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Dr. Workneharrives in Algiers to attend the 4thEthio- Algeria Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting

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Dr. Workneh arrives in Algiers to attend the 4th Ethio- Algeria Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, arrived in Algiers, Algeria today (April 12, 2017) to attend the 4thEthio- Algeria Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting (JMC), which will commence later today.Upon arrival, Dr. Workneh was warmly received by his Algerian counterpart, RamtaneLamamra.
The 4th Ethio-Algeria Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting is expected to deliver on the possible ways of strengthening existing excellent relations between Ethiopia and Algeria. A number of agreements and memoranda of understanding (MoU) are due to be signed at the conclusion of the meeting, in a bid to further reinforce the bilateral cooperation in political, economic and social frontiers.
Just ahead of the JMEC, Ethiopian and Algerian experts have been tasked with reviewing existing cooperation platforms and exploring ways of strengthening them further ahead, following which, both parties have finalized the preparation of a draft cooperation agreement.
Ethiopia and the Peoples Democratic Republic of Algeria have enjoyed long-standing relations for many years. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in the late 1960s, and particularly following the opening of the Algerian Embassy in Addis Ababa in 1976, and the establishment of an Ethiopian Embassy in Algiers in 2016, the two countries have steadily strengthened a relationship based on their common interests. The two countries have also been and are working closely together in regional and international fora.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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