to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Tigray.

But the exaggerated claims on social media cast a different picture, which is far from the reality on the ground. The people of Ethiopia seek peace and the rule of law. Ethiopia has been a beacon of stability in the volatile Horn of Africa region. The government is committed to ensuring the restoration of peace and stability in the Tigray. As the Prime Minister said, only an Ethiopia at Peace will deliver on its promise.


Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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