Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 06.12.2019

In this Edition

News in Brief


Conference for Prosperous Africa and the 1st Djibouti-Ethiopia-France Business Meeting

The Ethio-Bangladesh first bilateral Consultation in Dhaka

The Brussels Panel Discussion on Private Equity Investment in Ethiopia

The 9th annual U.S.-Ethiopia Bilateral Defense Committee meeting

Invest Africa Visits Ethiopia

UN expert on Freedom of Opinion and Expression visiting Ethiopia

Ethiopia attends the31st Session of IMO General Assembly meeting in London

Embassy Participates in the 11th China Overseas Investment Fair


Africa and the African Union


The Boosting Intra-African Trade፡ African Women Taking the Lead meeting was held on Tuesday (December 03) at the African Union. The meeting was held under the theme  “Made in Africa” and “Buy in Africa” and aimed at creating a platform for African women entrepreneurs to network, exchange information on products and services and share experiences;  facilitate trade between African countries, where each country can be a seller as well as a buyer; provide a platform for potential international buyers to buy products and services by African women , and discuss policy ideas/recommendations and share experience on specific challenges faced by women engaged in cross-border trade. The President of Ethiopia Sahle-work Zewde, UN Agencies, and delegations of women entrepreneurs from the different African countries attended the meeting.

The 8th African Leadership Conference on Space Science and Technology for Sustainable Development was opened on Monday (December 02). It was noted that the African space science industry needs government intervention and adequate investment as space infrastructures are becoming more evident in alleviating long-term and significant challenges in the continent. On the occasion, Human Resources, Science and Technology Director Mahama Ouedraogo said adequate facilities and skilled human resource base that enable the development of viable space programs are lacking in most African countries. Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute Director-General, Solomon Belay said African space development has been facing many challenges, including lack of awareness, shortage of space policy and strategy as well as political commitment of leaders.

African Union High Representative on Silencing the Guns last week on Tuesday (November 28) urged the Pan-African body to persuade AU Member States to develop and implement National Action Plans on silencing the guns. The Office of the AU High Representative for Silencing the Guns, in partnership with AUC Department of Political Affairs, and Special Envoy for Women Peace and Security hosted the women and youth caucuses of the African parliament in Ethiopia to shore up efforts aimed at silencing the guns in Africa. The two-day high-level forum for women and youth parliamentarians from the 235-legislative body was a precursor to the launch of ‘Silencing the Guns’ as the AU theme of the Year 2020.



President Sahle-Work Zewde spoke at the Boosting Intra-African Trade፡ African Women Taking the Lead meeting that was held at the African Union on Tuesday (December 03). In her speech, the President emphasized the importance of supporting African entrepreneurs and more specifically women by promoting and consuming African products. The event also featured a marketplace where business owners from various countries showcased their products.

The Ministry of Trade and Industry on Friday (November 29) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Industry and Information Technology Ministry of China to improve the Small and Medium scale manufacturing enterprises in Ethiopia. State Minister of Trade and Industry, Teka Gebreyesus and Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology of China, Wang Jiangping signed the MoU in Addis Ababa. SMEs Authority Director-General, Asfaw Abebe said the agreement will help Ethiopian and Chinese small and medium scale manufacturers to create a link in raw material exchange and provision.

High-level investors and businesses delegation of Invest Africa stayed in Ethiopia from 3-5 December exploring investment opportunities and meeting with key government ministers to discuss new avenues for investment and partnership. (See article)

Ethiopia and Bangladesh held their first bilateral political consultation in Dhaka on 26 November 2019. The consultation was held following the signing of a Memorandum of understanding on Bilateral Consultation between the two countries with a view to facilitating exchange of information on issues of mutual interest. The two countries agreed to meet every two years at the level of senior officials to expand and deepen their bilateral relations.  (See article)

The 13th Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Assembly of Heads of State and Government was held last week on Friday (November 29). The Summit greatly appreciated and thanked Ethiopia’s unrelenting efforts extended towards the betterment of IGAD during its chairmanship since 2010.The summit elected Sudan as the Chair of the regional bloc IGAD. The summit also adopted the proposed IGAD structure as amended by the Council of Ministers and decided to reform IGAD to ensure it becomes a rule-based, effective, and predictable organization.

The Ethiopian delegation led by Ministry of Finance Ahmed Shide paid a visit to Saudi Arabia on 3-4 December, 2019. The delegation comprised high level officials including Ambassador Girma Biru, a special advisor to the Prime Minister. The delegation met and held talks with high level officials in Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Finance and the Saudi Fund for Development. The Ethiopian delegation has also submitted Dr. Abiy’s message to Saudi Arabia’s crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

State Minister Dr. Markos Tekle on Wednesday (December 4) received and held talks with the delegation of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (C-34) led by Ambassador Richard Arbeiter. The two sides met to discuss Ethiopia’s contribution to and preparation of Military deployment to peacekeeping in line with the Action for Peacekeeping Declaration and initiative.

The Office of the Prime Minister in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia on Wednesday (December 04) briefed the Diplomatic Community and International organizations on current affairs.

The Council of Ministers of Nile Basin Countries that met on Saturday (November 30) launched a $5.5 million Nile Basin regional hydro-met system project that will enable NBI member states to share reliable data for monitoring of the Nile Basin resources. The launch of the project is said to enable member states collect data to inform planning and prevent potential conflicts over the use of the Nile waters. It was attended by water ministers from NBI member states, including Ethiopia’s Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy Dr. Eng. Seleshi Bekele. The hydro-met system project funded by the European Union (EU) and governments of NBI member states will include 79 hydrological monitoring stations, 322 meteorological monitoring stations and upgraded water quality laboratories. As the Chair, Kenya will lead the initiative for a period of one year and is seeking to transform it into a co-operation like other basins around the world.


The Djibouti Chamber of commerce in partnership with the pan-African Chamber of commerce and industry (PACCI) organized “the conference for a prosperous Africa” in Djibouti from 03 to 05 December 2019. The conference was organised to create a better understanding of the African Continental Free Trade Area. The Forum brought together high-level panels composed of decision makers, business leaders and representatives of Africa’s most important institutions. The first Djibouti-Ethiopia-France business networking meeting aimed at discussing investment opportunities, technology transfer and know-how among Ethiopia, Djibouti and France was also held in Djibouti on Thursday (December 5). (See article)

Ethiopia – Korea Business Forum, aimed at promoting Korean investments in Ethiopia was held in Addis Ababa last week on Friday (November 29). President Sahle-Work Zewde also received the Korean team of business leaders over the weekend. The team was in fact finding trip to assess business and investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gedu Andargachew discussed with Elsie Kanza, head of Africa World Economic Forum on Tuesday (December 03). The two exchanged views regarding the 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting, which will be held on 21-24 January 2020, in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. They also discussed the 2020 World Economic Forum on Africa, which will be hosted by Ethiopia in September.

State Minister Dr. Aklilu Hailemichael on Monday (December 02) received and held talks with the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Ethiopia Mr.Barlybay Sadykov. The state Minister emphasized the need to arrange mutually beneficial frameworks that can strengthen relations in trade, investment, tourism and technology transfer. Noting the importance of economic diplomacy in cementing bilateral and multilateral relations, Mr.Barlybay Sadykov said the two countries should build strong economic ties.

The fifth trilateral technical dialogue between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan on the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) was held on 2-3 (December, 2019) in Cairo.

The Ethiopian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz Ahmed Adam met and held discussion with Speaker of the Shura Council Sheikh Dr. Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al Al-Sheikh on Monday (December 02).They reviewed a number of issues of mutual interest between the Kingdom and Ethiopia and ways of enhancing bilateral relations in various fields, especially the parliamentary domains between the Shura Council and the Ethiopian Parliament.

The Ethiopian Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission Commissioner Fekadu Beyene on Monday (December 02) expressed readiness to push for the full implementation of the Paris Agreement on the COP25 summit. He added that Ethiopia was eager to settle the unfinished business at COP24, most importantly the rule book for market and non-market mechanism-article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The 25th UN Climate Change Conference is being held in Madrid, Spain from 2-13 December, 2019 tasked with neutralizing the threat of global warming.

The Ethiopian Embassy in Brussels hosted a panel discussion last week on Thursday (November 28) on Private Equity Investment in Ethiopia at the premises of the Embassy. (See article)

Germany on Monday (December 02) has announced a €352.5 million financial assistance to Ethiopia. The financial assistance was announced by Gerd Müller, Germany’s Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, who was in Ethiopia for a four-day official visit. Of the total, €110 million is a direct budgetary support. During the discussion the German Minister had with Dr. Abiy Ahmed, it was noted that the financial assistance is aimed at supporting the on-going reform in Ethiopia. Germany also handed over keys for up to 144 agricultural implements, including spare parts, in support of agriculture mechanization in Ethiopia.

An Ethiopian delegation led by State Minister of the Ministry of Transport Awall Wagris Mohammed participated in the 31st session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Assembly in London from 25 November- 4 December 2019. (See article)

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, has been undertaking an official visit to Ethiopia from 2 to 9 December 2019. (See Article)

An Ethiopian delegation led by Minister of Defence, Lemma Megerssa on Wednesday (December 04) took part in the 9th annual U.S.-Ethiopia Bilateral Defense Committee meeting. (See Article)

Ethiopia’s Minister of Finance Ahmed Shide held talks with the Director General of the French Development Agency (FDA), Remy Rioux, on Thursday (December 05). Ahmed briefed Rioux, about the homegrown economic reform. Remy Rioux came for a two-day visit and discuss with Ethiopian Government officials about the progresses and implementation of the ongoing reform programs.

The Ethiopian Embassy in Beijing participated in “The 11th China Overseas Investment Fair” organized by China Overseas Development Association from November 28 to 29, 2019 in Beijing. (See Article)



Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki received on Sunday (December 01) a Sudanese senior delegation led by the Vice-Chairman of the Sovereign Council, Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo. The two leaders held talks that mainly focus on the peace process underway in Sudan. Mohamed HamdanDaglo ’Hemetti’ was accompanied by two other members of the Sovereign Council Raja Nicolas and Yasir al-Atta and the Information Minister Faisal Mohamed Saleh.

President Isaias Afwerki received the credentials of 29 ambassadors on Wednesday (December 04). The Ethiopian Ambassador to Eritrea, Redwan Hussein including Ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, the European Union, Egypt and South Africa were among the ambassadors who have submitted their credentials. Broad range of Issues of bilateral cooperation discussed during submission of credentials of Ambassadors including enhancement of peace and regional security, development of human capital, mitigation of climate change, infrastructure as well as investment and trade.


Kenya’s president last week (November 28) said his forces will remain part of the African Union Mission in Somalia and leave the country when it’s secure and stable.



An outbreak of cholera has killed seven people in Somalia’s south western region of Bakol, an official confirmed on Wednesday (December 04). Abdullahi Nur, Deputy Governor of Bakol Region, said that acute watery diarrhoea broke out in Bakol region causing the deaths.

The Somali Federal Republic inaugurated the Diplomatic Institute rehabilitation project on Wednesday (December 04). The ceremony was attended by Somalia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ahmed Eissa Awad, Ambassador of Qatar to Somalia, Hassan bin Hamza Hashim, ministers, parliamentarians and ambassadors accredited to Somalia, and Chairman and members of the Parliamentary Friendship Committee of Somalia. Awad, in his speech, lauded the Qatar government’s continuous support to Somalia. He pointed out that the opening of the institute represents a qualitative addition to the Somali diplomatic activity through the training of diplomatic cadres at the ministry in co-operation with brotherly and friendly countries.

Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Mohamed Guled of the Republic of Somalia met Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen on Monday (December 02) in Jeddah. During the meeting, they discussed a number of issues of common interest.

U.S. forces on Saturday (November 30) conducted an airstrike targeting al-Shabaab terrorists in the vicinity of Jilib, Somalia. The U.S. Africa Command announced the operation in a statement saying it was still assessing the impact of the attack. “We are assessing the results of the airstrike, however, we currently assess no civilians were injured or killed as a result of this airstrike,” the statement reads.

South Sudan

South Africa’s deputy President David Mabuzahas arrived for a two-day peace mission in South Sudan on Monday (December 02). Mabuza’s mission was to chair a consultative meeting of parties to South Sudan’s revitalized peace agreement signed in September last year. The senior South African official is a special peace envoy to South Sudan. While in Juba, Mabuza was expected to join IGAD heads of state in urging the parties to the peace accord to accomplish the pre-transitional tasks within the current extended window of 100 days, and for the signatories to form a unity government by end of the extended period.

South Sudanese President Salva Kiir on Saturday (November 29) in Addis Ababa discussed with Minni Minnawi leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement on the need to enhance the mediation team that broker peace talks in Sudan and ways to achieve a just and sustainable peace. The Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) groups particularly the SLM-MM and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) have voiced reservations on the management of the Juba process for peace in Sudan. The IGAD heads of state and government on Friday 29 November endorsed Juba mediation for the peace process providing the regional cover requested by the Darfur groups.



A regional network for women groups, the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA) urged to review the Sudanese criminal code to discrimination against women, stressing that the abolished Public Order Act was one of its emanations. The Sovereign Council and the Council of Ministers, in a joint meeting on Saturday (November 28) endorsed a law repealing the Public Law Act which was directed particularly against women presence in public spaces.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok left Khartoum on Saturday (November 30) heading to Washington for talks on Sudan’s rescission from the terror list and other sanctions. Since three months ago and immediately after the formation of the first civilian government, Sudanese officials have called to remove U.S. sanctions on the former regime to enable the country to interact with international and regional financial institutions and to launch development plans.



Ethiopia attends the31st Session of IMO General Assembly meeting in London

State Minister of Ministry of Transport, Mr. Awall Wagris Mohammed, led Ethiopia’s delegation to the 31st session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Assembly which took place at IMO Headquarters in London on 25 November-4 December 2019.

As a specialized agency of the United Nations, the IMO is the global standard-setting authority for safety, security, and environmental performance of international shipping. Its key role is to create a regulatory framework for the shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally adopted, and implemented.

The Assembly is IMO’s highest governing body comprising 174 Member States and 3 associate members which is also attended by intergovernmental organizations and NGOs in consultative status with IMO. More than 1,700 delegates from IMO Member States, international governmental and non-governmental organizations have attended the 31st session of the IMO Assembly. The Assembly normally meets once every two years in regular session. It is responsible for approving the work program, voting the budget and determining the financial arrangements of the Organization. It also elects the Organization’s 40-Member Council. In between the Assembly sessions, the activities of the IMO are governed by the IMO Council.

This year’s Assembly convened under the World Maritime theme of “Empowering Women in the Maritime Community”. This will provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of gender equality, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to highlight the important contribution of women all over the world to the maritime sector.

Addressing the IMO Assembly, Mr. Awall Wagris, reaffirmed Ethiopia’s strong commitment to working in support of the IMO goals to make oceans safer, more secure and cleaner for the global maritime community, with a view of ensuring the sustainable use of oceans as the most accountable transport routes for the promotion of global trade.

The State Minister outlined the strides Ethiopia is taking in improving its maritime profile, particularly its legal and institutional frameworks, reviewing its maritime legislation and acceding to a number of IMO Conventions.  He further informed the audience that a fully-fledged Maritime Affairs Authority was established to handle all maritime affairs in the country. He said Ethiopia has prepared a ten-year national logistics strategy to facilitate the import and export transactions of its cargo, connecting Ethiopia with Djibouti with an electric railway. “This,” the Minister said, “was a project that was carried out in a sustainable and environment-friendly manner helping transform the maritime and logistics sector.” In addition to the already developed Modjo green logistic hub, he said, eight dry ports were developed servicing different geographic locations in the hinterland.

The State Minister further emphasized Ethiopia’s potential of blue economy for growth and development of maritime nations. With regard to the blue economy opportunities in Ethiopia, the State Minister said: “The blue economy strategy of Ethiopia has been prepared taking the unique landlocked feature of the country into consideration and focusing more on the maritime transport, providing qualified seafarers to the industry.

Mr. Awall also informed the Assembly that “in addition to the existing two maritime training centres, Ethiopia was aggressively working to increase the number of maritime training centres by ensuring the stringent requirement and demand of the maritime industry.” The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has been actively working, over the last two decades, towards its goal of making the country a leading seafaring nation in the Horn of Africa, he said. Over 6000 professionally qualified and competent seafarers are serving national and foreign flag vessels. In the coming years, this number is anticipated to grow by an average of 500 seafarers per year. In this connection Mr. Awall urged the IMO members to utilize the services and expertise of the Ethiopian seafarers.

The State Minister also conveyed a message of gratitude to the IMO for supporting Ethiopia in building its capacity in the maritime sector especially by organizing national and regional level capacity-building workshops and by offering study scholarships to a number of Ethiopians at various institutions including the World Maritime University in Malmo, Sweden.  He however noted that as a landlocked country, as a flag state and seafarer providing state, Ethiopia still needed more support in areas of maritime transport safety particularly navigation, communications, search and rescue as well as environment protection to help grow its maritime industry.

In line with the theme of the IMO Session, the State Minster highlighted the policy emphasis of the government on the empowerment of women and youth of the country through participation in all sectors of economy. He noted, “It was with great pleasure that we welcomed this year’s World Maritime Theme – Empowering Women in the Maritime Community- which provided the platform to raise awareness on the important role and contribution of women within the sector. Ethiopia wholeheartedly supports the IMO’s efforts to enhance the role of women in the maritime sector”

The Ethiopian delegation met with representatives of some maritime engineering and business sector supporting companies and discussed investment prospects in the maritime transport industry in Ethiopia and potential bilateral cooperation in this vital sector.

Ethiopia’s delegation led by Mr. Awall Wgris included Mr. Mekonnen Abera, Director General of Ethiopian Maritime Affairs Authority (EMAA), Mr. Roba Megerssa Chief Executive Officer of the Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Corporation, Captain Getinet Abay, Acting Director, Maritime Admin and Nautical Adviser (EMAA).


The Conference for Prosperous Africa and the First Djibouti-Ethiopia-France Business Meeting

Coming into force on May 30, 2019 the realization of the continental free trade area is an important step on the road to the Africa we want in agenda 2063. Today, fifty four (54) out of the fifty and five member states have already signed this agreement, while twenty-seven have deposited their instruments of ratifications.

The AfCFTA is a project to create a common economic exchange area free of customs constraints aiming mainly to set up a common internal market in order to prioritize inter-African trade. More specifically, the removal of trade barriers, the establishment of a mechanism to facilitate inter-African trade, and the optimization of the continent’s industrialization are among the objectives of this common market with 1.7 billion consumers.

In an effort to create a better understanding of the African Continental Free Trade Area, the Djibouti Chamber of commerce in partnership with the pan-African Chamber of commerce and industry (PACCI) organized “the conference for a prosperous Africa” in Djibouti from 03 to 05 December 2019. The Forum brought together high-level panels composed of decision makers, business leaders and representatives of Africa’s most important institutions.

Ethiopia is among the dozens of African countries that deposited instruments of ratification of the AfCFTA. Ethiopia took part at this important conference through representatives from the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce as well as its Embassy in Djibouti. Panel discussions on challenges and opportunities of the AfCFTA to the current trade and investment exchanges between African Countries as well as talks on trade facilitation to encourage intra-Africa trade for better structural transformation and sound economic development were held on the first day of the conference.

Panelists underlined the urgent need to industrialization, the need to boost intra Africa raw material sharing, and the importance of schemes encouraging Agro-Processing and food self-sufficiency. Honing the capacity of the labor market in Africa through vocational training institutes particularly through investing heavily on technologies was also raised as areas that need attention. Low infrastructure and connectivity development, slow development of value chains, lack of political will at sovereign level and low implementation on single currency to tackle the highly fluctuating currency of African countries as well as the nascent stage of technology were mentioned among the principal challenges implementing the AfCFTA.

IGAD through its Executive Secretary, Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu mentioned the organization’s initiative in the spirit of the AfCFTA. According to the Executive Secretary, Regional Infrastructure Master Plan to improve inter-connectivity and enable regional integration, as well as IGAD’s Regional Sustainable Tourism Master Plan were among the initiatives IGAD was undertaking.

The first Djibouti-Ethiopia-France business networking meeting, aimed to discuss on investment opportunities, technology transfer and know-how between the three countries, was also held on the sidelines of the conference.

During the Forum the Ethiopian side presented trade and investment opportunities in the country as well as existing and potential business ties with Djibouti and France. It was also noted that the Government of Ethiopia having set goals to make the country one of the leading manufacturer in the continent and supplier of raw materials has made tremendous improvement and arrangement to reach to this vision. To this end, the establishment of the Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC) as an autonomous government institution accountable to the country’s Investment Board, which is chaired by the Prime Minister, facilitates the smooth handling of investment establishments in the country.

In his remarks at the business meeting, the Ethiopian Ambassador to Djibouti Abdulaziz Mohammed underscored that showcasing the engagement of the chamber of commerce of the three countries is expected to boost the existing trade and investment partnerships. The Ambassador noted the forum will serve as a complimentary platform for African business communities to meet with industry partners and prospective customers, to examine recent market trends and opportunities as well as boost product brands within the continent and oversees. It was noted that around 11 Djiboutian and 91 French Businesses have jointly or individually engaged in investment activities in Ethiopia.



Embassy Participates in the 11th China Overseas Investment Fair

The Ethiopian Embassy in Beijing participated in “The 11th China Overseas Investment Fair” organized by China Overseas Development Association from November 28 to 29, 2019 in Beijing.

The embassy participated in four major events that were conducted during the Investment fair including in two of the panel discussions organized under the themes “Dialogue with Ambassadors – Global Connectivity, Openness and Win – Win Cooperation” and “China-Africa International Capacity Investment Cooperation”. The embassy also organized an Ethiopian Investment Promotion Seminar and displayed Ethiopia’s investment opportunities in a booth to participants of the forum.

Speaking at the “Dialogue with Ambassadors – Global Connectivity, Openness and Win – Win Cooperation” Ambassador Teshome Toga highlighted the long standing relationship between Ethiopia and China. He also briefed the audience why Ethiopia could be an attractive and favourable investment destination for Chinese enterprises. He further highlighted reforms being currently undertaken by the Ethiopian government to create a suitable investment environment. The Ambassador also invited business leaders to visit Ethiopia during the upcoming year where the 50thGolden Jubilee of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and China will be celebrated.

On the sidelines of the forum, the Ethiopian Embassy in coordination with the China Overseas Development Association has organized an investment promotion seminar. The seminar opened by Mr. Genet Teshome, Deputy Head of Mission and Mr. Hu Zhenwei Secretary General of the China Overseas Development Association gave briefings on Ethiopia’s political and economic environment as well as the opportunities in the manufacturing, mining and energy sectors. Leaders and representatives of more than 150 companies were in attendance.




The Ethio-Bangladesh first bilateral Consultation in Dhaka

Ethiopia and Bangladesh held their first bilateral political consultation in Dhaka on 26 November 2019. The consultation was held following the signing of a Memorandum of understanding on Bilateral Consultation between the two countries with a view to facilitating the exchange of information on issues of mutual interest. The two countries agreed to meet every two years at the level of senior officials to expand and deepen their bilateral relations.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Ambassador Mahlet Hailu, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and Mr. Shahidul Haque, Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh.  Ambassador Mahlet who spoke on the occasion noted that the signing of the MOU will open a new chapter in the bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Bangladesh thereby providing the necessary institutional framework for regular political consultations between the two countries.

During the political consultation, the two sides exchanged views on ways and means of enhancing their bilateral and multilateral cooperation for the mutual benefit of their two countries. Ethiopia and Bangladesh are leading troop contributing countries to UN peacekeeping and the two sides expressed interest to cooperate and share experiences in this regard. They also discussed on the possibility of cooperation in terms of international candidatures based on the principle of reciprocity. In this context, Bangladesh supported Ethiopia’s candidature for membership of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee.

Furthermore, the two sides explored possibilities for strengthening the trade and investment ties between Ethiopia and Bangladesh. The Trade volume between the two countries is negligible but the two sides noted the potential to expand trade ties and agreed to cooperate in facilitating cooperation between the chambers of commerce and industries as well as organize visits for their respective business delegations and encourage their participation in Trade Fairs and Expos held in their respective countries.

The need to sign bilateral agreements on the investment promotion and protection as well as avoidance of double taxation was underscored to promote investment flows between the two countries. Five Bangladeshi companies have already invested in Ethiopia in the textile and garment sector and others have shown greater interest in doing so. During its stay in Dhaka, the Ethiopian delegation met and held discussions with some of the companies that have already invested and/or are in the process of setting up factories in Ethiopia as well as those which have shown keen interest to do so, including DBL Group, MBM Group and Energypac. As Bangladesh strives to graduate from its LDC status, its companies are looking for opportunities abroad, including in Ethiopia.

Bangladesh requested Ethiopian Airlines to start passenger and cargo flights to Dhaka. In this regard, the two sides underscored the need for the relevant authorities of the two countries to hold consultations with a view to signing a bilateral air service agreement.

On the other hand, the two sides discussed possibilities for cooperation in the field of culture and education. A Memorandum of Understanding on Cultural Cooperation has been finalized and it will be signed in due course to facilitate cultural exchanges and enhance people to people relations. Bangladesh is offering scholarship opportunities for Ethiopian students in its higher learning institutions. The two sides also discussed the possibilities for promoting cooperation between the scientific and research institutions of the two countries as well as sharing of experiences and cooperation in capacity building between the various sector ministries of the two countries.

Bangladesh opened its Embassy in Addis Ababa three years ago and this is helping to strengthen the bilateral ties between Ethiopia and Bangladesh, including in the economic field. Ethiopia’s Embassy in New Delhi is also accredited to Bangladesh and Mr. Shams Mohammed serves as Ethiopia’s Honorary Consul in Dhaka.




The Brussels Panel Discussion on Private Equity Investment in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Embassy in Brussels hosted a panel discussion last week on Thursday (November 28) on Private Equity Investment in Ethiopia at the premises of the Embassy. The event was organized by Ethiopian Embassy and Brussels-Africa Hub to highlight the advantages for investors and decision-makers of the European investment community interested in new opportunities in the emerging Ethiopian market.

In his opening remarks during the panel discussion, Ambassador Grum Abay, stated that the Ethiopian Government has taken a series of measures to shift the economic landscape of Ethiopia, such as reforms in investment laws and business climate, which have helped remove regulatory obstacles that hamper investment.

Ambassador Grum highlighted that Ethiopia is one of the lowest recipients of private equity on the African continent and it has been making a narrative change of investment administration and improving the investment bureaucracy for private equity investment and venture capitalists. “This seminar and panel discussion will provide us with practical approaches on how to further develop this area in Ethiopia,” he added.

Ethiopia’s suitability for investment including Private Equity returns, incentives for private equity investments, and an Ethiopian deal from sourcing to exiting (perspective from a private equity firm and from an investee/seller) were some of the topics discussed by the panelists and representatives of 21 companies that participated in the event.

Dr Belachew Mekuria, former Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission moderated the panel discussion on Private Equity Investment in Ethiopia. On the occasion, Mr. Zemedeneh Nigatu, Chairman of Fairfax Africa Fund, Mr. Yassine Benjelloun, Portfolio Manager of 54 Capital and Mr. Thierry Viale, President Europe at Ontex (CanBebe Ethiopia) and Ambassador Grum Abay, Special Envoy, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Belgium, Luxembourg and E.U. were the panelists in the Seminar.

Participants in the seminar shared their knowledge, business experiences and the challenges they encountered while investing in Ethiopia. The seminar came into conclusion after the panelists and Ambassador Grum addressed the questions raised by the attendees in the seminar.


The 9th annual U.S.-Ethiopia Bilateral Defense Committee meeting

An Ethiopian delegation led by Minister of Defence, Lemma Megerssa on Wednesday (December 04) participated in the 9th annual U.S.-Ethiopia Bilateral Defense Committee meeting. Chief of Staff of the National Defense Forces, General Adem Mohammed and other senior military officers, also attended the meeting. The US side was represented by a delegation led by Major General William J. Walker, Commanding General of District of Columbia National Guard.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs Pete Marocco and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Minister of Defense Lemma Megerssa co-chaired the 9th annual U.S.-Ethiopia Bilateral Defense Committee in Washington, District of Columbia, On Wednesday (December 04).

During the visit, the United States and Ethiopia shared views on regional security, peacekeeping, intelligence and military relations, with the goal of strengthening their security partnership. Both nations reaffirmed their commitment to the U.S-Ethiopia bilateral relationship and highlighted the significant increase in security cooperation between the two countries over the last 18 months.

The Ethiopian delegation also met with Performing the Duties of Deputy Under Secretary of Defense James Anderson and the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Joseph Kernan. Anderson thanked Ethiopia for their leadership and military contributions throughout the region and commended Lemma for the ongoing security sector reforms Ethiopia is undertaking. U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia Michael Raynor expressed gratitude to the Ethiopian government and the Ethiopian National Defense Force for their participation, continued close partnership and commitment to future collaboration.

The Bilateral Defense Committee enables the United States and Ethiopia to identify new opportunities for bilateral collaboration in areas such as counterterrorism and intelligence, which enhances an already robust partnership between the two countries, and helps bring peace and security to East Africa.

An Armed Forces Full Honor Wreath Ceremony was held in Honor of the Minister of Defense of Ethiopia, Lemma Megersa, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington, VA on Thursday (December 5, 2019). The ceremony was hosted by U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Omar Jones, the commander of Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region and the Military District of Washington.


Invest Africa Visits Ethiopia

High-level investors and businesses delegation of Invest Africa stayed in Ethiopia from 3-5 December exploring investment opportunities and meeting with key government ministers to discuss new avenues for investment and partnership. A press statement by the group noted that they came to Ethiopia attracted by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s reform agenda. The bilateral and multilateral meetings facilitated by the trip were also aimed to drive investment and play an important role as the Ethiopian government moves forward with its economic reform agenda.

British Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Ethiopia, Jeremy Lefroy said that Ethiopia is full of opportunity and he was delighted to be joining Invest Africa’s Investor Mission to Addis Ababa aiming at deepening the trade and investment links between the UK and Ethiopia.

Invest Africa CEO, Karen Taylor said “this Investor Mission, our second to Ethiopia, will be an important opportunity to build on our close relationship with the Ethiopian government and learn how its ambitious liberalization and privatization agenda has progressed.” Tylor further noted that Interest in the Ethiopian market amongst Invest Africa members has grown over the last twelve months and he was confident that the trip will provide useful opportunities for new partnerships, deals and acquisitions between delegates and local stakeholders.

During the visit, delegates have met with key government ministers including President Sahle-work Zewde. In the discussion the group had with President Sahle-work on Wednesday (December 04), they admired the reforms taking place in Ethiopia and expressed their optimism for partnership opportunities.

The delegation has also participated in a discussion forum that was held on Tuesday (December 03) with high level Government officials. The minister of Innovation and Technology of Ethiopia, Dr. Eng. Getahun Mekuria noted the liberalization and privatization agenda that the Ethiopian Government is undertaking was attracting investors. “When the draft Investment Proclamation is materialized,” he said, “it will help Ethiopia to attract more Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).”

On the occasion, Ethiopian Ministers of Agriculture, Transport, Mines and Petroleum, and State Minister Dr. Aklilu Hailemichael of Foreign Affairs and State Minister Dr. Frehiwot Woldehanna of the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity including Abebe Abebayehu Head of Investment Commission presented speeches on the investment opportunities Ethiopia would offer to foreign investors.

Investors from a range of strategic sectors including agriculture, telecoms, logistics, tourism, mining and power were included in the visiting delegation. Invest Africa, with a global footprint of more than 400 member companies, is a business platform that promotes trade and investment in Africa.


UN expert on Freedom of Opinion and Expression visiting Ethiopia

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, has been undertaking an official visit to Ethiopia from 2 to 9 December 2019.

In a statement released before the group led by Kaye came to Ethiopia, Kaye said: “The new administration that took office last year undertook major political reforms that have been praised by many. On the other hand, some have voiced concerns that more needs to be done to fulfil human rights law and standards related to freedom of opinion and expression,” and “I will focus particularly on the measures taken by the Government to fulfil its human rights obligations relating to freedom of expression, including the protection of journalists, with a view to formulating recommendations.” As the House of Peoples’ Representatives is discussing a law to combat hate speech, my visit is particularly timely and I look forward to fruitful discussions on the draft bill with representatives from all branches of the State,” he added.

The group has been conducting discussions with high level Government bodies notably, the Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority, the Ministry of Peace, the House of People’s Representatives, the Federal Police Commission, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the Attorney General and representatives of various civic institutions.

In the discussion co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Attorney General on Monday (December 02), Dr. Gedion Timotiwos, the Deputy Attorney General of Ethiopia and his colleagues briefed the UN delegation on the status of freedom of expression in Ethiopia.

Highlighting the sweeping political and economic reforms that are underway in Ethiopia, State Minister Dr. Markos who was representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said a significant improvement has been witnessed in protecting the rights of freedom of expression in Ethiopia after Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s ascent to power. The State Minister reiterated that the Ethiopian Government has released political prisoners and journalists, and the media landscape has expanded. Expressing his satisfaction with the explanation presented by the Ethiopian side Mr. David Kaye reaffirmed that UN will support Ethiopia to keep on walking in the positive trajectory in further safeguarding its citizen’s right to freedom of expressions.

The Special Rapporteur will be expected to present his preliminary findings to journalists during a press conference on the last day of the mission, on Monday 9 December, a UN statement indicated. Kaye is the first UN human rights special rapporteur to visit Ethiopia in a decade.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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