Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 10.5.2019

In this Edition

  A Week in the Horn                                                                        10.5.2019

News in Brief

Former President Dr. Negasso Gidada laid to rest with full state honours

The Third African Union-United Nations Annual Conference

The IGAD Council of Ministers meets in Juba to discuss South Sudan peace process

Foreign Minister Gedu Andargachew on a working visit to the Sudan

The 8th meeting of the Tana High-level Forum on Security in Africa 

Japan’s Foreign Minister visits Ethiopia

Eritrea’s Foreign Minister on a visit to China

Ethiopia at the Beijing International Horticulture Expo 2019

News in brief

Africa and the African Union

UN Secretary-General António Guterres and African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki chaired the Third African Union-United Nations Annual Conference in New York on Monday (May 6).  It welcomed cooperation and collaboration in implementation of joint frameworks. It agreed to continue to deepen the strategic partnership for peace and security to help implement the AU initiative on ‘Silencing the Guns’ by 2020, as well as to work for sustainable development in Africa including the need for greater efforts to harness Africa’s youth dividend, through investment in health, education, data, science and technology. (See article)

The EU has said it plans to hold a major Regional Economic Conference to Foster Peace and Development in Eastern Africa. The EU charge d’affaires to Somalia, Fulgencio Garrido Ruiz said at the weekend that the focus of the planned conference would be “regional infrastructure in the energy and transport sectors; trade, including the development of the financing sector, value chains and the regulatory environment; and human capital development through the improvement of education and skills.” The conference, to be jointly organized with the World Bank and the Ethiopian government, would be held in July in Addis Ababa.

The IMF Regional Economic Outlook issued on Friday (May 3) in Addis Ababa, says Sub-Saharan Africa’s average growth is expected to increase from 3% in 2018 to 3.5% in 2019 and 3.7% in 2020.  Non-resource-intensive countries are expected to continue growing rapidly at an average of about 6.3% in 2019-20 with Ethiopia, the region’s third largest economy, expected to see growth accelerate to 7.7%. According to the IMF report, growth will remain driven mainly by rapid public investment and private consumption particularly in the western and eastern parts of the region.


Former President of Ethiopia, Dr. Negasso Gidada, who died in Germany on Saturday April 27, was given a state funeral on Sunday (May 5) attended by President Sahle-Work Zewde, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, ministers, senior government officials and family and friends, as well as ambassadors, representatives of regional and international organizations, and residents of Addis Ababa. Dr. Negasso was President from 1995 to 2001. May 6 was declared a day of national mourning. (See article)

Ethiopian Patriots Memorial Day was celebrated on May 5 across the country with presentations on the historical background and the significance of the day for Ethiopia and for the Pan-African Movement and the struggle against colonialism. It commemorates the victory over Italian Fascism in 1941. It was a victory achieved because Ethiopians of all walks of life united and fought together against their enemy – a life-lesson for current Ethiopia’s generations to come together and contribute their part for the betterment of their country.

President Sahle-Work Zewde opened the eighth Tana High Level Forum on Security in Africa in Bahr Dar at the end of last week (May 3-4). Other prominent figures attending Forum, whose theme was “Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa: Nurturing the Emerging Peace Trends”, included Moussa Faki, Chairperson of the African Union, Ghana’s former President John Dramani Mahama, Somalia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Mahdi Mohamed Guled and Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Gedu Andargatchew. (See article)

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed met with Japan’s Foreign Minister Taro Kono on a visit to Addis Ababa on Sunday (May 5.) They discussed bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual concern. Foreign Minister Kono also held talks with State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Markos Tekle, and with AU officials. (See article)

Foreign Minister, Gedu Andargachew, headed a high-level delegation on a two-day working visit to Khartoum over the weekend, May 4-5. He held talks with Lt. General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, Chairman of the Transitional Military Council and with representatives of the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change. He affirmed that Ethiopia stands in solidarity with the people of Sudan and supports their aspirations based on the principles of non-interference and respect for sovereignty. (See article)

Foreign Minister, Gedu Andargachew, in Juba for the 67th Extraordinary Session of the IGAD Council of Ministers, also met with President Salva Kiir on Wednesday (May 8). (See article)

State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Aklilu Hailemichael met Mr. Simon Lovegrove, MHealth Company Representative on Tuesday (May 07) to discuss building a private Non-Communicable Hospital in Addis Ababa. MHealth is a British Healthcare management company with experience of healthcare services in many countries. Dr. Aklilu said the company’s interest to invest in Ethiopia is line with “our national health policy.”

State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Markos Tekle received a copy of the credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador of Hungary to Ethiopia, Ambassador Attila Tamas Koppany on Tuesday (May 7). Dr. Markos underlined the importance of strengthening bilateral ties between the two friendly countries.

Ethiopia is participating at the Beijing International Horticulture Expo 2019 showcasing its floriculture and coffee products as well as promoting tourism and cultural heritage attractions. The Beijing Expo 2019 is the world’s largest horticultural show and is expected to attract 16 million visitors from all over the world during its six months run. (See article)

Ambassador Zenebe Kebede, Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to UNOG and other International Organizations in Switzerland held discussions with Mr. Mark Lowcock Under-Secretary -General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief and head of OCHA on Monday (May 7). He appreciated the support of OCHA in responding to humanitarian emergencies in Ethiopia and called on OCHA to increase efforts to meet the $1.3 billion needed to respond to the 8.9 million people who need emergency aid, noting that only $75 million has been funded so far. Mr. Lowcock also underlined OCHA’s commitment to intensify efforts to mobilize resources to respond to the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan.

Ethiopian Ambassadors and diplomats to six African countries (Djibouti, Egypt, Kenya, Sudan and South Africa) have been attending a seminar in Pretoria, South Africa, organized by the Ethiopian Diaspora Agency. The seminar was organized to consider how to effectively mobilize members of the Ethiopian Diaspora in these countries to work for the socio-economic progress of Ethiopia and to safeguard the rights of the Diaspora.

Ethiopian fruits and vegetable companies are promoting their products at this year’s Rimini-Italy International Fruits and Vegetables Exhibition (MACFRUT 2019), being held this week (May 8-10). Italy’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Emanuela Claudia Del Re, along with Ethiopia’s State Ministers for Trade and Industry, and Agriculture, together with Ambassador Zenebu Tadesse, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Italy, took part in the inauguration ceremony for the African Pavilion at the Ethiopian Stand. The exhibition, which attracts more than 1600 exhibitors and companies from around the world, provides an opportunity to establish links between producers, suppliers, and buyers of fresh fruits and vegetables in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.


President Ismail Omar Guelleh, at the mid-point of his current five-year term, announced a ministerial reshuffle on Sunday (May 5). Prime Minister Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed remains unchanged as do Ali Guelleh Aboubaker, Minister for Investment, Mahamoud Ali Youssouf at Foreign Affairs and Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh at Economy. Ali Hassan Bahdon moves from Defence to Justice; Hassan Omar Mohamed Bourhan from Interior to Defence, and Moumin Ahmed Sheikh from Justice to Interior. There is a new minister for the Budget and some ministries have been reorganized including Social Affairs, Housing and Youth and Sports.


Foreign Minister Osman Saleh headed an Eritrean delegation for a three-day working visit to China at the end of last week. He met a number of government officials and heads of enterprises during his visit and held talks with Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday (May 6) in Beijing. (See article)


Kenya and the United States agreed on Wednesday to deepen economic ties, promote opportunities for US businesses and enhance joint efforts to “degrade Al-Shabaab.” This was announced at the end of a two-day “bilateral strategic dialogue” in Washington. Foreign Minister Monica Juma led the Kenyan delegation in the discussions with senior State Department officials. Both sides committed to enhance counterterrorism, defense, and maritime surveillance security cooperation through intelligence sharing and capacity building. They signed an updated “Security Governance Joint Country Action Plan” to enhance bilateral cooperation on anti-corruption efforts, and the US agreed to work with Kenya to help ensure that refugees have access to health care, education, and jobs.


President Mohamed Abdullahi conveyed his greetings to all citizens at the start of Ramadan and called on all responsible citizens to work closely with security agencies during the holy month. He also instructed officers in the security agencies to improve their relations with members of the public. President Abdullahi urged the public to bolster unity while helping the less fortunate, the poor and the needy in the country.

President Mohamed Abdullahi, meeting with Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister for African Affairs, Hamdi Sanad Loza in Mogadishu at the beginning of the week, underlined the importance of the ties binding both countries. Egypt is the current chair of the African Union and has shown its interest in boosting cooperation at the bilateral level in a number of countries. Mr. Loza’s visit to Somalia was part of a tour of the Horn of Africa which included Kenya and on Tuesday (May 7) and a visit to Somaliland.

President Mohamed Abdullahi and Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre met with the leaders of Somalia’s Federal Member States this week. The meeting which started on Sunday (May 5) discussed a number of issues including ways of strengthening relations and cooperation between the Federal and State governments in the fight against Al-Shabaab and ISIS.

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), on Monday (May 6) called for a scaling up of humanitarian response in Somalia to help avert a food crisis resulting from the severe drought affecting the country. The NRC said below average rains since October 2018 have resulted in deterioration of the humanitarian situation, leaving an estimated 2.2 million people, almost half of whom are internally displaced persons, in urgent need of food. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has also warned that conditions had led to an increase in the number of people designated as “food insecure” in Somalia since October 2018. Worst affected areas include Somaliland, and Puntland, Mudug, Hiiraan, Galgadud and Bay regions.

South Sudan

IGAD Council of Ministers meeting in Juba on Tuesday (May 8) endorsed the six-month extension for the pre-transition period agreed by all the parties during their meeting in Addis Ababa last week. It called on all parties to speed up implementation of the remaining tasks, and emphasized that this extended timeline was non-renewable. It authorized further efforts to persuade non-signatories to sign up to the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan, and recommended the lifting of any restrictions on Dr. Machar. It also called for more international support. (See article) 


The African Union and the United Nations underlined their support for a civilian-led transitional government in Sudan. AU Commission Chairman Moussa Faki said after meeting with U.N. Secretary-General Guterres in New York on Monday (May 6) that there was no question of sustaining the military council, though military members could be part of a civilian government. The communique issued after the AU-UN annual meeting said it welcomed “AU-led efforts to facilitate a consensual and civilian-led transition, in close coordination with the U.N.”


 Former President Dr. Negasso Gidada laid to rest with full state honours

 Former President of Ethiopia, Dr. Negasso Gidada, died in Germany on Saturday April 27, 2019 after suffering health problems. He was 76.  Negasso Gidada Solon was born on September 3, 1943, in Dembi Dolo, the son of Gidada Solon, one of the first local ministers of a Protestant church in western Ethiopia. A prominent politician, he was President of Ethiopia from 1995 until 2001.

Dr. Negasso studied History at the Haile Selassie I University (now Addis Ababa University) from 1966 to 1971. He then served for three years as a school director and history teacher in Aira, in Western Wallaga, before leaving for Germany in October 1974 where he lived until July 1991. He studied history in the department of Ethnology at the J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt. During this period, he became one of the earliest members of Oromo Liberation Front, one of the organizations opposed to the then military regime in Ethiopia. Following the 1991 regime change in Ethiopia, Dr. Negasso returned to Ethiopia and joined the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization, now the Oromo Democratic Party ODP, one of the four coalition members of the ruling party, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).

Following his return to Ethiopia, Dr. Negasso was appointed Minister of Information in the then Transitional Government. He also became a member of the Constitutional Drafting Committee, tasked with drafting a new Constitution for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. He also served as Chairman of the Constitutional Assembly which adopted the constitution in 1995. The same year, he became the first Head of State of the FDRE on August 22nd. One of his first tasks was to sign the proclamation that adopted the final copy of the constitution

After his term of office ended, Dr. Negasso continued in politics. In 2008, he became a founding member of the Forum for Democratic Dialogue, a coalition of opposition parties and activists. In November 2009, had joined the Unity for Democracy and Justice Party (UDJ), one of the eight parties in the FDD.

Dr. Negasso Gidada body was flown back from Germany on Saturday and was taken to lie in state at the Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa for people to pay their respects before the funeral. He was laid to rest on Sunday (May 5) with full state honours at the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Addis Ababa. The funeral ceremony was attended by high-level government officials, including President Sahle-Work Zewde, the Speaker of the House of People’s Representatives, Tagesse Chafo, the Speaker of the House of Federation, Keria Ibrahim, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Deputy Prime Minister, Demeke Mekonnen, the Deputy President of the Oromia Regional State, Shimelis Abdisa, ministers, senior government officials and his family and friends, as well as ambassadors, representatives of regional and international organizations, members of the diplomatic corps and residents of the city.

President Sahle-Work said, “Dr. Negasso will always be remembered for his honesty, integrity and love of his country. She said: “He fought for the freedom and equality of Ethiopians, and to the promotion of democracy in Ethiopia towards creating a better and unified Ethiopia.” President Sahle-Work, hailing his patriotism and love of his country, urged Ethiopians from all walks of life to emulate his patriotic character for the betterment of the country.

Monday, May 6, was declared as a national day of mourning by Parliament with flags flown at half-mast across the country, and in Ethiopian embassies and consulates abroad.


 The Third African Union-United Nations Annual Conference

UN Secretary-General António Guterres and African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki convened the Third African Union-United Nations Annual Conference in New York on Monday (May 6). They welcomed the strong cooperation and collaboration between the two organizations, particularly in implementation of the “UN-AU Joint Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security” and the “AU-UN Framework for the Implementation of Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. They agreed to continue to deepen the strategic partnership between the two organizations in addressing peace and security issues and achieving sustainable development issues in Africa through a more integrated approach. Discussions covered continued collaboration in implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area, and other instruments, including the Free Movement Protocol and the Single African Air Transport Market. These have significant potential to boost regional integration, strengthen inclusive economic growth, generate jobs for youth, and alleviate poverty. The Conference agreed on the need for greater efforts to harness Africa’s youth dividend, notably with investments in health, education, data, science and technology.

The Secretary-General and the Chairperson agreed to greater collaboration in conflict prevention and sustaining peace to reinforce joint efforts to implement the AU initiative on ‘Silencing the Guns’ by 2020. They agreed to joint and decisive action to overcome identified challenges. They noted progress made in implementation of the Joint Declaration on Cooperation for AU peace support operations signed in December 2018 last year and encouraged further efforts for implementation. The Conference reviewed current challenges to peace, security and development in Africa, including Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Horn of Africa, Libya, Mali and the Sahel, Sudan and South Sudan.  It agreed to jointly increase support, in cooperation with Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms, for peace, security, development initiatives and stabilization efforts.  It urged robust action by the international community to address the root causes of crises, and alleviate the humanitarian crises and risks, as well as to strengthen resilience in vulnerable communities.

The Conference welcomed “positive developments in the Horn of Africa, and agreed on the need to reinforce ongoing collective efforts to consolidate peace and security”. On Sudan, the Secretary-general and the Commissioner welcomed and expressed support to the AU-led efforts to facilitate a consensual and civilian-led transition, in close coordination with the UN. They urged all stakeholders to engage in an inclusive dialogue to meet the aspirations of the Sudanese people for democracy, good governance and development. They called upon all concerned to exercise maximum restraint and expressed their strong resolve to work together to ensure peaceful transition and sustainable peace throughout Sudan. On South Sudan, they expressed their continued engagement in support of the implementation of the peace agreement. They called upon the parties to redouble their efforts to ensure the full implementation of the R-ARCSS, particularly the formation of Transitional Government of National Unity, to adhere to the permanent ceasefire and security sector reform. They reaffirmed the continued commitment of UN and AU to support, in close coordination with IGAD, the achievement of a fair, inclusive and sustainable peace for the people of South Sudan.

The final communiqué emphasized the importance of taking decisive and immediate action on climate change, and highlighted the Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit as critical to mobilize needed partnerships, resources and showcase concrete action and implementation of the Paris Agreement. The conference called on all stakeholders to come to the Summit with ambitious and realistic plans in line with the requirement of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. The Secretary-general and the AU Commission Chair agreed to further strengthen UN/AU cooperation on adaptation for climate change ahead of the Summit and beyond. They urged further efforts to harness both public and private finance to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063, and stressed greater momentum would be needed to meet the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. They agreed that the September 2019 SDG Summit and related meetings provide a unique opportunity to push for greater integration of the two Agendas. They acknowledged the important role of technology and digital identity as a transformative force for African economies. They also welcomed strengthened cooperation and continuous efforts to promote gender parity and women’s leadership.

In remarks after the Summit, the UN Secretary-General also stressed two points. One was that the world was not winning the battle on climate change. More must be done on mitigation, adaptation, and in financing to create the conditions to reverse present trends. Secondly, he underlined that the UN and the AU’s common project, the AU Agenda 2063 and the UN Agenda 2030, needed “a quantum leap in available financing” particularly for Africa. He described development in Africa as a fundamental precondition for more equilibrium, for more peace in the world, for handling problems like migration. So, he said, the AU and the UN should work hand in hand on these two battles, climate change and financing for development

The Conference communiqué underscored the importance of addressing the root causes of crises through the peace, security and development nexus. It called for a continued integrated approach to promoting peace and security and upholding human rights as a foundation for sustainable development. It welcomed the declaration by the AU on the 2019 Theme of the Year “Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Durable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa”. It noted that there are no humanitarian but only political solutions to humanitarian crises. It emphasized the need for shared responsibility at both the continental and global levels and agreed to work together to advance this agenda.

The Secretary-General and the Chairperson agreed to convene the Fourth AU-UN Annual Conference in Addis Ababa in 2020.


 The IGAD Council of Ministers meets in Juba to discuss South Sudan peace process

 The IGAD Council of Ministers held its 67th Extraordinary Session in Juba on Tuesday this week, (May 7) under the chairmanship of Gedu Andargachew, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister and chair of the IGAD Council of Ministers. The meeting was called to deliberate on the status of implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS) and the way forward. It aimed to take stock of the progress made in the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement and the challenges encountered in meeting some of the key timelines and benchmarks.

The meeting was attended by Sam Kutesa, Uganda’s Foreign Minister; Nhial Deng Nhial, Foreign Minister of South Sudan; Mrs. Hirut Zemene, Ethiopia’s State Minister for Foreign Affairs;  Abdulkadir Ahmedkheyr Abdi, Somalia’s State Minister for Foreign Affairs; Ababu Namwamba, Kenya’s Chief Administrative Secretary for Foreign Affairs; Mohamed Ali Hassan, Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Djibouti; and Ismail Wais, IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan.

Foreign Minister Gedu Andargachew reminded participants of the meeting of the parties to the Revitalized Agreement under the auspices of IGAD, held in Addis Ababa last week to review the status of implementation of the pre-transitional tasks and identify continuing challenges. He commended the parties for their commitment to reach a consensus to extend the pre-transitional period for six months to allow for the full implementation of the critical pending tasks. The Minister also underlined the importance of developing a clear roadmap and implementation schedules for these tasks.

Referring to the issue of finance, Minister Gedu commended the Transitional Government of National Unity for its pledge to commit US$100 million to expedite the implementation of the pending tasks. This, he said, would encourage regional and international partners to provide support to the process. He noted that despite the challenges and delays in meeting some of the timelines and benchmarks, progress had been made since the signing of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, including establishment and reconstitution of the necessary agreement institutions and implementation mechanisms for the Pre-Transitional Period as well as improvements in the implementation of the Permanent Ceasefire. He hoped that by the end of the meeting the Council “would be able to agree on the right course of action to help the process move forward.”

The Council heard reports from the IGAD Special Envoy for South Sudan, the Interim Chairperson of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) and the Secretary of the National Pre-Transitional Committee (NPTC). Following extensive deliberations, it commended the Parties to the R-ARCSS for the progress made so far in the implementation of the Peace Agreement, including the adherence to the permanent ceasefire, the establishment and reconstitution of key institutions and mechanisms of the Agreement, and the ongoing process of confidence building.

The Council endorsed the requests of the Parties to extend the Pre-Transitional Period for six months effective from May 12. It directed that all necessary steps should be taken to expedite the implementation of the remaining pending tasks within this extended and non-renewable timeline. It called on all responsible bodies to implement all the remaining recommendations, in accordance with their respective competencies. It also called upon all non-signatory groups to urgently reconsider their positions, renounce rebellion and choose the path of peace by immediately joining the implementation of the R-ARCSS 2018. In this context, the Council authorized the Special Envoy to conduct one final round of engagement with the non-signatory groups, in particular with General Thomas Cirillo Swaka of the National Salvation Front (NAS) and with General Paul Malong Awan, to persuade non-signatories to join in the implementation of the R-ARCSS or face consequences.

The Council, recalling the decision of the 33rd Extra-Ordinary Summit of the IGAD Heads of State and Government Assembly that Dr. Riek Machar, Chairman of the SPLM/A-IO is free to travel and reside in any country of his choice within the IGAD Member States until the final determination of his status, and taking into account the fact that Dr. Machar had participated in the peace process in a positive manner, recommended to the Summit that it should lift any restrictions on Dr. Machar.

The Council urged the Parties to immediately reconstitute the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Commission without further delay and operationalize the cantonment/barracking of all forces as well as expedite the training, unification and deployment of necessary forces. It demanded that all Parties to the R-ARCSS guarantee the Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) free movement and unfettered access to implement its monitoring and verification mandate. It said action would be taken against any persons or institutions impeding CTSAMVM work.

The Council recognized the support already extended by the International Partners and Friends of South Sudan for the implementation of the R-ARCSS. It appealed for more support to enable the full and timely implementation of the Peace Agreement. It also emphasized that IGAD Member States should urgently consider and extend any available technical and other support required by the security related institutions and mechanisms of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan.


 Foreign Minister Gedu Andargachew on a working visit to the Sudan

Ethiopian Foreign Minister, Gedu Andargachew, headed a high-level delegation on a two-day working visit to Khartoum over the weekend, May 4-5. It was the Minister’s first visit abroad since his recent appointment and it was a clear testimony that Ethiopia stands in solidarity with the people of Sudan at this critical juncture in their history.

During his visit, the Foreign Minister held productive talks with Lt. General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, Chairman of the Transitional Military Council and with representatives of the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change who are currently negotiating over the details of establishing a transitional government in the Sudan.  Minister Gedu reaffirmed to both parties that Ethiopia stands in solidarity with the people of Sudan and supports their aspirations based on the principles of non-interference and respect for sovereignty. The Minister, who underscored that the transition process should be inclusive, stressed the people of Sudan were capable of handling their internal affairs by themselves without external interference. He also emphasized that Ethiopia as Chair of IGAD would make every effort to work closely with the AU and the international community at large to support peaceful and inclusive transition process in the Sudan.

Hosting the Minister in the presidential palace, Lt. General Al Burhan, praised Ethiopia and its people for their support at this delicate time and appreciated the strong and historic relations between the two sisterly countries. He thanked Minister Gedu for support given by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and the warm welcome extended to the Military Council delegation on its visit to Addis Ababa last month. He emphasized that Ethiopia and its people were the closest to Sudan and stressed that the strong and historic relations between the two sisterly countries would continue regardless of changes in government. The representatives of the Forces of Declaration of Freedom and Change also appreciated Ethiopia’s support and solidarity with the people of Sudan.

The African Union Peace and Security Council has now given sixty days for the Transitional Military Council to hand over power to a civilian government, following the removal of Sudan’s long serving President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir on April 11 following four months of demonstrations across the country. As current chair of IGAD and a sisterly country that shares not only borders but people and long ties with Sudan, Ethiopia is expected to play a significant role and make every effort to work closely with the African Union and the international community to support a peaceful and inclusive transition process in the Sudan. While in Khartoum, Minister Gedu also held talks with Mohamed El Hacen Lebatt, the African Union Special Envoy to the Sudan regarding the current situation in the country.

During his visit, the Minister also visited a safe house run by the Ethiopian Community in Khartoum. This is a shelter and rehabilitation center for Ethiopian orphans and also provides medical assistance for sick and victims of human trafficking waiting to be repatriated.


 The 8th meeting of the Tana High-level Forum on Security in Africa 

The eighth Tana High Level Forum on Security in Africa was held in Bahr Dar at the end of last week (May 3-4). Well-attended with participants drawn from government, politicians, academia, and think-tanks, those present included President Sahle-Work Zewde, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Moussa Faki, Chairperson of the African Union, the former President of Ghana and current Chairperson of the Board of Tana Forum, John Dramani Mahama, Somalia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Mahdi Mohamed Guled and Foreign Minister Gedu Andargatchew. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was also represented by State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Hirut Zemene, and relevant department heads and experts. The Forum is an important platform for discussion of new insights on peace and security matters, providing ample opportunities for dialogue with all stakeholders and listen to different perspectives.

This year’s theme was the timely topic of “Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa: Nurturing the Emerging Peace Trends”. This issue was widely explored against the background of the ground-breaking Ethio-Eritrea peace rapprochement last year. Many reflected on the positive spill-over effects of the peace deal for the entire region, including its encouragement of talks between Djibouti and Eritrea and between Somalia and Eritrea. It was seen as a manifestation that regional peace projects can and do play a key role in encouraging and building regional political, economic and social collaboration. The deal also encouraged the United Nations to unanimously lift its longstanding sanctions on Eritrea. With Eritrea emerging from decades of international isolation, Asmara can once more be expected to play an active role in both IGAD and the AU. Another important and positive recent development has been the signing of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (RARCSS) last September.

The Ethiopia-Eritrea peace deal certainly offered an opportunity to expand IGAD’s role as a regional mechanism. As a Regional Economic Community (REC), IGAD is responsible for pursuing economic integration and development as a major tool of conflict prevention and a foundation for long lasting peace, and part from reducing internal frictions between and among countries in the region, a more regional outlook helps to address global issues collectively rather than individually, and allow individual states to withstand external manipulation. There has been keen interest to promote a regional approach to investment and security to safeguard against excessive outside influence. The region also continues to face geostrategic issues over the Red Sea and in the Middle East and is of strategic interest for international powers, including China, the EU, Russia and the US as well as for various Arab states, Turkey and others.

Despite these developments, there was agreement that the region continues to face considerable challenges to security in the form of internal fragility and displacement, a lack of inclusive governance, and the emergence of ethnicity as a political issue.  Achieving inclusive forms of governance through dialogue, fair elections, and a respect for human rights, continues to be a work in progress

Panel discussions held under various topics of the Horn considered issues of regional integration, the case of migration and prospects of peace in the Horn of Africa. Linkages between economic integration and security, geopolitical dynamics of the Horn of Africa and peacekeeping operations in the Horn were some of the thematic issues that drew interesting debates and discussions among participants. State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Hirut Zemene, moderated a panel discussion on Emerging Trends in the Horn of Africa: The Case of Migration. Panelists were State Minister of the Ministry of Peace, Zeynu Jemal; Norway’s Ambassador to the African Union, Ambassador Morten Aasland; Director of the International Organization for Migration Office in New York, Ashraf El Nour; and Professor of Politics at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in Qatar Professor Abdelwahab El-Affendi.

Opening the Forum, President Sahle-Work Zewde, hailed the recent tremendous developments in the Horn of Africa as opening a new chapter to fully utilize the opportunities available. The transformational changes happening in Ethiopia, she said, had played a pivotal role to fundamentally change the dynamics of the region, but there were still challenges to face on governance and socio- economic development. At the concluding session, the president commended what she called “the active and fruitful participation and exchange of ideas’ on the theme of Political Dynamics in the Horn of Africa: Nurturing the Emerging Peace Trends. She stressed that the only way forward to sustain the peace that had been achieved was through continuous consultation and cooperation among member states of the region.

Former President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama also reviewed the results of the Forum, underlining the importance of sustainable peace for Africa’s overall development. He stressed that cooperation and dialogue should be the guiding principles of addressing issues in the Horn of Africa and emphasized that shared goals and long-term strategies would lead to durable solutions for the challenges facing the region.


Japan’s Foreign Minister visits Ethiopia

 Japan’s Foreign Minister Taro Kono visited Ethiopia last weekend, May 4-5. During his stay in Ethiopia, he held consultations with State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Markos Tekle, and paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

The consultations held with Ambassador Markos Tekle also included representatives from the Ministry of Finance and focused on deepening and strengthening bilateral development assistance between the two countries as well as cooperation on regional and international issues of mutual concern. The two sides agreed to work together in promoting trade and investment and encouraging new areas of cooperation.

State Minister Dr. Marcos praised the long-standing relationship between Ethiopia and Japan, noting that Japan was a major development partners for Ethiopia, and thanking Japan for the development assistance it had extended to Ethiopia. He also briefed Mr. Kono on the political and economic reforms Ethiopia has embarked on under Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, including the widening of political space, the expansion of media freedom and institutional capacity building.

Foreign Minister Kono emphasized his pleasure in visiting Ethiopia and commended the politico-economic reforms Ethiopia was undertaking. He said Japan fully supported Ethiopia’s efforts. He stressed the importance of enhancing trade and investment ties between Ethiopia and Japan. This would lay a strong foundation for mutually shared benefits to flourish between their peoples. He strongly commended Ethiopia´s constructive role in maintaining peace and security in Africa in general and in the Horn of Africa in particular, including its contribution to peace keeping forces for the region and more widely. He also appreciated the role of Ethiopia, as chair of IGAD, on the realization of the Revitalized peace agreement in South Sudan last September. Mr. Kono underlined Japan’s commitment to collaborate with Ethiopia and other stakeholders to encourage peace and prosperity in the region.

Mr. Kono also gave details of preparations underway regarding the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD), whose seventh edition (TICAD-7) will take place in Yokohama from August 28-30, 2019.  He noted this would deliberate on private sector engagement to foster sustainable development of Africa in addition to focusing on peace and security matters. TICAD is a multilateral forum in which international agencies and financial institutions coordinate with African countries for the development of the continent. Dr. Markos appreciated TICAD as being the earliest initiative focused on advancing Africa’s development. He expressed Ethiopia’s commitment to partner with the government of Japan in fostering TICAD and hoped the upcoming summit would provide a platform for Japanese investors to better understand the investment opportunities in Africa.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed met with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono on May 5. They discussed bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual concern. Mr. Kono extended an invitation from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for Prime Minister Abiy to attend the TICAD-7 Summit and to make an official visit to Japan. He also expressed the Japanese Government’s support of Ethiopia’s domestic reforms and efforts to bring peace in the region, praising Prime Minister Abiy’s role in normalizing ties with neighboring Eritrea and underlining Japan’s willingness to help the two nations maintain peace. Prime Minister Abiy, who praised TICAD’s role in Africa’s development, acknowledged Japan’s contribution to Ethiopia as a development partner and shared Mr. Kono’s interest in continued cooperation in human capacity building, trade and investment.

Ethiopia was the last leg of Mr. Taro Kono’s trip to Africa. He has previously visited Angola and South Sudan.  While in Ethiopia, he also held talks with the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Thomas Kwesi Quartey, at AU headquarters. The AU is one of the co-organizers of TICAD.


 Eritrea’s Foreign Minister on a visit to China

Foreign Minister Osman Saleh headed an Eritrean delegation, which included Presidential Adviser Yemane Gebreab for a three-day working visit to China at the end of last week. Foreign Minister Osman and Presidential Adviser Yemane met a number of government officials and heads of enterprises during their visit and held talks with Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday (May 6) in Beijing.

Mr. Wang Yi said that China and Eritrea were traditional friends and had always enjoyed mutual understanding and support on issues concerning each other’s core interests and major concerns. He said China was willing, together with the Eritrean side, to enhance their exchanges, increase understanding, and deepen mutual trust to achieve common development. He pointed out that African countries had taken an active part in the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in September last year and the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation last month. These were helping to strengthen integration and implement outcomes to achieve common development under the frameworks of the FOCAC Beijing Summit and the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.  In these circumstances, he said, practical bilateral cooperation needed to catch up with the impressive trend of developing China-Africa cooperation. Mr. Wang Yi said China was willing to share development opportunities with Eritrea to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. It was happy to see the improvements in the situation in the Horn of Africa, and it was willing to continue to play a constructive role in this regard. He emphasized that China’s relationship with African countries was based on non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, and stressed that China agreed with the proposition that African issues should be resolved by Africa. China stood ready to work with African countries including Eritrea to jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.

Foreign minister Saleh conveyed President Isaias Afwerki’s sincere greetings and best wishes to President Xi Jinping. He said that as developing countries, Eritrea and China shared similar experiences and both had always firmly supported each other. China was a long-term and true friend, and Minister Osman said China was welcome to play a positive role in promoting peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. The comprehensive development achievements China had made were important contributions to the world. Eritrea stood ready to advance exchanges and cooperation in diplomacy, economy, society, culture and other fields, as well as enhance communication and coordination in international and regional affairs. This would encourage a partnership between Eritrea and China for sustained, sound and stable development. Both sides exchanged views on international and regional issues of common concern.


Ethiopia at the Beijing International Horticulture Expo 2019

Ethiopia’s floriculture and coffee commodities are currently being showcased at the Beijing International Horticulture Expo 2019 which is being held in Yanqing District of Beijing, China. The Beijing Expo 2019 aims to create a new horizon for world horticulture and new model of ecological civilization. Being held in a huge park of over 500 hectares, at the foot of the world famous Great Wall of China, Beijing Expo 2019 is the world’s largest horticultural show. During its six-month run, the Beijing Expo is expected to attract 16 million visitors from all over the world. Over 110 countries, including Ethiopia, are exhibiting floricultural and horticultural products and promoting their tourism attractions and cultural heritage.

Officially inaugurated on April 28, 2019 in a ceremony attended by leaders of various countries including President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China, the Expo was timed to open at the end of the second Belt and Road summit. In his opening address, President Xi emphasized the importance of green development and ecological civilization through the development of horticulture industry. The Ethiopian delegation was led by Minister of Agriculture, Oumer Hussien.

Ethiopia is exhibiting its flowers and coffee as well as its extensive networks of tourist attractions to the Chinese public and to the world. Commenting on the exuberant mood of visitors of Ethiopian pavilion, Ethiopian Ambassador to China, Ambassador Teshome Toga, said that “the platform unfolds a new prospect and vitality for Ethiopia’s horticultural commodities and tourist attractions to penetrate the huge China’s market.” He added that the theme of the Expo, “Live Green, Live Better”, closely aligned with Ethiopia’s own Climate Resilient Green Economy strategy. In an interview given to the People’s Daily, Minister Oumer Hussien said “President Xi’s speech was inspirational in the sense that creating harmonious relationship between humankind and nature is a necessity and commonly shared by all countries, and we need to treat nature in a sustainable manner to ensure the future of the next generation.”

Ethiopian horticultural development for the export of flowers, fruit and vegetables, favoured by the country’s suitable climate, has been one of its major success stories of recent years. The sector has attracted a huge investment flow and had been steadily penetrating international markets over the last two decades. Mainly driven by the expanding middle classes’ strong level of consumer confidence, backed by a younger generation who see cut flowers as part of daily life, China is becoming the largest potential marketplace of horticultural products. Expo 2019 marks a new chapter and will help to open doors for Ethiopian horticulture producers and exporters to translate their global market successes into action on China as well.

Ethiopia’s theme for Expo 2019 is “13 Months of Green Production”, portraying a picture of sustainable, harmonious and eco-friendly horticulture, produced all the year round. During the first week of the Expo, the Ethiopian pavilion caught the eyes of more than 7,000 visitors who were impressed by the colourful flowers on display and the traditional coffee ceremony. Over the next months, Ethiopia will now be organizing a series of colourful cultural performances in China to add a further dimension to the cultural and other attractions on display.

Beijing International Horticulture Expo 2019, the world’s premium horticultural exhibition, is approved by International Association of Horticultural Producers and held under the auspices of International Bureau of Exhibitions, with the support of the Government of China. Ethiopia’s participation in this Expo is being overseen by a National Steering Committee composed of various government and private entities, and State Minister of Agriculture, Aynalem Nigusie, nominated as a Commissioner-General for Ethiopia’s Pavilion. A delegation of Ethiopian commercial horticultural farmers, led by Zelalem Mesele, the President of Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association, also attended the Expo.



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Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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