Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 14.6.2019

In this Edition

A Week in the Horn                                                                                      14.6.2019

News in Brief

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy and Sudan mediation

President Isaias in Egypt to hold talks with President al-Sisi

The African Union Peace and Security Council discusses South Sudan

A Senior Officials’ Meeting for TICAD in Addis Ababa

The Ethiopian Peace and Reconciliation Commission in a Comparative Learning Trip in Kenya

 News in Brief 

Africa and the African Union

A Senior Officials Meeting for the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) was convened at African Union Headquarters this week (June 10-11), to discuss preparations for the seventh TICAD leaders’ summit due to be held in Yokohama, August 28-30, this year. (See article)

Finance ministers and senior officials from the Horn of Africa met in Addis Ababa last Friday (June 7) to develop a shared vision to advance economic integration in the region. The initiative focused on better coordination in areas of transport, connectivity, trade, agriculture, and health. Those attending included Finance Ministers from Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia, the Eritrean Ambassador to Ethiopia and a representative from Kenya’s Treasury and Planning Ministry. Also present were representatives from the World Bank, EU Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development, and the African Development Bank.

African Embassies in Korea hosted “The 2019 Africa Week” events this week (June 12-15) in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Ethiopia was one of the 19 countries involved in the Africa Week which included a formal reception for the diplomatic corps, business representatives and members of the African communities, African movies, an Africa Business Seminar under the theme “Integrating Africa in the 4th Industrial Revolution”, and a cultural event to exhibit art, tourism and food, with pavilions to introduce African culture to the Korean public.


Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, during his mediation visit to Khartoum on Friday last week, appointed Ambassador Mohamoud Dirir as his Special Envoy to Sudan. (See article)

Prime Minister Abiy following a visit to Axum at the beginning of the week met Ambassador Arturo Luzzi, Ambassador of Italy to Ethiopia to discuss activating restoration work on the stelae at Axum. Italian Prime Minister Conte offered the support of the Italian Government for restoration work when meeting Prime Minister Abiy during the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, A high level delegation, organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is expected in Addis Ababa next week to discuss the Axum obelisks.

Prime Minister Abiy met historian and political scientist, Dr. Francis Fukuyama, on Tuesday. Dr. Fukuyama was in Addis Ababa to attend an international conference on the theme “Democracy and the Future of Ethiopia’s Developmental State”.

Prime Minister Abiy attended the 9th Annual National Science, Technology and Innovation Award and Recognition Ceremony at the African Union Commission hosted by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology on Wednesday (June 12). The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of innovators in science and technology, noting the ultimate achievement of knowledge was to bridge society together through the application of positive innovation and technology. He encouraged award recipients to utilize the Medemer philosophy and work together towards developing Ethiopia for future generations.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gedu Andargachew received U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Tibor Nagy at his office on Friday (June 14). Tibor Nagy briefed the Minister on his visit to the Republic of the Sudan. He commended the efforts of the African Union and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to bring both sides to the negotiating table in a bid to bring about a lasting political solution in Sudan. The U.S. Assistant Secretary also expressed his country’s support to the ongoing efforts of the Special Envoy of the AU as well as Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s Special Envoy to the Republic of the Sudan. Foreign Minister Gedu underlined the importance of ensuring peace and stability in the Republic of the Sudan and reiterated Ethiopia’s continued commitment in such score.

State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Hirut Zemene held discussions with members of the Ethiopian Public Diplomacy Team this week. On the occasion, the State Minister underlined the importance of the conduct of public diplomacy in image building, and promotion of peace as well as enhancing people-to-people- ties.

Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Canada, Ambassador Nasise Challi held extensive discussion with President & CEO of Forum of Federations, Rupak Chattopadhyay and Mr. Shawn Houlihan, Senior Director for Africa at their office in Ottawa, Canada. The Ambassador noted the rich experiences and resources that the Forum of Federation enjoys on issues related to federal system of governance and extended her appreciation for the constructive role it has been playing and continues to play in strengthening federal system in Ethiopia. She also briefed the leaders about the widespread reforms in Ethiopia championed by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and emphasized the significant role the Forum could play in such a critical juncture in Ethiopia’s modern history.

Ambassador Mulu Solomon Bezuneh, Ambassador of Ethiopia to the Federal Republic of Germany, presented her credentials to the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on Tuesday (June 1). Ambassador Mulu emphasized she would work on further strengthening the existing excellent relationship between Ethiopia and Germany, and briefed the President on current Ethiopian economic and political situation as well as its role in bringing about peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.

An Eastern African Business Forum was held in Rome, Italy this week on Tuesday (June 11). Deputy Foreign Minister of Foreign affairs and International cooperation of Italy, Emmanuel Del Re, reiterated the commitment of the Government of Italy to support Italian companies which are keen to invest in Eastern African Countries. In his address to the forum, Permanent Secretary of Economic Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Dawano Kedir highlighted the lucrative investment opportunities in Ethiopia. Ambassador Dawano further called on Italian companies to invest in Ethiopia. Over 15 Ethiopian companies drawn from different sectors attended the forum, and business-to-business networking was also held with Italian companies.

Ethiopian Airlines says it has finalized preparations to launch thrice weekly flights to John F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport in New York via Abidjan, starting on June 17.  Ethiopian already flies four times a week to Newark via Lome in Togo. Ethiopian Group CEO, Tewolde Gebremariam, said “the new service is a significant addition to our expanding network in the USA and offers better connectivity for African and US passengers.” Ethiopian will now be serving 24 weekly flights between African and North America.


President Isaias Afwerki made a two-day official visit to Cairo at the weekend (June 8-9), holding talks with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi on bilateral relations as well as regional and other developments. They also expressed concern about developments in the Sudan and called on the Sudanese people to address the demands of the transition period with responsibility. (See article)

The Chairman of the Transitional Military Council (TMC) of Sudan, Let. Gen. Abdul-Fattah Al-Burhan arrived in Asmara on Friday (June 14) for a working visit to Eritrea. On the occasion President Isaias underlined the need for all Sudanese political forces and population to participate in the “perceptive transition phase the country is facing”.


Members of the Ethiopian Federal Reconciliation Commission were on a visit to Kenya this week (June 11-15) for a comparative learning and exchange visit. The commissioners drew experiences from the Kenyan and South African reconciliation processes. They met with Raila Odinga, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya, who along with President Uhuru Kenyatta, established the Building Bridges Initiative to operationalize reconciliation process. They also met with Kenya Civil Society organizations, involved in Kenyan Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission and government officials. The learning and exchange trip was organized by the Ethiopian Embassy in Kenya and Conciliation Resources, a UK-based international Peacebuilding organization. (See article)


President Mohamed Abdullahi met with Ambassador Madeira, Special Representative of the AU Chairperson and Head of AMISOM on Sunday (June 9) to discuss AMISOM’s stabilization role under its new mandate. The UN Security Council last month adopted Resolution 2472 which extended AMISOM’s mandate and approved a further 1000 troop reduction. Ambassador Madeira said that they had agreed AMISOM remained “extremely relevant in supporting Somalia in its efforts to stabilize the country and contain Al-Shabaab. This joint effort must continue and Al-Shabaab must be brought under control.” They discussed security sector developments including the capture of Sabiid and Bariire by Somali National Forces supported by AMISOM, and the capacity demonstrated by these forces to hold the captured towns.

Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khayre met with Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms. Ine Eriksen Soreide in Mogadishu on Monday (June 10), He said her visit was a demonstration of the strengthened bilateral engagement and Norway’s firm support for Somalia’s national reform agenda.

Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Khayre met a delegation from the United Kingdom headed by Richard Moore, Director-General for Political Affairs at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on Sunday (June 9). They discussed bilateral partnership in security sector reforms, economic resilience and political development programs. During his visit to Somalia, Mr. Moore also attended the official opening of a training facility on Saturday (June 8) for the Somali National Army in Baidoa. The British Embassy in Somalia announced that the new centre would help develop Somali-led security forces and promote long term stability and security in the country.

The Special Representative of the African Union Commission for Somalia and Head of AMISOM, Ambassador Madeira, met with the Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Mursal Abdirahman, on Sunday (June 9). They discussed the status of the Electoral law now tabled before Parliament, and Ambassador Madeira reiterated AMISOM’s commitment to support stabilisation and early recovery efforts. He noted AMISOM in 2108 had carried out 47 projects- rehabilitating schools, water points, access roads, and health centres as well as creating opportunities for self-employment among youth and women. He said AMISOM had supported institutional development by strengthening the capacity of local authorities. Ambassador Madeira also briefed the Speaker on the lack of progress made in paying amends for civilian casualties, due to AMISOM’s lack of funds.

AMISOM said on Tuesday (June 11) it had started the process of recruiting police officers to help secure the recently liberated areas in Lower Shabelle region. AMISOM plans to recruit 400 police officers to maintain law and order and protect civilians in recently liberated areas including the strategic towns of Sabiid and Bariire recently taken from Al-Shabaab in joint AMISOM and the Somali National Army operations.

South Sudan

The African Union Peace and Security Council, at its 855th meeting, held on Tuesday this week (June 11) discussed the current situation in South Sudan. (See article)


Ethiopia’s Special Envoy to Sudan, Ambassador Mohamoud Dirir, after three days of shuttling between the Transitional Military Council and the Forces for Freedom and Change, announced in Tuesday that agreement had been reached to uphold decisions reached before the suspension of negotiations at the beginning of last week, and talks would resume soon to iron out outstanding issues. (See article)


 Prim Minister Dr. Abiy and Sudan mediation

Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed made a visit to Khartoum on Friday last week (June 7) to engage with Sudanese stakeholders to facilitate a peaceful resolution to the political situation in the Sudan. Following the ouster of President Omar Al-Bashir from power, Sudanese stakeholders had been negotiating to ensure a smooth and peaceful transition in line with the framework set out by the Peace and Security Council of the African Union. Significant progress had been made in reaching agreement on a range of issues. This was recognized by IGAD, the African Union, the European Union and the United Nations. However, the situation took a dramatic turn at the beginning of this month, with suspension of the talks over some outstanding issues and the escalation of violence leading to the loss of many lives.

It was against this background that Prime Minister Abiy visited Khartoum, the day after the decision of the African Union to suspend Sudan from AU affairs until a civilian council was brought to power. He offered his assistance for the resumption of talks and finalizing discussions on remaining issues under discussion. The Prime Minister held talks with Lt. General Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan, the Chairman of the Transitional Military Council, and other members of the Council. Prime Minister Abiy had already stressed the importance of unity as a precursor to peace, and suggested an inclusive transition as the best way forward. He noted: “The military and the people and the political forces need to act with bravery and responsibility in taking quick steps to a democratic, reconciliatory transitional period in the country.”

Later on Friday, the Prime Minister also met separately for discussions with the Forces of Freedom and Change. With both sides showing indications to resume talks, the Prime Minister Abiy then appointed Ambassador Mohamoud Dirir as his Special Envoy and instructed him to remain in Khartoum to assist the mediation team in facilitating these talks.

Following up the Prime Minister’s initiative over the weekend and on Monday, Ambassador Mohamoud Dirir held discussions with Lt. General al-Burhan, with all the other members of the Transitional Military Council and with the representatives of the Forces for Freedom and Change. He also exchanged views with other political groups and personalities. Following these discussions, Ambassador Mohamoud was able to announce on Tuesday (June 11) to the media that Sudanese stakeholders had reached agreement on five points. The two sides had agreed to uphold what they have agreed upon before the suspension of the negotiation, regarding the Structures, Powers and Responsibilities of the Transitional Government etc. Talks would resume soon in good-faith to iron-out the remaining outstanding points, including the Sovereign Council and other relevant matters. The two sides had agreed to refrain from inflammatory statements and de-escalate tensions. The Transitional Military Council had agreed to implement confidence-building measures including the release of political prisoners. The Forces for Freedom and Change, on its part, had agreed to call-off its campaign of civil disobedience.


President Isaias in Egypt to hold talks with President al-Sisi

President Isaias Afwerki arrived in Cairo for a two-day official visit to Egypt on Saturday (June 8). He held talks with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi at the Al-Ittihadya Palace the same morning. They discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, as well as the latest developments on the continent, and other issues of mutual concern. President Isaias and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi also expressed concern about developments in the Sudan and called on the Sudanese people to address the demands of the transition period with responsibility.

President Isaias most recently visited Egypt in January when he and President al-Sisi emphasized the importance of strengthening ties between the two countries. This visit is President Isaias’ fourth visit to Egypt since President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi came to power. It is his 16th since Eritrea’s independence in 1993. The two counties have cordial relations and have signed several friendship and cooperation agreements. They have also set up a joint committee to boost bilateral cooperation in all fields. During his visit, President Isaias and his delegation also held talks with a number of senior Egyptian officials.

Delegations from Egypt and Eritrea have met on a number of occasions over the last few years to increase coordination in various sectors, including agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure, trade, culture, education and health. An Egyptian delegation from its Agriculture Ministry visited Asmara three years ago to meet with Eritrean Agriculture Ministry officials to discuss the establishment of a joint model farm in Eritrea and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to bolster relations in research, training, developing crops and poultry fields. In April 2017, an Egyptian delegation held talks on fisheries and aquaculture and ways to put into effect a protocol on cooperation in the field of fisheries, signed between the two states in Cairo in March 2017. The Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development (EAPD) provides Eritrea with continuous technical assistance; and the Ministry of Higher Education has provided many scholarships to Eritrean students. The Egyptian Fund for Technical Assistance sent medical aid to Eritrea in 2010 and signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of medical cooperation and medical products the same year. Cairo and Asmara signed a Friendship and Cooperation Agreement in March 2009, as the two countries signed a Protocol of Cooperation between the National Council for Youth in Egypt and National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS) in December the same year.


 The African Union Peace and Security Council discusses South Sudan

The African Union Peace and Security Council, at its 855th meeting, held on Tuesday this week (June 11) discussed the current situation in South Sudan. The meeting received briefings from the AU Mission in South Sudan (SRCC South Sudan), the UN Mission in South Sudan (DSRSG UNMISS), the Interim Chairperson of the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC), and the representative of the IGAD Chairperson. The meeting looked at the status of implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), signed in Addis Ababa on 12th September 2018, and at the way forward.

Concerning the progress of the Peace Agreement and the Pre-Transition period, the meeting considered there had been an improvement in the overall security situation in the country. The completion of the Constitutional Amendment Bill to incorporate the 2018 Peace Agreement into the 2011 Transitional Constitution of South Sudan; the commencement of the work of the Independent Boundaries Commission on the number of states and boundaries; and the establishment of almost all of the institutions of the Pre-Transitional Committee except the DDR Commission were welcomed.

The meeting also noted concerns about the Pre-Transition period. There was continuing occupation of civilian buildings by elements of armed groups and restriction of access by forces due to be verified and counted by the Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMVM) with respect to the security arrangements.

The meeting acknowledged there was still a lack of capacity in the institutions of the Pre-Transitional mechanisms. On funding, despite the $100 million pledge and disbursements by the government of South Sudan, the meeting observed that a gap still remained as there was a $285 million budget to be met. Furthermore, the meeting noted there was still the issue of the unified national army yet to be established.

The IGAD representative informed the meeting of the IGAD Council of Ministers Agreement to convene regular meetings of the Parties to the R-ARCSS in order to jointly review progress of the implementation of the pending tasks; to conduct regular Council visits and missions to Juba; and to expedite appointment of a Chairperson for the Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission.


A Senior Officials’ Meeting for TICAD in Addis Ababa

A Senior Officials Meeting for the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) was convened at African Union Headquarters this week (June 10-11), to discuss preparations for the seventh TICAD leaders’ summit due to be held in Yokohama, August 28-30, this year. TICAD is a multi-stakeholder platform, and participants of the Senior Officials Meeting included representatives of AU member countries, the government of Japan and the co-organizers of TICAD including UNOSSA, UNDP, the World Bank and the Africa Union Commission. The meeting deliberated on the progress and achievements made since TICAD VI, held in Nairobi in 2016, and on the proposed outcome documents of the upcoming TICAD 7, which will produce the Yokohama Declaration and Action Plan.

TICAD 7 is expected to be attended by many African Heads of State and Governments. Discussions will cover the three pillars of TICAD 7 under the theme of “Advancing Africa’s Development through People, Technology and Innovation”. The first pillar is “Accelerating Economic Transformation and Improving the Business Environment through Innovation and Private Sector Engagement”; the second pillar is “Deepening Sustainable and Resilient Society”; and pillar three is “Strengthening Peace and Stability”.

It is well recognized that the TICAD process has promoted African development by emphasizing both its African ownership and the partnership of the international community. TICAD has been a catalyst for reinforcing international attention on Africa’s developmental needs and mobilizing international support for the continent’s growth. And Japan’s constructive engagement in Africa has been strengthened since the inception of TICAD. The assistance provided under the framework of TICAD in various sectors has played a significant role for the continent’s development. The Japanese Government continues to provide support to Africa under the TICAD framework in areas including private sector development, human resource development, infrastructure, modern agriculture and industrialization. It should also be mentioned that the Japanese Government initiated the African Business Education Initiative (ABE Initiative) to encourage more business partnerships between Africa and Japan. It has also offered many Africans, including numerous Ethiopians, the opportunity to pursue their studies in Japan.

TICAD is a multilateral forum on Africa’s development, first convened in 1993 in Japan.  Since its establishment, its spirit of international partnership has been reflected in numerous other bodies including IGAD, the UN Development Program, the World Bank and the Government of Japan’s involvement with the African Union Commission.


The Ethiopian Peace and Reconciliation Commission in a Comparative Learning Trip in Kenya

 The Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission is established by the Ethiopian Parliament with the objective of maintaining peace, justice, national unity, and consensus and also reconciliation among the people of Ethiopia. The Parliament also endorsed forty-one commissioners from different walks of life to serve the Commission for the term of three years.

Though Ethiopia has numerous traditional dispute settlement and reconciliation mechanisms, the Commission, as a federal entity, is the first one to be established following the coming to power of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed. Cognizant of the need to re-constitute national cohesion and unity, the Parliament established the Commission.

Certainly, peace and reconciliation commissions play a crucial role in helping countries understand and live with their history and help them construct the future. The works of the South Africa and Kenya Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commissions in assisting their respective societies in healing from the horrors of the past have been tremendous. This is why the Ethiopian Embassy in Nairobi together with the Conciliation Resources, the United Kingdom-based Civil Society, co-organized a comparative learning trip for the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission between 10th and 15th of June 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.

During the comparative learning trip, members of the Commission shared the experience with the Kenya Human Rights Commission, Kenya National Cohesion and Integration Commission, and the Building Bridges Initiative. During these visits, the Kenyan commissioners from the various commissions involved in the conciliation process, based on their experience, expressed the magnitude of the work of reconciliation; the need to clearly set objectives and point of reference; and the need to maintain impartiality from any impositions.

The experience sharing sessions were also accompanied by comparative learning and exchange sessions with Ms. Tecla Namachanja, former deputy chairperson of the Kenya Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission, and Ms. Yasmin Sooka, a member of the South Africa Truth and Reconciliation Commission. During the comparative learning and exchange sessions, the Kenyan and South African Commissioners presented their personal experience to share with the Ethiopian Commissioners the highlights of the process of reconciliation.

The Ethiopian Federal Reconciliation Commission was also received by Raila Odinga, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya, who along with President Uhuru Kenyatta, established the Building Bridges Initiative to operationalize reconciliation process. During the meeting, Raila Odinga stressed that Ethiopia was one of the greatest civilizations in the world and the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission has an important mission to ensure unity, integration, and cohesion so that Ethiopia regains its greatness.

Yusuf Haji, former Minister of Defence, Garissa Senator, and Chairperson of the Building Bridge Initiative, also underscored the importance of moving forward and maintaining a participatory approach throughout the reconciliation process.

horn map

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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