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Netherlands pledges to support Ethiopia’s efforts to reduce poverty, unemployment – News

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Netherlands pledges to support Ethiopia’s efforts to reduce poverty, unemployment

Ethiopian parliamentarians have conferred today with their Dutch counterparts here at the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) meeting hall.

During the discussion, both sides agreed to cooperate in reducing poverty and unemployment, which are the root causes for illegal migration and terrorism.

Tesfaye Daba, Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Standing Committee with the House of People’s Representatives (HPR), told the Dutch parliamentarians that Ethiopia is working to ensure the benefit of the youth by designing youth-centered policy.

Ethiopia is currently hosting more than 800,000 refugees from various countries, he said, adding a lot is expected from the European Union and the Netherlands in particular in supporting the refugees.

Ethiopia, in collaboration with its partners, has been fighting against al-Shabaab, he said, adding the terror group is currently reduced to the level where it could not be a threat for peace in the region.

Commenting on current issues, Tesfaye said following the state of emergency declared by the government, the unrests occurred in some areas have now returned back to normal.

Tesfaye finally called for more investment from the Netherlands, particularly in floriculture sector.

Head of the Dutch parliamentarian delegation, Loes Ypma, said the Netherlands will support Ethiopia’s efforts to reduce poverty and unemployment. It will also work to further enhance its trade and investment relations with Ethiopia, Ypma added.

During their stay in Ethiopia, members of the Dutch parliamentarian delegation will visit various refugee camps.’s-efforts-to-reduce-poverty,-unemployment

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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