Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 29.05.2020                                                                                                     

In this Edition

News in Brief

Statement of the Chairperson of African Union Commission on the recent developments related to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)

Ministry Celebrates Africa Day Calling for Unity against COVID-19

Doing business in the Post-COVID Ethiopia: Consultations made with the Netherlands

Webinar discusses India-Ethiopia Partnership during Pandemic & Beyond

Africa and the African Union

The Department of Political Affairs (DPA) of the African Union Commission (AUC) convened a virtual consultative meeting of African Election Management Bodies (EMBs) on Wednesday (May 27) on the COVID-19 pandemic and elections in Africa. The virtual meeting was presided by Ambassador Minata Samate Cessouma, Commissioner for Political Affairs, the Association of African Electoral Authorities (AAEA) and Regional Economic Communities’ networks of EMBs. The virtual peer-learning meeting of African EMBs offered a platform for senior electoral officials on the continent, in particular, those planning to hold elections in 2020 to exchange their experiences and challenges.

In a message issued for Africa Day, marked on Monday (May 25), the Secretary-General of the UN reaffirmed his total solidarity with the people and Governments of Africa in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and paving the way for recovery and a better future for all.  The Secretary-General noted that African countries have demonstrated commendable leadership through a swift and coordinated response.  He welcomed the African Union’s support for his call for a global ceasefire to fight the pandemic and also welcomed the support of countries for his call for peace at home.

The second Africa Regional Integration Index (ARII 2019) was launched last week on Friday (May 22) by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the African Development Bank and the African Union Commission (AUC), with a call to action to African economies to deepen their integration. The report found that much more needs to be done to integrate regional economies to make them more resilient to shocks such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the Index shows that levels of integration on the continent are relatively low with an average score of 0.327 out of 1.

Dr Amani Abou-Zeid, African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure & Energy last week on Friday (May 22) delivered a keynote address to the virtual e-Governance Conference organised by Estonian e-Governance Academy under the theme “Giant Leaps Start with Small Steps”. In her opening remarks, H.E. President Kersti Kaljulaid said that “Governments should change old rules and legislation to enable the permanent implementation of technologies that have been shown to be efficient during the crisis, for instance, in remote learning, telemedicine and remote work.” President Kaljulaid stressed the need to maintain users trust in digital solutions and the implementation of new post-crisis digital solutions while ensuring cyber security.

In the early hours of Monday (May 25), Jubaland Security Forces beat back Al-Shabaab militants who attacked their base and training center in Dhobley. Al-Shabaab lost several men and a range of weapons were left behind as they hastily retreated in defeat. About 20 Al-Shabaab terrorists attacked the base using rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles but found formidable resistance in the Jubaland forces who stood their ground and defended their position. The terrorists were driven back when a team from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) quickly arrived to reinforce the Jubaland Forces.

The Head of the African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM), Ambassador Francisco Madeira, last week on Thursday (May 21) reported on the progress Somalia has made in economic recovery, inclusive politics, and security through containing terrorism, dialogue and reconciliation, state building, reconstruction and recovery.

In a statement issued last week on Friday (May 22), the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat welcomes the recent developments related to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and commends the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Republic of Sudan for agreeing to resume technical level engagements through their Water Ministers to resolve outstanding differences and reach an amicable solution. (See article)


The Ethiopian Embassy in the Hague on Thursday (May 28) participated in a webinar organized by the Netherlands-Africa Business Council (NABC), entitled ‘Doing Business in Ethiopia’. The main topic of the webinar was ‘How to build stronger trade ties between the Netherlands and Ethiopia post COVID-19?’ The webinar was organized as part of the implementation of the recently launched Africa Strategy in the Netherlands while taking into consideration the impact of COVID-19. (See article)

State Minister H.E. Tsion Teklu and other senior government officials on Thursday (May 28) received 333 Ethiopians repatriated from Lebanon at Bole International Airport. The Ethiopian government’s decision to repatriate these people was made against the backdrop of complex problems they were forced to face living in Lebanon. The government noted that the returnees were highly motivated to return back to their country and that they were in trouble to stay being unemployed in Lebanon and protect themselves from the threats of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to today’s returnees, about 320 Ethiopian citizens are also expected to be voluntarily repatriated from Lebanon and arrive in Addis Ababa in the coming Saturday (May 30).

Ethiopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gedu Andargachew, on Wednesday (May 27) received David Beasley, Executive Director of World Food Program (WFP). The two discussed on how to cooperate to halt the spread of the coronavirus as well as prevent desert locust and floods catastrophes in the region. They further exchanged views on the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Commending WFP’s help to the east African nation, Gedu said Ethiopia will strengthen its cooperation with the organization. The Executive Director for his part said WFP will strengthen its cooperation with Ethiopia. He further appreciated Ethiopia’s efforts to curb the spread of the pandemic as well as reduce impact of locust and floods. Beasley also called on the three countries to resolve their difference regarding the dam through discussions.

A consultative forum focusing on the role of competing parties for successful completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) held on Wednesday (May 27) in Addis Ababa. The forum has been co-organized by Joint Council of Ethiopian Political Parties and Office of National Council for the Coordination of Public Participation to GERD. High ranking government officials including Foreign Affairs Minister Gedu Andargachew and the Water, Irrigation and Energy Minister Engineer Sileshi Bekele took part on the consultative forum. Chairperson of the Joint Council of Political Parties, Mussa Adem, while opening the meeting, said the forum is mainly intended to bring parties together against national interests despite political disparity.

Finland has approved an additional extension of the CoWASH III project in support of Ethiopia’s COVID 19 emergency response. The extension to run until the end of 2020 at a cost of 2.67 Million US Dollars is intended to contribute to COVID-19 emergency response activities in 45 woredas of Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR, Tigray and Benishangul Gumuz Regional States, Finnish Embassy in Addis Ababa announced on Tuesday (May 26). It also supports sanitation and hygienic works addressing water supply issues in health care and quarantine centers, according to the embassy.

A report by the East African published on Tuesday (May 26) indicated that Ethiopia is among the leading countries in the East African region in its use of the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) treaty. According to the US Trade and Investment with sub-Saharan Africa- Recent Trends and New Developments report, Kenya led the region, scoring 98%. Ethiopia at 81.9 % and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at 68.2 % are the other eastern Africa countries that have also taken advantage of the treaty to increase exports to the US mainly of products like textile and apparels, metals, agricultural products and artefacts. Increase in apparel exports by Madagascar, Ethiopia and Kenya resulted in US imports of apparel from the region under AGOA increasing by 9.9% annually to $1.2 billion from 2016 to 2018.

Medical Supplies weighing 8.5 tons donated by State of Qatar to Ethiopia has arrived at Bole International Airport on Tuesday (May 26). The arrival of the donation has been attended by Ethiopian high-ranking government officials and diplomatic corps from Qatari Embassy in Addis Ababa. The donation consists of 470,000 surgical masks, 70,000 N95 face masks, 60,000 gloves, 57,000 coveralls, 45,000 FF3 masks, 40,000 FF2 masks, 35,000 surgical gowns 30,000 goggles, and 12,250 face shields has arrived in Addis Ababa, Bole International Airport today.

The Government of Ethiopia said it will tighten control measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The COVID-19 Ministerial Committee formed to curb the spread of the virus held its regular session on Monday (May 25). Muferihat Kamil, Minister of Peace and Coordinator of Committee, told journalists that the rates of cases in the capital Addis Ababa are increasing fast, particularly in Arada, Addis Ketema and Lideta sub-cities. “The results are a sign that the number of cases rise as we increase our daily testing capacity,” she said. As the spread of the virus across the country is becoming a concern for the government, strong control measures will be taken in a particular area, she added.

Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia H.E. Gedu Andargachew and Eng. Gedion Asafaw on Monday (May 25) briefed the Americas and European resident Ambassadors in Addis Ababa about the construction, filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Mr. Gedu and Eng. Gedion reiterated Ethiopia’s commitment to equitably and reasonably utilize its water resources in line with the accepted principles of causing no significant harm and cooperation. The presenters also appreciated the recent statements of the UN Secretary General and Chairman of the African Union commission urging parties to solve unresolved issues according to the principles laid out in the DoP.

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed last week on Friday (May 22) visited Syrian refugees in connection with the Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. The Prime Minister presented Eid gifts to 100 Syrian refugee households sheltered in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa at Bole sub city fleeing violent conflict. The gifts include food items, cloths and sanitary supplies. In a tweet, the Prime Minister said: “These refugees have made a home in Ethiopia fleeing violent conflict and deserve to celebrate the end of Ramadan in dignity.” Recalling how Syria was a big economy before the conflict, he said, the government will do all it can to make them feel that they are at their second home.

Ethiopia and Turkey last week on Friday (May 22) virtually held their 6th round political consultation. State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Redwan Hussien and Ambassador Sedat Önal, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey led the discussion. Ambassador Redwan noted the longstanding and strategic relationship between the two countries and appreciated Turkey for being one of the most important sources of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to Ethiopia. He also mentioned that the two countries have converging interests on mutually important issues of regional peace and stability, fighting terrorism, cooperating on education and other matters. Ambassador Sedat Önal, said Turkey attaches great importance to its relations with Ethiopia and wants to further expand it. Conducting regular political consultations and Joint-Ministerial meetings would further strengthen relations, he added. Appreciating the active engagement of Turkish investors in Ethiopia, the Ambassador vowed to encourage others to follow suit. The discussion also highlighted the need to join hands in mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ethiopia has emerged as a key transit hub for the shipment of much sought-after medical equipment to Latin America. Financial Times last week on Friday (May 22) reported that authorities in the Brazilian state of Maranhão switched to Ethiopia after they saw two cargoes of respirators purchased from China seized during refueling stops in Europe and the US. “There are market forces and government pressures at a play, and competition is fierce to get medical equipment,” said Flávio Dino, the governor of Maranhão, adding they have decided to bring equipment through Addis Ababa.

The Ministry of Finance on Saturday (May 2) announced that it has decided to avail a five percent stake in Ethio telecom to the public with a cap on the number of shares an individual can buy. The minority share of the telecom company will be sold to thousands of Ethiopians living in the country and abroad as well. With the new decision, 40pc of the company will also be privatized to one of the international telecom operators that will own the firm alongside the public and the government, which will retain a majority share. Two years ago, the ruling party decided on the full and partial privatization of major state-owned enterprises, and Ethio telecom was included in the list of enterprises to be partially privatized. Since then, the Ministry of Finance has been working on the partial privatization of Ethio telecom, intending to finalize the process before the end of this year.

On Monday (May 25) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia issued a congratulatory message for celebrating the Africa Day. The day marked the birth of the Organization of African Unity signposting to the culmination of the Pan-Africanist movement which ushered in a new era of unity, solidarity and determination to eradicate colonialism and apartheid from our continent, the statement reads. (See article)

Ethiopian envoy has requested the government of India to continue extending multifaceted assistance to Ethiopia and for the continent of Africa. Ethiopian Ambassador to India, Tizita Mulugeta, made the request during webinar meeting held in New Delhi on Monday (May 25) under the theme “Mapping Next Steps in India-Africa Partnership: Pandemic & Beyond” to mark the Africa Day. (See article)

The joint forum that was established to arrest challenges of Foreign Direct Investment in Ethiopia held its regular meeting on Friday (May 22) in the premises of the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. Attendees discussed investment challenges to Foreign Investors in Ethiopia and deliberate on viable solutions. Gedu Andargachew, Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and Ambassador Girma Biru, macroeconomic advisor to Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed led the discussion.



Djibouti has more than 1,800 COVID-19 cases, making it the African country with the highest number of cases per 100,000 people. But more than 1,000 of those cases have already recovered and only nine people have died from the disease. According to a report by VOA on Friday (May 22), the head of Djibouti’s main COVID-19 response center said systematically giving COVID-19 patients the anti-malarial drug chloroquine is the main reason for the country’s low death rate.  But even scientists who see evidence of the efficacy of chloroquine caution on their use. Ahmed Zouiten, World Health Organization representative for the Djibouti country office, told VOA that while the WHO has no scientific evidence to support the use of antimalarial drugs to treat COVID-19, observationally their use alongside antibiotics does seem to be working in Djibouti’s case. One of the reasons for Djibouti’s apparent success, Zoutien said, is that the government has “a very, very aggressive testing strategy” and an even more aggressive approach to contact tracing. Before patients can leave the hospital, they need to test negative two times within 48 hours.



Kenya has shut its borders with Somalia and Tanzania as the country strives to stem further spread of the coronavirus. In a televised address to the nation, President Uhuru Kenyatta said he was imposing more measures after it emerged that some of the cases had crossed the border from Tanzania and Somalia. “If we do not take additional precautionary measures and get even more serious in implementing existing guidelines, the number of people who will get sick and die is going to rise sharply,” said President Kenyatta.

Headteachers have cautioned against rush to reopen schools during this coronavirus pandemic. They want the decision to reopen schools be well thought out informed by data from the Ministry of Health and other government agencies. Kenya Primary School Heads Association (Kepsha) chairperson Nicholas Gathemia in a presentation to the Covid-19 Education Response Committee chaired by Dr Sara Ruto also want national examinations be rescheduled to later dates when candidates are adequately prepared. Mr Gathemia on Saturday (May 2) said cases of Covid-19 in the country are increasing daily. “No schools should open until the virus is fully eradicated or brought under control in the country,” he said.


The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Sultan bin Saad al-Muraikhi received on Wednesday (May 27) a telephone call from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation of Somalia Ahmed Isse Awad. The call focused on reviewing bilateral relations and issues of joint interest.

Beledweyne, the capital of the Hiiraan province in Hirshabelle, is once again submerged in flood water after River Shabelle burst its banks. According to reports released on Tuesday (May 26) hundreds have been displaced and hectares of farmland destroyed by the raging waters. Beledweyne’s main marketplace, general hospital complex, town hall, headquarters of the Somali police force and other landmarks have been submerged. Local administrators have erected temporary shelters at Jeento

Puntland regional state minister for Environment and agriculture Ismail Gamadiid on Monday (May 25) has died in a hospital in Mogadishu. The minister was battling COVID-19 in a hospital in Mogadishu for weeks. The death of the cabinet was confirmed by close relatives and Puntland state officials. He contacted the virus in Puntland but was later on transferred in a hospital in Mogadishu. Puntland president Said Abdullahi Deni sent his message of condolence and comfort to the family and citizens.

At least five people were killed and 20 wounded in Baidoa, Somalia, after an explosion ripped through Eid celebrations on Sunday (May 24), reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).  Police office Mohamed Muktar told the international news agency that, “the initial information we have received indicates the dead bodies of five people were collected from the scene of the blast and more than twenty others have been wounded”.  Muktar said there were fears of the death toll rising due to the seriousness of the wounds of those injured, which included women and children. Crowds gathered on Saturday and Sunday on the site of the blast as celebrations following the end of the Holy month of Ramadaan kicked off, according to witness Abdi Hassan.

Locusts, COVID-19 and deadly flooding pose a “triple threat” to millions of people across East Africa, officials warned on Thursday (May 21), while the World Bank announced a $500 million program for countries affected by the historic desert locust swarms. A new and larger generation of the voracious insects, numbering in the billions, is on the move in East Africa, where some countries haven’t seen such an outbreak in 70 years. Climate change is in part to blame. The added threat of COVID-19 imperils a region that already was home to about 20% of the world’s population of food-insecure people, including millions in South Sudan and Somalia.

The Head of the African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM), Ambassador Francisco Madeira, on Thursday (May 22) reported on the progress Somalia has made in economic recovery, inclusive politics, and security through containing terrorism, dialogue and reconciliation, state building, reconstruction and recovery. However, Ambassador Madeira told the security council that some of the progress is now being hampered by adverse conditions brought about by a combination of terrorism, recurrent natural disasters and the impact of COVID-19.

Somalia health ministry on Tuesday (May 26) confirmed 22 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the total tally of infections to 1,711. Fawziya Abikar, health minister, said 18 patients recovered from COVID-19, bringing the total number of people who had been discharged from hospitals to 253. The minister said one more patient succumbed to the disease, raising the total number of deaths to 67. She said 11 of the latest cases are male while the rest are female patients.

Kenyan officers serving under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on Wednesday (May 27) donated food packages to vulnerable families in Dhobley and Kismayo ahead of the Eid-ul-Fitri celebrations to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Each of the more than 600 family beneficiaries received a variety of food items that included rice, sugar, spaghetti, tea leaves, biscuits, flour, cooking oil and beans.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) said on Tuesday (May 27) its forces teamed up with Somalia’s Jubaland security forces to foil an attack on their base and training center by al-Shabab militants in the southern region on Monday. Paul Njema, AMISOM sector 2 commanders, said al-Shabab lost several members and a range of weapons were left behind as they hastily retreated in defeat. Njema said about 20 al-Shabab terrorists attacked the base using rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles but found formidable resistance in the Jubaland forces who stood their ground and defended their position. He said the terrorists were driven back when a team from AMISOM quickly arrived to reinforce the Jubaland Forces. “Al-Shabab suffered significant losses with several of their fighters’ dead and injured,” he added, noting that one Jubaland soldier sustained light injuries and was treated and discharged.

Minister of labor and social affairs of the federal republic of Somalia Sadiq Hirsi Warfaa and the Commissioner for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons have pledged the work towards creation of job opportunities. The two spoke during a meeting in the minister’s office in which they promised to bring home Somalia refugees and create income streams for the internally displaced. “The ministry is putting efforts on ensuring continued support and relocation of the Somali Diaspora, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is currently working to create jobs for internally displaced persons and provide them with care,” Minister Sadiq said on Wednesday (May 27).

South Sudan

South Sudan last week on Friday (May 22) said deeply concerned about the rising water level in the African Great Lakes region and warned its people to be prepared for imminent devastating floods in the upcoming days. In a statement issued on Friday, South Sudan’s Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation said received Information about the ongoing floods in Lake Victoria Basin shared by Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The statement pointed out that the floods destroyed properties and businesses on the Lakeshores and continues to threaten lives prompting governments in those countries to advise citizens to move far away from the watercourse.

The South Sudanese First Vice President is in Juba where he is self-isolated after testing positive for coronavirus five days ago, said his office on Friday. Rumors circulated in the social media claiming that Machar had left the country to London with his wife and defense minister Angelina Teny. The fake news insinuated the deterioration of his conditions, paving the way for political troubles in the country. In response Machar office, issued a statement dismissing the rumor and asserting that the First Vice President is still in the country. “Please ignore the false rumors circulating on social media” about Machar and Teny departure to the United Kingdom, said his press secretary James Dak. “Both are also in good health and may soon resume their normal official activities after 14 days are over,” he further stressed.


The Chairman of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereign Council discussed with U.S. senior diplomats the withdrawal of UNAMID from Darfur and agreed that the hybrid mission should leave the western Sudan region by the end of October. The Sudanese presidency on Tuesday (May 26) issued a statement saying that Abdel Fattah al-Burhan received a joint phone call from Tibor Nagy Assistant Secretary for U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of African Affairs and U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan Donald Booth. “During the phone call, the Chairman of the Sovereign Council agreed with the Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and the U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan to put an end to the UNAMID mission next October,” said a statement released by the Sovereign Council after the call. “Therefore, there is no room for the renewal of its mandate,” stressed the statement.

The Chairperson of the African Union Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa called for the unconditional removal of sanctions on Sudan. Ramasphosa made his call in a statement delivered on the occasion of Africa Day on Monday (May 25). He said that the coronavirus pandemic “has exposed the deep inequalities that continue to exist on our continent and across the world”. He further called for a comprehensive economic stimulus package for Africa including debt relief, stressing it was crucial for economic recovery. “As we deal with the impact of this pandemic repeat our call for the unconditional lifting of sanctions that have been imposed on Zimbabwe and Sudan”.

Sudan on Monday (May 25) reported 19 more coronavirus deaths, bringing the country’s death toll from the epidemic to 165, the federal health ministry said in a statement. According to a daily news bulletin, the health authorities dated 23 May 2020 but released on Monday due to the Eid holidays, five death were recorded in Khartoum state, six in Gezira state, one in North Kordofan state, one in Gedaref state and six in North Darfur state. Also, on Saturday, the authorities recorded new 192 confirmed cases of coronavirus, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 3820.

Sudan reviewed a UN draft resolution on the new hybrid operation to ensure that peace and transition support mission does not include a military component, said Omer Gamar Eldin State Minister for Foreign Affairs on Saturday (May 22). The foreign ministry in Khartoum said it had received the draft resolution on the post-UNAMID mechanism through the Sudanese ambassador at the United Nations on 17 May. Following that, Foreign Minister Asma Abdallah convened a meeting to discuss the draft resolution and make sure that the mandate of the new special political mission is aligned with the strategic objectives outlined in a letter sent by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok on 27 February.

Darfur hybrid operation known as UNAMID reported for the first-time suspected cases of coronavirus among its personnel in its base in El-Fasher of North Darfur state. In North Darfur, there are 16 confirmed cases while there are 25 infected people in South Darfur, 14 in West Darfur, 8 in East Darfur and 2 in Central Darfur. In a statement released on Friday (May 22) evening, UNAMID said seven cases of suspected coronavirus were detected among its personnel operating at its logistics base in El-Fasher. “It is important to note that all affected personnel, including staff who have possibly come into contact with them, are currently adhering to strict quarantine and isolation set protocols, said the UNAMID.



Statement of the Chairperson of African Union Commission on the recent developments related to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)

In a statement issued last week on Friday (May 22), the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat welcomes the recent developments related to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and commends the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Republic of Sudan for agreeing to resume technical level engagements through their Water Ministers to resolve outstanding differences and reach an amicable solution.

“The Chairperson further encourages the tripartite to pursue their engagements in good faith, guided by principles of cooperation, common understanding and transparency, as stipulated in the 2015 Declaration of Principles on the GERD,” the statement reads.

It further said that the AU Commission stands ready to assist all parties in finding a peaceful resolution and achieving a mutually beneficial agreement.


Ministry Celebrates Africa Day Calling for Unity against COVID-19

On Monday (May 25) we [the Ministry of Foreign Affairs including all Africans] celebrated the 57th anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Addis Ababa. The day marked the birth of the Organization of African Unity signposting to the culmination of the Pan-Africanist movement which ushered in a new era of unity, solidarity and determination to eradicate colonialism and apartheid from our continent. It is a source of great satisfaction to note that the OAU has successfully achieved its objectives of setting Africa free from the yolk of colonialism and putting in place the foundation for continental integration under challenging circumstances. Ethiopians celebrated Africa Day with a huge sense of pride and honor as the African people have entrusted them with the privilege to host the OAU and the AU.

After the OAU achieved its mission as envisaged by the founding fathers, the organization was officially transformed into the African Union in July 2002, fit for its new mission of achieving socio-economic development. Today, the AU has embarked on a reform process to deliver in its vision of an Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa. To this effect, the African Union has designed Agenda 2063 as a roadmap to achieve the objectives of meeting the aspirations of the African people.

Africa is celebrating this year’s anniversary amid the COVID – 19 pandemic. This is a huge global challenge that can only be addressed through global solidarity. Africa is working together with a unity of purpose in its fight against the virus. This effort requires greater global solidarity and partnership in which Ethiopia is determined to do its part.

The theme for this year’s African Union Summit is: “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development”. Implementing the theme of the year in the context of the COVID19 is a challenging endeavor. However, it is a source of encouragement and hope to note that the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union is regularly conducting virtual meetings even under such difficult conditions. Ethiopia, as a member of the PSC will continue to make every effort to discharge its responsibilities for peace, security and prosperity of our continent.


Doing business in the Post-COVID Ethiopia: Consultations made with the Netherlands

The Ethiopian Embassy in the Hague on Thursday (May 28) participated in a webinar organized by the Netherlands-Africa Business Council (NABC), entitled ‘Doing Business in Ethiopia’. The main topic of the webinar was ‘How to build stronger trade ties between the Netherlands and Ethiopia post COVID-19?’ The webinar was organized as part of the implementation of the recently launched Africa Strategy in the Netherlands while taking into consideration the impact of COVID-19.

The webinar has brought together some 40 Dutch companies from different sectors, local partners and different stakeholders. Panelists in the webinar included Ambassador Million Samuel, Ms. Laurenske van den Heuvel-Gerestein, Policy Officer for Trade and Investment in the Embassy of the Netherlands in Addis Ababa, Mr. Nahom F. Abraham, Executive Director of the European Union Business Forum and two Dutch investors in Ethiopia – Crown Packaging and Plastic and Abyssinia Ballooning.

In his remarks Ambassador Million expressed appreciation to NABC for organizing the webinar and provided at length current information on prevention and mitigation activities of the Ethiopian government to combat the pandemic. He affirmed his belief that despite the setbacks caused by the pandemic, the country and businesses in Ethiopia will remain resilient and bounce back in due time. He further expressed his hope that the excellent business relations between Ethiopia and the Netherlands will be further strengthened in the post-COVID-19 period. He advised Dutch Companies not to be limited in floriculture/horticulture and explore new areas of cooperation in agriculture, manufacturing, energy, ICT and service sectors as well.

Ms. Laurenske van den Heuvel-Gerestein appreciated the Ethiopian government’s early response to curb the impact of COVID-19. She further appreciated the creative measures used by Ethiopian Airlines to focus on cargo and alternative routes as helpful for overall business. Mr. Nahom shared his positive outlook on the Ethiopian economy and opinions of EU member companies on the current Ethiopian business environment based on a survey. The Dutch companies also shared their experiences of doing business in Ethiopia. After a Q&A session, the webinar was concluded by extending an invitation to Dutch companies to do business in Ethiopia.

The Netherlands, with over 150 investments in Ethiopia, is the largest investor from European countries and accounted for the 5.23 percent of Ethiopia’s export, making it the 6th largest export destination of Ethiopian goods. Ethiopia, as a major economic partner of the Netherlands, has become one of the fifteen countries included in the ‘African Strategy of the Dutch Private Sector’ developed to stimulate Dutch companies to do business with Africa.


Webinar discusses India-Ethiopia Partnership during Pandemic & Beyond

Ethiopia’s ambassador to India, Tizita Mulugeta requested the government of India to continue extending multifaceted assistance to Ethiopia and for the continent of Africa. She said this during her briefings to the participants of the online webinar meeting titled “Mapping Next Steps in India-Africa Partnership: Pandemic & Beyond” held on Monday (25 May) in New Delhi, India.

In the virtual meeting that was organized by India Writes Network and India & the World magazine to mark the Africa Day, Ambassadors and high commissioners of the regional countries, Secretary (Economic Relations)-Designate Ministry of External Affairs, India CII, Exim Bank of India and Eminent Indian and African diplomats and experts participated.

After commending the organizers of the event, Ambassador Tizita briefed the participants on how the Ethiopian government took a variety of measures to contain the spread of the virus. She mentioned the establishment of a high level of national COVID-19 preparation and response task force, as well as a wide range of economic stimulus packages introduced to protect the most vulnerable section of the society and sectors that have been adversely affected by COVID-19 pandemic.

She further explained how the Ethiopian government played a decisive role on behalf of Africa by requesting the G 20 countries to grant debt relief and provision of COVID -19 emergency financing package to help poor countries cope with the health and economic emergency in view of combating and mitigating the negative impact of COVID-19 across the continent.

The ambassador recalled the teleconference meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed on 6th May 2020 and thanked the Indian government for providing medical equipment supplies to Ethiopia. In this regard, Ambassador Tizita requested the government of India to continue extending multifaceted assistance to Ethiopia and for the continent of Africa.

She underscored Africa’s unyielding commitment to strengthen relations with India citing the success of the three previously held India-Africa Forum Summits. She further stressed that the two nations should keep up cooperating in the fight against the common enemy as the situation requires Global action, solidarity, and international cooperation are more than ever necessary to address this pandemic.

Ambassador Tizita concluded her briefings by requested the Exim Bank of India to grant debt relief and financial loan to Ethiopia and Africa in general to help their efforts in mitigating the pandemic. She called for Indian companies to participate in providing Covid-19 protection equipment and in manufacturing essential medical supplies and extend their investment beyond COVID-19 in the areas of agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and information technology.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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