Diplomats' Note

The Foreign Ministry’s six-month Performance Report to Parliament

In this Edition

Foreign Minister Dr. Workneh presented six-monthly Performance Report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the House of the People’s Representatives on Tuesday (January 29). He detailed the institutional reforms being undertaken in recent months, the changes designed to renew and reinvigorate the Ministry’s overall activities and strengths. He said; “Despite lingering and looming regional and geopolitical challenges our visibility and outreach is tremendous. We are continuously and consistently refining our diplomatic mission to confidently promote our national interests and stimulate holistic economic development in a highly uncertain, and highly unpredictable global system.” Ethiopia, of course, currently has 46 embassies and 14 consulates abroad.

Minister Dr. Workneh pointed out the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had performed effectively and efficiently at an excellent pace, practically evaluating its mission and vision spear-headed by its economic diplomacy venture. He said: “We’re well aware of the challenges and opportunities as we navigate the globe to promote investment, trade and business with unflinching commitment to eradicate poverty, deepen our democracy and sustain national development.”

The Minister emphasized the series of diplomatic achievements that had occurred in recent months under the premiership of Dr. Abiy Ahmed. The work of the Prime Minister, he added, had provided the vital bedrock for “our performance towards achieving intended goals.”

Dr. Workneh also underlined the Ministry’s vision for a prosperous and sustainable Republic, fully integrated in a globalized and equitable world, and complementing its diplomatic network abroad for greater visibility and outreach and for the successful promotion of its economic diplomacy.

The Minister, underlining the considerable gains resulting from the diplomatic efforts over the past six months, expounded the diplomatic achievements underpinning relationships with neighboring countries and development partners. In a practical sense, he said, the Ministry had prepared 53 agreements to strengthen diplomatic relations with various countries. Of these, thirteen had been signed, and twenty-three others had been forwarded to Council of Ministers for approval. Legal recommendations had been made over the remaining seventeen.

The Ministry’s report was evaluated by the Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee of the House of People’s Representatives which praised the diplomatic achievements accomplished to secure and promote the national interests of the country over the last six months. The Standing Committee particularly welcomed the encouraging achievements of the Ministry in terms of restoring peace with Eritrea and elsewhere in the region, as well as its efforts in enhancing development cooperation and diplomatic relations with several countries. Another encouraging area was the work done in scaling up financial support for Ethiopia both with reference to the Diaspora and to diplomatic relations with different countries.

Members of the Standing Committee raised a number of questions to which the Minister replied, as well as indicating several areas which it would like to see further addressed. These included budget performance, audit findings and further cooperative negotiations with the Nile Basin Initiative countries


Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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