• A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 15.6.2018

    Headlines Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed makes a State Visit to Egypt.… …following a State Visit to Uganda Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh visits three Nordic Countries …and attends the 17th Africa-Nordic Foreign Ministers meeting in Copenhagen French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affair in Addis Ababa Briefing for the UN Security Council on UNAMID The UN Security Council’s Presidential statement on Somalia An increasing Ethio-Chinese partnership: a win-win relationship for both countries News in Brief Africa and the African Union Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia and South Africa were elected last week (June 8) as non-permanent member of the…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 08.06.2017

    News in Brief   State Minister Hirut briefs the Diplomatic Community on current developments in the country  Ethiopia lifts the State of Emergency Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair address youth Somalia’s National Security Council meets in Baidoa AU Delegation evaluates Quick Impact Projects in Somalia The 6th meeting of African Union Ministers of Trade (AMOT) held in Dakar Africa at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2018 Africa and the African Union The sixth meeting of African Union Ministers of Trade (AMOT) was convened in Dakar, Senegal on Saturday (June 2). The two-day meeting…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 01/06/2018

    Headlines National Day celebrated across Ethiopia President Kagame’s State Visit to Ethiopia The IGAD Council of Ministers’ Extra-Ordinary Session on South Sudan UN honors fallen Ethiopian peacekeepers at a New York ceremony Ministerial meeting on the Single African Air Transport Market in Lomé Public-Private Partnerships open doors to climate finance in Rwanda and Ethiopia  News in Brief  Africa and African Union The deaths of one hundred and twenty-nine UN peacekeepers during 2017 were commemorated during the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers at the UN Headquarters in New York on Tuesday (May 29). The theme for the International Day of…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 25.05.2018

    News in Brief Prime Minister Dr. Abiy visits Saudi Arabia  and the UAE The reconvened Phase II Revitalization Forum concludes with IGAD’s new proposal …and discuss progress of the IGAD Drought Resilience and Sustainability Initiative IGAD and partners consult on the Djibouti Plan of Action for Refugee Education… Annual meeting of the African Development Bank focuses on industrialization The Joint Africa-EU Strategy Reference Group on Infrastructure Africa Day and “The Year of Combating corruption” Addis Ababa hosts a Climate Change-Induced Migration Workshop Africa and the African Union Africa Day is celebrated throughout Africa on May 25, and the theme of…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 18.05.2018

    News in Brief Finance Ministers meet to discuss the African Continental Free Trade Area Ethiopia-India Joint Commission Meeting held in New Delhi The IGAD High Level Revitalization Forum on South Sudan reconvenes The Security Council extends UNISFA’s mandate United Nations humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock in Sudan Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi in Qatar… …while the Constitutional Review process is launched in Mogadishu…. …and the UN Security Council extends AMISOM’s mandate …and IMF agrees to a third Staff-Monitored Program for Somalia  Africa and the African Union The 51st Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, a high level Ministerial…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 11/05/2018

    Main Headlines Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s first visit to Kenya Chairman of China’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee visits Ethiopia President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti in Kenya UN says peace process in South Sudan at a critical point… Conference on the illegal Charcoal Trade in Mogadishu …and numbers affected by flooding in Somalia continue to rise Ethiopia’s Role in UN Peacekeeping Operations Africa and the African Union The “Track and trace for access to safe medicines conference” opened in Addis Ababa on Tuesday (May 8). Organized by GS1, the global supply chain standards organization, in partnership with the Ethiopian…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 04.05.2018

    President Dr. Mulatu Teshome’s State Visit to Poland Prime Minister Dr. Abiy’s first external visits to Djibouti… …and to the Republic of the Sudan… Historic visit of an Israeli President to Ethiopia  The IGAD Council of Ministers holds consultations at Juba Ambassador Donald Yamamato’s visit to Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti Flooding in Somalia and Kenya affects hundreds of thousands of people…. … and Somalia and International Partners discuss progress on security An Ethiopian Business and Investment Seminar held in Spain News in Brief Africa and the African Union Preparations are underway for the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 27.04.2018

    Headlines                                                                          UN Human rights Chief: Ethiopia on the right path towards ensuring human rights Former Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn honored at the National Palace 7thTana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa held in Bahir Dar The first international conference for the Adwa Pan-African University The US Congress Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission hearing on Eritrea… …and the US Country Report on Human Rights in Eritrea for 2017  News in Brief Africa and the African Union The Pan-African High-level Conference on Education was held in Nairobi this week (April 25-27) under the auspices of UNESCO and the AU, bringing together…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 20.04.2018

    News in Brief Prime Minister Dr. Abiy announces ministerial and other appointments… …..and pledged to work closely with the youth  Fifth Ethio-Saudi Joint Ministerial Commission meeting in Addis Ababa AU urges South Sudanese parties and stakeholders to work for durable peace Djibouti’s President: Foreign bases there to combat terrorism and piracy  AMISOM sector commanders’ conference in Mogadishu World Bank urges Kenyans to invest in agriculture Africa and the African Union The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa has launched a $56.9 million construction to renovate and modernize Africa Hall in Addis Ababa, the scene of the establishment of the OAU in…

  • A Week in the Horn

    A Week in the Horn – 13.04.2018

    Prime Minister Abiy’s working trips outside Addis Ababa, to Jijiga… Tripartite Ministerial Meeting of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan Somalia’s Parliamentary Speaker resigns Resolution HR 128 by the US House of Representatives: Untimely and inappropriate The first Ethio-Indonesian Bilateral Consultative Forum 7th Tana Forum to focus on financing Africa’s Peace and Security 150th anniversary of the battle of Maqdala commemorated in London News in Brief Africa and the African Union The 2nd African Union Specialized Technical Committee on Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration is being held at the African Union Commission Headquarters in Addis Ababa, this week (April 12-17).…