Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 26.02.2021

In this Edition

News in Brief

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen, visits India

Putting the situation in the Tigray region and the humanitarian response in perspective

The Mai Kadra Genocide: Perpetrators Acting as Victims

Infrastructure Restoration in Tigray Region

The Fifth United Nations Environmental Assembly Kicks off in Nairobi virtually

Africa and the African Union

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) issued a statement on Friday (February 26) welcoming the agreement reached by the Federal Government of Somalia and the Council of Presidential Candidates in a truly Somali-led and Somali-owned process, on various issues of concerns regarding public safety, security, rights to hold peaceful demonstrations and dialogue. The statement says, IGAD believes that this is a critical step towards reaching consensus on arrangement for conducting inclusive, peaceful, free and fair elections. In this respect, IGAD commends the Prime Minister, President of Galmudug, President of Hirshabelle, Governor of Mogadishu and the Council of Presidential Candidates for their constructive engagement and prioritising the interest of the Somali people.

The African Union Commission announced on Friday (February 19) that it has inaugurated the Internal Committee on the Fund for African Women, a demonstration of the commitment by the Union to advance its quest for gender equality and women’s empowerment. The Committee will be crucial in developing sustainable and comprehensive strategy on the transition of the Fund for African Women into a Trust Fund for African Women and oversee the implementation of the proposed activities for the fund to ensure transparency and efficiency.  


Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the FDRE has spent an official visit to India from 17-19 February 2021. The Deputy Prime Minister held bilateral talks with the External Affairs Minister of India, Dr. S. Jaishanker during his visit. He has inaugurated the newly built Ethiopian Embassy and Chancery building and Participated in a Business Forum that aimed to strengthen relations between the two countries. (See article)

Political parties have officially launched election campaigns in various parts of the country as of Last Saturday and expressed satisfaction with the way the 6th general elections’ campaign is going, party leaders disclosed to the media on Tuesday (February 23). The public campaigns have generated motivation and curiosity among the general public, and the party will continue the campaign until the time for conducting election campaigning comes to an end.

China on Monday (February 22) reiterated its commitment to support the Ethiopian Government’s efforts in providing humanitarian assistance to the affected people in Tigray. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remark at a daily press briefing when commenting on the humanitarian situation in Tigray State. “As a good friend to Ethiopia, China hopes that all Ethiopian people including those in Tigray enjoy peace, stability and prosperity. We support the Ethiopian government’s efforts in providing help and assistance to people in Tigray and restoring local life and production,” he said.

Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) General Birhanu Jula handed over Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Ph.D) message to Abu Dhabi Crown Prince and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Armed Forces Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan over the weekend. During the discussion, Gen. Birhanu said that the already in a good shape Ethio- UAE ties are transformed to all-round partnership and cooperation. By the same atoken, the collaboration of the two countries’ defense institutions is invigorated and the horizon of partnership is also widened.

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region remains the largest host of refugees in the African context that shows the need for an integrated efforts to protect the safety and rights of these people, according to the UN Refugees Agency (UNHCR). UNHCR Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Mohamed Abdi Affey made the remark at IGAD’s 2nd Scientific Conference on Migration and Displacement that kicked off on Wednesday (February 24) in Addis Ababa. The two days conference has been discussing on the challenges of migration and displacement in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Laureate Dr. Tibebe Yemanebirhan has laid to rest on Wednesday (February 24) in a funeral ceremony held at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Addis Ababa. The funeral ceremony of late Dr. Tibebe held in the presence of senior government officials, representatives of various national and international organizations, his colleagues and loved ones. Dr. Tibebe who was a world-renowned dermatologist, has served his country and the world at large in several career fields in the health sector. He also served his country, Ethiopia in the public diplomacy and national reconciliation sectors.


Eritrea’s delegation composed of Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser Yemane Ghebreab met on Wednesday (February 24) in Khartoum President of Sudan’s Sovereign Council, General Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, and delivered a message from President Isaias Afwerki regarding relations between Sudan and Ethiopia. The Delegation also conveyed the message to Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdock. In his letter, President Isaias stressed the need to overcome the differences between the two neighbors amicably and patiently.


The United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA), the highest global decision making body on the environment, convened virtual segment of its Fifth session from February 22-23, 202 in Nairobi, under the theme ‘Strengthening Actions for nature to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.’  The Assembly was chaired by  Sveinung Rotevatn, President of the UNEA-5 and Minister of Environment and Climate of Norway. Many delegations from all corners of the world joined the sessions virtually. (See article)


The United Nations Security Council voted Thursday (February 25) to renew the mandate of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), a peacekeeping force first deployed in the country in 2007. According to a statement issued by the UK at the United Nations, all UN members unanimously approved to extend the mandate of the mission in the country. “The UN-authorised African Union mission in #Somalia is working to build Somalia’s own capacity for its own peace and development,” it said on Twitter.

Somalia on Wednesday (February 24) confirmed 198 new positive Covid-19 cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the country to 6,444. Three more people were reported to have recovered from the disease; hence the total number of recoveries is now at 3,781. Unfortunately, seven people have succumbed to coronavirus in the country, the total number of fatalities now being 215.

The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Dr. Saleh bin Hamad Al-Suhaibani met on Wednesday (February 24) with Permanent Representative of the Republic of Somalia to the OIC Dr. Abdur Razzaq Sead Abdi. During the meeting, they reviewed ways to enhance cooperation between representatives in light of the efforts of the OIC aiming to serve Islamic causes in the midst of current challenges.

The United Nations, African Union and European Union urged the Somali government and opposition on Monday (February 22) to quickly agree on a date for elections, warning that the delay is fueling violence and impacting the Somalia’s development and security. Acting U.S. ambassador Richard Mills echoed their appeal to swiftly resolve the political impasse, saying last week’s political violence on the streets of the capital Mogadishu over the failure to hold elections “is the latest indication that if not resolved soon, Somalia risks regressing deeper into instability.”

The Somali National Army (SNA) said that it killed more than 50 Al-Shabaab members, including two senior commanders, in an operation in the lower Shabelle region, Anadolu Agency reports last week on Friday (February 21). The military operation against the Somali-based al-Qaeda affiliated terror group took place in Mushaani, Daniga, and Majabta, according to Somali military radio.

South Sudan

Ethiopia and South Sudan on Saturday signed a military cooperation agreement between the two countries. The agreement was signed by the Ethiopian army chiefs of staff, Gen. Berhanu Jula and his South Sudan counterpart, Gen. Johnson Juma Okot. The agreement includes exchange of information on military security, curbing illicit arms and human trafficking at border areas, enhancing military diplomacy and cooperation in areas of education and training, among others.

South Sudan has commenced formation of the state governments with the Central Equatoria, raising hopes such a move will restore presence of the government at lower-level structures. On Friday last week, President Salva Kiir issued a republican order for advisers, state ministers, county commissioners and chairpersons for state commissions. The order saw 17 ministers, five advisers, six chairpersons for Independent Commissions, and six county commissioners from the various peace parties appointed.


The European Union (EU) and the World Bank (WB) welcomed the foreign exchange rate liberalization in Sudan, saying it will allow debit relief and the country’s economic recovery. Sudan Sunday (February 21) abandoned its fixed exchange rate as it decided that the Sudanese pound price will be set by the forex market based on supply and demand.

Sudan will propose to the new African Union Chairperson to form a quadripartite mediation to broker the stalled talks on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). On Thursday (February 24), a delegation headed by Alphonse Ntumba Luaba from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which recently took over the presidency of the African Union will arrive in Khartoum to explore the Sudanese position on the filling and the operation of the giant hydropower dam.

Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser Yemane Ghebreab were in Khartoum on Wednesday. They handed over two messages from President Isaias Afwerki to Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok and the head of the Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan. “President Isaias stressed the need to overcome the differences between the two neighbours amicably and patiently,” said the Eritrean Information Ministry in a statement issued after the visit.

The SPLM-N led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu on Sunday (February 21) reiterated its rejection of the Juba Agreement for peace in Sudan, saying the government has no will to reach peace. The holdout group demands to include the relation between the state and religion in the peace talks as the government seems reluctant to concede to this request.

U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called on President Biden and his administration to work for the extension of the mandate of the Darfur peacekeeping force by the UN Security Council. The Security Council, last year decided to terminate the mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) on 31 December 2020. However, the council authorized to keep some uniformed and civilian personnel other needed for liquidation until 30 June 2021. “Mr President, I rise today to express my concern about increasing insecurity in the Darfur region of Sudan, and to call for immediate action to prevent further violence and protect civilians,” said Menendez in a statement released on Thursday (February 25).


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen, visits India 

Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the FDRE has spent an official visit to India from 17-19 February 2021. The Deputy Prime Minister held bilateral talks with the External Affairs Minister of India, Dr. S. Jaishanker during his visit. He has inaugurated the newly built Ethiopian Embassy and Chancery building and Participated in a Business Forum that aimed to strengthen relations between the two countries.

Business Forum

Ethiopia-India Business Forum organized by   Ethiopian Embassy in New Delhi, Ethiopian Consulate General office in Mumbai together with the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) was held in New Delhi with the presence of Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the FDRE and State Minister of foreign Affairs of Ethiopia Ambassador Birtukan Ayano along with State Minister of External Affairs V.Muraleedharan.

Demeke Mekonnen, in his keynote speech noted that following the very conducive investment environment and very attractive opportunities, foreign direct investment in Ethiopia is increasing at a very high rate which contributes in the overall economic development of our nation. He mentioned India as one of the largest source of Foreign Direct Investment with 617 Indian projects approved by Ethiopian Investment commission that created large number of employment opportunities.

The Deputy Prime Minister also appreciated more than 30 Indian companies that travelled to Ethiopia during the challenging times of Covid-19 pandemic in order to launch their investment in different sectors.

V. Muraleedharan, on his part, appreciated the strong relationship that exists between the two countries and underlined the importance of further cementing relations between India and Ethiopia with diversified economic engagements. He also added the state visit of the Deputy Foreign Minister will deepen ties thereby leading to a robust and long-lasting relationship and his country would continue to partner in Ethiopia’s growth story. 

Vineet Agarwal, the President of ASSOCHAM said that India is looking to work more closely with the context of the recently ratified African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) that helped Indian companies to enhance trade and investment not only to Ethiopia but also other African markets.

Representatives and leaders of some of the Indian companies that are investing in Ethiopia delivered speeches citing the advantages of involving in the economic life of the country.

State Minister, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, Ethiopia’s Ambassador in India, Ambassador Tizita Mulugeta (Ph.D.), and other officials were in attendance.


Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen together with Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs of India has also inaugurated the newly constructed Ethiopian embassy and residence building in New Delhi.

In addressing the audience, Demeke noted the historical people-to-people, trade, and investment relationship between the two countries that stretches back over many centuries and deeply entrenched with the beginning of formal diplomatic relations in 1948. He commended the high-level relationship that exists between the two countries which is manifested through expanding engagements in investment, trade, capacity building, and education sectors. The Minister also thanked the Minister of External Affairs of India, the Delhi government, the current and former Ambassadors of Ethiopia, and pertinent offices in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia as well as all of the bodies that have contributed to the construction of the building.

Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, on his part, appreciated the ever-growing multifaceted relations of the two countries, citing investment and education in particular. Regarding relations in the educational sector, he said there are currently two thousand Indian teachers in Ethiopia while the number of Ethiopian students in India is one of the largest among African students in the country. He expressed his hope that the strong bilateral relationship would be reflected in multilateral levels too.

Speaking at the occasion, State Minister Ambassador Birtukan Ayano has walked the audience through the time and efforts spent on constructing the building. She also thanked all responsible bodies that have contributed to the success of the construction of the splendid building. According to Ambassador Birtukan, the flagship project of the Embassy that was inaugurated is a testament to Ethiopia’s commitment to cement its ties with India.

Dr. Tizita Mulugeta, Ethiopian Ambassador in India has delivered a speech describing and commending the growing and vibrant relationships between Ethiopia and India. Senior government officials of India, the diplomatic community from both sides and other dignitaries have attended the ceremony.

Bilateral Talks

During his stay in India, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen has exchanged views on several issues of bilateral concern with Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs of India.

On the occasion,  Demeke commended the longstanding and multifaceted relationship that exists between the two countries. In a briefing on current situations in Ethiopia, the Deputy Prime Minister underlined that the Federal government of Ethiopia is committed to protecting the rights of its citizens and refugees in the country. In this regard, despite the media hype over the non-existence of access to humanitarian support in Tigray, more than 75 international humanitarian agencies are on the ground delivering food and non-food items to more than 2 million affected people covering 80% of the region.

Dubbing Ethiopia as one of the biggest hosts of refugees in the world with more than one million people from 27 different countries, Demeke stressed Ethiopia’s devotion to protecting all who reside within the country’s boundary.

In their discussion, the two sides also noted that reaching an amicable solution through dialogue to solve the current Ethiopia-Sudan border dispute would be beneficial to the people of both countries.

Discussing the relationship on the economic front, the two officials appreciated the increasing trade volume between the two countries and the role of Indian companies that provided employment opportunities to many people in Ethiopia.

Aside from relations marked by notable economic activities, technology and knowledge transfer, the Ministers acknowledged the vibrant cultural exchange between the people of the two countries.The Deputy Prime Minister also expressed his county’s keenness to further cement relations with India by scaling up the relationship to a Strategic Partnership level.

The discussion between the two also touched upon the preparations being made for the forthcoming India-Africa summit.

On the occasion, the two officials presided over the signing of agreements between India and Ethiopia to grant visa exemption for holders of diplomatic passports and a Memorandum of understanding between the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India and a higher institution in Ethiopia.


Putting the situation in the Tigray region and the humanitarian response in perspective

In spite of efforts to explain the unfolding situation in the Tigray region, there still appears to be a clear lack of understanding within the international community on the genesis of the problem and why the Federal Government was compelled to undertake law enforcement measures to restore constitutionality and the rule of law. Therefore, it is vitally important that the situation is put in the right perspective to enable the international community to have a better appreciation of the challenges at hand.

Needless to say, TPLF had dominated Ethiopian politics for much of the past three decades. Its authoritarian rule, which stifled political dissent and suffocated the political space in the country as well as its rampant corruption and mismanagement of resources created enormous resentment across the country. This is what led to the popular uprisings that eventually culminated with the changes that occurred three years ago. This is what reversed the country’s downward spiral and ushered in a new political dispensation.

Since then, the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed embarked on series of liberal political reforms aimed at widening the political space, releasing political prisoners; inviting exiled political parties to return, revising laws and legislations related to elections, counterterrorism, and civil society participation. It also took firm steps to institutionalize these reforms and address the huge gap in gender parity – 2 including at the highest levels of government. These measures were very much welcomed and supported not only by Ethiopians across the length and breadth of the country but also by the rest of the international community.

No doubt, the reform process has not been free of challenges. Managing a transition in a country with longstanding and complex challenges is by no means an easy fit. There is also no illusion that the objective of establishing a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous Ethiopia will be achieved in such a short span of time. That building democratic institutions and political culture requires time and dedicated efforts is very well recognized.

What had compounded the challenge more than anything else is, however, the fact that TPLF had been engaged in multi-faceted economic sabotages, negative media campaign, and incitement of violence and ethnic strife in many parts of the country in a bid to undermine the reform process. This notwithstanding, the government was keen to resolve issues in a peaceful manner. Accordingly, it exhausted all avenues in trying to achieve this objective and avoid unnecessary altercation with the group. Its positive gesture for dialogue through different interlocutors, including local prominent personalities, former comrades, as well as religious leaders composed of all denominations was rebuffed. Regrettably, the group considered this as a sign of weakness and lack of resolve.

It is while the country is in the midst of a promising reform effort that COVID-19 struck the whole world. The pandemic has had multiple impacts, and the national elections had to be postponed. Of course, Ethiopia is not an exception as many other countries also did the same. The relevant 3 authorities in Ethiopia deemed it necessary to do so to protect the health and wellbeing of the people. But now, with the authorization of the competent authorities, the hope and expectation is that the elections will be held this year with all the necessary precautionary measures against COVID-19.

In spite of this setback, the Ethiopian government is determined to pursue its reform agenda with all the necessary vigor and commitment. It will continue to work tirelessly to fulfill the promise of a democratic and pluralistic political order based on the rule of law, respect for fundamental rights and the basic liberties of citizens. That is why the government continues to count on the support and understanding of the Ethiopian people and the international community at large as it strives to build a peaceful, democratic, inclusive, multinational, and prosperous Ethiopia.

However, the TPLF was hellbent on reversing this positive trajectory. It not only went ahead and organized regional election in violation of the constitution but also declared the Ethiopian government and leadership illegal. TPLF also refused any ordinary troops movement and regular change of military commanders stationed in the Tigray region. Then, on the 4th of November 2020, it perpetrated heinous attack against the Northern Command after destroying all communications, electricity and other infrastructures used for defense purposes. This was aimed at preventing communication between the different command and structure of the defense forces.

TPLF also looted quite a large amount of heavy and light weaponry along with a threat to target the capital Addis Ababa and adjacent regional capitals. What is more tragic is that it massacred many high and middle level commanders who were deployed in the region for more than 20 years. This was done along ethnic lines in a manner that was very well intended to unleash genocide in all parts of Ethiopia beyond the Tigray region.

That is why the Ethiopian government was left with no option but to take all possible measures to reverse the unwarranted aggression, restore law and order, get members of the army and police forces released and recover looted weaponry. The law enforcement operations were more or less completed in a matter of three weeks. Since then, the government’s priority has been apprehending the criminals and bringing them to justice, delivering much needed humanitarian assistance to those impacted by the operations, and rehabilitating the region.

At this stage, several members of the senior leadership of TPLF, including the former President and Vice President of the region, as well as senior military officers who defected from the Ethiopian National Defense Forces have been arrested. They have already been brought to trial and they will have their day in court. Other leaders of the TPLF are still at large and they constantly change their identities and move from place to place to hide themselves. The terrain in the region is extremely difficult and it has taken some time to apprehend those in hiding. But the search will continue, and the operation is expected to be completed soon.

The Federal Government has been mobilizing all the necessary efforts in its humanitarian response following the completion of the law enforcement operations. The National Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) is 5 coordinating these efforts together with the regional interim administration and its emergency operation center, which involves the relevant regional bureaus and humanitarian partners operating on the ground. The government is not interested in playing around the number of people seeking assistance. Although an assessment has already been made, it is also cognizant of the difficulties in verifying the exact numbers given the difficult circumstances. But it should be noted that even before the start of the law enforcement operation, there were 1.8 million people benefiting from the safety net programme.

What should be clear is that TPLF attacked the Northern Command during the harvest season and people were not able to collect their harvest. Critical infrastructures were also destroyed, including telecom and electricity. Banks were closed, and people were not able to withdraw money to buy necessities. The local market was also disrupted, which created serious shortage of commodity. Therefore, there are certainly additional number of people more than those beneficiaries of the safety net programme who need urgent humanitarian assistance. That is why the government welcomes any form of assistance by international partners to support its humanitarian response.

The gruesome stories circulating around the media about alleged crimes being committed in the region, including sexual violence, are extremely shocking and regrettable. The government is fully committed to undertaking the necessary investigation and, in due course, disclose the outcome to the Ethiopian public and the international community at large. Without prejudice to this investigative work, it should be noted that there was a 6 complete breakdown of law and order in the region. The regional and local administration had collapsed. The police were disbanded and TPLF released 13 thousand prisoners who engaged in looting, rape, and other sorts of crimes in the various cities and neighborhoods in the region.

Now, the situation has shown marked improvement over the last couple of weeks. With the exception of few pocket areas, life is getting back to normal in many parts of the region. The regional interim administration has been exerting every possible effort to restore peace, security, and stability in the region in close collaboration with the Command Post. Important progress has been made in disarming militias and other members of the special forces have returned peacefully. The peace and security situation in Mekelle has shown steady improvement. In this regard, it is encouraging that people have resumed their regular daily activities and the provision of basic services have already been restored. Important work has been done in restoring electric power, telecom, and banking services in Mekelle and other major cities and towns, which helps facilitate the provision of basic services to the people. Work is underway to continue expanding these services in other parts of the region. Most of the public servants have also reported back to the office and they have resumed their work. Furthermore, encouraging progress has been made in reorganizing the regional and local administration.

Hence, the government believes that the situation is much better now to open more humanitarian access, with the exception of those few pocket areas where there is active shooting, to facilitate the delivery of urgent lifesaving 7 assistance to those in dire need. In this regard, important discussions have been held recently with senior UN officials, including the High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, Under Secretary-General for Security and Safety Gilles Michaud, and the Executive Director of the World Food Programme David Beasley. Humanitarian actors, the media, and others, of course, need to go through the proper procedures with the pertinent authorities to be given access to the region in accordance with established mechanisms. The government is aware of the challenges being faced in terms of the lengthy and cumbersome clearance system and it is fully committed to removing the bureaucratic hurdles and expediting the process.


The Mai Kadra Genocide: Perpetrators Acting as Victims

On the night of November 4, 2020, the Tigray People`s Liberation Front (TPLF) organized and commanded the Special Police Force of Tigray, the militia and its secretly organized treasonous members of the national army to massacre and capture the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF). Following this treasonous act, the government was forced to engage in a law enforcement operation and the ENDF acted swiftly. The TPLF was unable to stand the gallant forces with a just cause and was on the run. Parallel to its retreat to the center of Tigray, between 9-10 November 2020, TPLF`s extremist clique and its retreating armed men and youth organized as Samri in a town called Mai Kadra undertook a mass killing of hundreds of non-Tigrean civilians notably the Amharas.

Amnesty International in its 12 November 2020 concluded that the organization has “confirmed the massacre of a very large number of civilians, who appear to have been day labourers in no way involved in the ongoing military offensive. This is a horrific tragedy whose true extent only time will tell…” Amnesty International has reached this conclusion after investigating the situation using satellite imagery which was geolocated to Mai Kadra and based on eyewitnesses who confirmed, “on the morning of 10 November, to find dead bodies strewn all over the town, as well as injured survivors.” Furthermore, an independent human rights organization, Ethiopian Human Rights Commission released its final report based on the investigation it conducted sending experts on the ground on 14-19 November 2020 concluding that “the probe finds atrocity crimes which may amount to crimes against humanity & war crimes were committed by ‘Samri’ group, aided & abetted by then-local admin, police & militia.”

Following the massacre, according to local sources, many of the individuals who committed such heinous crimes dropping their machine guns, machetes, and changing their clothes have crossed the Sudanese border acting victims. These criminals mostly youth from the ‘Samri’ group, former local administrators and members of the militia who directly involved in the crime are now sheltering in refugee camps in Sudan and running from justice.

More sadly, these criminals in the name of refugees are now also a source of misinformation. We have seen them misinforming the international media, representatives of international organizations, and foreign governments visiting refugee camps trying to hide their crimes and appear innocent by accusing the victims and survivors of the massacre. Their fictitious stories are aimed at hiding the truth in an attempt to reverse the narrative.

Using the refugee camps in Sudan as their sanctuary and in the name of being a refuge, the goal is to tell the story of TPLF in an attempt to give it life. Against the norm and practice, the recent celebration of TPLF`s anniversary in the refugee camps is a testimony. where these people are standing and what their goal is. Also what is observed is the criminal elements are seemingly to engage in a futile exercise of reorganizing themselves to go back to Ethiopia and continue their malicious activities. The engagement of the host country, the international community, and the media with these refugee camps, therefore, should be with caution as they may be inappropriately used to serve the purpose of the criminals.

Innocent civilians in these refugee camps are also ensnared by the misinformation and propaganda of the criminals. Most of them want to go back home but the fear-monger criminals frightening them as if it is not safe back home. The areas where the refugees come from is now stable, all government offices giving services, infrastructures rehabilitated, communication restored, business running and schools opened. They can come back to their home and the Government of Ethiopia will work towards their safe repatriation and wholeheartedly support to rebuild their life.


Infrastructure Restoration in Tigray Region

The now defunct Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) and its fugitive leadership has committed a lot of crimes and atrocities in the region. When the law enforcement operation was getting momentum in the month of November last year, the reckless and greedy TPLF junta has destroyed infrastructures like roads, bridges, airports, telecom and electric power installations in a futile attempt to halt the advancement of the Ethiopian defense forces who were marching to the capital Mekelle.

When the law enforcement operation was successfully completed at the end of November, PM Abiy Ahmed has announced that the next phase of operation and the focus of the federal government and the interim administration is to provide humanitarian assistance and relief support to the people of Tigray, rehabilitate and reconstruct(rebuild) the infrastructure that was deliberately damaged by the TPLF, among other pertinent and pressing issues.

Accordingly, Ethio-telecom has taken a swift measure to restore services in the region. Through a coordinated and concerted effort in collaboration with other stakeholders, the telecom service provider has completely restored service at 445 sites so far and 207 sites are ongoing for restoration. As a result, areas like Mekelle, Adigrat, Wukro, Edegahamus, and various small towns and villages are now having both mobile and fixed voice services. Ethio-telecom has also deployed a core technical team at Shire Inda Sellase town, once the Shire site maintenance is completed, service will be restored in the following towns such as Adowa, Axum, Bizet, Heger Selam, Inticho and various small towns and villages.

Ethiopian Electric Utility Agency, the sole distributer of electric power in Ethiopia, has taken its part to provide electricity to areas liberated along the Woldia and Gondar route. The Agency in cooperation with Ethiopian Electric Power has maintained 116kms long high voltage transmission line and 34 transformers. However, after long and enduring task has been carried out to restore power supply to the region, some vestiges of TPLF junta have recently attacked the Almata- Mehony-Mekelle high voltage transmission line at a place called Adigudom. The entire region is once again suffering from power outage.

TPLF is the enemy of Ethiopia and in particular to the people of Tigray. The Regional government of Tigray was busy for the last two and half years in recruiting, training and arming large number of militia and special force, by allocating huge chunk of the budget of the region, which could have been allocated for development endeavors, otherwise. Furthermore, the TPLF attacked the northern command and has committed the most heinous crimes and atrocities on non-Tigrayan members of the defense force, when the farmers were preparing themselves to harvest crops. Once, again proving that, it is the enemy of the poor peasants, although, it always used to say and claim that it is the sole force that vanguard the peasantry. Simply, delivering lip service.

By damaging different infrastructure installations, the TPLF junta is primarily affecting the people of Tigray. Due to power outage, banks couldn’t provide their usual service. This in turn affects businesses be it small or large. People are not able either to buy or sale their products or service, simply, because no circulation of money. Civil servants couldn’t get their monthly salary on regular basis, and they are suffering too. The aim of TPLF is to raise the resentment of different sections of the society on the federal government and the interim administration. On the other hand, TPLF has hired lobbyists (the pen ball point mercenaries) by paying huge sum of money which was looted from the country.

The destructive elements of the TPLF may attempt to damage social and economic infrastructure in the future. The Government of Ethiopia is committed and determined to not only maintain and restore the stalled service but also to safeguard any further attack by this sick minded people. The government is exerting its maximum effort in distributing relief and humanitarian assistance in collaboration with national and international partners and doing all it can to ensure peace and stability to flourish in the region. Whereas the TPLF junta is obstructing the distribution of relief aid and the smooth functioning of humanitarian aid and normal activities. By doing so it is crying a crocodile tear in the name of the people.


The Fifth United Nations Environmental Assembly Kicks off in Nairobi virtually

The United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA), the highest global decision making body on the environment, convened virtual segment of its Fifth session from February 22-23, 202 in Nairobi, under the theme ‘Strengthening Actions for nature to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.’  The Assembly was chaired by  Sveinung Rotevatn, President of the UNEA-5 and Minister of Environment and Climate of Norway. Many delegations from all corners of the world joined the sessions virtually.

The Ethiopian delegation led by Professor Fekadu Beyene, Commissioner of the Environment, Forestry and Climate Change Commission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, which also included Meles Alem, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Kenya and Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations Organizations in Nairobi, attended the foregoing Assembly.

Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya, addressed the Assembly through a recorded video message on launching of the celebration of the 50 years anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). The President in his message drew attention to the planetary crises: – ‘the climate crisis, the nature and biodiversity crisis, and the pollution and waste crisis,’ which are the pillars of the findings of the recently released ‘Making Peace with Nature’ report. He called on Countries to pay due attention to the crisis in their policies and promised to host the special celebration of 50 years anniversary of the founding of UNEP in March 2022.  Likewise, Keriako Tobiko, Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Forestry of Kenya, in his opening remarks, blamed ‘greed and insatiable appetite for wealth’ for the imminent environmental calamity and called for ‘bold steps to address global environmental emergencies.’

The United Nations (UN) Secretary General, António Guterres, the President of the UN General Assembly, Volkan Bozkir, President of the Economic and Social Council, Munir Akram, and many other prominent personalities who had the opportunity to address the virtual segment of UNEA-5 urged countries to implement environment friendly policies as they are striving to recover from the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The leadership dialogue entitled ‘Contribution of the environmental dimension of sustainable development to building a resilient and inclusive post-pandemic world’ aimed at showcasing countries’ contributions to the environmental dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals, in the wake of COVID- 19 pandemic, took place in two rounds. Many Countries and major groups shared their national contributions and efforts to achieve the goal.

Professor Fekadu, in his address to the leadership dialogue, pointed out Ethiopia’s resolve and practical steps taken to mitigate the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and implement environment friendly development policies. The Commissioner reflected on the recently launched Ten Years Development Plan (2021-2030) and the soon-to-be launched ‘2050 Long-Term Low Carbon Development Strategy,’ underscoring Ethiopia has finalized updating its Nationally Determined Contributions. The Strategy envisages climate-smart agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and mining as its key priority areas. The Commissioner also highlighted the construction of eco-friendly projects, citing Unity Park, Sheger Riverside, and Entoto Park, and many other projects while the ‘green legacy initiative’ aimed at planting 20 billion tree seedlings by 2022 is in progress. 

The virtual segment of UNEA-5 lasted for two days and was preceded by the meeting of the Opened Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR), held from February 15-17/2021. The Committee, after rigorous negotiations, endorsed three draft decisions: – UNEP’s Mid-term Strategy (2022-2025) and the biennium Program of Work and Budget (2022-2023); Management of Trust Fund and Earmarked contributions and Adjournment and Resumption of UNEA-5. The Assembly unanimously adopted the three draft decisions. The Assembly also adopted Report of the Executive Director of UNEP and that of the Committee of Permanent Representatives.

Various major groups and stakeholders addressed the Assembly registering their concerns and group positions. The African group voiced its strong position against online negotiations on substantive matters and called on the assembly to defer consideration of the same to the resumed UNEA-5 in February 2022. The group also reiterated its strong support for colourful celebration of the 50 years anniversary of the founding of the UNEP, at its Head Quarters in Nairobi, the only UN Headquarter in the global South and Africa, among other issues. The Group of 77 and China concurred with the Africa Group in voicing the concerns of the developing countries in the global environmental policies and priorities.

Many sideline events including the launching of the global alliance on circular economy aimed at sensitizing sustainable production and consumption pattern, and the UNEP Science Policy Forum took place. The Assembly was briefed and took note of the outcomes of the stakeholders’ online discussions during its wrap-up session.

The Celebration of 50 Years Anniversary of the founding of the UNEP kicked off on February 23/2021. The celebration will be concluded in two-day special program set to be held in early March, 2022, in Nairobi. The UNEA-5 Assembly adjourned on February 23/2021, by adopting message from online UNEA-5 entitled ‘Looking ahead to the resumed UN Environment Assembly in 2022’ and report of its two-day online sessions.


Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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