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Somali Prime Minister vows to root out corruption

Somalia’s Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Khaire, said at the weekend that he was mobilizing his government to tackle corruption and vowed to make the fight against misconduct a non-negotiable principle in his administration. The Prime Minister was speaking during the official handing over ceremony by the outgoing minister, Mohamed Adan Ibrahim, to the new Finance Minister, Abdirahman Duale Beyle. He expressed his concerns about the need for Somalia to be governed on principles of transparency and said: “I and the president will never accept public property embezzlement, and we will crusade against those involving corruption,” adding, “where there is a corruption, there will never be an achievement.” The new Finance Minister pledged his ministry would adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption. He said he would fight corruption in his ministry and promote effective service delivery, adding, “I will not tolerate acts of corruption and dishonesty.” Last week, Prime Minister Khaire told his new cabinet and other public servants to declare their assets as a part of his government’s anti-corruption effort. For nearly two decades, Somalia has been on the top of the list of the corruption watchdog,  Transparency International.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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