Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 27.12.2019

In this Edition

News in Brief

Ethiopian Cultural Delegation Visits Eritrea…

…and President Isaias Afwerki’s Visit in Ethiopia

UAE Security Forum on “Reshaping the Future of the Horn of Africa”

The Ethio-Djibouti natural gas pipeline in Reinforcing Ongoing Economic Integration

Henan Province, China Hosts Ethiopian Tourism Promotion Forum

Ethiopia Co-convenes the 1st Global Refugee Forum (GRF)

Ethiopia: A Decade-long Journey in Strengthening the Socio-Economic Front and International Cooperation of IGAD

Africa and the African Union

The Djiboutian contingent serving under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has deployed a new battalion, the 7th Battalion, which is replacing the 5th Battalion, whose tour of duty has come to an end. The AMISOM Djibouti contingent commander, Col. Mohamed Ibrahim Mousa last week on Friday (December 20) bid farewell to the departing troops at Beletweyne Airport and thanked them for their dedication to duty and for advancing AMISOM’s mandate during their time in Somalia.

The African Union announced on Monday (December 23) that the 33rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) will take place from 21 January to 10 February 2020, under the theme “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development”. The Summit will be held at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Ethiopia: A Decade-long Journey in Strengthening the Socio-Economic Front and International Cooperation of IGAD (See article)


The House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) on Wednesday (December 25) approved a deal with Djibouti to build a pipeline to transport natural gas from Ethiopia to an export terminal. The MPs described the deal as it meets the international requirements and allows the country to generate foreign currency from gas export. The deal, named as ‘agreement between the government of Ethiopia and Djibouti on the transit of natural gas pipeline ratification proclamation,’ – grants Ethiopia full ownership and title over the natural gas in the pipeline. (See article)

The Executive Board of IMF last week on Friday (December 20)  approved a three-year $2.9 billion financing package to help Ethiopia implement its homegrown economic reform plan to maintain macroeconomic stability and improve living standards. The financing package, supported by IMF’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and Extended Fund Facility (EFF), “aims to support the authorities’ implementation of their ambitious reform agenda and catalyze concessional donor financing,” said IMF in a statement.

An Ethiopian cultural delegation led by Ms. Bezunesh Meseret, State Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has spent a week in Eritrea arriving in Asmara last week on Monday (December 16). (See article)

Water Ministers of Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt have met in Khartoum on 21-22 (December 2019) to discuss the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The meeting was the continuation of the meeting held in Washington, D.C. on December 9, 2019 in attendance of the United States and the World Bank as observers. Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy, Dr. Seleshi Bekele, on Tuesday (December 24) briefed journalists on the outcomes of the 3rd round of the tripartite talks held at the weekend. “The Khartoum meeting was successful. The three countries have reached agreements on a number of issues,” the Minister said. Dr. Seleshi said that Egypt has fully removed its previous proposal that suggests Ethiopia to release a minimum of 40 billion cubic meters of water annually.

UAE Security Forum under the auspices of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW) was held last week on 12-13 December 2019 in Washington under the theme: “Reshaping the Future of the Horn of Africa”. It brought together a diverse group of policymakers and officials, scholars, economists, international development practitioners, and representatives from nongovernmental organizations to analyze the long-term implications of the renewed international interest in the Horn of Africa. In particular, discussions focused on growing Gulf influence as the future of the Horn of Africa is being reimagined. (See article)

The Natural Resource, Irrigation and Energy Affairs Standing Committee of the Parliament on Monday (December 23) expressed their satisfaction with what they saw visiting the progress of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project site and said that “the progress of the project is now promising.”

The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) on Wednesday (December 25) has decided to issue a certificate of recognition to the newly merged party –Prosperity Party (PP). Prosperity Party was formed after the merger of three of the four parties that made up the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and other five affiliate parties.

The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) on Wednesday (December 25) said it is making preparations for the 2020 general elections. Bizuwork Ketete, member of (NEBE) said more than 20 directives have been prepared following the approval of the revised electoral law by the Ethiopian parliament. The directives will be tabled for discussion next week, she said, adding from 250,000-300,000 election officials will be recruited for the elections.

Ethiopian tourism promotion forum was held on Tuesday (December 24, 2019) in Henan, the most populous province in China with an estimated population of 107 million. The event was aimed at presenting the “Land of Origins” to the major tour operators and travel agents of Henan province and deepening the bond of friendship and boosting tourism exchange. (See article)

Organized by office of the Prime Minister, ‘Addis Weg’ – experts roundtable, took place at the Hilton Addis hotel on Wednesday (December 25). The discussion, which mainly focused on the role of media, attracted heads of private and public media houses as well as journalists and other stakeholders. Participants reviewed the role played by mass media in narrowing gaps created in political and social matters in Ethiopia.

China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) is to build its own industrial park in Dira Dawa city administration. CEO of CCECC and deputy mayor of Dire Dawa, Ahmed Buh on Tuesday (December 24) signed the agreement for the industrial park that will be built on 370 hectares of land in the first phase. CCECC has a plan to build the industrial park on a total of 1,000 hectares of land around Melka Jebdu and bring investors from Kunshan, one of the cities in southern China.

Ethiopia  has  lived up to its Co-Convener  responsibility  of  the  first Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) that  took  place  in Geneva, Switzerland from  16 -18 December 2019.  (See article)

A day-long workshop aimed at identifying bottlenecks in the export sector and maximizing joint efforts to boost export was held in Addis Ababa on Tuesday (December 24). Investors and other stakeholders attended the workshop organized by Ministry of Trade and Industry to identify barriers and hindrances in the export sector.

The Ethiopia Ministry of Urban Development and Construction (MoUDC) on Wednesday (December 25) disclosed that it has agreed with Chinese firms to boost cooperation in the construction sector. In a press statement, MoUDC said the construction cooperation agreement was reached in China between Aysha Mohammed, visiting Ethiopia Minister of Urban Development and Construction, and officials of Chinese state-owned construction firms.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Gedu Andargachew last week on Friday (December 20) has met with the Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat to consult on the upcoming 33rd Au summit and security issues in the region.

President Sahle-Work Zewde on Monday (December 23) met Professor Alioune Sal, Special envoy of Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. The special envoy conveyed a message from President Kita reiterating the long standing and excellent relations subsisting between Ethiopia and Mali. President Kita assured his support to the reform process being undertaken in Ethiopia.


President Isaias Afwerki on Monday (December 23) met in Abu Dhabi with Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zaid Al Nahyan. The meeting focused on assessing ongoing cooperation in developmental projects on various projects and especially on the energy and agricultural sectors. President Isaias on Sunday (December 22) also met with Sheikh Mensour Bin Zaid Al-Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs to discuss matters of bilateral cooperation and recent regional developments.

Eritrean President, IsaiasAfwerki, arrived in Addis Ababa on Wednesday (December 25) for a brief official work visit aimed at deepening bilateral relations with Ethiopia. (See article)


Kenyan troops will not pull out of Somalia until the al Shabaab threat has been completely neutralized, Chief of Defense Forces Samson Mwathethe has said on Monday (December 23). Mwathethe said Kenya will only be secure after the terror group has been decimated. “We are in Somalia because we know that if Somalia is free of al Shabaab and terrorism, Kenya will also be free of the scourge. We must, therefore, ensure that we destroy the enemy here, to guarantee the destruction of the enemy at home,” Mwathethe added.

Kenya and Somalia are expected to hold a cross-border meeting following the increased terror attacks in Wajir County in the past three months. Wajir County Commissioner Jacob Narengo on Thursday (December 26) said the county security team will revive joint cross-border meetings between the communities living in Kenya and the bordering Somalia in a scheme to halt the increased cases of violent extremism. According to reports, Wajir County has experienced five terror attacks within the past three months only; this is the highest record in recent months.


A car bomb went off on Saturday (December 21) outside a hotel in the Somali town of Galkayo in the Mudug region, killing at least seven civilians, a local military officer said, and wounding dozens. Somali Islamist militant group al Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack.  “We are behind the Galkayo blast; it was a martyrdom suicide car bomber that targeted military officials who had a meeting in that place. We killed many soldiers and injured others,” Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab’s military operations spokesman, said on Sunday.

Qatar has provided Somalia with computers, printers and radio devices as a gift from Qatar’s Civil Aviation Authority to its Somali counterpart. Ambassador of Qatar to Somalia, Hassan bin Hamza Hashem on Sunday (December 22) handed over the shipment to the Director-General of the Somali Civil Aviation Authority Ahmed Moallim Hassan.

The Chief of the Special Police Unit of the Turkish National Police, Selami Turker, paid an official visit to Somalia. Turkey’s police special operations chief is in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu to boost cooperation between the two countries, the Turkish Embassy in Somalia said on Monday (December 23).

At least seven Somali soldiers were killed and several others wounded on Monday (December 23) when gunmen belonging to al-Qaeda affiliate al-Shabaab attacked a southwestern military base, officials said.”The attack began after al-Shabaab attacked the base on Monday morning, and fighting between the terrorist fighters and Somali forces broke out,” Hassan Isack, a Somali military official in the Bay region.

South Sudan

South Sudan’s President, Salva Kiir on Saturday (December 21) has urged governors of the country’s states to work hard and ensure that the September 2018 revitalized peace agreement is implemented. Kiir said this during a meeting he convened to brief the governors on the status of the revitalized peace agreement and the recent face to face meetings with the opposition leader, Riek Machar in Juba.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Filippo Grandi has on Sunday (December 22) urged political parties in South Sudan to expedite the formation of a unity government to achieve permanent peace. Grandi said despite last year’s signing of a peace agreement, the situation in South Sudan remains critical, with millions of its citizens displaced needing safety and humanitarian assistance.

Sudan and South Sudan on Monday signed an agreement that will see the current oil deal and other related economic arrangements extended until March 2022. In August 2013, South Sudan agreed to pay to Khartoum $9.10 for the oil produced in Upper Nile state and $11 for that of Unity state which produces some 20% of South Sudan’s oil.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in South Sudan has on Monday (December 23) welcomed a contribution of $500,000 from Korea as overall humanitarian needs are deepening in the young nation with 7.5 million people requiring support in 2020. The contribution, WPF said in a statement, will provide cash-based transfers assistance to tens of thousands of South Sudanese refugees.

South Sudanese Presidential adviser on security affairs, Tut Kew Gatluak, announced on Monday (December 23) that President Salva Kiir and the leader of the SPLM-IO, Riek Machar would resume discussion on peace implementation after the Christmas holidays. President Kiir, Machar and Mohammad Hamdan Daglo “Hemitti” a member of the Sudanese Sovereign Council met in Juba to discuss the ongoing implementation process of the sticky issues in the revitalized peace agreement ahead of the formation of the transitional government next February. Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Gatluak said the participants discussed the implementation of the issue in South Sudan, and arrangements for resuming negotiations after the Christmas holidays.

Pope Francis has on Wednesday (December 25) appealed to South Sudanese leaders to ensure peace in the war-torn country. The head of Catholic Church addressed this in a Christmas message jointly issued with Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury and Rev. John Chalmers, former moderator of the Church of Scotland.”In this Christmas season and at the beginning of a new year, we wish to extend to you and to all the people of South Sudan our best wishes for your peace and prosperity, and to assure you of our spiritual closeness as you strive for a swift implementation of the Peace Agreements,” partly reads the jointly issued message.

About 850 Indian peacekeepers serving in the United Nations Mission in South Sudan have been awarded prestigious medals for their dedication and sacrifice. The Indian peacekeepers, the UNMISS said in a statement issued on Thursday (December 26), have been recognized for their strong contribution to building peace in conflict-affected East African country as well as for going above and beyond their duties to support local communities. India is among the largest troop contributing countries to UN peacekeeping missions in the world.


Sudanese journalists largely boycotted a protest, on Saturday (December 21) organized by the banned Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) to denounce the decision to dissolve the federation. The SJU and other professional federations were dissolved on 14 December within the framework of a law providing to dismantle the former ruling party and other groups controlled by the former regime.

The demand of the SPLM-N led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu for a secular state is in line with the Constitutional Document and there is no difference in it, said a prominent Communist figure and leading member of the ruling coalition in Sudan on Sunday (December 22). The government negotiating delegation with the SPLM-N led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu has rejected to include the relation between the state and the religion in the ongoing peace negotiations saying the Juba process is about ending the war.

The head of the Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, stressed that the armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces are securing and protecting the change in Sudan until the organization of general elections at the end of the transitional period. In a speech delivered before the RSF militiamen on Sunday (December 27) In Um Qray area north of Khartoum state, al-Burhan renewed his full confidence in the Rapid Support Forces to carry out their mission alongside the armed forces in confronting all security threats and protecting the country’s borders.

The Sudanese government and armed groups involved in Darfur peace track from the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) on Monday (December 23) signed an agreement on the participation of internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees and civil society in peace talks. The deal intervenes as several groups from the Darfur region call for their participation in the peace talks claiming to represent the displaced and refugees, underscoring that the armed groups negotiating in Juba do not represent such stakeholders.

Osama Said, head of the opposition Beja party and spokesman for the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) on Wednesday (December 25) said forces belonging to the former regime have tried to use the recent inter-communal conflicts in eastern Sudan to participate in peace talks. The capital of the Red Sea State, Port Sudan, witnessed a series of bloody tribal clashes during the past six months between the tribes of BeniAmer, Nuba, Hadandawah and Alamrar.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok stressed that the Sudanese revolution is a result of the alliance between civilians and military and called to preserve this national unity and to work together to lay the foundations for a democratic regime in the country. Hamdok made his call on Wednesday (December 25) during a speech to the Sudanese people during a celebration at the Friendship Hall in Khartoum of the first anniversary of the revolution that toppled the Bashir regime last April.


Ethiopian Cultural Delegation Visits Eritrea…

An Ethiopian cultural delegation led by Mrs. Bezunesh Meseret, State Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has spent a week in Eritrea arriving in Asmara last week on Monday (December 16). Ambassador Zemede Tekle, Commissioner of Culture and Sports, Mr. Araya Desta, Permanent Representative of Eritrea to the Africa Union, Mr. Redwan Hussen, and Ethiopian Ambassador in Eritrea as well as communities of culture and arts in Eritrea received the Ethiopian delegation at upon its arrival at the Asmara International Airport.

The Ethiopian delegation has more than 60 people including officials from the Ministries of Culture and Tourism and Foreign Affairs as well as artists, renowned singers and musicians. In its week-long schedule, aiming at strengthening the people-to-people relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea, the Ethiopian Cultural Team presented successful music shows in Keren, Massawa and Asmara.

The Eritrean Commission of Culture and Sports honored the Ethiopian team with a dinner reception hosted at the Asmara Palace Hotel. Speaking at the occasion, Ambassador Zemede Tekle, Commissioner of Culture and Sports said that the cultural exchange between Eritrea and Ethiopia would have significant contribution in developing the existing friendship and cooperation as well as in exchanging experiences between the two countries.

Ms. Bezunesh Meseret, State Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, on her part said that the cultural exchange between the two countries is in continuation of the tour of the Eritrean cultural troupe in Ethiopia and expressed expectation that the relations between the two countries to develop in the economic and social sectors too. At the event the Commission of Culture and Sports presented gifts to the Ethiopian cultural delegation.

Mr. Tesfai Berhe, head of the Holidays Coordinating Committee at the Commission of Culture and Sports, and Mr. Endrias Asmeram, D. G. of Culture and Sports in the Central region, said that the cultural exchange was part of the peace and friendship agreement reached between Eritrea and Ethiopia and that will have significant contribution in developing bilateral relation between the two countries.

The group concluded its shows in Eritrea at Cinema Roma, Asmara on Monday (December 23). Speaking on the Show, Leader of the Ethiopian Cultural Team, State Minister of Culture and Tourism Ms. Bizunesh Meseret thanked the Eritrean Government and people for sending its cultural team to Ethiopia last year and present highly acclaimed Music shows that were held in four cities of Ethiopia. She also thanked the Eritrean people for warmly receiving the Ethiopian Cultural Team. Ambassador Zemede Tekle, Commissioner of Culture and Sports of Eritrea on his part commended the people-to-people relations strengthened by such visits following the historic peace agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

…and President Isaias Afwerki’s Visit in Ethiopia


President Isaias Afwerki on Wednesday (December 25) arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at an invitation of Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Upon arrival at the Bole International Airport, President Isaias and his delegation were accorded a warm welcome by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Mr. Gedu Andargachew, Ethiopian Foreign Minister, Mr. Semere Russom, Eritrean Ambassador in Ethiopia, and Mr. Redwan Hussein, Ethiopian Ambassador in Eritrea and other senior Ethiopian Government officials.

The two leaders discussed the needs to enhance important bilateral relations and regional issues of interest to the two countries. President Isaias and his delegation accompanied by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and other Government officials also visited the Satellite Observatory Center stationed at Mount Entoto in the vicinity of Addis Ababa, Unity Park, Adama Industrial Park, located some 90 kilometers south-east of Addis Ababa, beautifying Sheger project and Entoto observatory and research center, Dukem eastern industry zone and Holland dairy in Bishoftu.

The two leaders on Thursday (December 26) laid the cornerstone for the construction of a new Eritrea Embassy building to be built around Sidist Kilo. Senior government officials, including Minister of Foreign Affairs Gedu Andargachew, Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa city, Engineer Takele Uma attended the ground breaking ceremony.

The Eritrean Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Osman Saleh, Presidential Adviser Mr. Yemane Gebreab and Director at the Office of the President Mr. Amin Hassan were part of the Eritrean delegation.


UAE Security Forum on “Reshaping the Future of the Horn of Africa”

UAE Security Forum under the auspices of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW) was held last week on 12-13 December 2019 in Washington under the theme: “Reshaping the Future of the Horn of Africa”. It brought together a diverse group of policymakers and officials, scholars, economists, international development practitioners, and representatives from nongovernmental organizations to analyze the long-term implications of the renewed international interest in the Horn of Africa. In particular, discussions focused on growing Gulf influence as the future of the Horn of Africa is being reimagined.

The forum hosts two sessions. The first session has dealt with issues on the “Growing Global and Regional Competition in the Horn of Africa and Red Sea.” The forum noted that the Gulf Arab engagement in the Horn of Africa has been shaped by calculations regarding the region’s strategic location and economic potential on the part of global and regional powers. This competition for influence raises risks of new conflict but also gives greater leverage to Horn of Africa leaders to bargain for better deals or play patrons off one another.

The first session of the forum specifically tried to address some questions; such as, what conflicting interests are at play in the Horn of Africa, and East Africa more broadly, and how have political and military actors in the region seized on these rivalries to advance their own goals? What can regional leaders do to minimize the negative impact of external rivalries and strengthen intra-African relationships? What are the prospects for regional forums through which concerned states might come together to discuss shared interests, identify emerging threats, and create solutions? Abdul Mohammed, Chief of Staff and Senior Political Advisor, African Union High Level Implementation Panel for Sudan and South Sudan, Ambassador Alexander Rondos EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, Susan Stigant Director of Africa Programs, United States Institute of Peace were key speakers in the session.

The second session of the forum was held under the theme: “Gulf-Horn Ties: The Road Ahead.” The forum noted that across the Horn of Africa evidence is mounting that Gulf Arab countries see the region as critically important to their long-term national interests. The Gulf countries’ economic engagement with the Horn of Africa has expanded to include military partnerships and political alliances.

The second session of the forum specifically tried to answer questions developed as the Horn of Africa is poised for strong economic growth over the next generation. Some of the basic questions included: “how can Gulf capital help develop much-needed seaport, rail, and pipeline infrastructure? How can the countries of the Horn of Africa and East Africa more broadly, leverage competing interests to their advantage and achieve economic growth? Can Gulf Arab countries successfully compete for influence in the region as larger global powers? Will this resurgent interest incentivize political cooperation and greater economic integration across the emerging Red Sea arena? Ambassador Tom Kelly, Vice President for Policy and Advocacy, Raytheon International; Former U.S. Ambassador to Djibouti, Murithi Mutiga, Project Director, Horn of Africa, International Crisis Group, Abdullah Al-Saud, Director of Research and Head of the Security Studies Research Unit, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies were among the speakers who addressed  the questions raised under this session.

In delivering a keynote speech at the forum, Dr Anwar Gargash, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of UAE said that the goal of achieving regional peace and stability, and economic prosperity drives UAE’s relations with the countries of the Horn of Africa. In further elaborating the UAE’s long-term commitment to the Horn of Africa was rooted in the region’s history and geostrategic significance as part of the Arabian Peninsula’s immediate neighborhood, he said: “It is in this region that Islam and Christianity first encountered one another and peacefully coexisted for centuries, exemplifying the principles of religious pluralism, tolerance, and peace that remain deeply embedded in the UAE’s society today. This region is also vital in ensuring freedom of navigation throughout the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. This assumes an even more significant dimension in light of the unprecedented maritime provocations in the Arabian Gulf and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, through which between 7 and 10 per cent of global maritime trade passes.”

He also underlined that the stabilization of the Horn of Africa should be viewed through a framework for securing economic, investment and trade opportunities in the Horn and the wider region, instead of focusing on security challenges alone. “For the Arabian Peninsula and the countries of the Gulf, the more their economies diversify in the years and decades ahead, the more interdependent the Arabian Peninsula will be on trade and investments throughout the growing African market, he added.” In this context, he said, strengthening infrastructure and transportation networks and supporting economic cooperation between the countries of the Horn of Africa, in addition to the development of this region’s economic sectors such as oil and gas, hydro power, and ports, will contribute decisively to the financial sustainability of the Horn of Africa.

Recalling the experiences of UAE and the Horn of Africa countries in undermining threats to Global security posed by piracy and destructive efforts of Al Shabaab and Al-Qaeda in the region, he called for the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula to jointly fight the security threats centered in and around the Red Sea lane, the Bab el-Mandeb strait, and the Gulf of Aden.

The Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington (AGSIW), launched in 2015, is an independent, nonprofit institution dedicated to providing expert research and analysis of the social, economic, and political dimensions of the Gulf Arab states and key neighboring countries and how they affect domestic and foreign policy. AGSIW focuses on issues ranging from politics and security to economics, trade, and business; from social dynamics to civil society and culture.


The Ethio-Djibouti Natural Gas Pipeline in Reinforcing Ongoing Economic Integration

The House of Peoples’ Representative (HPR) approved on Tuesday (December 24, 2019) the deal signed by Ministry of Mines and Natural Gas, of the two nations, to build USD four billion worth natural gas pipeline to transport Ethiopian gas to an export terminal at the Port of Djibouti, 10 months ago. The House approved the agreement noting it meets international requirements and allows the country to generate foreign currency from gas export.

It is to be recalled that Ethiopia found extensive gas deposits in its Eastern Ogaden Basin in the 1970s. China’s POLY-GCL Petroleum Investments has been developing the Calub and Hilala fields, ever since signing a production sharing deal with Ethiopia in 2013. The agreement between Djibouti and Ethiopia comes after POLY-GCL signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Djibouti to invest the stated USD 4 billion, to build the natural gas pipeline, a liquefaction plant and an export terminal to be located in Damerjog, near the country’s border with Somalia.

Ethiopia expects over USD one billion in income annually by selling gas to the global market. The 700-kilometer-long pipeline will be installed inside Ethiopia’s territory while 65 kilometers will be within Djibouti’s territory. The pipeline would transport up to 12 million cubic meters of gas from the Ethiopian hinterland to the coast of neighboring Djibouti, where it will build a 3 Metric Tons Per Annum (mtpa) liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant and export terminal. The initial construction might take three years to complete, while the plant’s capacity could eventually be extended to 10 mtpa. POLY-GCL estimates the cost of this construction at USD 4 billion.

The construction of the pipeline would add another giant leap forward to the existing cross-border infrastructure like Ethio-Djibouti Standard Gauge Railway, road ways, electricity transmission lines, water pipelines and fiber optic lines. The approval of the agreement also showcased the Government of Ethiopia’s resolve to speed up economic integration within the region. Africa’s eastern seaboard could soon become a major global producer of liquefied natural gas, with other planned projects based on big gas finds made in Tanzania and Mozambique.


Henan Province, China Hosts Ethiopian Tourism Promotion Forum

Ethiopian tourism promotion forum was held on Tuesday (December 24, 2019) in Henan, the most populous province in China with an estimated population of 107 million. The event was aimed at presenting the “Land of Origins” to the major tour operators and travel agents of Henan province and deepening the bond of friendship and boosting tourism exchange.

The event featured Ethiopia and Henan as cradles of ancient civilizations in Africa and China respectively, and Ethiopia’s enchanting tourist destinations were presented to the participants to encourage them to send tourists to discover why Ethiopia is original in many ways.

Addressing the gathering, Ethiopian Ambassador to China, Teshome Toga, said that Ethiopia and China are eager to share the texture of their common destinies, and are forging an even stronger bonds of friendship. He also added that the Ethiopian government is exerting efforts to promote the tourism ties between Ethiopia and China to a new height, given the potential of Chinese outbound tourists and Ethiopia’s tremendous tourism and cultural assets. Ethiopia is a great tourist destination endowed with untapped wealth of historical monuments, natural and archaeological attractions coupled with a mosaic of cultural and kaleidoscope of people living in harmony, Ambassador Teshome said.

The Ambassador also seized the opportunity to call upon Henan investors to partake in tourist facility development investment in Ethiopia that can cater to the needs of Chinese travelers and assured them that Ethiopia would offer incentive packages. He also told the participants that Ethiopia is politically stable, safe and secure, it is hence one of the African countries where the Chinese Government granted an approval asa destination status. He also underscored that Ethiopia’s resolve to protect its citizens and tourists is simply unquestionable and uncompromising. The Ambassador also mentioned that, in recognition to Ethiopia’s role in pacifying the Horn of Africa region, the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) was able to win the Nobel Peace Prize award.

The Deputy Director-General of Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Henan Province, Mr. Wang Ziwen, said Ethiopia and Henan shared commonalities in civilizations and the Government of Henan would encourage Henan tourists to visit Ethiopia. He also added that, as the economy of the province is growing, the outbound tourism market potential is growing in parallel; and, he expressed his hope that Henan tourists would make Ethiopia their preferred destination.

At the forum, elaborated presentations about Ethiopian tourism attractions were also made by diplomats of the Embassy and marketing staff of the Ethiopian Airlines Regional Office in Beijing. Moreover, the Ethiopian delegation conducted a one-on-one meeting with three major tourism and travel companies of Henan, namely Henan CITIC International Travel Service Co., Ltd., Henan China Travel Service Co., Ltd. and Henan Sunrise International Travel Service Co., Ltd., focusing on feasible and tangible areas of cooperation to jointly promote Ethiopia’s tourism resources by incorporating tourism products into their tourism packages and motivating the Henan outbound tourists.


Ethiopia Co-convenes the 1st Global Refugee Forum (GRF)

The challenges posed by mass displacement in the world called for robust and comprehensive response global cooperation frameworks that necessitated the adoption of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) by all UN member countries in December 2018 in New York during the 73rd of the UN General Assembly.

GCR  came  into being in the aftermath  of  the  adoption of the UN Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs) and  it had built on the renewed  commitment  of the international community to the  Sustainable  Development  Cooperation frameworks particularly to SDG 7.8 committing  member countries not ” to  leave  no  one   behind ” in their national  development  endeavors.  It had also built on the Comprehensive Refugee Framework (CRRF). Ethiopia  has actively  taken  part  in  both  processes of  CRRF  and  GCR  and  is  committed to the objectives of the GCR that include easing the burden on the  refugees host  countries, enhancing refugee  self-reliance, expand access to third country  solutions in safeguarding the right for safe  passage and resettlement, and voluntary  return of  refugees to their countries  of origin

Ethiopia is home to close to 1 million refugees from neighboring countries. The open-door policy it has made the country a safe destination for refugees mainly from neighboring countries, and  once  refugees are in Ethiopian territory, they  move  freely,  they  have access  to social  services  such as education,  health  care. Refugee  laws  have been  reviewed  with the  most  recent  being the  revised refugee  law of February 2019 which is regarded as  the  most  progressive one. A ten years implementation strategy of the revised refugee law is tabled before the Council of Ministers for approval.

Ethiopia’s refugee response efforts are  in line  with  the general  consensus on the need to put in place mechanisms  for  sustainable  solutions to  refugee  crisis elsewhere through policies  that  favor  refugee  self -reliance and  integration to  the  host communities as well as their  contribution to  the economic  development of the host country through  job  creation benefitting both refugees and  host  communities. Coming up with a sustainable refugee  response  proposal  that allocates 30 percent  of the  jobs to  refugees in the planned  industrial parks projects, Ethiopia has taken a lead well ahead of the convening  of the  first GRF and  that of the  adoption of the GCR itself.  Ethiopia is in the fore front of the countries for having best practices in sustainable refugee governance. It was for this very reason that UNCHR and development partners and the international community called upon Ethiopia to share its experiences as one of the five Co-Conveners of the 1st GRF.

Ethiopia  has  lived up to its Co-Convener  responsibility  of  the  first GRF that  took  place  in Geneva, Switzerland from  16 -18 December 2019.  Ethiopia and the fellow Co-Convener countries:  Germany, Pakistan and Turkey shouldered the task of organizing the Forum. The five- Co-Convener countries have successfully discharged the responsibility bestowed upon them by the international community.

All of the five Co-Convener countries are refugee hosting middle income countries except for Germany. They are  represented  at  the  1st GRF at  the highest   level including that of the  Heads of State and Government ,  Deputy Head of Government and Minister of Foreign Affairs and  they have been  commended  by  the  Secretary  General of  the United Nations, Mr.  Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. Filipo Grandi and by the representatives of the high level delegations that took part in the Forum for accepting to Co-Convene the Forum.

The Ethiopian delegation was led by Mr. Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. He delivered a speech at the opening of the Forum together with high level officials from Turkey, Pakistan, Germany and Switzerland. In  his  speech  the Deputy Prime Minister, stated  that  the GRF  was  being  convened at a  critical time  where  70 million  persons were  displaced  worldwide  among whom 25 million are refugees. He further  stated  that  impacts of climate  change,  natural disasters, inequality and  deprivation  were  emerging  as  drivers of mass  displacement  and  called on the international community to rise  above  the  challenges however  daunting  they might seem. He further emphasized  the need to  change the current  refuges response  systems  resting  on  the  shoulder of a few  donors and  host  countries and called for  a  multi-stakeholder approach, the importance of broadening the support base  and  stressed  the   urgent  need to leverage development and  humanitarian resources   if the  international  community  is to  overcome  the  challenge.

He also presented Ethiopia’s four pledges in the forum: to create 95, 000 job opportunities and 20,000 technical and vocational training opportunities for both refugees and host communities; launching renewable energy projects targeting 3 million beneficiaries in the refugee hosting areas and building protection capacity of asylum systems in Ethiopia.

The  Deputy  Premier  has held  three sideline   meetings  with the Director General of the  World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom , the Director General  of the International Migration  Organization (IOM), Mr. Antonio Vitorino and  the UN  High Commissioner  for Refugees, Mr. Filipo Grandi and seized the occasions to brief his hosts about  the ongoing  economic and political  reform in Ethiopia.   He briefed them Ethiopia’s efforts to tackle the challenges of mass internal displacement it has experienced recently. He said 90 percent of the IDPs are now back to the areas they have come from.   He , however ,  noted that  repatriation  of the IDPs  and  returnee  migrants  should  not  be  in itself a goal and  stressed the need  to complement  those  efforts with the  provision  of  jobs  and livelihoods for  the returnees, migrants  and  IDPS.  The  Director General  of the IOM and  the  UN  High  Commissioner  assured  the Deputy  Premier to  assist  Ethiopia  in its migrant- repatriation and job creation efforts.

Ethiopia has also participated in the sideline event held on jobs and livelihood. Dr.  Ergoghe Tesfaye, FDRE Minister  of Labour and  Social  Affairs   gave  presentation  on  Ethiopia’s  experience  on  sustainable  refugee  response efforts  in  a panel  that  brought  together  Director General of the  ILO, Labour Ministers of the  Kingdom of the Netherlands , Republic of Turkey and  Representative of the  International Finance  Corporation as panelists of the high level  debate   .

The  1st GRF  has seen  the launching of the IGAD  Support Platform bringing  together  multilateral financial institutions  such as the World Bank,  the European Union ,  bilateral donors  such as   Norway, the Netherlands , Denmark as  well as  coalitions  of African  private sectors  with  the aim of mobilizing financial resources  destined to  regional sustainable  refugee response  frameworks in  IGAD space. State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Mrs. Hirut Zemene  delivered  a statement  at  the  launching of the ministerial event where  she  congratulated  IGAD and its partners for  the milestone achievement and  stressed the need  to ensure  transparency  in the  process and resource allocation.


Ethiopia: A Decade-long Journey in Strengthening the Socio-Economic Front and International Cooperation of IGAD

IGAD has designed important programs that aim at improving the lives of the people of the region and particularly in the area of health, climate resilience and economic integration. Regarding some activities on the environment, IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI), the IGAD Biodiversity Management Programme, the Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP), the Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Programme (DRSLP) and the IGAD Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Policy Framework can be cited as the notable achievements.

Although its implementation has been slowed down due to various reasons, one of the most important programs initiated for economic and social integration during Ethiopia’s Chairmanship was the Minimum Integration Plan (MIP) for IGAD. Development of the IGAD Sustainable Tourism Master Plan 2013-2023 (launched in 2013) and its domestication in Ethiopia and Kenya was another development. It was also made possible to design IGAD Regional Infrastructure Master Plan that was linked to the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) Strategic Framework, based on the shared vision for Africa’s infrastructure by 2040 and in line with the EU-Horn of Africa Initiative.

Regarding IGAD’s activities in the health sector, provision of HIV and AIDS services was made possible in identified cross-border sites, in the refugee and IDP camps while an IGAD Cancer Centre of Excellence was launched in Addis Ababa.

Creation of a Regional Consultative Process on Migration and a mechanism to the coordination with key stake holders and development partners was also initiated to address the issue of migration governance and strengthen regional cooperation and dialogue.

IGAD has also been able to formulate a regional gender policy framework and strategy that has been instrumental in main streaming gender issues in all of its priority areas.

Economic integration was set out as the major step on the IGAD Minimum Integration Plan for 2016-2020; but a common understanding and a coordinated move towards this end still remains to be ironed out among member countries. Over the past eleven years achievements made for interconnecting the region through several infrastructural projects such as roads, electricity, ports and rail were commendable. However, the need for alignment of Trade and other policies of IGAD member countries   that should be set for the implementation of the Continental Free Trade Agreement has become evident.

Ethiopia also proposed a new IGAD Structure that was adopted by the 13th Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government. This will support the region’s determination to move towards a more strengthened cooperation for peace and development.

Under Ethiopia’s chairpersonship, IGAD has transformed its cooperation with the African Union, the United Nations, the European Union and partners from far and wide. On peace and security matters, IGAD has been on the forefront in creating understanding and support of its endeavor to fight extremism and terrorism, bring peace to major conflict hot spots such as in Somalia, South Sudan, the Ethio -Eritrea conflict and the situation in the Sudan. In this endeavor it has gained considerable support and understanding from the African Union, United Nations, and other major partners. IGAD has forged strong cooperation with international partners in matters of climate resilience, migration, and cross-border regional cooperation. IGAD’s programs were able to get considerable financial and technical support in this regard.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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