A Week in the Horn

A Week in the Horn

News in Brief

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke’s Four Stop Visit to African Countries

International Community Should Help Parties Resolve Sudan Conflict Peacefully

Addis Hosts a Three-Day Investment Forum

Africa and the African Union

The African Union (AU) has appealed to the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), engaged in armed confrontations since the 15th of April 2023, to implement an immediate ceasefire, in order to ensure the protection of civilians, health, sanitary, transport and other critical infrastructure, particularly water and electricity services, humanitarian access and assistance, as well as political dialogue.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, H.E. Demeke Mekonnen conferred with the Chief Executive Office of the African Union Development Agency-New Partnership for African Development (AUDA-NEPAD), Nardos Bekele-Thomas, at his office (03 May). Mr. Demeke Mekonnen briefed the CEO on Ethiopia’s post-conflict situation, emphasizing the ongoing reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in war-affected areas. He appreciated the critical role played by AUDA-NEPAD in supporting Member States in their development endeavours.

In a statement regarding this year’s celebration of International Worker’s Day (01 May), H.E. Amb. Minata Samate Cessouma Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, African Union Commission said, it is important to recognize the crucial role that workers play in building and sustaining our economies, our communities, and our societies as a whole. She added, we must also recognize the critical roles that other workers have played, starting with those who have daringly responded to various pandemics, the vital farmers and all those involved in the agricultural chain who work hard to combat hunger, as well as small business owners and multinational corporations that have created jobs and opportunities for millions of people and kept our economies running while keeping poverty at bay. We must not forget that the future and aspirations of this continent are shouldered by these noble sons and daughters of Africa in all workplace sectors, the Commissioner noted.


On Thursday (04 May), Premiere Abiy Ahmed convened the macroeconomic committee to review current progress and evaluate future actions.

On Monday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed inaugurated the Halala Kella Resort, part and parcel of his Dine for Ethiopia initiative. It will be the latest addition to the plethora of tourist destinations in the heart of the Southwest Region of Ethiopia.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrived in Addis Ababa on Thursday for an official visit. Upon arrival at Bole International Airport, he was warmly welcomed by State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano.

In its Current Situation Update on Wednesday, the Government Communication Service noted that, the first round of the peace talks held in Tanzania concerning the conflict in the Oromia regional state have been concluded with largely constructive outcomes. The update added, unfortunately, it was not possible to reach an agreement on some issues during this round of talks while both Parties have acknowledged the need to continue these talks with a view to resolving the conflict permanently and peacefully. The situation update also reaffirmed the Government’s incessant efforts and continued commitment to the peaceful resolution of the conflict in accordance with the FDRE Constitution and within the framework of fundamental principles that have guided such efforts until now.


President Isaias Afwerki on Tuesday received Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator and Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General. According to the Ministry of Information, the president underlined UN’s vital role in promotion of peace, stability and development in Africa best achieved through support to the initiatives of RECs such as IGAD.


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida paid an official visit to Kenya (May 03). During bilateral talks, President William Ruto and PM Kishida exchanged views on issues of mutual interest, including peace and security in the Horn of Africa.

On 03 May, President William Ruto nominated the former Bomet County governor, Isaac Ruto, to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). He also nominated Caroline King’oku and Isaac Kiprono Ruto as members of the JSC.

On Wednesday, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Alfred Mutua held a bilateral meeting with his Canadian counterpart Melanie Joly. In their discussions they agreed on working together in facilitating scholarships, job opportunities for Kenyans to study and work in Canada, as well attract Canadian investments into the country. During a joint presser after the talks, the Ministers reaffirmed continued commitment in collaboration in strategic issues such as trade and investments, development cooperation and Regional Peace and Security.

African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) signed a USD 3 Billion Country Programme with the Government of Kenya. The official signing ceremony was witnessed by President William Ruto at State House Nairobi. The memorandum establishes a framework for the implementation of the Country Programme to support viable trade and trade-related investments in the country in both private and public sectors.

Kenya Power Board appointed Dr (Eng) Joseph Siror as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kenya Power. He will take over the position of Eng. Geoffrey Muli who held the position since May 2022. Prior to his appointment, Siror was the General Manager in charge of Technical Service at the Kenya Power Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO).


On 01 May President Hassen Sheikh Mohamud addressed a townhall meeting in Mogadishu. In his speech, he highlighted issues pertaining to the fight against Al-Shabaab, Somalia’s foreign relations and current affairs, among others.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced on 03 May the appointment of Catriona Laing of the United Kingdom as his new Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM).  She succeeds James Swan of the United States of America.

South Sudan

President Salva Kiir Mayardit appointed Ladu Lukak as board member of the Petroleum and Gas Cooperation (Nile Pet). Mr. Lukak replaced Bol Mel (May 04).

The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Ruben Madol Arol, and Deputy Minister of ICT and Postal Services, Dr. Jacob Maiju Korok, on Thursday, presided over the launch of E-Business Registration


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Wednesday it was “absolutely essential” that the crisis in Sudan not spread beyond its borders and threaten democratic transitions and peace processes in neighbouring countries.

Sudan’s Army and RSF agreed to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s (IGAD) proposal to extend a cease-fire for one week and send an army envoy for talks with South Sudan, Kenya and Djibouti leaders.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke’s Four Stop Visit to African Countries

From April 24-27, 2023, a high-level delegation headed by Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, paid a four-stop tour to Tanzania, Comoros, Burundi and Uganda respectively. The tour was aimed at further strengthening Ethiopia’s bilateral relations with the countries and deliberating on bilateral and regional issues of mutual concern. The visit addressed, among other things, matters related to bilateral, regional and multilateral venues of cooperation, current situation in Ethiopia as well as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance.  

During discussions with respective leaders of the States, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister briefed leaders about the Pretoria Peace Agreement and ongoing efforts to ensure the full implementation the agreement. The Deputy Prime Minister expressed Ethiopia’s appreciation to those participants that supported the peace effort in the country by referring to the recognition ceremony held in Addis Ababa on April 23, 2023.

On the Grand Renaissance Dam, Mr. Demeke briefed the presidents about the principled position Ethiopia pursues based the Declaration of Principles signed among Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. He further expressed his country’s readiness to ensure the successful completion of the AU-sponsored talks with downstream countries. Referring to the recent resolution of the League of Arab States on the GERD, he noted the need to counter such reckless and unwarranted moves that would further complicate the matter and he underscored Ethiopia’s firm belief in finding an African solution to divergences of positions. 

Regarding the current situation in Sudan, the Deputy Prime Minister expressed Ethiopia’s commitment in urging the parties to address their differences peacefully. He noted the need to urge the Parties to come up with a solution that would end the bloodshed and the sufferings of the Sudanese people. He further noted the efforts of Ethiopia in welcoming displaced Sudanese people and supporting the evacuation of diplomats and citizens of different states. 

During the first leg of the tour, Mr. Demeke met with Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu and Foreign Minister Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax. The president commended the Ethiopian Government for the exemplary steps taken to end the conflict in the country.

In Comoros, the second stop for the high-level delegation, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister met President Azali Assoumani of Comoros and hold discussion on wide range of issues. The President hailed the excellent relationship between Comoros and Ethiopia. To further cement the bilateral relations between the two states, a Memorandum of Understating on the formation of Joint Ministerial Commission was signed between the two countries.

While in Burundi, Mr. Demeke met President Evariste Ndayishimiye and discussed bilateral and regional issues of mutual concern. The President congratulated Ethiopia on the recent peace agreement. He also expressed his country’s determination to enhance the strong relations with Ethiopia and underscored the need to strengthen the strong bilateral relations between the two countries through.

Uganda was the final leg of this East African and Great Lakes tour of the high-level delegation. The fourth stop for the Ethiopian delegation was Entebbe. DPM and FM Demeke and his entourage conferred with President Yoweri Museveni. At the State House, the Ethiopian delegation attended the summit of ATMIS troop contributing countries for Somalia.

The official tour was a significant step in further elevating Ethiopia’s bilateral relations with the countries. It provided opportunities to reaffirm commitments to further strengthen cooperation in bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest and to properly brief the Head of States on the current situation in Ethiopia and the incessant efforts of the Government to cement the hard-earned peace.

International Community Should Help Parties Resolve Sudan Conflict Peacefully

As Ethiopia and Sudan have longstanding historical, people to people as well as state to state relationships. They also share similar languages, culture, religion, stretched borderline. Any development in Sudan will directly affect Ethiopia and vice versa, as they are contiguous neighbours. Thus, the Government of Ethiopia expressed its concerns on the situation in the country and extended support to help parties resolve the conflict amicably.

In this regard, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has continued his engagement with both parties to exercise restraint and agree on a negotiated settlement to return to the path of peaceful dialogue. He expressed that “what increases our concern for the Sudanese people and their government is that these clashes contradict the longstanding and deep-rooted Sudanese norms and values”. “Therefore, we call on both parties to exercise restraint, stop the fighting, and return to peaceful dialogue to complete the path of negotiation to serve the supreme interests of the brotherly people of the Sudan,” the Prime Minister said.

The only way to reach on the amicable solution, for the clashing parties in Khartoum, is peaceful dialogue guided by the Framework Agreement. Ethiopia strongly believes that they can reach a negotiated settlement and strongly condemns any form of foreign intervention in Sudan’s internal affairs.

The crises in the Sudan needs coordination from all the stakeholders instead of proliferation of new efforts. Ethiopia believes that the principle of seeking “African Solutions to African Problems” could guide warring parties to safely navigate through alternatives for peace and calm. We strongly believe that the tripartite mechanism (UN, AU, and IGAD troika-led negotiation) should continue and other international partners who have concern about the situation in the Sudan may support the Tripartite Mechanism, which represents all countries of the world, with necessary arrangements to silence the guns and hold permanent ceasefire and till an agreeable solution has been reached.  Ethiopia also strongly have confidence in that the proud Sudanese people have all the wisdom to transcend this misfortune. Instead of entangling the peace process with a concatenation of fragmented initiatives, it is of utmost importance that members of the international community allow the Sudanese People effect peace under the auspices of Tripartite Mechanism. 

Ethiopia has also opened its borders to receive the brotherly people of the Sudan, who are fleeing from the conflict and seeking refuge elsewhere. Since the clash erupted in Khartoum, a joint national taskforce of the Ethiopian government parastatals including the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Health and Defence together with Immigration, National and Vital Events Agency facilitated the settlement of 1,469 Sudanese refugees. The humanitarian support will continue till sanity prevails in the war affected regions.


Addis Hosts a Three-Day Investment Forum

Addis Ababa hosted a three-day (26-28 April 2023) premiere investment forum entitled Invest in Ethiopia. It was conducted under the theme “Invest and Grow in Ethiopia – The Land of Attractive Investment Opportunities”.Attended by high-ranking government officials, policy-makers, private sector stakeholders and investors, the signature event created an unprecedented opportunity to discuss attractive investment opportunities in Ethiopia and policy reform agenda and explore partnership opportunities.

Lelise Neme, Commissioner for Ethiopian Investment Commission, in her keynote speech at the event said, Ethiopia has undertaken miscellaneous reforms in the investment sector to create an enabling environment for investors and easing their bureaucratic woes. She urged foreign investors to engage in the untapped, key investment priorities such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism and hospitality, ICT and logistics, among others. Ethiopia is situated a very strategic location, with immense potentials to serve as one of the nerve centres international markets, the Commissioner surmised.

While addressing participants during the closing ceremony, Fitsum Asefa, Minister of Planning and Development of Ethiopia, said the forum created a chance to showcase Ethiopia’s diverse investment potentials and opportunities. She noted, the panel discussions during the function provided valuable insights for potential investors about the Nation’s unexploited investment potential in manufacturing, agriculture, energy, ICT, healthcare, transport and logistics, tourism and other emerging sectors. Interactive panel discussion, B2B and networking and others were good opportunities for the investors to know more about Ethiopia, she added.

On the second day of the Invest Ethiopia 2023 forum, at a panel discussion entitled “Ask Me Anything” with representatives’ relevant state parastatals, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, highlighted the crucial role of the Ministry and its missions around to facilitate investment promotion to foreigners and the Ethiopian diaspora. According to him, the ministry’s primary responsibility through its diplomatic and consular missions is to connect potential investors with different government entities and to offer accurate, tailored information on the vast trade, investment, and tourism potentials. In this respect, MFA’s mission is to promote investment under the rubric of economic diplomacy, which is at the epicentre of Ethiopia’s foreign policy. He added, a nation committed to enhancing and anchoring economic integration in the Horn of Africa and the Continent, Ethiopia is an excellent destination for foreign direct investment (FDI), the state minister noted.  

The forum was jointly organised by the Ethiopian Investment Commission together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and other key stakeholders.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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