Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 15.01.2021

In this Edition

News in Brief

Ethiopia believes border issues with Sudan can be resolved via existing bilateral agreements and joint boundary mechanisms

Chief of Ethiopian National Defense Forces Awarded Djibouti’s Military Medal

Africa and the African Union

The AU Mission in Somalia in conjunction with the Federal Electoral Implementation Team (FEIT) on Saturday (January 09) held a meeting with representatives of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) to explore ways of deepening the role of CSOs in ensuring peaceful elections, and in countering hate speech and incitement to violence during the upcoming elections. Organized by FEIT and the political unit of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), the meeting deliberated on ways of fostering democracy, ensuring equal representation of women, youth and persons with disabilities; promotion of human rights and democratic governance, as well as the promotion of media freedom and free speech ahead of the elections.


President Sahle-Work Zewde held talks with Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg on Thursday (January 14). The two discussed the law enforcement operation carried out by the Ethiopian government in the Tigray region. They further exchanged views on the strong multi sectoral ties between the two countries.

In related news, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen discussed with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Schallenberg at his office on Thursday (January 14) a range of issues. Demeke told FM Alexander Schallenberg that the federal government has successfully completed the law enforcement operation in Tigray, captured a number of culprits and delivering humanitarian assistance to the affected people and restoring infrastructure in the region. Regarding the GERD, Demeke underlined that Ethiopia is working to resolve the dispute with Egypt and Sudan through diplomatic dialogue via the tripartite talk being held under auspices of the African Union (AU). FM Demeke, regarding the current border issue with Sudan, underlined that the Sudanese army has encroached territories of Ethiopia some 40 kilometers to the interior part, vandalized properties of citizens and attacked civilians. But, Demeke said, Ethiopia is working to address the issue diplomatically.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen has discussed with Ambassador of China to Ethiopia Zhao Zhiyuan on various issues, notably the recent situation in Tigray, cooperation in fighting the COVID19 pandemic and the talks on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). It is to be recalled that China donated COVID 19 prevention and control equipment and sent a team of medical professionals to Ethiopia during the very outbreak of the pandemic in the country.

The Sudanese armed forces have been inflaming the border situation despite Ethiopia’s magnanimous and tolerant attitude to settle the issues peacefully, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Ambassador Dina Mufti said. Briefing the media on Tuesday (January 12), Dina said the differences between Ethiopia and Sudan on the border issue have been there for 100 years and both countries tried to settle the issue peacefully. Recently, however, taking Ethiopia’s attention to the law and order operation in the northern part of Ethiopia as an opportunity, the Sudanese armed forces have pushed into Ethiopian territory and occupied farms and looted properties, he pointed out.

At a briefing session organized by the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Borders Commission on 13 January, 2021 for diplomatic missions, consulates and international organizations accredited to Sudan, Yibeltal Aemero, Ambassador Extraordinary Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the Republic of the Sudan, underscored the need for Ethiopia and Sudan to resolve their differences on the boundary peacefully as per the bilateral agreements and joint boundary mechanisms put in place to handle the matter. (See article)

The 8th Ethiopia-Turkey Joint Economic Commission was held on Thursday (January 14) in Ankara. It was conducted under the co-chairmanship of Melaku Alebel – Minister of Trade and Industry of Ethiopia and Suleyman Soylu – Minister of Interior of Turkey. Earlier, an Ethiopian delegation led by Melaku discussed with members of Turkey Business Council (TBC) and Turkish investors who invested in Ethiopia. In the discussion, Melaku responded to questions raised by the participants regarding problems of foreign currency shortage, customs duty, issuance of bank guarantee and peace. The Turkish investors on the occasion expressed their desire to invest more in Ethiopia, according to the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

The virtual meeting of ministers of foreign affairs and ministers of water affairs of Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan was held on Sunday (January 10). The Chairperson of the AU Executive Council proposed for the three countries to have a three-day bilateral meeting with the AU designated experts to be followed by a trilateral meeting and report the outcome to her office. While Ethiopia and Egypt agreed with the proposition, Sudan declined (putting enhancement of the Terms of Reference of the experts as a prerequisite), compelling the closure of the meeting. The Chairperson of the AU Executive Council is expected to report about the deadlock to the Chairperson of the African Union.

The Chief of Ethiopian National Defense Forces, General Berhanu Jula, was awarded Djibouti’s highest military medal on 9th of January 2021 in Djibouti. The medal was granted by the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, in recognition of General Berhanu’s able military leadership skill evidenced by the law enforcement operation undertaken in the northern part of the country. Under Birhanu’s command, the military was able to reverse the threat posed by the TPLF Junta on the people of Ethiopia and the region at large and helped restore law and order in the country. (See article)

Various efforts have been undertaken to establish the first language research authority to develop and administer the language resources in the country, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced on Sunday (January 10). Presenting draft policy for the establishment of the Authority to stakeholders, the Ministry’s Cultural Sector State Minister Bizunesh Meseret, said that Ethiopia is a country with a long history and diversified languages and cultures. She stated that to develop and administer these languages equally, the country enacted a language policy in line with its constitution to provide every ethnic group with the right to develop and utilize their respective languages. It is learnt that the objectives of the establishment of the authority target implementing the language policy, providing technical support regarding language issues, undertaking language studies, pinpointing directions for the utilization of languages, and balancing working languages with diversities and other parameters.

The Embassy of Ethiopia in France, in collaboration with stakeholders, conducted a virtual Ethiopian Coffee Promotion Meeting on Tuesday (January 12). Over 53 participants drawn from the key actors in the coffee sector attended the meeting. On the Ethiopian side, representatives of companies engaged in the Export of coffee, the Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association, the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attended the event. State Minister Tsion Teklu delivered a keynote speech highlighting the premium qualities of Ethiopian coffee, its socio-economic importance, and share of the Ethiopian coffee by destination. She also reaffirmed the readiness of the government of Ethiopia and that of the Ethiopian private sector to do their level best to enhance coffee trade between the Ethiopian companies and their counterparts. Ambassador Henok Teferra, on his part, underscored the need to directly link exporters and importers of coffee, as the bulk of the trade currently takes place through intermediaries.

The arrest of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Junta’s mastermind Sibhat Nega imparts a clear lesson that oppressors can’t live peacefully as they face justice in the end, said a member of Tigray State Provisional Administration. In his exclusive interview with the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) on Wednesday (January 13), higher official of the Tigray Regional State Provisional Administration Lilay Hailemaiam said that the arrest of the Junta’s top Sibhat Nega shows that it is impossible for ‘criminals’ to avoid prosecution. According to him, from the very beginning, the TPLF is a group of individuals hailing from the same family and the same area (primarily Sibhat Nega and his family). This group had been looting the country’s economy and dominating the politics with a family network.

The summer wheat irrigation projects undergone in 12 woredas of Amhara state and 21 woredas of Oromia state are expected to realize import substitution soon, said the Ministry of Agriculture. In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, the Ministry of Agriculture Wheat Irrigation Project Coordinator Daniel Muleta (Ph.D.) on Wednesday (January 13) said that in the highland parts of the country following the harvesting of rainy season’s crops, summer wheat irrigation projects are to be in effect. He further said that most of the farmers who participate in Oromia and Amhara states are smallholder ones. The major objective of the irrigation project is to attract and encourage farmers to engage in farming during the summer.


Two hundred nine patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out on Thursday (January 14) at Quarantine Centers and OPD Services in the Central, Gash Barka, and Southern Regions. Out of these, forty one patients are from Quarantine Centers (36) and OPD Services (5) in Asmara, Central Region. Thirty two are from the Quarantine Center in Shambiqo, Gash Barka Region. The remaining one hundred thirty six are from Quarantine Centers in Senafe (78), Obel (14), Mai Dima (13), Adi Keih (12), Mai Mine (7), Adi-Quala (5), Enda Ghiorghis (4), Mendefera (2), and, Adi Koteyo (1) in the Southern Region. On the other hand, eighty patients who have been receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Central Region (78), and Anseba Region (2), have recovered fully and released from these facilities. The total number of recovered patients to-date has accordingly risen to 1014 while the number of deaths stands at 6. The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has increased to 1805.


Kenyan police have launched a manhunt for six al-Shabab militants who attacked a commuter bus in Wajir County near the Somalia border on Tuesday (January 13). The police said the militants who were armed with AK-47 rifles stopped AlMukaram Bus which was heading to Nairobi from Mandera in northeast Kenya and robbed a bus conductor of 40,000 shillings (364 U.S. dollars) and valuables from passengers. “They fired one shot into the air and ordered all the passengers who were on board to alight from the bus. They separated men and women and interrogated men by asking whether they carry non-locals (Christians) in their buses and also among them whether there was any civil servant,” the police said in an incident report filed on Tuesday evening.


Somali state ministers of foreign Affairs Balal Osman has held talks with the UN envoy James Swan on Monday (January 11)  in his office. James Swan, who has been monitoring developments in Mogadishu, has now begun efforts to find a solution to the electoral crisis, particularly between the government, Jubbaland, Puntland and members of the opposition. The meeting discussed strengthening co-operation and increasing effective humanitarian and development assistance, in support of the Federal Government of Somalia’s programs to hold parliamentary and presidential elections on time.

A high-level delegation led by the UN envoy for Somalia James Swan has on Thursday (January 14) arrived in Baidoa city, the interim administrative capital of Southwest State. Speaking to the media in Baidoa, Swan expressed appreciation for South West State President Abdulaziz Lafta-Garen’s efforts with the country’s elections and reiterated the need for a spirit of consensus and collaboration going forward. The UN mission in Mogadishu UNSOM said the delegation met with Southwest cabinet members to discuss the world body’s support in areas including reconciliation, humanitarian aid, development, environment, and among others.

Nearly a third of Somalia’s parliamentary seats will be reserved for female lawmakers in an election next month, the prime minister said, a measure long demanded by women’s rights campaigners in the Horn of Africa nation. While welcoming Saturday’s (January 09) announcement by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, some women’s groups cautioned that implementing the measure in time for the Feb. 8 poll would be challenging and depended on the commitment of clan leaders.

Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has on Wednesday (January 13) met at his office the presidential candidate and the leader of Wadajir party Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame. The Prime Minister and the Leader of the Wadajir Party discussed the holding of transparent and peaceful elections, resolving electoral concerns and the need for all political parties to take responsibility for the stability of the country and to refrain from any rhetoric or actions that could lead to conflicts of the Somali people.

South Sudan

There has been a significant decrease in violations against children in South Sudan since the revitalised peace agreement was signed in 2018, the United Nations said in its latest report on children and armed conflict. The report of the UN Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict, which was released on Monday, covered the period between July 2018 and June 2020.

South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and the Deputy Head of the Sovereign Council in Sudan Mohamed Hamdan Daglo Hemetti on Monday (January 11) discussed ways to resume peace talks with the SPLM-N led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu. Hemetti was in Juba to open an exhibition of Sudanese products together with the Sudanese Minister of Industry and Trade Madandi Abbas. In a statement issued after his return to Khartoum, Hemetti stated he discussed with Kiir the progress in the implementation of the peace agreement and the upcoming new transitional government with the participation of the Sudanese armed groups that clinched a peace agreement in Juba last October.

South Sudan’s First Vice President, Riek Machar on Monday (January 11) met with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Special Envoy, Dr Ismail Wais to discuss the status of the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement. The meeting took place in Machar’s office in the country’s capital, Juba. Speaking to reporters, Wais said he met Machar for updates on the implementation of the peace deal. “We touched on many issues which are very important for the implementation of the peace agreement,” he remarked. In September 2018, South Sudan President Salva Kiir signed a power-sharing agreement with the armed opposition leader (SPLM-IO) and several other groups to end five years of conflict. The parties to the peace agreement formed the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) in February 2020. However, despite the formation of the coalition government, there are many unresolved key issues, including security arrangements and an agreement on the finalization of governance structures.


Sudan and South Sudan agreed to expand cooperation in the oil production, said a Sudanese official on Thursday (January 14). Undersecretary for the Oil Sector at the Ministry of Energy and Mining Hamid Suleiman returned from Juba after meetings on ways to increase oil production with his South Sudanese counterpart. Upon his arrival to Khartoum Suleiman stated that the two sides signed a number of agreements to establish a joint partnership on seismic data processing and seismic interpretation which are a key tool to explore hydrocarbons.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) seeks to facilitate the stalled talks over the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Dam (GERD), said the Sudan News Agency (SUNA) on Wednesday (January 13). The official agency said a delegation including senior officials from the UAE’s foreign ministry was in a one-day visit to Khartoum to break the stalled discussions between Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia over the giant dam.

The annual inflation rate for December recorded 269.33 per cent compared to 254.34 in November. The US Dollar rate on the parallel market in Khartoum jumped to SDG 275 on Wednesday. Acute food insecurity will remain high in several parts of Sudan in the coming months. Sudan’s Central Bureau of Statistics reported on Wednesday (January 13) that the annual inflation rate increased by 14.99 per cent in December. The average inflation rates in 2020 amounted to 163.26 per cent compared to 51 per cent in 2019, an increase of 112 per cent.

The Sudanese Women’s Revolution Initiative on Monday (January 11) held a vigil in front of the Ministry of Justice in Khartoum to protest against rape, sexual harassment, and discrimination against women. Another vigil was held against gender-based violence (GBV) in front of the El Fasher Court in North Darfur. They handed a memorandum to the Ministry of Justice to call for the amendment of the 1991 Criminal Law on harassment and rape. They describe the current laws and penalties as too unclear.

The United Nations on Friday (January 08) announced the appointment of German professor Volker Perthes as the new Special Representative to Sudan. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Perthes will also serve as head of the world body’s Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS). “Volker Perthes brings to this position over 25 years of experience in academia, research, international relations and diplomacy, including with the United Nations, as well as deep expertise in conflict resolution and regional geopolitics,” Guterres said the statement.


Ethiopia believes border issues with Sudan can be resolved via existing bilateral agreements and joint boundary mechanisms

At a briefing session organized by the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Borders Commission on 13 January, 2021 for diplomatic missions, consulates and international organizations accredited to Sudan, Yibeltal Aemero, Ambassador Extraordinary Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the Republic of the Sudan, underscored the need for Ethiopia and Sudan to resolve their differences on the boundary peacefully as per the bilateral agreements and joint boundary mechanisms put in place to handle the matter.

In this regard, the Ambassador particularly emphasized the significance of the Exchange of Notes made between the Foreign Ministers of the two countries on 18 July 1972 that provides for an amicable solution to the problem arising from settlement and cultivation North of Mount Dagelish. He further stated that, as per the 1972 Exchange of Notes, prior to the re-demarcation of the Gwynn line North of Mount Dagleish, the Joint Special Committee should submit to the Joint Ministerial Commission a report containing an amicable solution to the problem arising from settlement and cultivation. Although, the Ambassador indicated, the Joint Special Committee convened 8 rounds of meetings to carry out the task of proposing an amicable solution, it has not yet finalized its mandate.

Ambassador Yibeltal Aemero further stated that while the work of the Joint Special Committee was still in progress and when the Ethiopian National Defence Forces moved to the Tigray region on November 4, 2020, for law enforcement operation, the Sudanese Army taking advantage of the internal situation in Ethiopia entered inside Ethiopian territory and looted property, burned civilian camps, killed and attacked Ethiopians while displacing thousands in flagrant violation of the 1972 Exchange of Notes. Besides, the Ambassador added, contrary to the spirit of friendship and cooperation existing between the two sisterly countries, the Sudanese Army took and controlled vacated Ethiopian Military Camps. The Ambassador also underlined that Ethiopia which has been on the side of the Sudanese people during all times of difficulties does not deserve such an attack from the Sudanese Army while it was busy managing its own internal affairs.

Ambassador Yibeltal in his briefing also mentioned that all the recent unprecedented action of the Sudanese Army will complicate the bilateral relations including the pending task of the re-demarcation of the common boundary with huge implications to peoples of the two countries and the region at large unless corrected urgently. He finally underscored Ethiopia’s firm commitment to peacefully resolve the boundary issue between Ethiopia and Sudan on the basis of the bilateral agreements reached and the joint boundary mechanisms put in place to handle the matter.

The Ambassador further indicated Ethiopia’s view on the way forward laying out some steps to be taken for a peaceful resolution. First, the recent intrusion by the Sudanese Army needs to be reversed and the pre-November 2020 status quo should be maintained as per the 1972 Exchange of Notes. Second, the Joint Special Committee needs to finalize the task of proposing an amicable solution as per the 1972 Exchange of Notes to the problems arising from settlement and cultivation North of Mount Dagleish which is a prerequisite for the re-demarcation of the Gwynn Line North of Mount Dagleish. Third, the joint boundary mechanisms put in place for the re-demarcation of the boundary (Joint Boundary Commission, Joint Technical Boundary Committee and the Joint Special Committee) need to be reactivated to discharge their mandates.


Chief of Ethiopian National Defense Forces Awarded Djibouti’s Military Medal

The Chief of Ethiopian National Defense Forces, General Berhanu Jula, was awarded Djibouti’s highest military medal on 9th of January 2021 in Djibouti. The medal was granted by the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, in recognition of General Berhanu’s able military leadership skill evidenced by the law enforcement operation undertaken in the northern part of the country. Under Birhanu’s command, the military was able to reverse the threat posed by the TPLF Junta on the people of Ethiopia and the region at large and helped restore law and order in the country. 

The Chief of Staff of the Djiboutian Armed Forces, General Zekaria Sheikh Ibrahim, appreciated the government of Ethiopia for its remarkable success in resolving the crisis in the northern part of the country and maintaining law and order in a responsible way. General Zekaria, noting the two countries’ deep-rooted and historic ties, reiterated his government’s commitments to continue to support the government of Ethiopia in its efforts to ensure peace and security in the region. 

General Berhanu Jula on his part thanked the government and people of Djibouti for the award and expressed confidence that the historical friendship and people-to-people ties between the two countries will continue to blossom. 

Recalling the heinous attack perpetrated by the infamous TPLF against the members of the Ethiopian National Defense Force he explained the cautious and calculated operation undertaken by his Government to bring members of the Junta to justice.

He also commended the outstanding brotherly support extended by the Government of Djibouti to the government and the people of Ethiopia during the law enforcement operation. 

During his visit to Djibouti, General Berhanu also participated in a military training and parade organized by the Commander of the French Army in Djibouti and attended by high ranking officers of the National Armies of Djibouti, Kenya and Uganda.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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