Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 18.12.2020

In this Edition

News in Brief

Ethiopia expresses commitment to the global fight against climate change

Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok of Sudan visits Ethiopia

Africa and the African Union

On Monday (December 14) Amira Elfadil Mohamed Elfadil, Commissioner for Social Affairs and Ambassador Yuxi Liu, Head of the Mission of the People’s Republic of China to Ethiopia, on behalf of the African Union Commission and the Government of China attended the ground breaking and unveiling ceremony for the China aided Project of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) Headquarters building. The event took place in the presence of representatives from the AU Commission, the Government of China, and the Government of Ethiopia.

The African Union Commission last week on Thursday, signed MoU with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) to enhance existing cooperation on Migration, and Mobility Governance between the two organisations. The Mou was signed by Amira Elfadil, Commissioner for Social Affairs on behalf of the Chairperson of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki Mohamet, while Director General, Mr. Michael Spindelegger, signed on behalf of ICMPD.

A new generation of locust swarms is threatening to wipe out the livelihoods of farmers and herders across eastern Africa – deepening a food crisis in a region where 35 million people are already hungry, the United Nations warned on Wednesday (December 16). From January to August, massive desert locust swarms swept across Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya, ravaging crops and decimating pasture in the worst outbreak in decades.


In a press conference held on Friday (December 18), Community Information Department Head at the National Defense Force, Let.-Gen Asrat Denero announced an offer amounting 10 Million Birr in rewards for information on the whereabouts of members of the TPLF Clique members. The government is working to bring culprits to justice, restore infrastructure and rehabilitate affected people following the completion of the law enforcement operation in Tigray. Mekele City and several towns in Tigray region are returning to normalcy and getting back to the previous day to day activities.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Thursday (December 17) said the Government is closely following the incident with local militia on the Ethio-Sudan border. “Such incidents will not break the bond between our two countries as we always use dialogue to resolve issues,” said Office of the Prime Minister. “Those fanning discord clearly do not understand the strength of our historical ties,” it added.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen on Thursday (December 17) received the new UNFPA representative to Ethiopia, Dennia Gayle. On the occasion, Demeke appreciated the UNFPA for providing support to female Ethiopian refugees in Sudan. He addressed the representative’s concerns over the situation in Tigray and the government’s assurance to protect civilians through the law enforcement process. He said the government has rapidly concluded the operation and continued the rehabilitation and restoration of infrastructure that had been destroyed by the fugitives. He has also briefed her about the inclusive humanitarian aid that the federal government is providing to people in Tigray. According to Dennia Gayle, the UNFPA is planning to extend support to women and children in the Tigray region.

Demeke Mekonnnen, Ethiopia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs on Thursday (December 17) held a phone discussion with Pekka Haavisto, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Their discussion focused on the recently completed law enforcement operation in Tigray, the latest developments in the region, and the need to expedite humanitarian assistance activities to those in need. In their discussion, Demeke also expressed hope that the European Union would understand the reality on the ground in Tigray. The Union’s stand to put the federal government of Ethiopia on equal footing with the TPLF criminal clique is regrettable, he added.

Ethiopian Ambassador to Sudan Yibeltal Aemero on Thursday (December 17) held discussion with representatives of UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and refugees’ bureau in Sudan’s Gedaref State. The meeting was attended by Andrew Embigory, representative of UNHCR and Alhafith Mohammed, head of the refugees’ bureau, according to Ethiopian Embassy in Sudan. The discussion mainly focused on facilitating conditions for the return of Ethiopian’s refugees in the state that crossed the Sudan’s border following law enforcement operation in Tigray.

The 5th session of the joint Ethiopian-Algerian Ministerial Committee will be held in Addis Ababa soon, said Ethiopian Ambassador to Algeria. The meeting was postponed due to the coronavirus disease outbreak. “We plan to hold it once this epidemic ends,” said Ambassador Nebiat Getachew in an exclusive interview with El-Chaab newspaper, Algeria’s Arabic language daily. He said the meeting will bring together high level government officials and prominent business persons from both countries, thereby creating a platform for future cooperation between the two countries.

Ethiopia’s State Minister of Peace, Frealem Shibabaw, on Thursday (December 17) met with a delegation from UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR. On the occasion, she said efforts have been made to protect innocent civilians in the now-concluded law enforcement operation in the northern part of the country, including those in refugee camps. Those who left their camps in fear during the operation to neighboring areas and to the capital Addis Ababa have now returned to their camps, she told members of the delegation. She called upon the UNHCR and other partners to continue their support as Ethiopia has demonstrated its ability to accommodate a large number of refugees.

All of the commercial banks can now issue foreign currency debit cards to travelers, according to a new circular issued by the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE). For the past two years, the state giant Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) has been piloting the project by issuing the international prepaid cards only to traveling high-level government officials. Signed by Yinager Dessie (PhD), governor of the central bank, the circular stated that the pilot period has come to an end and all banks can begin the service as of the end of last month. The circular fully activated the directive that was approved in August 2018, allowing banks to issue foreign currency cards to travelers, who had been taking the foreign currency in cash.

Chief Executive of Tigray Provisional Administration, Mulu Nega (PhD) said that the newly-formed state cabinet is taking office as of Sunday (December 13). Briefing journalists on the current situations in Tigray State on Saturday, the chief executive stated that close partnership has been formed with all concerned bodies to the re-opening of public offices and business enterprises in the area. Also, the interim administration has given great consideration to re-open utility providing institutions to enable the society pursue their daily lives without fear ensuring their wellbeing.


President Isaias Afwerki met on Monday (December 14), at the State House Saudi Arabia’s delegation led by Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud. The delegation delivered messages from King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud as well as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to President Isaias. The two sides held extensive talks on bilateral ties and regional issues of mutual importance. Affirming that the two countries hold convergent views and positions on all these matters, they agreed to bolster their ties and to establish a Joint Committee to implement the common vision. The delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia led by Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud returned home on Tuesday.


Kenya will open a consulate in the breakaway region of Somaliland that’s lobbying for international recognition, escalating tensions with the government of neighboring Somalia. The office will open in the Somaliland capital of Hargeisa by end of March, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Somaliland counterpart Muse Bihi Abdi said in a joint statement on Tuesday (December 8). The breakaway region will upgrade its liaison office in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, at the same time.


Kenya’s escalating tiff with neighbouring Somalia will be the subject of a high-level regional meeting in Djibouti this Sunday.  This came after Mogadishu wrote a protest letter against Kenya to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad), which brings together governments from the Horn of Africa, Nile Valley and the African Great Lakes, over alleged interference with its internal affairs. “In response to the Federal Government of Somalia letter against Kenya, which was submitted to Abdalla Hamdok, PM of the Republic of Sudan and the Chair of the Igad Assembly of Heads of State and Government, the Igad will hold a summit in Djibouti on December 20 on this matter,” Somalia Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted late on Sunday (December 13).

China and Somalia on Monday (December 14) celebrated the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the two nations that started December 14, 1960, SONNA reported. The Chinese Embassy organized very colorful event on this occasion and attended by senior Somali Government officials, diplomats, experts from think tanks and China-Somalia associations and other dignitaries in Mogadishu.

The Somali military said it killed eight al-Shabab fighters on Sunday (December 13), a military official confirmed Monday. The eight were killed when they tried to ambush Somali National Army (SNA) troops in Wajid, a town in the southern Bakol region, said Isak Mohamed Ibrahim, commander of the SNA’s 260th Unit division. “The army foiled militants’ attempt to inflict casualties on the forces and killed eight of them,” he said.

Youth representatives from across Southwest State of Somalia have converged in Baidoa to attend a one-day youth community engagement workshop supported by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to encourage youth participation in peacebuilding and community work. The event was aimed at inspiring Southwest State youth to engage in decision making at district and regional levels during the elections, create awareness and encourage them to take an active role in development and peacebuilding. The event was graced by Southwest State Deputy Minister of Youth Aba Awoow Sufi as well as senior AMISOM officials.

The Norway government has pardoned the Somali government for $1.8 million following a bilateral agreement between Norway and Somalia. In a statement, Norway Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide said NOK 16.2 million of Somalia’s debt to Norway will be cancelled. ‘By waiving Somalia’s debt to Norway, we are promoting sustainable development, stability and poverty reduction in one of the world’s most vulnerable countries,’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide.

South Sudan

South Sudan’s parties to the revitalized peace deal have agreed on formation of states governments and reconstitution of the country’s Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA). The decision was reached at a meeting convened by President Salva Kiir on Wednesday (December 16) in Juba. Also present was the First Vice President, Riek Machar. In related news, the United States, United Kingdom and Norway have commended South Sudanese leaders for agreeing on the long-awaited formation of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA).

The international community is urgently needed to expedite the slow implementation of South Sudan’s revitalized peace agreement, a senior United Nations official said. David Shearer, head of the UN mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) told the Security Council on Tuesday (December 15) that the momentum in South Sudan’s peace process is linked to the strength of international engagement.

South Sudan’s First Vice President and opposition leader, Riek Machar has urged the country’s citizens all over the world to reconcile and forgive one another. He made the remarks on Tuesday (December 15) as the country marked the seventh anniversary of the December 15, 2013 outbreak of a bloody civil war.

A South Sudanese delegation delivered a letter from President Salva Kiir to Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, said the official Saudi Press Agency on Sunday (December 13). The delegation including Presidential Advisor Tut Gatluak and Foreign Minister Beatrice Khamisa Wani was received by Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud. The meeting discussed “bilateral relations and prospects for joint cooperation, in addition to regional and international issues of common interest,” said the agency.


Sudan and Ethiopia agreed that African experts can broker the long-stalled talks on the filing of the giant hydro-power dam on the Blue Nile. The Ethiopian Irrigation Minister who arrived in Khartoum on Monday concluded discussions on their difference over the method of negotiation with his Sudanese counterpart on Tuesday (December 15). The meeting came after an agreement on Sunday between Sudanese and Ethiopian prime ministers providing that Khartoum will resume its participation in the tripartite process over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok  on Monday (December 14) voiced his opposition to the military business activities in the economic sector and described it as “unacceptable”. The former regime weakened the national economy and promoted corruption through the development of military businesses as it now controls over 250 big companies working in vital economic production areas such gold mining, Gum Arabic, meat exportation, flour milling industry, sesame etc… These enterprises are exempted from production and profit taxes and operating in total opacity.

The U.S. officially lifted its designation of Sudan as a state sponsor of terror on Monday, the Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said. “Today, Sudan’s designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism is officially rescinded. This represents a fundamental change in our bilateral relationship toward greater collaboration and support for Sudan’s historic democratic transition,” said Pompeo following an announcement made by the U.S. embassy in Khartoum in the early morning of Monday (December 14).


Ethiopia expresses commitment to the global fight against climate change

The UK, France, and the United Nations, in partnership with Chile and Italy, convened a virtual Climate Ambition Summit on 12 December 2020 that brought together over 70 Heads of States and Government, including Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed as well as business leaders and representatives of the civil society. The Summit marked the 5th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement and it facilitated a kick off the next 10 years of climate action.

The Summit created a platform for countries from all over the world to announce more ambitious plans to cut carbon emissions between now and 2030, what is otherwise known as Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). According to reports, some of the major announcements include China’s NDC-related commitment to lower its CO2 emissions per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) by over 65% by 2030, from 2005 levels; the European Union’s NDC-related pledge to reduce GHG emissions by at least 55% from 1990 levels by 2030; and the UK’s NDC-related target of reducing GHG emissions at least 68% below 1990 levels by 2030. Others made net-zero related, adaptation and climate finance pledges.

On its part, Ethiopia announced its fifteen-year ambitious National Adaptation Plan, in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement, aimed at reducing the vulnerability of the country to the adverse impacts of climate change. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who spoke on the occasion, informed the Summit that Ethiopia has taken bold leadership on climate action by launching its ambitious Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy that aspires to build a carbon-neutral and resilient economy by 2030. He indicated that this strategy has been fully mainstreamed into the recently launched Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan, which runs from 2021 to 2030.

The Prime Minister took the opportunity to explain that Ethiopia has intensified its commitment in the fight against climate change by launching our Green Legacy national flagship initiative in 2019, aimed at planting 20 billion tree seedlings within four years. In this regard, he mentioned that more than 9 billion seedlings have been planted over the last two years. He also stated the intention to extend the Green Legacy Initiative into the neighboring countries.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Abiy indicated that Ethiopia is on the verge of finalizing the process of updating its Nationally Determined Contribution as well as the preparation of the 2050 Long-Term Low Carbon Development Strategy, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19.  He, therefore, reaffirmed Ethiopia’s unwavering commitment in the global fight against climate change, and called upon all parties to enhance their ambition and scale-up their climate finance supports for developing countries.


Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok of Sudan visits Ethiopia

The Prime Minister of the Sudan, Dr. Abdalla Hamdok, has paid an official visit to Ethiopia on 13 December 2020, where they held discussion on issues of mutual interest.

They have exchanged, ideas, obviously, on the completion of the law enforcement operations carried out by the government of Ethiopia in its Tigray region where emphasis was put on the situation of refugees in the Sudan. The government of Ethiopia has made it clear that peace has returned to all parts of Tigray including along the Ethio-Sudan Common border. Therefore, upcoming area of activities would be resettling internally displaced people as well as returning citizens from the Sudan with the provision of the necessary assistances from the government of Ethiopia and the international partners.

The two leaders have also discussed the situation on the GERD negotiations on which an understanding was reached to resume the talks under the AU platform, quite a progress.

Dr. Abdalla Hamdok and Dr.Abiy Ahmed also agreed to address the boarder issues in light of the current developments over which a bilateral discussion will take place next week by the relevant institutions from both sides. Furthermore, the two leaders have exchanged ideas on regional developments in the horn of Africa and an IGAD summit was agreed upon to take place on 20th December 2020 in Djibouti.

There were some unfounded suspicions as why the Prime Minister of the Sudan has left early and as to the situation along the common border. It is sufficed to quote Dr. Abiy Ahmed who twitted that incidents at the boarder will not break the bond between our two countries as we always use dialogue to resolve issues. Worth mentioning is the same message aired by Prime Minister of the Sudan on his arrival in Khartoum.


Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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