Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 07.08.2020

In this Edition

News in Brief

Spokesperson Ambassador Dina Mufti Delivers Ministry’s Bimonthly Media Briefing

South Africa Says the Spirit of Pan-African Solidarity and Fraternity Should Continue to Guide GERD Talks

Press Release on the Resumption of the Tripartite Negotiation on the GERD (August 03)

Press Release on the Resumption of the Tripartite Negotiation on the GERD (August 04)

Correcting Misinformation


Africa and the African Union


Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command Africa Major General Dagvin R.M. Anderson on Thursday (August 06) said the US continues partnerships with African nations to reduce extremism, combat terrorist organizations. In a press conference held to brief media on efforts of the US to combat terrorism in Africa, Major General Dagvin R.M. Anderson remarked that the United States strengthens efforts to bring about peace and prosperity throughout the African continent.

The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) on Thursday (August 06) hosted a webinar in which participants discussed ways through which member States and institutions can strengthen the engagement of women in climate information and services (CIS) which they can utilize to support the CIS value chain for the benefit of their countries and communities. Held under the theme “Strengthening the Engagement of Women in CIS Generation, Packaging, Dissemination, Uptake and Use,” the webinar sought to strengthen the engagement of women in CIS at regional level and to build their capacity and awareness of climate information tools and resources.

The African Union’s Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) on Monday (August 03) announced that it is joining forces with the APO Group (www.apo-opa.com), the leading pan-African communications and business consultancy, to organise regular online press conferences once every month, to provide Africans with vital information on the continental preparedness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as per the mandate given to the Africa CDC by all 55 African Heads of State and Government. This support by the APO Group will complement the weekly press briefings that the Africa CDC has been holding every Thursday since March 2020.

Jointly released by the AU and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on Thursday (July 30), a report entitled: “The Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Governance, Peace and Security in the Horn of Africa” said with at least 28 million people experiencing food insecurity before the pandemic, COVID-19 is expected to deepen food insecurity by at least 19 percent in Africa. The report further said extremist groups such as Al Shabaab have exploited the pandemic by using misinformation and to provide basic services in affected areas further challenging governance and stability. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, the report concludes with renewed hope and opportunities for African governments, regional institutions, civil society and citizens to support grassroots solutions for conflict prevention, strengthen rapid and collective fundraising for interventions, and explore the potential for intra-African trade among other innovative and context-specific solutions.

The African Union on Wednesday (July 29) announced that it is launching its Audit Recommendations Tracking System (ARTS) digital platform. ARTS is a digital platform that would fast-track implementation of all audit recommendations, enhance the overall effectiveness and efficiency of management planning, monitoring and reporting on actions taken on AU audit recommendations. The system is user-friendly and can be easily accessed from any location by authorized users with access to the internet.



Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Dina Mufti today (August 07), has delivered the Ministry’s press briefing focusing on the recent explosion in Lebanon and the situation of Ethiopian citizens residing there; the current status of the negotiation over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and various diplomatic activities carried out by the Ministry within the past two weeks (See article).

The Government of South Africa, through its Department of International Relations and Cooperation, issued a statement on Thursday (August 6) encouraging the parties to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) to continue with negotiations. The statement was issued following Sudan and Egypt’s request to postpone the Trilateral Negotiations on the GERD that resumed on Monday, (August 03), to consult on the proposal Ethiopia has submitted regarding the filling and operation of the dam. (See article)

Ethiopia on Thursday (August 06) inaugurated the first-ever Digital Health Innovation and Research Lab at Saint Peter Specialized Hospital in the presence of high ranking government officials including the Health Minister, Dr. Liya Tadesse and Innovation and Technology Minister, Dr. Abrham Belay. On the inaugural ceremony, Dr. Lia Tadesse stressed the paramount significance of the Digital Health Innovation Center to collect and analyze health-related information and pass an accurate decision in clinical matters.

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Thursday (August 06) provided COVID 19 preventive assistance to 15, 000 Ethiopians at quarantine sites. Country Director of NRC Ethiopia, Sumananjali Mohanty said it is pivotal that all actors have to forge collaboration and partnerships to support the government of Ethiopia in dealing with the pandemic.

Ethiopia confirmed 564 new cases and 9 deaths from COVID 19 on Thursday (August 06). Ministry of Health stated that the number of confirmed cases in the county has reached 20,900 as the nation report 564 new cases over the last twenty-four hours. The ministry said the new cases have been confirmed out of 9,068 laboratory tests conducted over the last day in several laboratories across the nation. The new 9 deaths have also brought the total number of fatalities into 365, according to the ministry.

The U.S. government on Wednesday (August 05) donated a shipment of 250 state-of-the-art ventilators and other critical care equipment to assist Ethiopia with its response to COVID-19. President Donald Trump had made the pledge to send ventilators to Ethiopia during the April 25 telephonic conversation with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

The Afar regional state disaster prevention and food security program coordination office disclosed that 32,000 persons have been displaced due to the overflow of Awash River. Early warning and emergency response director, Aydahis Yasin on Wednesday (August 05) said the over flooding occurred in six woredas of the regional state, following the heavy rainfall this rainy season. Seven woredas along the Awash River basin are highly vulnerable to flood, he added.

Prime Minister Dr, Abiy Ahmed on Wednesday (August 05) expressed his condolences over the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. “Deeply saddened by the tragic explosion in Beirut. My thoughts and prayers with the people of Lebanon,” he said on Twitter. The Prime Minister also urged Ethiopians residing in Beirut to get in touch with the consulate. “I encourage Ethiopians living in Beirut to get in touch with the consulate as you help one another amidst such an ordeal,” he added.

Repeated assertions by some groups that the Government of Ethiopia postponed the election indefinitely without valid legal processes or practical justifications warranting the postponement are simply intended to spread misinformation and represent a denial of the constitutional processes duly followed, said a statement issued by Billene Seyoum. (See article)

Ethiopia had sent its version of the guidelines and rules on the filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt resumed the virtual tripartite negotiations on the dam last Monday under the auspices of the African Union (AU) after they were suspended for two weeks. In a statement issued on Tuesday (August 04), the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy, said: “Ethiopia had sent its version of the guidelines and rules on the filling of the GERD.” Ethiopia sent the document in line with the communique of the African Union Assembly Bureau dated 24 July 2020 and the understanding reached by the Ministers of Water Affairs, it said.

The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy of Ethiopia has issued two statements on 03 and 04 August 2020 regarding the tripartite negotiations over the GERD. The former statement stated that the three parties have resumed to take part in the African Union-led negotiation. The latest statement, however, stated that the negotiation has been postponed for the second time following the request by Sudan and Egypt to consult on the proposal submitted by Ethiopia on the filling and operation of the dam. (See articles)

Enhancing the existing bilateral cooperation with neighboring countries and ensuring sustainable peace across the region are among the key goals under Ethiopia’s 10-Year development plan with regards to foreign relations, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gedu Andargachew said. Gedu made the remark on Monday (August 03) during a consultation meeting that discussed the 10­Year National Plan with respect to Ethiopia’s foreign affairs.  The Minister has revealed Ethiopia’s foreign relations positions in the political economy of the region, Africa and at the global level at large. Briefing the audience about the overall objectives, strategies and implementation instruments of the plan, Gedu said that the country will work vigorously to realizing regional economic integration by making efforts for sustainable peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.



Ministry of Information on Wednesday (August 05) announced that President Isaias Afwerki has sent a message of solidarity to the people and Government of Lebanon expressing profound sadness at the loss of lives and injuries sustained in the tragic explosion in Beirut. President Isaias Afwerki extended Eritrea’s condolences to the families of the victims.

Eritrean nationals in Scandinavian countries conducted 22nd annual festival on Saturday (August 01) under the theme “Resilience and Progress”. At the festival that was virtually conducted and in the presence of representatives of national associations, the Charge d’Affairs at the Eritrean Embassy, Mr. Yonas Manna said that the annual Eritrean community festival will have significant contribution in transferring the noble societal values to the young generation and consolidating the unity of the Eritrean people.



Kenya’s COVID-19 death toll rose to 399 on Thursday (August 06) after eight fatalities were reported within 24 hours, translating to a 1.6 percent case fatality rate. Health Chief Administrative Secretary Rashid Aman said the fatalities include six comorbidity-linked deaths. At the same time, Aman reported that 514 patients had recovered from the disease, including 431 placed under the home-based care program. The 514 cleared cases increased recoveries registered since April to 10,444.

A Kenya Air Force Harbin Y-12-II suffered an accident at Dhobley runway in Somalia. There were no serious injuries to the 10 people on board but the aircraft was seriously damaged. The landing gear as well as the left-hand wing have collapsed. The accident happened after the aircraft had taken off from Dhobley Airstrip after delivering supplies to U.N. Amisom forces. KDF in a statement on Tuesday (August 04) said all 10 military personnel on board are at the Defence Forces Memorial Hospital and are in stable condition. “An investigation team is in Dhobley to establish the cause of the crash,” it said.



Somalia will reportedly announce the winners of its first oil and gas licensing round in early 2021 and use its proceeds to rebuild the country’s economy. To remind, Somalia is offering seven deepwater offshore blocks in its maiden licensing round in one of the world’s last frontier markets with the oil and gas auction officially opened on Tuesday (August 04). Ibrahim Ali Hussein told Reuters in his first interview with international media since his appointment last week as the CEO of the Somali Petroleum Authority (SPA) that the country is expecting to finalise and award the block contracts in the first quarter of next year.

Flash floods caused by seasonal rains have affected about 191,800 people in Somalia since May and July, causing a humanitarian crisis in the regions affected, the UN humanitarian agency said on Thursday (August 06). The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said residents have been displaced by floods across the Horn of Africa nation since late June. “In many areas of southern and central Somalia, the ongoing Hagaa season rains have been heavier than previous years, with strong winds and lower temperatures reported,” OCHA said in its latest report on floods.

At least eight Somali government soldiers were killed and several wounded on Wednesday (August 05) when al-Shabaab terrorists attacked a military base in the southwestern Bay province. Somali government spokesman Ismail Mukhtar Oronjo said al-Shabaab terrorists attacked a Somali national army base in Daynuney. When a company of soldiers came under attack by Al-Shabaab terrorists on Wednesday, a commander was among those killed, Oronjo said. After the attack, a military vehicle carrying reinforcements was targeted in a roadside blast, wounding several soldiers, he added.

With roughly one of three Somalian soldiers trained by the Turkish Armed Forces, military cooperation in this area between the two countries is of critical importance, Turkey’s ambassador to the East African nation said on Tuesday (August 03). In an interview, Mehmet Yilmaz told Anadolu Agency that the multilateral relations of both countries spanned many fields from military to health and education. Yilmaz said Turkey and Somalia shared deep-rooted and historical relations and that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit in 2011 while Somalians were struggling with drought, carried bilateral ties to the next level.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has a new force commander; Lieutenant General Diomede Ndegeya from Burundi, who arrived in Mogadishu on Sunday (August 02) to be the overall head of forces from Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Lieutenant General Ndegeya is to take over from Lt. Gen. Tigabu Yilma of Ethiopia, whose tour of duty has ended after being Force Commander since January 2019. Gen.

South Sudan


The National Democratic Movement (NDM) leader and Commander in Chief of the group forces relieved its chief of staff on Sunday (August 02). “By this, Lt General Nicodemus Deng Deng is relieved from his position as the Chief of Staff of the NDM forces with immediate effect,” reads a statement signed by Lam Akol, the group leader and commander in chief of its forces. Akol further thanked Deng for the services he has rendered to the NDM forces.

South Sudan President Salva Kiir has ordered the security agencies to leave no stone unturned to arrest the murder of three children in a Juba neighbourhood. In a statement issued on Monday (August 10), President Kiir condemned the killing of three innocent at Rock city area saying he was shocked and saddened by “the heartless murder” of innocent children. like all the South Sudanese. “We will work tirelessly to make this criminal pay dearly for this heinous crime,” he further pledged before to say that he directed “law enforcement agencies to use every tool in their disposal towards expeditious apprehension and trial of the suspect(s) in this unjustifiable murder”.

The UN Mission (UNMISS) on Tuesday (August 04) announced that it has trained 70 young people from Bentiu in advanced computer skills to address the economic impact of the pandemic in the Unity region.  The training aimed to help these young people find jobs and become economically secure. UN peacekeepers also donated computers and printers to the youth centre in Bentiu.

South Sudan’s First President met with traditional leaders from Jonglei State last week on Friday (July 31) to discuss ways to reach a lasting solution to the chronic tribal violence in the region. Hundreds of people were killed in the recent months following inter-communal clashes in the Greater Jonglei region involving the Murle with both the Bor Dinka and the Lou-Nuer ethnic groups. On 24 June, President Salva Kiir established a committee headed by Vice President James Wani tasked with the resolution of the recurring disputes over water and grazing land and cattle raid. On Friday, First Vice President Riek Machar met with traditional leaders from Jonglei state representing Dina and Lou Nuer committees. The delegation, which was led by Chief Away Ajang and Chief Majok Tot, appealed to the government to resolve the ongoing inter-communal violence in Pibor area, according to a statement released by the spokesman of Machar office James dak.



Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok on Thursday (August 06) said he received a call from U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to discuss ongoing Sudan’s delisting process from the terror list. “Delighted to receive a phone call from (U.S.) Secretary Pompeo today to discuss further progress in delisting Sudan from the (State) Sponsors of Terrorism list (SSTL),” wrote Hamdok in a tweet posted on Thursday. The State Department which used to issue statements about Pompeo’s activities did not make public a statement about the telephone conversation.

The UN on Thursday (August 06) announced that intensified heavy rains in South Sudan have caused flooding and landslides and have destroyed infrastructure, houses and livelihoods. More than 50,000 people have been affected, with South Darfur, West Kordofan and El Gezira being the hardest-hit states. These storms are hampering the production of crops and increasing the risk of disease outbreaks, hampering the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of people have been displaced following the collapse of a dam that reached full capacity last week.

The Sudanese Prime Minister, Abdallah Hamdok, announced on Tuesday (July 28) the signing of the peace agreement within some weeks. In remarks made to the staff of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, Hamdok said that the transitional period despite the huge challenges it was able to accomplish many tasks, particularly Sudan’s strong return of Sudan to the international family, and the progress made in peace talks in Juba. “Within weeks, the peace agreement will be signed to complete the first phase of peace,” he said.

Sudan on Monday (August 03) said that decisive progress was needed in negotiations over the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and called to discuss specific agenda during a period not exceeding two weeks. Irrigation ministers from Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia resumed Monday afternoon, virtual negotiations on the GERD filling and operation hosted by Cyril Ramaphosa head of the African Union and South Africa President. In a speech delivered during the meeting, Sudanese Minister of Irrigation Yasir Abbas demanded that “the current round of negotiations be decisive and to set specific agenda for a two-week period.”

Suleiman al-Dabailo head of Sudan’s Peace Commission on Monday (August 03) discussed with a visiting UN delegation the prospects of cooperation between his body and the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) to bring peace to Sudan. On 3 June, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2524 establishing the UNITAMS, which will work closely with the Sudanese government in support of the implementation of the goals of the transition in Sudan including peace.

A UN delegation by Stephen Sequeira is visiting Khartoum as part of the ongoing preparations for the establishment of the UNITAMS which should begin its activities on 1 January 2021.

In Sudan’s Khartoum State, the World Food Programme (WFP) has launched its first programme, together with the Government, to provide nutritional support for 175,000 pregnant and nursing women as well as children under the age of five.

In a statement issued on Wednesday (July 29), the Secretary-General said that he is deeply concerned about the increasing violence in many parts of the Darfur region of Sudan, notably the attacks in West Darfur on 25 July and in North Darfur on 13 July, in which dozens of people were killed and more than 1,500 houses burned, leaving thousands displaced and in dire need of humanitarian assistance.  The Secretary-General commends the efforts by the Sudanese authorities, under the leadership of Prime Minister Abdala Hamdok, in responding to these incidents, and called for an investigation to ensure accountability.  Deliberate attacks against civilians violate international human rights law and international humanitarian law.


Spokesperson Ambassador Dina Mufti Delivers Ministry’s Bimonthly Media Briefing


Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Dina Mufti today (August 07) has presented the Ministry’s press briefing focusing on the recent explosion in Lebanon and the situation of Ethiopian citizens residing there; the current status of the negotiation over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and various diplomatic activities carried out by the Ministry within the past two weeks.

Regarding the recent explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, the spokesperson, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia expressed condolences to the Government and people of Lebanon over the horrific incident. “We would like to assure Ethiopian citizens living in Lebanon that our Consulate office is doing its level best to gather information regarding injured citizens and to provide all the necessary support to alleviate the suffering they are facing,” he said.

He said Ethiopians who are currently residing in three temporary shelters in Lebanon including another one that is managed by “Caritas”- a charity organization in Lebanon – are not injured by the explosion in the city. “According to information we have gathered from Ethiopian citizens, one individual is reportedly dead, two have sustained severe injuries while seven others have been lightly injured,” he said adding, “Our Consulate in Lebanon is gathering information to confirm the truthfulness of the information about the death of an Ethiopian there. Those individuals who were severely injured due to the explosion are hospitalized and are getting medical care right now. Our citizens who have sustained minor injuries have already been given proper medical care.”

On the occasion, Ambassador Dina recalled that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, on behalf of the Government of Ethiopia, has expressed condolences over the massive explosion in Beirut that killed hundreds of people and left many injured. The Ambassador reiterated the premier’s message that encouraged Ethiopians living in Beirut to get in touch with the Consulate and suggested that they should help one another amidst such an ordeal.

About the negotiation over the GERD, Ambassador Dina recalled that the Ministers of Water Affairs of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan on Monday had resumed the tripartite negotiation on the GERD under the AU framework via video conference. He further mentioned that the negotiation which had started on 27 July 2020 was postponed by a week following Sudan’s request. According to the spokesperson, the negotiation that resumed on Monday was supposed to continue for two weeks, with a combination of the trilateral ministerial meeting, expert working group meetings, and meetings with experts and observers. However, he said that in the latest meeting, following Ethiopia’s proposal regarding the Guidelines and Rules on the filling of the GERD, Egypt and Sudan requested to postpone the meeting for they need time to review and consult on Ethiopia’s proposal. Quoting the latest statement issued by the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy of Ethiopia, the ambassador said: “the meeting is expected to reconvene on Monday 10 August 2020 as proposed by Egypt’s delegation.”

He also mentioned the statement issued by the Government of South Africa on Thursday (August 6) that encouraged the need to continue the GERD talks with the spirit of Pan-African Solidarity and Fraternity. The Ambassador further reiterated that the Government of Ethiopia is committed to reaching a comprehensive agreement that addresses the outstanding issues on the GERD negotiation.

Aside from the explosion in Lebanon and the current status of the GERD talks, the spokesperson also briefed the media about the major diplomatic activities the Ministry has been undertaking for the last 15 days. According to Dina, the Government of Ethiopia has received 218 of its citizens from various countries in the past two weeks. These people were challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic and some of them were victims of illegal human traffickers, he said. “The government repatriated 120 of them from Khartoum, Sudan covering their travelling costs. Ten of these people were returned from Zambia and Zimbabwe, while 88 of them were imprisoned in Doha.”

Ambassador Dina said the Ministry is working together with international organizations and the Ethiopian Diaspora Community in various countries to provide the necessary assistance to Ethiopian citizens who are severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and unable to come back home for various reasons. “Our Missions in Beirut, Jeddah, Oman and Khartoum have continued to help Ethiopians who are victims of illegal human traffickers,” he added.

The ambassador also covered a series of meetings over the past two weeks that were held under the auspices of Tsion Teklu, State Minister for Economic Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs. He said, during the Ethio-Italy business Forum that was held virtually, the state minister presented the investment opportunities that are available in Ethiopia. Ambassador Dina also said State Minister Tsion has also held a meeting with Ethiopian Missions in neighbouring countries and stakeholders of the leather industry in Ethiopia to promote Ethiopian leather products in African countries.

The Spokesperson also mentioned State Minister Redwan Hussien’s meeting with resident European ambassadors in Ethiopia over the week. According to Dina, Ambassador Redwan briefed the European ambassadors about the current situation in Ethiopia following the death of the prominent singer, Hachalu Hundesa.

The bimonthly press briefing was concluded with a question and answer session that followed the Spokesperson’s presentation.


South Africa Says the Spirit of Pan-African Solidarity and Fraternity Should Continue to Guide GERD talks

The Government of South Africa, through its Department of International Relations and Cooperation, issued a statement on Thursday (August 6) encouraging the parties to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) to continue with negotiations

The statement was issued following Sudan and Egypt’s request to postpone the Trilateral Negotiations on the GERD that resumed on Monday, (August 03), to consult on the proposal Ethiopia has submitted regarding the filling and operation of the dam.

The statement further stated that South Africa commends the Parties to the GERD for their commitment to finding an inclusive and durable agreement through dialogue and negotiation, adding, “An amicable outcome would be beneficial to all the countries of the Blue Nile River and would boost regional cooperation and integration.”

 “As the Parties engage in this critical phase of the negotiations, we would like to urge them to continue to be guided by the spirit of Pan-African solidarity and fraternity, which has characterised the AU-led negotiations process on the GERD,” said Dr. Naledi Pandor, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation. Speaking on behalf of President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Chairperson of the African Union (AU), Dr. Naledi Pandor underscored that “the Parties should display magnanimity and understanding of each other’s interests so as to move the process forward.”

“South Africa encourages the Parties to remain engaged, and wishes to reassure them of the unremitting support and cooperation of the AU Bureau, and the entire membership of the AU,” Minister Pandor added.

According to the statement, a report of the ongoing negotiations on outstanding technical and legal issues is expected to be presented to President Ramaphosa in the next two weeks.




Press Release on the Resumption of the Tripartite Negotiation on the GERD

The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy

03 AUGUST 2020

Addis Ababa (03 August 2020):

The Ministers of Water Affairs of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan continued the tripartite negotiation on the GERD under the AU framework via video conference. The negotiation which had started on 27 July 2020 was postponed by a week following Sudan’s request. Today’s meeting was also attended by the observers and African Union (AU) assigned experts.

 Dr. Seleshi Bekele, Minister of Water, Irrigation, and Energy has reiterated Ethiopia’s commitment to expeditiously finalize the process with a win-win outcome and noted the progress made since the AU led process has started. He also underscored the resolve of the Heads of Government of the three countries to arrive at speedy and agreement on first filling in short term and comprehensive agreement addressing the outstanding issues on the GERD negotiation.

The Ministers have agreed on the procedure for the trilateral negotiation. Accordingly, the negotiation will continue for the coming two weeks, with a combination of trilateral ministerial meeting, expert working group meetings, and meetings with experts and observers. For the coming two days, the expert working groups will hold negotiation meetings focusing on the outstanding issues.



Press Release on the Resumption of the Tripartite Negotiation on the GERD

The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy

Addis Ababa (04 August 2020):


The Legal and Technical working groups of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan resumed their discussion on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) as instructed by the Ministers of Water Affairs of the three countries on 03 August 2020.

The meeting was attended by the observers from the Republic of South Africa, EU, USA, and AU Bureau of the Assembly assigned experts.

The meeting was supposed 10 discuss outstanding issues on the Guidelines and Rules on the GERD.

Ethiopia had sent its version of the Guidelines and Rules on the filling of the GERD, in line with the Communiqué of the African Union Assembly Bureau dated 24 July 2020 and the understanding reached by the Ministers of Water Affairs during their meeting on 03 August 2020 to work on a common document.

Egypt and Sudan requested to adjourn the meeting to be able to consider the Guidelines and Rules on the filling of the GERD that Ethiopia had communicated. It is agreed to resume the negotiation once the two countries complete their consideration. Accordingly, the meeting is expected to reconvene on Monday 10 August 2020 as proposed by Egypt’s delegation.


Correcting Misinformation

Repeated assertions by some groups that the Government of Ethiopia postponed the election indefinitely without valid legal processes or practical justifications warranting the postponement are simply intended to spread misinformation and represent a denial of the constitutional processes duly followed.

Disagreement is part of a healthy democratic culture, whereas misrepresenting facts because the true narrative does not fit into individual opinions and expectations is a deliberate attempt to misinform the public and members of the international community. Due caution needs to be paid to pseudo intellectuals and their misinformation spree. While they posture as champions of democracy and human rights, what they do is sow seeds of division and animosity among a society that has lived for so long harmoniously.

The Government was making full-fledged preparations for several months to hold the first fair and free election in the country. It was with this commitment that the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia was made to be independent and capable of conducting a free and fair election. With the onset of the COVID19 pandemic, NEBE’s declaration that it cannot hold the elections as scheduled, was met with resistance from the ruling party, which insisted to proceed as planned.

Nevertheless, in the context of the current public health emergency, the Government will be in serious breach of its constitutional mandate and responsibility to safeguard public health and welfare if it pursued a national election as initially scheduled or when the situation has not improved. With the current increase in number of positive cases and new deaths being reported daily, disregarding this painful fact will be fostering complacency in a situation where the pandemic is stressing health care systems and stretching resources.

In response to this global pandemic, the Government followed the constitutionally most plausible alternative by seeking a constitutional interpretation to address the legal lacuna. Legal experts, political party and civil society consultations held by the Government and the process that led to the final rendering of a decision on the matter by the House of Federation (HoF) was considered by many as being a watershed moment in nurturing a culture of constitutionalism in the country.

The Council of Constitutional Inquiry engaged all relevant experts on the matter and received expert opinion even from those that took part in the constitutional design. It then sent a unanimous recommendation to the HoF to postpone the election until after the health impact of COVID19 is mitigated. It is this decision-which was rendered to the letter and spirit of the constitution- that gave the basis for the temporary postponement of the election. The Government continues to monitor the situation to ensure that the date for the election is scheduled as soon as circumstances warrant it, no later than between 9-12 months.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed remains deeply committed to the democratisation process despite temporal and intermittent attempts by belligerent forces and their proxies, to undermine the reform process. Reforming established inequitable systems and entrenched attitudes, propped up by invisible networks of unearned privilege and benefits takes time to dismantle. Nevertheless, political will and foresight at the highest level exists and will move forward!


Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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