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Ethiopia’s Foreign Affairs Blog named “the 4th best blog of the year”

Ethiopia’s Foreign Affairs Blog named “the 4th best blog of the year”

Diplomacy.Live, a research hub known for its data-driven thinking and study of advocacy and analysis in the digital diplomacy sphere dubbed the blog owned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia as the fourth blog of the year next to the United Kingdom, Finland and France on Friday (March 24). Diplomacy.Live through its newly launched site made the rankings after analyzing, assessing and rating digital trends & assets used by global digital diplomacy actors and organizations in the year 2016.

Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, very conscious of the fast-changing dynamics of the domestic and international situation, has started to extensively brand and sell the national image, often evident in its constant efforts to make the wider public aware of Ethiopia’s full spectrum of diplomatic operations and activities abroad.

The Ministry’s blog: , which has been synchronized with the website and dozens of official social media pages features latest news about Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa region and beyond; and the Weekly Online Magazine, “A Week in the Horn” as well as a range of digital media productions.
In 2016 the Ministry showed significant additional moves to intensify its digital activities by expanding social media presence, from a few thousand to nearly one hundred thousand followers on twitter and a five-fold increase of followers on Facebook; Diversifying digital assets from the mainstream Facebook and Twitter to other assets such as Google+, LinkedIn, and -Instagram as well as others, and more importantly launching a new website with new and improved features (security, accessibility, graphics, synchronization, up-to-datedness, etc).

see link
Workneh Gebeyehu

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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