A Week in the Horn

A Week in the Horn  2.2.2018

In this Edition

…Africa Business and Investment Forum calls for “Partnership not Support”…

The U.N. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in partnership with US Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), hosted Heads of State from five African countries, at the inaugural Africa Business and Investment Forum, held on Tuesday (January 30) in Addis Ababa. The Forum, in addition to providing a platform for a high-level public-private sector dialogue, aimed to increase opportunities for business partnerships, to secure commitments and to track the adoption of business-friendly policies, and showcase countries and policies that are contributing to an enabling environment for enhanced African regional and global trade and investment, including with the United States.

The event was opened by President Kagame of Rwanda, the new Chairman of the African Union. He was joined by fellow Heads of State and Government, including Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn of Ethiopia, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda, President Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger, President Macky Sall, of Senegal, President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, and President Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique. A series of roundtable discussions covered various areas including Trade and Diversification, Energy, Agribusiness, and Health.

The leaders noted Africa requires partnership, not support, underlining they had a clear mandate to work with both public and private enterprises to ensure that any business environment is favorable and attractive to the international business community.

Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the U.N. Economic Commission on Africa, said the Africa Business and Investment Forum demonstrated a real commitment by African leaders that they were “focused on paving the way for private investors in the U.S. and the rest of the international community, to invest in Africa.” President Kagame of Rwanda commended the CCA and ECA for their “effort to draw business leaders into this conversation about public-private sector investment in Africa”. He added, “This is long overdue and I trust that it will become a regular event during our Summits.”

Florie Liser, President and CEO of the Corporate Council on Africa, said, “Today was a great opportunity for UN and AU leadership to hear the voice of international private enterprises and investors who want to do business with Africa, and ensure that business relations between the U.S. and the continent continue to grow.” She underlined that CCA members and guests at the Forum “were hugely encouraged to hear from our continent’s leaders that Africa is an attractive destination for investment.”

Over 150 CEOs and senior executives of key U.S and African companies, both multinationals and SMEs, participated in the Forum, contributing to the ongoing dialogue in Africa to increase opportunities for business partnerships, secure commitments to as well as track the adoption of business-friendly policies, and showcase countries and policies that are contributing to an enabling environment for enhanced African regional and global trade and investment.


…NEPAD’s Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee meeting

The New Economic Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) held the 36th Session of the Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC) on Saturday (January 27). Speaking at the opening Session, HSGOC Chair, President Macky Sall of Senegal said “What brings us together on this day is the common goal of working for the transformation of Africa”. In his opening statement, Moussa Faki Mahamat, AU Commission Chair also highlighted the fact that NEPAD now works in 52 of the 55 African countries.

During the Session, the results-based performance report of the NEPAD Agency was presented by the Agency’s CEO, Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, who has brought the application of a territorial approach to development. The report included the NEPAD Agency’s Results Based Development Dashboard, which displays the organization’s results at national, regional and continental levels. It also demonstrated the NEPAD Agency’s delivery of programmatic results towards achieving Agenda 2063.

President Sall expressed his admiration for the leadership of Dr. Mayaki in bringing the dream of the African founding fathers into reality in helping to realize the goals of Agenda 2063. He stated that infrastructure and energy must remain priority areas needing more focus and investment, as well as the rural electrification fund that must become a reality. The process of agricultural transformation and growth of 6 per cent per year also remained a priority.

President Kagame of Rwanda, this year’s AU Chairperson, also commended the work of NEPAD for being forward looking, positioning itself within the African Union even before the current reform process was on the agenda. He praised the work of NEPAD for the development of Africa and citizens and called for collaboration in building a strong organization for delivery of results on the continent.

Namibia’s Minister of Works and Transport, Alpheus !Naruseb, on behalf of President Hage formally agreed Namibia involvement in the NEPAD Presidential Infrastructure Championship. This is an initiation proposed by President Zuma to accelerate regional infrastructure development through the political championing of projects. President Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe expressed gratitude to the African Union and its bodies, including the NEPAD Agency, for the continued support to Zimbabwe and expressed the readiness of Zimbabwe to engage in business with the rest of the continent. Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Dr Vera Songwe stated that the ECA has been a long standing partner of NEPAD, collaborating in various thematic areas. The session also deliberated on reform of the NEPAD Agency and its governance model. In the closing session, President Sall urged delegates to continue to support NEPAD in its efforts to attain Africa’s common development goals.


The 60th Extraordinary Session of the IGAD Council of Ministers

The IGAD Council of Ministers held its 60th Extra-Ordinary Session on Saturday (January 27) under the chairmanship of Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister and Chairperson of the IGAD Council of Ministers. The session was attended by Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Djibouti; Ambassador Amina Mohamed, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Kenya; Ambassador Ahmed Isse Awad, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Somalia; Dr. Martin Elia Lomuro, Minister of Cabinet Affairs of South Sudan; Professor Ibrahim Ghandour, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan; Sam Kutesa, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uganda; Mrs. Hirut Zemene, Ethiopia’s State Minister for Foreign Affairs;  Dr. Festus Mogae, Chairperson of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC); Maalim Mahboub, IGAD Executive Secretary;  and Ismail Wais, IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan. Also present were the Special Envoys and representatives of the AU, UN, EU and the Troika (Norway, UK, US) as well China, Co-Chairperson of the IGAD Partners Forum (IPF).

The Progress Report of the IGAD Special Envoy on the implementation of the first phase of the High-Level Revitalization Forum of the Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (ARCSS) was presented. Preparations to convene the second phase of the High-Level Revitalization Forum of the ARCSS were also detailed. The Council welcomed the progress made so far in the implementation of the High-Level Revitalization Forum and in particular the signing of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement on December 21, 2017. Noting the achievements gained so far and the preparations in place to convene the second phase of the High-Level Revitalization Forum, the Council commended IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan and the envoy’s task force for a job well done. The Council affirmed its full support and commitment to encourage the Special Envoy’s efforts, in collaboration with the partners until the process of the revitalization is completed in the shortest time possible.

In this context, the Council also expressed its profound appreciation for the solidarity and firm commitment manifested by the AU, UN, Troika, IPF, EU, and China to revitalize the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (ARCSS). It called upon the partners to continue and enhance their political support, financial and other assistance to the IGAD initiative.

The Council expressed its full support for the commendable task on which the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMM) has embarked, on the basis of its renewed mandate under the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement. It fully endorsed the reports of violation incidents that the CTSAMM submitted to the Council. The Council condemned in the strongest terms all violators of the Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities of December last year and similar prior agreements. It called upon CTSAMM to proceed with urgency and carry out further investigations, identify individual or party violators of the Agreement.  The Council said it would then take all necessary measures.

The Council noted with deep regret that in spite of the continuing efforts by IGAD, AU, and UN as well as international partners, the people of South Sudan continued to suffer mainly because of the on-going violence and insecurity that had already caused large scale famine and displacement of millions of the South Sudanese. In this connection, the Council welcomed the decision reached at the trilateral consultation held the same day (January 27) between the Chairperson of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government, the Chairperson of the AU Commission, and the Secretary General of the UN, affirming the determination of the three organizations to work closely together to inter-alia support punitive measures against any South Sudanese party that fails to perform its obligation or violates the political settlement that will emerge from the High-Level Revitalization Forum.

IGAD, the AU and the UN also demanded that all the parties must fully respect and comply with the Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities, Protection of Civilians and Humanitarian Access. They reaffirmed their readiness to take all necessary actions against individuals and groups that spoil and derail the revitalization process from moving forward. In this regard, IGAD, the AU and UN called upon the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU), and all South Sudanese parties, to focus on the higher goal of the national interest and securing the future of South Sudan. They also reaffirmed their belief that there can only be a political solution to the conflict in South Sudan, and the parties must demonstrate the political will to negotiate a permanent ceasefire and update the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan in order to end the appalling suffering inflicted on the South Sudanese population.

At the end of their 60th Extra-Ordinary Session, the IGAD Council of Ministers approved that the second phase of the High-Level Revitalization Forum should convene on February 5 until February 16, in Addis Ababa. It said the parties to the ARCSS, delegates representing the government, political parties and opposition including estranged groups and  Civil Society organizations should engage in good faith in the spirit of compromise, putting the interest of their people and the nation first. The agenda would cover concrete measures to restore a permanent ceasefire; full and inclusive implementation of the ARCSS; and the development of a revised and realistic timeline and implementation schedule towards a democratic election at the end of the transition period.


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Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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