Diplomats' Note

Annual conference of Ambassadors and Consul-Generals

In this Edition

During the week, the conference sessions, and discussions led by the State Ministers, Mrs. Hirut Zemene, Dr. Markos Tekle, Dr. Aklilu Hailemichael and Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, shed light on different aspects of the progress, problems and challenges of the diplomatic missions and the Ministry. The discussions considered regional, global, and geopolitical trends affecting Ethiopia and its neighbors, reviewed the efforts of economic diplomacy and Diaspora engagement in country development.

State Minister Dr. Markos chaired a panel on trends influencing Ethiopia’s diplomatic stance in a highly interconnected, interdependent globalized world. The discussion considered the implementation of institutional reform, building a refurbished and active diplomacy to strengthen Ethiopia’s foreign relations with all nations on the basis of the core principles of mutual respect, mutual benefit, reciprocal trust and common interest. Participants provided ideas, exchanged views, shared information and best practices to engage Ethiopia’s active diplomatic activities to offer a better way forward to respond to current geopolitical trends for the country’s development.

State Minister Dr. Akililu Hailemichael and Permanent Secretary Ambassador Dewano Kedir chaired a panel discussion on Wednesday, focusing on the challenges of developing business activities in diplomatic missions. The discussions underlined the growing importance of economic diplomacy to attract foreign investment, tourism, and business, and considered the various of tools, methods and channels available to establish positive relationships with foreign government representatives, MNCs, and others stakeholders.  Economic diplomacy was considered further with stakeholders from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Investment Commission and the Ministry of Trade and Industry. This allowed for detailed scrutiny of possibilities, an exchange of ideas, information and best practices on how to best rejuvenate the instruments, methods and channels to trigger synergy across the board, and help propel economic growth through a multidimensional, multifaceted concerted effort.

State Minister Ambassador Birtukan Ayano and Permanent Secretary Ambassador Nega Tsegaye chaired discussions on the  structural reforms undertaken by Human Resource management, dealing with  recruitment, training, coaching, and performance appraisal and the developments to maximize high organizational performance.

Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu Wrapped up  the week-long panel discussion with Ambassadors and diplomats on Friday (January 18) and shed light on contemporary political dynamics of Ethiopia and its implication on foreign relations as well as in-depth look at prospects and challenges on Ethiopia’s economy in line with its economic diplomacy venture. He said, ” Ethiopia’s voice is heard loud and clear across the globe despite lingering and looming geopolitical and global trends,” adding: “Ethiopia’s impressive remarkable double digit economic growth in the entire continent has echoed our unparalleled commitment to eradicate poverty, deepen our democracy and sustain country development across the globe.”

Commending the sound institutional reforms made to replenish the Ministry’s overall posture and stamina, Dr. Workneh said, ” The institutional reform is part and parcel of our move to enhance, better equip and trigger confidence across the board to meet our vision and mission for the advancement of Ethiopia’s national interests.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a vision for a prosperous and sustainable Ethiopia fully integrated in a globalized and equitable world with a diplomatic network overseas providing greater visibility and outreach. It aims to become a leading diplomatic institution in Africa, with the ability and capacity to marshal strategic partners for the continent and the region, and plays a central role in the achievement of peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. This week’s discussions, accentuating the growing importance of economic diplomacy to attract foreign investment, tourism, and business, and defining the tools, methods and channels to establish positive relationships with foreign government and others stakeholders, will go a long way towards achieving the Ministry’s aims.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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