Diplomats' Note

President Isaias’s visit to Nairobi and to Mogadishu

In this Edition

In Kenya, President Isaias was welcomed by Dr. Monica Juma, Kenyan Foreign Minister, at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport when he arrived for his two-day official visit on December 13. He was accompanied by Foreign Minister Osman Saleh, Presidential Advisor, Yemane Gebreab and the Director of the Office of the President, Mr. Amin Hassan.  

President Isaias held discussions with President Kenyatta on issues of common interests, including strengthening bilateral relations and regional peace and stability. The two leaders noted the potential opportunities of cooperation between Eritrea and Kenya. They agreed to work to develop their partnership in trade, investment and building peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. The two leaders had agreed to work jointly to lend support to the Federal government of Somalia to promote peace and stability there. They also agreed to coordinate their efforts for consolidation of the new positive climate ushered in the Horn of Africa. Eritrea’s Ministry of Information which described the talks, on bilateral ties and regional developments of mutual interest, as extensive, added that they had been “historic and fruitful.” 

President Isaias invited President Kenyatta to visit Asmara; and President Kenyatta accepted the invitation. He will make an official visit to Eritrea next month. This was the second visit of President Isaias to Kenya during President Kenyatta’s presidency. He e attencded ther attended the Golden Jubilee celebrations in Nairobi in 2013. Eritrea has an embassy in Nairobi but Kenya has yet to establish a mission in Asmara. 

Earlier, in Mogadishu, President Isaias held bilateral discussions with President Mohamed Abdullahi of Somalia. They agreed to strengthen relations through further cooperation in all areas of mutual benefit including trade, investment and people to people relations.  They also reaffirmed their commitment to enhance momentum in Horn of Africa cooperation with a focus on regional partnership for common development, progress and prosperity. 

In a joint statement, President Isaias said he welcomed and supported the Somali Government’s efforts to establish Somali-led security institutions with the ability to provide the peace and security that the people of Somalia needed and deserved. The two leaders underlined they were fully aware of the need for a comprehensive and coordinated approach to tackle the modern-day risks of terrorism and poverty. They agreed to continue to forge a strong partnership that benefited both nations and the Region. They emphasized that there are many common challenges ahead for which they would seek a common solution. They agreed to consolidate their mutual solidarity and support in addressing challenges that their nations face individually and collectively; and underlined that effective regional cooperation was crucial for overcoming the common obstacles of insecurity, terrorism, poverty and environmental degradation facing the Region. 

They also recognized that peace and stability in Somalia was in the interest of the Somali people and the Region as whole, pointing out that any attempt to derail the on-going momentum in the Region would undoubtedly hamper the progress Somalia was making towards peace and reconciliation. They were also united in objecting to the dissemination of any harmful, unsubstantiated and politically motivated misinformation. They called on all to contribute positively to peace and stability in Somalia. 

It was the fourth time President Isaias and President Mohamed have met in recent months. President Mohamed flew to Asmara on a three-day official visit last July when Eritrea and Somalia, re-established diplomatic and political ties. The first Tripartite Summit between the leaders of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia was September 5 in Asmara; and the second on November 9, in Bahir Dar, in Ethiopia. The Joint Declaration of the Second Tripartite Summit particularly emphasized “the importance of respecting the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Somalia as well as their firm support for the Somali people and the federal government of Somalia and all its institutions.”

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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