Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 13.12.2019

In this Edition

News in Brief

The Nobel Lecture: “Forging a Durable Peace in the Horn of Africa”

An official visit by President of the European Commission to Ethiopia…

… and the meeting between President of EC and Chairperson of the AU

The Washington Meeting over the GERD

The Saudi Arabian 50-member Delegation in Addis Ababa

The First Ethiopia-Angola Political Consultation Meeting in Luanda

Freweini Mebrahtu: the 2019 CNN Hero of the Year


Africa and the African Union

The President of the European Commission, Dr. Ursula von der Leyen met and held talks with The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat. (See article)

International Conference on China and Africa: Jointly Promoting Sustainable Development was held last week from 6-7 December. The African Union Commission, Department of Economic Affairs and the China Africa Institute (CAI) co-organized the conference. Based on the objectives of CAI the conference aimed at enhancing mutual learning between Chinese and African civilizations, as well as to strengthen exchanges of experiences in governance and development.

The Global Summit to Tackle Online Child Sexual Exploitation took place on 11-12 December at the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Across the two-day event, delegates were provided with the knowledge, tools and networks required to understand the nature and prevalence of online child sexual exploitation, and the means to implement a strategic global response. The Summit brought together about 700 participants.

The African Union Commission (AUC) in collaboration with the African Refiners and Distributors Association (ARA) hosted a two-day workshop, from 10th to 11th December, 2019 – to validate “The Benefits of Adopting AFRI Fuel Specifications Roadmap” which aims to ensure superior fuel quality and significant emissions reduction for achieving clean air in Africa.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has conducted training 10-11 December for Somali government officials involved in the management and rehabilitation of ex-combatants. About 80 officials drawn from Somali state agencies that handle rehabilitation of former combatants attended the two-day training programme in Mogadishu organized by the AMISOM Civil Affairs Unit.


Finland has signed an agreement on Monday (December 09) with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in support of the forthcoming elections in Ethiopia. According to the agreement, Finland will contribute €800 000 to the SEEDS project – Supporting Elections for Ethiopia’s Democracy Strengthening. The agreement between Finland and UNDP was signed by the Finnish Ambassador, Helena Airaksinen, and UNDP’s Resident Representative, Turhan Saleh.

Organized by the Oromia regional state, celebration of the 14th Ethiopian Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Day (NNPD) took place on Sunday (December 8) at the Addis Ababa stadium. Senior government officials, including President Sahle Work Zewde, Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen and Speaker of the House of Federation Keria Ibrahim attended the annual celebration.

Special event marking the culmination of the month-long road traffic safety awareness campaign was held at the United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) hall on Saturday (December 07).The event brought together high government officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen, Minister of Transport Dagmawit Mogess, stakeholders and other invited guests.

Saudi Arabia’s government and business delegation led by Minister of State for African Affairs, Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Qattan arrived in Addis Ababa on Sunday (December 8) for a three-day official visit. The delegation met with high government officials and took part in a business forum that was held in Addis Ababa. (See Article)

Freweini Mebrahtu, who designed and patented a reusable menstrual pad for girls in her native Ethiopia who do not have access to sanitary pads, has been named the 2019 CNN Hero of the Year on Monday (December 9). (See Article)

The World Bank Group on Thursday (December 12) approved $150 million to support the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI). The funds will be used for construction of state-of-the-art biosafety level lab, fully equipped 15 BSL II lab in all regions and to equip the existing 8 regional labs, said Dr Amir Aman, Minister of Health.

Denmark has signed an agreement with UNDP amounting $1.5 million to support a multi-partner election support project for Ethiopia. The agreement was signed on Friday (December 13) in Addis Ababa by Ambassador Karin Poulsen of Denmark and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ethiopia Resident Representative Turhan Saleh.

Ethiopia and Kazakhstan have held their first business forum on Wednesday (December 11) in Addis Ababa to enhance business relations between the two countries.

The First Ethiopian-Angolan Political Consultation meeting was held last week (December 6, 2019) in Luanda. (See article)

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have pledged to extend over 5 billion US dollars over the coming three years in support of the ongoing Ethiopia’s economic reform, Ministry of Finance said on Wednesday (December 11). In a press briefing on the “Homegrown Economic Reform Agenda”, Finance State Minister Eyob Tekalign said World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) have pledged to cover about 60% of total finance needed for its three years economic reform.

The Nobel Peace Prize 2019 award ceremony including the Nobel lecture by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali took place in the Oslo City Hall, Norway on Tuesday (December 10). (See article)

Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed met his Norwegian counterpart Prime Minister Erna Solberg in a bilateral meeting on Wednesday (December 11). They agreed to collaborate on rebuilding the Ethiopian Navy through the provision of capacity building support; exchanges and learning for Ethiopian women leaders on political leadership and on Ethiopia’s aspiration of a green legacy.

Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed, the winner of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize, was given a hero’s welcome when he returned home on Thursday (December 12). Senior Government officials and residents of Addis Ababa welcomed the Premier with celebrations in honor of Ethiopia’s first Nobel Peace Prize winner.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia Gedu Andargachew met with U.S. Secretary Of State Michael R. Pompeo on Wednesday (December 11) in Washington. The two discussed Ethiopia’s important role in ensuring peace and security in sub-Saharan Africa and in achieving durable solutions to regional issues.

Ambassador Henok Teferra on Thursday (December 12) presents his credentials to President Marcelo Rebelo De Sousa, President of the Republic of Portugal. Ethiopia and Portugal have enjoyed 500 years of diplomatic relations.

The UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage on Thursday (December 12) decided to inscribe Timket, Ethiopian Epiphany, on the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Ethiopia and Angola held their first Political Consultation meeting in Luanda, last week on Friday (06 December). (See article)

The meeting in Washington, D.C. concerning the filling and operations of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) has ended on Tuesday (December 9) issuing a joint statement setting guidelines for future meetings. (See article)

The President of the European Commission, Dr. Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Addis Ababa for An official visit on Saturday (December 07). Met and held talks with high level Government officials including President Sahle-work Zewde, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed presided over the signing of four agreements between Ethiopia and the European Commission worth €170 mil. The visit was Dr. Ursula von der Leyen’s first trip outside Europe as head of the European Commission.  (See article)



The Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) organized a workshop last week on Friday (December 06) at the NCEW Hall focusing on developing the National Food Standard.

Seminar on the role of the youth in the new era was conducted on Saturday (December 7) in Keren. At the seminar call was made on the youth to strengthen organizational capacity and participation in the implementation of the national development drives.

The Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Eritrea, Mr Gabor Iklody accompanied by Elisabetta Pietrobon, head of political, press and information section on Wednesday (December 11) paid an official working visit to WHO Office in Asmara. Dr Martins Ovberedjo, WHO Representative to Eritrea held a fruitful collaborative meeting with the delegation that focused on strengthening health partnership between EU and WHO to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Eritrea.

Seminars aimed at increasing the awareness of the public on the rights of children was conducted to the residents of the administrative areas in Keren sub-zone from 4 to 11 December.


The 9th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States kicked off in Kenya, Nairobi on Monday (December 9). The summit was held under the theme: ‘A transformed ACP Committed to Multilateralism’ is the theme of the Summit. State Minister Dr. Markos Tekle led the Ethiopian Delegation.

Police in Kenya say last week suspected al-Shabab extremists have stopped a bus in the north near Somalia and killed eight passengers, all of them non-Muslims. Preliminary police reports show the majority of those killed were police officers returning to their stations in Elwak and Mandera. The Somalia-based al-Shabab has claimed responsibility. The al-Qaida-linked extremist group has vowed retribution on Kenya for sending troops to Somalia to fight it.


The U.S. Ambassador to Somalia, Donald Y. Yamamoto on Thursday (December 12) has welcomed the agreement reached between the Federal Government of Somalia and the leadership of Ahlu Sunna Waljama’a (Aswj). He said the United States is committed to supporting these efforts and ensuring their implementation for the peace and stability of Somalia.

The UN senior envoy in Somalia on Monday (December 9) called on the government to enhance the fight against corruption which is an obstacle to development and erodes public trust. James Swan, special representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia welcomed the country’s progress in strengthening the rule of law and building accountable and transparent institutions and underlined the importance of continuing to work on these areas. “Corruption is a major obstacle to development. It undermines efforts toward state-building, peace and reconciliation. It erodes public trust and weakens state institutions’ ability to deliver to their people,” Swan said in a statement issued to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day.

At least 20 people have been killed and about 25 others injured on Monday (December 9) in fierce fighting in the outskirt of Somalia’s central region of Mudug, an official said. Abdirahman Ali Diriye, Governor of Mudug region told reporters that inter-clan fighting erupted at the Towfiq village in the northwest of the Mudug region between two Somali clans over land disputes.

UNDP Resident Representative, Jocelyn Mason on Monday (December 9) has urged Somalia to get to grips its challenges so that it is not left behind while the developed world speeds ahead. Mason made the comments after UNDP launched its latest Human Development Report – one of the world’s most highly regarded assessments of the state of global development – which this year focuses on inequality and how to address it. Mason said among the measures Somalia must take will be to address inequalities within the country so that all citizens – including women, IDPs, the rural poor and other marginalized groups – can realize their full potential and contribute to national progress.

A high-level delegation led by Somali Senate speaker Abdi Hashi Abdullahi has on Sunday (December 8) arrived in Doha, the capital of Qatar. The speaker of the Upper House and his delegation attended the 7th Congress of the World Parliament which focused on the fight against corruption.

EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation ATALANTA flagship the ESPS Victoria and her SH-60B helicopter carried out a variety of training exercises with the United States Personnel Recovery Task Force (PRTF) last week. This training was an outstanding opportunity to enhance coordination and interoperability between Operation ATALANTA assets and the U.S. PRTF.

On the occasion of Human Rights Day, the UN envoy to Somalia on Monday (December 9) called on the country’s youth to build on progress made to date in enshrining human rights as a vital foundation of their society.

Somali government forces on Tuesday (December 10) have carried out a massive operation in the southern town of Wanlweyn located in the long-chaotic Lower Shabelle region, bordering Mogadishu. The sweep came after unknown gunmen launched an attack in the district and subsequently killed an inhabitant over undisclosed circumstances. The town has been under the Somali government control for nearly 10 years and faced frequent attacks from Al-Shabaab, the Al-Qaeda-linked militants fighting in the country.

Somali Security forces on Wednesday (December 11) have shot to death five attackers who officials said were behind a raid Tuesday evening on an upscale hotel near the presidential palace, officials said. At least five people were killed in the attack and scores rescued, officials said. Among those killed are a former judge and three security personnel who died during the firefight with the militants. Somali government spokesman Ismael Mukhtar Omar confirmed on Twitter that all five suspects were killed and the operation is “concluded.” Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack, and said it was carried out by the suicide infantry known as Inqimasi.

The U.S. military reported carrying out an airstrike near the town of Saakow in Middle Jubba region on Monday (December 9) killing one al-Shabab militant. The strike brings the number of U.S. airstrikes in Somalia this year to 59.

South Sudan

South Sudan government said last week on Friday (December 06) that the number of states, which has become contentious with the opposition, should be resolved through a referendum vote. “The president shared his concern with the members of cabinet and all of whom spoke in favor of 32 states,” Cabinet Affairs minister, Martin Elia Lomuro told reporters in the capital, Juba.

The United States on Thursday (December 12) announced it will implement visa restrictions against individuals who undermine or impede the peace process in South Sudan. Mike Pompeo, the Secretary of State said the move comes as the US re-evaluates its bilateral relationship with South Sudan government. “Such visa restrictions could include immediate family members of these individuals,” he said in a statement issued on December 12.

South Sudan’s armed opposition movement (SPLM/A (IO) leader, Riek Machar has visited the capital, Juba on Monday (December 09). Machar held face-to-face talks with President Salva Kiir, with discussions mainly focused on the outstanding issues considered obstacles to the implementation of the peace accord.

Lack of basic services in neighbouring countries has forced 83,572 South Sudan refugees to return home, South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission or (SSRRC) said on Wednesday (December 11). John Odongi, the SSRRC boss in Torit state, said the refugees were experiencing cuts in food rations and poor conditions in the camps.

At least $1.5 billion is needed to reach 5.6 million people with urgent life-saving assistance, the South Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan for 2020 shows. The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Alain Noudéhou on Thursday (December 12) said despite the period of relative stability since the signing of the peace agreement in 2018, humanitarian needs remain high.

South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir and his main rival Riek Machar are scheduled to meet members of the security committee to review progress on the implementation of the security arrangements, a presidential aide disclosed on Wednesday (December 11). Speaking to reporters in the capital, Juba, the presidential adviser on security affairs, Tut Gatluak said the two leaders met on Wednesday and discussed the implementation of the pending tasks hindering implementation of the peace agreement, citing number of states. The deputy chairman of Sudan’s Sovereign Council, Lt General Mohamed Hamdan attended the consultative meeting between the South Sudanese leader and Machar at State House in Juba.


The United States, the United Kingdom, and Norway (Troika countries) on Wednesday (December 11) welcomed the resumption of peace talks and called for pragmatism and realism from the parties to the process. Sudanese transitional government and armed groups of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North led by Abdel Aziz l-Hilu (SPLM-N al-Hilu) resumed peace talks in Juba on 10 December.

The Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) announced its rejection of the participation of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) in the Juba process for peace in Sudan. FFC officials said they would travel to Juba to discuss with the SRF the sticky issues of the appointment of governors and the formation of the transitional legislative assembly pointing that they are pressed by their bases to change the military governors.

Sadiq al-Mahdi, leader of the National Umma Party (NUP) on Saturday (December 07) announced his support for the speedy appointment of qualified civilian governors and called on the armed movements to end the war and engage in the peace process. Al-Mahdi made statements during a visit to Aba Island, one of the bastions of his party in the While Nile State 300km south of Khartoum. His party announced that al-Mahdi intends to mobilize popular support for the transitional government.

SPLM-N Agar delegation held a meeting on Monday (December 09) in Khartoum with the head of the Sovereign Council to discuss preparation for peace negotiations, while Minawi arrived in Juba ahead of a new round of talks in Juba that was scheduled to begin on Tuesday.

Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok announced on Sunday (December 08) that Khartoum has drawn down its soldiers in Yemen from 15,000 to 5,000 soldiers. In 2015, Sudan had dispatched thousands of ground troops and several fighter jets fighting in Yemen as part of the Saudi-led coalition to fight Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Prime Minister Dr. Abdallah Hamdouk affirmed Sudan concern to strengthen bilateral relations with Djibouti parsing its role in supporting Sudan at international forums. Hamdouk gave this statement on Tuesday (December 10) during meeting in his office with Djibouti ambassador to Sudan Ahmed Ali Bari. The Ambassador delivered a written message to prime minister from president Ismail Omar Gali related to strengthening of bilateral relations and exchange ideas on issues of mutual concern.

The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) Monday (December 9) said they found that 20 protesters are missing after the bloody attack on the peaceful sit-in on June 3. The SPA which spearheaded the protest movement that toppled the al-Bashir regime last April continues to be pressed by the families of the martyrs and missing protesters to hold accountable the perpetrators of the brutal crackdown on the pro-democracy camp and to find the missing persons.

Sudan’s chief prosecutor on Tuesday (December 10) summoned the ousted President Omer al-Bashir, to investigate a complaint against the perpetrators of the June 30, 1989 coup. Last November the criminal prosecution launched the investigation into the 1989 coup and ordered to arrest all members of the military command council of the coup. Omer al-Bashir who is already in jail was chosen by the National Islamic Front of Hassan al-Turabi to head the coup which paved the way for the Sudanese Islamist to control the county for 30 years.

The National Umma Party (NUP) led by Sadiq al-Mahdi, on Wednesday (December 11) condemned calls by activists affiliated with the National Congress Party (NCP) of the ousted President Omer al-Bashir, to demonstrate against the recently passed law, banning the activities of the former ruling party. Supporters of the former regime are disseminating calls through the social media for demonstrations to be held on December 14. This date coincides with the expected issuance of a verdict against al-Bashir for possessing illicit foreign currency and corruption.


The Nobel Lecture: “Forging a Durable Peace in the Horn of Africa”

The Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed on Tuesday (December 10) received the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize at a ceremony held at the Oslo City Hall in Norway’s capital. He also presented a speech which is usually known as “the Nobel Lecture” entitled, “Forging a Durable Peace in the Horn of Africa.”

A speech in the ceremony presented by Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Berit Reiss-Andersen stated three reasons that won Prime Minister Abiy the Nobel Peace Prize. The first one refers to Dr. Abiy’s crucial role in creating peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia. “Second,” said Reiss-Andersen addressing directly to Dr. Abiy, you are awarded “for your efforts to build democracy in Ethiopia by strengthening civil liberties and developing institutions.” “And third, but not least, the award is given to you for your contribution to peace and reconciliation processes in East and North East Africa,” she added.

In his speech, the Prime minister thanked the Nobel Committee for recognizing and encouraging his contribution to end the Ethiopia- Eritrea Stalemate which trapped the people in the two countries in the “No peace No war” situation. He also remembered the goodwill, trust, and commitment of his “comrade-in-peace” President of Eritrea, Isaias Afeworki in ending the two-decade deadlock between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

In recounting his experience in participating in the Ethio-Eritrean war as a soldier, Dr. Abyi tried to paint the grim pictures of war and the futility of romanticizing it. He said, “War is the epitome of hell for all involved. I know because I have been there and back. I have seen brothers slaughtering brothers on the battlefield. I have seen older men, women, and children trembling in terror under the deadly shower of bullets and artillery shells.”

He then went on to describe the debilitating economic and social burden the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia had to endure during and after the war that claimed about 100,000 lives. He said that the war resulted in massive destruction of infrastructure, mass displacements, and loss of livelihoods, deportation and denationalization of citizens. Having realized the social and economic cost of the stalemate that followed the war, Abiy said, “I was convinced that the imaginary wall separating our two countries for much too long needed to be torn down.” “And in its place, a bridge of friendship, collaboration and goodwill has to be built to last for ages.”

In narrating his peace deal with the Eritrean president, Abiy said he and President Isaias finally came to understand that the two nations were not the enemies, but their real enemy was poverty. “We recognized that while our two nations were stuck on old grievances, the world was shifting rapidly and leaving us behind,” he said, and “We agreed we must work cooperatively for the prosperity of our people and our region.”

As a result of the peace deal, Abiy said the two countries are “reaping dividends now.” Reuniting separated families; establishing Air and communication services, and restoring diplomatic ties were made possible, he added.

In explaining the beliefs that guide his actions for peace, the newly minted Nobel Laureate said. “Peace requires good faith to blossom into prosperity, security, and opportunity,” and “we can cultivate and share it with others if we choose to remove our masks of pride and arrogance.” He said an enduring vision which is at the root of his philosophy of medemer is required to secure peace. In defining the Amharic word medemer he said it “signifies synergy, convergence, and teamwork for a common destiny,” and it can be taken as “a social compact for Ethiopians to build a just, egalitarian, democratic, and humane society by pulling together our resources for our collective survival and prosperity.” Medemer is about using the best of our past to build a new society and a new civic culture that thrives on tolerance, understanding, and civility, he added. Medemer at its core, he said, “is a covenant of peace that seeks unity in our common humanity. It pursues peace by practicing the values of love, forgiveness, reconciliation, and inclusion.”

Dr. Abiy also explained how the way he grew up in the small town of Beshasha, Ethiopia instilled in him deep-seated beliefs in humanity’s inherent capacity to make peace which later helped him develop his philosophy of medemer. He said his family taught him a principle which resonates with the proverb, “I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper.” “In my little town, we had no running water, electricity, or paved roads;” he said, “but we had a lot of love to light up our lives.” He said people were each other’s keepers in his town and the same holds true to the people of Ethiopia- the “Land of Origins” and “The 13 Months of Sunshine”-where medemer has always been their second nature. He also highlighted how the new foreign policy milieu of his country has been influenced by his philosophy of medemer. Retelling the African proverb which says, “For you to have a peaceful night, your neighbour shall have a peaceful night as well,” he said Ethiopia’s Medemer-inspired foreign policy pursues peace through multilateral cooperation and good neighbourliness.

In his speech Dr. Abiy also indicated that the Horn of Africa was becoming a region of strategic significance for military superpowers and an area where terrorists and extremists sought to establish a foothold. He said, “Want the Horn of Africa to become a treasury of peace and progress,” and neither “a battleground for superpowers nor a hideout for the merchants of terror and brokers of despair and misery.”

Dr. Abiy has also addressed the Ethiopian people regarding the upcoming election and the use of social media. He promised that his Government would soon hold a free and fair election. He also called on the Ethiopian people to avoid the path of extremism, and not to be easily swayed by negative social media messages that are often prepared by “The evangelists of hate and division.” He concluded his speech by emphasizing the measures that he has taken to protect the human and democratic rights of the people of Ethiopia and calling on the Ethiopian and the International community to stand by his “Medemer inspired efforts of building enduring peace and prosperity in the Horn of Africa.”


An official visit by President of the European Commission to Ethiopia…

Foreign Minister Mr. Gedu Andargachew warmly received President of the European Commission Dr. Ursula von der Leyen on Saturday (December 07) up on her arrival for her first trip outside Europe as head of the European Commission, at Bole International Airport. The President met and held talks with high level Government officials including Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, President Sahle-work Zewde, and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat.

President Sahle-Work Zewde and Ursula von der Leyen discussed issues such as gender and women’s inclusion. “I am very happy to see Ethiopia and the European Union are on the right side of history — giving women their due, giving to women their place, their space,” Sahle-Work said. After the meeting with President Sahle-work, Dr. Ursula von der Leyen tweeted that she was deeply impressed by her visit in Ethiopia that have the only female Head of State in Africa and a gender-balanced Cabinet.

The European Commission President also met with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and signed four agreements, worth €170 million. At the occasion she said: “Ethiopia has given hope to a whole Continent and beyond, showing that peace with one’s neighbours, for the good of the people, is possible, when there is courage and vision. I am here today to show the European Union’s full commitment to supporting Ethiopia and its people on their future path.” Accompanying the European Commission’s President during the signing of the agreement, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen said: “Ethiopia plays a central role in promoting stability and economic integration in East Africa, building on the historic opportunity provided by last year’s peace agreement with Eritrea. Today’s announcements reinforce the EU’s commitment to supporting Ethiopia in achieving the ambitious political, social and democratic transition that will not only transform the lives of Ethiopians but inspire change across the region.”

The €170 million package aims to support the country’s reforms. It includes €100 million for key economic reforms in the transport and logistics sectors; to boost regional competitiveness and facilitate Ethiopia’s trade and economic cooperation with neighbouring countries. €50 million is also allocated to support the Government of Ethiopia’s Health Transformation Plan for three additional years (2020-2022)aiming at reducing inequalities, improve the quality of health facilities and reduce the financial barriers people face to access essential services. Aiming at strengthening the technical and administrative capacity of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia, as well as its engagement with political parties, civil society and media, the European Commission has allocated €10 million and support accountability and transparency during the 2020 elections in Ethiopia. It is said that Germany would also add €10 million to this programme, bringing the overall support for it to €20 million. The remaining €10 million is said to improve the business climate in the country. As part of the Africa-Europe Alliance for sustainable investment and jobs, the EU is promoting private investment and supporting trade creation, economic integration and value chain development in partner countries, including Ethiopia. Mr. Ahmed Shide, F.D.R.E’s Minister of Finance and the European Commissioner for International Partnerships Ms Jutta Urpilainen signed the financing agreements in support of political and economic reforms.

In a press release concerning the President’s visit, the European Commission announced that Ethiopia is a key partner for the EU in the region. It has taken a leading role in promoting economic integration, peace and stability in East Africa, whilst implementing an ambitious national reform agenda. The statement also said that the EU’s development cooperation with Ethiopia is one of the largest in Africa and in the world – amounting to €815 million for the period 2014-2020.


… and the meeting between President of EC and Chairperson of the AU

The Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat and the European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen met at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa on Saturday (December 07).

Chairperson Faki assured the EC President of the AU Commission’s support to her mandate, and expressed his appreciation for her visit to the AUC HQ noting that it illustrated the importance of the Continent-to-Continent strategic AU-EU partnership.

The meeting discussed strategies to counter terrorism; address climate change and its effects; and effectively mobilize investment and expand trade between Africa and Europe. The two leaders underscored the importance of charting the next chapter of the partnership jointly, while maintaining open dialogue channels between the AU and EU.

The two Principals agreed that, in preparation for the next EU-AU Summit in 2020, a Commission-to-Commission meeting will be held in Addis Ababa in February 2020, followed by an AU-EU Ministerial Meeting. The meetings will evaluate progress on commitments made during the 2017 AU-EU Summit held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and focus on shared priorities in the areas including peace and security, trade and investment, climate, and joint promotion of multilateralism as well as institutional building.

On the occasion, Chairperson Faki was accompanied by Commissioner of Peace and Security, Amb. Smail Chergui, Commissioner of Trade and Industry, Amb. Albert Muchanga, Commissioner of Political Affairs, MmeMinata Cessouma Samate, and Commissioner of Human Resource, Science and Technology, Dr Sarah Anyang Agbor. EC President Von Der Leyen was accompanied by EU Commissioner of International Partnerships, Ms. Jutta Urpilainen and other senior EC officials.


The Washington Meeting over the GERD

The Ethiopian delegation led by Foreign Minister Gedu Andargachew has participated in a meeting that was held on Monday (December, 9) in Washington upon the invitation of the U.S. administration. The meeting was aimed at assessing the outcomes of the fourth and fifth meetings of the Ministers of Water Affairs of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan over the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Ethiopia, Sudan, Egypt, the United States, and the World Bank issued a joint statement after concluding their meeting on Monday evening. The statement declared that the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt, have appreciated the observer role of the United States and the World Bank and noted the progress achieved in the technical meetings among the Ministers of Water Resources in Addis Ababa and in Cairo.

The Ministers also agreed that the strategic direction of the next two technical meetings should be the development of technical rules and guidelines for the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), the definition of drought conditions, and drought mitigation measures to be taken.

According to the statement, the Ministers recognized that developing rules and guidelines to address drought conditions would have substantial benefits to all three countries saying the rules and guidelines will include drought mitigation measures based upon the natural flow in the given year and water release rates from the GERD.

The implementation of these technical rules and guidelines for the filling and operation of the GERD will be undertaken by Ethiopia, and may be adjusted by the three countries, in accordance with the hydrological conditions in the given year, the statement reads.

The statement also declared that the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the three countries would convene in Washington, D.C. on January 13, 2020 to review the results of the upcoming technical meetings in Khartoum and Addis Ababa with the goal of finalizing an agreement.


The Saudi Arabian 50-member Delegation in Addis Ababa

The Saudi Arabian Government and business delegation led by Minister of State for African Affairs Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Qattan has arrived in Addis Ababa for a three-day official visit on Sunday (December 09). High level Government officials have warmly received the group at Bole International Airport upon its arrival. During its stay in Addis Ababa, the 50-member group has participated in a business forum and conducted bilateral meetings with the business community and some high level Government officials in Ethiopia.

The Ethio-Saudi Arabia Business Forum was held on Tuesday (December 10) in Addis Ababa. Over 150 Ethiopian and Saudi Arabian companies participated in the forum that aimed at attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and strengthening business-to-business linkages between the two countries. High level Government officials attended the forum that was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Saudi Arabian Embassy in Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations.

Remarking at the forum, State Minister Dr. Aklilu Hailemichael appreciated the deep-seated historical and people-to-people relationship between the two countries and called for actions to scale up the ties. The state minister also highlighted the qualities that would make Ethiopia a favourite destination for investment, trade and tourism. “Although there are about 229 Saudi Arabian companies investing in Ethiopia encouraged by the Governments commitment to attract FDI,” the State Minister said, “a lot has to be done to narrow the trade balance between the two countries that still favours Saudi Arabia.” He also called on the Saudi Arabian investors to choose to participate in the Ethiopian Government’s priority areas for investment such as, agro-processing , energy , tourism, mining and Information Technology.

The Saudi Arabian State Minister Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Qattan expressed his Government’s commitment to strengthen bilateral relations and help Ethiopia achieve its economic development endeavours. The economic reforms that are taking place in Ethiopia spearheaded by DR. Abiy Ahmed would attract foreign investors to the Ethiopian market, the State Minister added.

One of the speakers in the forum, President of the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations, Eng. Melaku Ezezew said the fast-growing Ethiopian economy and the current measures taken to reform it together with the country’s geographic proximity to Saudi Arabia call for putting more efforts into strengthening ties. Another speaker, Ethiopian Investment Commission Investment Promotion Director, Aschalew Tadesse also gave briefings on the investment opportunities and incentives in Ethiopia.

Aside from participating in the Ethio-Saudi Arabia business forum, the Saudi Arabian group has also met and held talks with high level Government officials. State Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia Hirut Zemene on Monday (December 9) received and held talks with the Saudi Arabian State Minister Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Qattan. The state minister recounted the deep seated relations between the two countries and thanked Saudi Arabia for their comprehensive support extended to Ethiopia. She also underlined that the two countries should collaborate in facing challenges posed by human trafficking. Mrs Hirut also briefed her Saudi Arabian counterpart on issues related with the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. The Saudi Arabian State Minister on his part commended the warm reception accorded to the delegates and reassured Saudi Arabia’s commitment to further deepen relations and support Ethiopia’s development endeavours.

In another meeting that was co-chaired by State Minister Hirut Zemene and the Saudi Arabian State Minister Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz Qattan the Saudi Arabian delegation participated in a dialogue on Tuesday (December 10) that took place in the presence of various Government bodies and institutions.

Discussants deliberated on ways to enhance relationships between the two countries in sectors such as culture and tourism, trade and investment, as well as mining and transport. Relationships concerning the labour sector were also among the major points of discussion.

Mrs Hirut appreciated Saudi Arabia’s efforts in ensuring peace and security in the Horn of Africa. She also underscored that the age-long historical relationship between the two countries should be further enhanced through creating strong economic ties too. The Saudi Arabian State Minister on his side said Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia should sign investment protection agreements to further take economic relations into a higher level. Saudi Arabia would support Ethiopia’s move to join in the World Trade Organization (WTO), he added.


The First Ethiopia-Angola Political Consultation Meeting in Luanda

The First Ethiopian-Angolan Political Consultation meeting was held last week (December 6, 2019) in Luanda. The meeting was co-chaired by Ambassador Woinshet Tadesse, Permanent Secretary of Africa, African Union and Middle East affairs at the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Mr. Afonso Evaristo Eduardo, the Director of Africa, Middle East and Continental Organizations at Ministry of External Relations of the Republic of Angola.

The meeting offered the opportunity to discuss ways of strengthening bilateral cooperation, particularly on areas including Aviation, Culture and Tourism, Education, Health, Industry, Fisheries, Transport, Mining and Oil, Agriculture, among others.

In her opening remarks, Ambassador Woinshet Tadesse expressed that Ethiopia truly values the time-tested and strong diplomatic ties that have been existed between the two countries for close to half a century and she underlined that the two countries have reached at a stage where their contacts have to be nurtured at the leadership level. Ambassador Woinshet took note of the comprehensive reforms underway in Ethiopia, further noting Ethiopia’s positive contributions to the peace and stability of the Horn of Africa region.

In his opening remark Mr. Afonso Evaristo Eduardo commended Ethiopia’s efforts in the maintenance of regional peace and security. While noting the strong political and diplomatic ties between the two countries, he underlined the importance of strengthening the bilateral relationship in economic and social fronts.

The two parties discussed and finalized three draft agreements and agreed to submit the Agreements to the Foreign Ministers of the two countries for signatures on the sidelines of the upcoming African Union Summit in Addis Ababa.

Both sides discussed the trade exchanges between the two countries and expressed commitments to increase the volume and establish favourable conditions for networking and direct contacts between the business communities in the two countries.

The Political Consultation offered the opportunity to discuss ways of strengthening Political, Social and Economic cooperation existing between the two nations and exchange ideas on the way forward for moving towards the dream of the “Africa we want in 2063” by appreciating important milestones like the Continental Free Trade Area promoted by the African Union, signed and ratified by many of the member states.


Freweini Mebrahtu: the 2019 CNN Hero of the Year

CNN has named Freweini Mebrahtu their 2019 Hero of the Year for working to change the cultural stigma around women’s periods. Freweini’s belief that no girl should miss school because of a period is resonating on a global scale in a big way. She has dedicated her life to keeping girls in school by designing a reusable menstrual pad and trying to end the cultural stigma around the issue.

“I don’t even know what to say,” Mebrahtu said when receiving the award. “I am so humbled and grateful for CNN … this is for all the girls and women everywhere. Dignity for all.” Online voters selected Mebrahtu as the 2019 CNN Hero of the Year award from among the Top 10 CNN Heroes finalists.

Freweini studied chemical engineering in the US and designed and patented a reusable menstrual pad in 2005. She and her team produce 750,000 reusable pads a year at her factory- the Mariam Seba Sanitary Products Factory- in Ethiopia. Nearly 800,000 girls and women have benefited from her work. More than 80% of the pads she manufactures are sold to non-governmental organizations that distribute them for free.

Although she had already established her own factory, she needed financial and logistical support to produce and distribute high volumes of quality menstruation pads to girls throughout Ethiopia.  Freweini has teamed up with the non-profit, Dignity Period, to end the stigma around the issue by speaking at schools and teaching girls and boys that menstruation is natural, not shameful. Today, working in partnership with Mekelle University in Ethiopia, Dignity Period and Freweini have been able to reach more than 300,000 students.  Dignity Period works with donors to fund the program that Mekelle University administers on the ground in Ethiopia. Dignity Period and Mekelle purchase all the pads for the program from Freweini and Mariam Seba using donated funds.

“The whole goal was not only making the pads, but also attacking the cultural baggage to it,” Freweini said. The cultural stigma surrounding menstruation in Ethiopia has dire consequences. On average, one in 10 girls in Ethiopia miss school for reasons related to their periods; in some rural areas, this increases almost 50%. Missing school can lead girls to fall behind in class and eventually drop out. Thanks to Freweini and Dignity Period, that trend is now moving in the opposite direction.  Research shows that schools visited by Dignity Period had a 24% increase in attendance among girls.

CNN Heroes is a year-long initiative that honours everyday people for their selfless, creative efforts to help others. In its 12 years, CNN Heroes has received more than 85,000 nominations from more than 100 countries.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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