Diplomats' Note

The 2nd IGAD-UN High Level Dialogue held in Kampala, Uganda

In this Edition

ugandaThe second IGAD-UN High-Level Dialogue was held in Kampala, Uganda at the end of last week (November 29-30), under the theme of “Deepening Partnership in a Changing Horn of Africa”. The main objective of the dialogue was to review the dynamic political changes in the Horn of Africa, and the growing involvement of the Gulf states in the region. Those attending included Uganda’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Oryem Okello; Ambassador Mahboub Maalim, Executive Secretary of IGAD; UN Assistant Secretary General for Department of Political Affairs Taye-Brook Zerihun; Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Djibouti, Chair of the IGAD Committee of Ambassadors, Ambassador Shamebo Fitamo;’ and Yibeltal Amero, Director General for Neighbouring countries and IGAD Affairs in Ethiopia’s Foreign Ministry as well as representatives from IGAD member countries and different UN levels.

Mr. Okello praised the on-going reform in Ethiopia that had encouraged positive changes in the region and welcomed the tripartite dialogue initiated by Prime Minister Abiy between Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia and the rapprochement between Eritrea and Djibouti. He also noted the positive contribution of the Prime Minister to the South Sudan peace process. He recommended close cooperation among member countries. Mr Taye-Brook Zerihun, strongly encouraged the on-going and positive political changes and normalization of relations among IGAD member countries. He stressed that this could help to create suitable platforms to enhance partnership between IGAD and the UN. He underlined that the UN was now discussing with IGAD to open an office in the region.

Ambassador Mahboub Maalim pointed out the recent positive developments in the region: the new chapter of Ethio-Eritrea relations, the rapprochement of Eritrea and Djibouti, the tripartite dialogue between Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea, the recent lifting of the sanctions on Eritrea and the situation in South Sudan following the recent peace agreement. He pointed out that the challenges currently facing the region were conflict, poverty, displacement, migration, human trafficking, terrorism and extremism, lack of good governance, climate change, the crisis in Yemen and growing involvement of international actors in the Red Sea area. He emphasized the need to strengthening multilateral space, increasing UN support in resolving outstanding issues, strengthening the IGAD-UN partnership, enhancing capacity of member states and the importance of dialogue between IGAD and the Gulf states.

Ambassador Shamebo Fitamo underlined the need for real empowerment of women and noted Ethiopia’s recent developments in this respect. He added that Ethiopia had also widened the political space, and was opening up the economy to ensure inclusive and participatory economic growth, increased employment opportunities and development. He underlined Ethiopia’s commitment to forge closer political, economic, social and security cooperation within the IGAD member states, pointing out that a new chapter of harmonization had started and called on all IGAD member countries to collaborate in this.

Concern was expressed over the possibilities of the conflict in the Gulf moving to the Horn of Africa, and it was suggested the UN could serve as a gateway for the region to deal with the Gulf problems. The meeting reached a consensus to support the positive changes in the Horn of Africa and further deepen cooperation of IGAD with the UN and other multilateral partners. In his closing remarks Ambassador Shamebo called for a predictable system of support for IGAD in terms of sustainable finance and capacity building to better address the challenges of the region. He said UN-IGAD cooperation was needed more than ever before to contribute for the betterment of the region and enhance close cooperation among IGAD member states.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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