A Week in the Horn - Latest News

A Week in the Horn (09.02.2018)

In this Edition

An Ethiopian Business Diplomacy Delegation in Japan

An Ethiopian Business Diplomacy Delegation, led by State Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Aklilu Hailemichael took part in two Ethiopian Business and Investment Seminars, held in the cities of Kobe and Nagoya in Japan this week (February 6 and 7) as well as visiting a number of companies and holding talks with local officials.  Co-organized by the Ethiopian Embassy in Tokyo, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), UNIDO’s Industry and Technology Promotion Office in Tokyo, and the city governments of Kobe and Nagoya, the seminars aimed to provide Japanese investors with relevant information regarding investment opportunities in Ethiopia, to attract strong and competitive industries especially those working in priority manufacturing sectors. They presented a clear view of the current status of the development of industrial parks along with Ethiopia’s investment policy and its attractive incentives. Encouraging Japanese investors to invest in Ethiopia and benefit from the incentives package, the seminar gave a platform for the Ethiopian delegation to show why Ethiopia is a preferred destination for manufacturing investment and a chance for prospective investors to share experiences with Japanese investors already investing in Ethiopia.

 The Ethiopian delegation included Ambassador Cham Ugala, Ambassador of Ethiopia to Japan, Ato Zelalem Birhan, Director General of Business Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as Ato Teka Gebreyesus, Deputy Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission and other officials from the Commission and the Industrial Parks Development Corporation. Ambassador Shinichi Saida, Ambassador Japan to Ethiopia, also participated along with senior officials from JICA and JETRO. The two-day seminar, held in the cities of Kobe and Nagoya, home for many major Japanese companies and institutes, brought together more than 120 company representatives and invited guests.

Dr. Aklilu in a keynote speech emphasized the growing relationship between Ethiopia and Japan marked with high level visits covering a wide range of interests in the sectors of education, health, agricultural projects and infrastructure development. He expressed Ethiopia’s commitment and interest in enhancing relations with Japan and widening the scope to a new level of investment cooperation with proper use of development assistance through different development frameworks, such as TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development) and the High-level Industrial Policy Dialogue. Dr. Aklilu noted that Ethiopia, with the aim to become the leading manufacturing hub in Africa in 2025, was developing industrial zones as a top priority to attract leading companies in the world. He underlined the different opportunities Ethiopia was offering to potential investors and encouraged them to seize the comparative advantage and assortment of investment incentives. It was important to invest in Ethiopia, he stressed, as it was a gateway to many regional and international markets. The Ethiopian Investment Commission also presented investment opportunities in Ethiopia, including the different tax incentives, the huge and vibrant productive labor force, and massive infrastructure development including cheap power, all of which made Ethiopia an excellent destination for Japanese foreign direct investment.

 The delegation, during its six days in Japan, made a number of company visits and held meetings with senior officials including State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Masahisa Sato, the Vice-Minister for the Economy, Trade and Industry, Mr. Daisaku Hiraki, the Deputy Mayor of Kobe City and senior officials of JICA and JETRO.

State Minister Dr. Aklilu discussed bilateral relations and economic cooperation with Mr. Sato who underlined the importance of such seminars to encourage more Japanese investors to Ethiopia. He underlined the importance of concluding the Bilateral Investment Treaty which he said was key to enhancing trade and investment ties. Mr. Sato acknowledged the huge potential Ethiopia offered in terms of human resource and praised the development of industrial parks. Dr. Aklilu noted the importance of creating an enabling environment for Japanese investors. He stressed the importance of establishing of special industry zones. He also mentioned the importance of the Kaizen business philosophy that encouraged work efficiency and increased the quality of production in many institutions in Ethiopia. He also appreciated the role Japanese organizations like JICA and JETRO were playing in promoting Japanese FDI in Ethiopia.

Dr. Aklilu and Toshiro Tamada, Deputy Mayor of Kobe, underlined their commitment to expand business ties between Ethiopia and Japan at a meeting on Tuesday (February 6). Dr. Aklilu expressed his keen interest in promoting business opportunities for Japanese investors in Ethiopia. He noted that Kobe city was a hub for major Japanese companies and he urged the Kobe City Government to encourage Japanese investors to invest in Ethiopia and look for market opportunities for Ethiopian products. He called for collaboration between Kobe city and Addis Ababa. Deputy Mayor Tamada warmly welcomed the Ethiopian Delegation and thanked members for visiting Kobe, one of the major port cities in Japan and a gateway in terms of culture and economy. He noted the place of the Kobe Institute of Computing, a Graduate University which has a considerable number of African students under the ‘Abe Initiative’, among them ten Ethiopian students studying Masters’ programs. Mr. Tamada noted that the Kobe City Government was also offering the Ethiopian Athletics team the option of using Kobe for a pre-game training camp for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic and Olympic Games. Mr. Tamara said the Kobe City Government would continue to encourage and support private business opportunities and hoped the visit would be a catalyst for further cooperation between Japan and Ethiopia.

 Prior to the seminar, the delegation visited the Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd in Osaka on Monday (February 5). Members of the delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Business Diplomacy Directorate General, the Ethiopian Investment Corporation and the Embassy of Ethiopia in Tokyo, held talks with the company’s Chairman and CEO Mr. Kunio Yamada along with Executive Vice President Dr. Lekh Juneja, discussing issues of business and investment opportunities in Ethiopia. Dr. Aklilu detailed the positive incentives provided for investors, the availability of a competitive labour force and of a young and productive population as well as the economic development and political stability of the country. These were all factors, he emphasized that made Ethiopia a highly suitable place for Foreign Direct Investment.

 During the visit to Nagoya city, Dr. Aklilu met the Honorary Consul of Ethiopia to Nagoya, Mr. Sadamichi Matsumoto, on Wednesday (February 7) to discuss ways to expand the partnership between Ethiopia and Japan. Mr. Matsumato is an advisor of the Japanese Cleft Palate Foundation (JCPF) and together with Mr. Nagato Natsume, Executive Director of the JCPF and Professor at Aichi Gakuin University, the discussions focused on medical cooperation, as well as economic and cultural exchanges, airline industrial interests and academic research and collaboration. Mr. Matsumoto noted the support provided to Addis Ababa Science and Technology University as well as the scholarship offers to Ethiopian students. They also took note of the efforts of the Japanese Cleft Palate Foundation and the Japanese Medical and Dental Network in providing better treatment to Ethiopian children affected with cleft lip and pallet.

 The Ethiopian Delegation also visited to Brother Industries Ltd, a leading producer of industrial sewing machines, in Nagoya on Wednesday (February 7). Brother Industries is at the forefront of product innovation, delivering superior and innovative sewing and printing technology worldwide. Dr. Aklilu noted the fact that there are now at least a hundred companies currently operating in the textile and garment sector in Ethiopia, all there was a substantial need for heavy duty industrial sewing machines as well as maintenance for accessories. He urged the company to open a manufacturing plant in Ethiopia, adding, “Producing in Ethiopia is not only meeting the needs of the Ethiopian market, but also meeting the requirements of the African market”.


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Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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