Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 17.01.2020

In this Edition

News in Brief

Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt Conclude Discussion in DC on GERD

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed pays an Official visit to South Africa

IGAD Executive Secretary begins Regional Familiarization Tour in Khartoum…

and IGAD Launches National Consultations on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

Chinese Foreign Minister Pays a visit to Djibouti

Somalia’s President two-day State Visit to Eritrea

Africa and the African Union

A High Level Retreat on the Operationalization of the Peace Fund was held in Addis Ababa from 11-12 January under the theme: “Securing predictable and sustainable financing for peace in Africa.”  The retreat followed the decision of the 35th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) held in July 2019, for a Retreat to be held before the February 2020. The retreat was held to take stock of the status of operationalization of the Fund and agree on the medium term strategic funding priorities for the AU Peace Fund.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on Tuesday (January 14) has completed an induction course into the mission for 22 AMISOM Police Officers from Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Uganda as part of a mandatory training to help them understand Somali culture and operating environment. The seven-day course also acquainted the officers with the AMISOM mandate, concept of operations, Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) awareness, gender awareness and code of conduct.

The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) on Wednesday (January 15) feted senior police officers from Zambia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone for outstanding service to Somalia during their tour of duty. The officers were decorated with medals in recognition of outstanding performance and contribution to operational efficiency and capacity building of the Somali Police Force, as part of AMISOM’s mandate of restoring peace and stability in Somalia.

The Executive Secretary of the Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, has made his first familiarization tour in Sudan on 8-9 January 2010. He met and held talks with the highest authorities of the Republic of Sudan. (See article)

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) said it has successfully concluded the first National Consultation on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden on Tuesday (January 14).(See article)


The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) last week on Friday (January 10) disclosed that it has traded a total of 101, 948 tons of products worth 5.12 billion birr in December. The commodity market was able to trade the stated amount of products, including sesame, coffee, white and red nuts. Accordingly, 52, 598 tonnes of sesame was sold at 2.24 billion birr this month, while Gondar/Humera sesame accounts for 90% to the lion’s share of the total transaction volume.

Ethiopia’s flag carrier, Ethiopian Airlines (ET) is planning to open flights to three new Chinese destinations, an Ethiopian official said on Saturday (January 11). Dawit Temsgen, Communications Expert at ET, said “Ethiopian Airlines is interested in expanding its network to Chongqing, Shenzhen and Zhengzhou and has requested permit to launch flights.” ET currently operates daily passenger flights from Addis Ababa to Guangzhou and Beijing, and three-times-a-week passenger flights to Chengdu, as well as daily passenger and cargo flights to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Shanghai.

The Ethiopia Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday (January 11) pledged to boost its support for South Sudan peace process. The pledge was made during a discussion held in Addis Ababa between Gedu Andargachew, Minister of Foreign Affairs and James Morgan, South Sudan ambassador to Ethiopia and the African Union (AU). Gedu reiterated Ethiopia’s commitment in helping South Sudan to implement the necessary issues ahead of the formation of the transitional unity government”. “He also expressed his hope that South Sudan peace signatory parties would come into consensus to resolve sticky issues with the remaining 50 days to form the transitional government.” Morgan for his part hailed Ethiopia’s support to the South Sudan peace process and briefed the Ethiopian Foreign Minister on the status of implementation of the peace process.

Pope Francis on Saturday (January 11) received in audience the community of the Pontifical Ethiopian College in the Vatican, on the occasion of the centenary of its foundation. He said: “I’m happy to receive you today and to be grateful together for the one hundred years of the Ethiopian College.” Bishops from Ethiopia and Eritrea, among them the two Metropolitans, Cardinal Berhaneyesus and Monsignor Tesfamarian were in presence.

President Sahle-Work Zewde urged on Saturday (January 11) all concerned bodies to step up efforts to reduce maternal death in the country. Speaking at a national consultative meeting, the President called upon stakeholders to step up efforts to curb the most serious but preventable causes of maternal death in Ethiopia. The consultative meeting is part of the ‘Safe Motherhood Month’ launched by the Ministry of Health and ends on February 7, 2020.

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed led a delegation to Pretoria for an official visit to the Republic of South Africa last week on 11-12 January 2020. The delegation, which included Ministers as well as senior government officials, was warmly welcomed in Johannesburg by the Finance Minister and other senior officials of South Africa. Aside from addressing the situation of Ethiopians living in South Africa, the visit was aimed to boost and enhance the bilateral and diplomatic ties between the two friendly countries in various sectors such as mining, education, health, tourism, aviation and multilateral fora. (See article)

Deputy Chief Administrator of the Somali regional state, Mustefe Mohammed, received on Monday (January 13) President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Peter Maurer. During the meeting, they exchanged views on the humanitarian assistance being provided by ICRC to people affected by ethnic violence in the region. The ICRC President arrived in Addis Ababa on Sunday for a three-day official visit.

A five-day consultative forum on disaster risk reduction kicked off in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Monday (January 13). The event, which aims to strengthen disaster risk governance, brought together researchers, representatives from regional states and Addis Ababa city administration as well as heads of various institutions. The forum was organized by Ethiopia’s National Disaster Risk Management Commission in partnership with the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction-Regional Office for Africa (UNDRR AF) and CIMA Research Foundation.

Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Tibor Nagy is set to arrive at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this week for an official visit which includes other African countries. In addition to Ethiopia, he is expected to travel to the Central African Republic, Kenya, South Sudan, and Sudan January 15-29.His visit will emphasize the importance of promoting good governance and strong democratic institutions, advancing regional peace and security, combatting corruption, and forging stronger trade and investment ties.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Water Resources of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan and their delegations met with the Secretary of the Treasury and the President of the World Bank, participating as observers, in Washington, D.C. on January 13-15, 2020. They issued a joint statement on the filling and operation of the dam. (See article)

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) on Monday (January 13) said some 8.4 million people are projected to have humanitarian needs in Ethiopia in 2020. The majority of the vulnerable people are in Oromia, followed by Somali and Amhara regions. Crop and pasture loss due to desert locust infestations in parts of Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions was taken into consideration when calculating the people in need of food assistance in the regions, it was noted.

Ethiopian Airlines will start constructing a new $5 billion airport later this year, its chief executive officer was quoted as saying on Wednesday (January 15), as the rapidly-expanding carrier outgrows capacity at its current base in Addis Ababa. The airport, which will cover an area of 35 square km, will be built in Bishoftu, a town 39 km south east of the capital, and have the capacity to handle 100 million passengers a year.




Somalia’s President Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed was on an official State visit to Eritrea on 10-11 January as per the invitation of the President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki. Eritrea’s ministry of information said Farmajo and Afwerki expressed satisfaction at the progress made so far in the implementation of the Tripartite Agreement signed between Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia last year in Asmara. (See article)



The State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China, Wang Yi paid a visit to Djibouti last week on Thursday (January 9). Meeting the Chinese Foreign Minister in his capital city, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh President of Djibouti said Djibouti’s relations with China have developed in depth and yielded fruitful results in various fields. (See article)

The United States on Monday (January 13) delivered 54 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles, known as the Humvee, to the Armed Forces of Djibouti (FAD) for use by its Rapid Intervention Battalion (RIB) as part of a $31 million train-and-equip partnership between the U.S. government and the Djiboutian military. The RIB is a FAD advanced infantry battalion, trained and equipped by the Combined Joint Task Force — Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA). Its primary mission is to train and serve as a quick reaction force to accomplish specified tasks directed by its higher command in the Djiboutian army.



The government of the Federal Republic of Somalia and the European Union on Sunday (January 12) signed in Mogadishu an agreement on the status of the European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia (EUCAP Somalia). The agreement was signed between the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ambassador Ahmed Isse Awad and the Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to the Federal Republic of Somalia, Nicolás Berlanga Martinez. The protocol of the agreement stipulates the mechanism and joint work between the European Union and Somalia, in line with the priorities of security and stability plans to develop a self-sustaining capacity to enhance Somali maritime security.

The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Ambassador James Swan visited on Saturday (January 10) Somaliland’s capital Hargeisa with a special message to the country’s President Muse Bihi on its (UN) support towards initiatives aimed at building mutual confidence and fostering dialogue between Hargeisa and Mogadishu.”The United Nations welcomes initiatives aimed at building mutual confidence and fostering dialogue between Hargeisa and Mogadishu.

The Prime Minister of Somalia Hassan Ali Khaire has received the envoy of the United Nations [UN] for the country James Swan at his office in Mogadishu on Saturday (January 10). According to UNSOM, the pair discussed a range of issues, including the country’s next elections in 2020-21 and how the UN can best support delivering the set goals.

Three people have been killed after suspected Al Shabaab militants attacked a school in Garissa County, Kenya, near the border with Somalia. According to local police, the gunmen attacked Kamuthe Resource Centre at 2am on Monday morning (January 13), killing three male teachers. A child was reportedly injured in the attack after being hit by a stray bullet.

Somali President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo jetted out of the country on Monday (January 13) morning heading to Muscat, Oman. The Head of State and his delegation will attend state funeral for late Omani ruler, Sultan Qaboos Bin Said who passed on last week. “The President will attend the state funeral of our brotherly sultanate state of Oman.” Villa Somalia said.

The US-trained Somali Special Forces, Danab have seized Toratorow, an Al-Shabaab stronghold town of Toratorow on Monday (January 13). Backed by US troops the Somali forces attacked group’s positions in the agricultural in Lower Shabelle and recaptured the town without any resistance.

Somalia’s minister of foreign affairs Ahmed Isse Awad has held a meeting with the Deputy Special Representative of the UN Adam Abdelmoula in Mogadishu on Wednesday (January 15). The two officials have discussed enhanced cooperation and effective institutional support.

Somaliland has executed six men by firing squad at Mandheera prison in the capital, Hargeysa on Wednesday (January 15). Two of the executed members were related to terror charges and alleged members of the armed group al-Shabaab.

South Sudan

South Sudan government and an alliance of holdout armed groups on Monday (January 13) agreed to cease hostilities and to resume discussions for an inclusive peace with the support of the Roman Catholic Sant’ Egidio peace group. The Rome Declaration on the Peace Process in South Sudan was signed in Rome between the government, South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) in presence of the SPLM/A-10 and NDM and the IGAD. The declaration was signed by Barnaba Marial Benjamin, who headed the government delegation, the leaders of the opposition alliance including Thomas Cirillo Swaka, Paul Malong Awan Anei, Pagan Amum Okiech as well as the leaders of the three other groups. In a statement made at the end of a four-day meeting, the parties agreed that the South Sudanese conflict requires “a comprehensive political engagement” to achieve “inclusivity and sustainable peace” with the non-signatory groups of the revitalized peace agreement.

South Sudan’s main peace partners on Wednesday (January 15) agreed to refer the sticky issue of the number and boundaries of states to the South African vice president to broker a compromise. President Salva Kiir and the SPLM-IO leader Riek Machar met in Juba in presence of Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, Sudanese leading member of the Sovereign Council to discuss the contention over the 32 states. Kiir struggles to keep the contested territorial administrative system while Machar and other peace parties call to restore the 10-state system if the president refuses their demand to review the boundaries and the number of states.



Canada and Sudan have agreed to upgrade diplomatic relations and boost bilateral cooperation after the popular uprising that toppled down the former regime of Omer al-Bashir. The announcement was made in Ottawa and Khartoum on Sunday (January 12) as Canada’s Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rob Oliphant, was in the Sudanese capital to meet with the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok. Oliphant, and Hamdok “are pleased to announce Canada and Sudan’s intention to reciprocally elevate diplomatic representation to the Ambassadorial level,” said a statement by the Canadian government on Sunday.

The Emirati Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash on Monday (January 13) began a two-day official visit to Khartoum to assess Sudan’s needs to achieve economic reforms. In a statement about Gargash’s visit, Sudanese foreign ministry said that the UAE reiterated its commitment to continue its support to Sudan in the form of development programs and projects within the Saudi-Emirati support program to the country.

Sudan’s intelligence chief Abu Bakr Damplab has resigned on Wednesday (January 15), after coming under fire following a bloody mutiny in by elements of his agency that resulted in the death of six people. Members of the former military arm of the intelligence service clashed Tuesday with the Sudanese armed forces in Khartoum and El Obaid, the capital of North Kordofan. Six people including four military personnel and two civilians were killed during the confrontation between the rebellious units and the government forces.

The Sudanese government delegation to the talks for peace in Darfur requested more time to study the power-sharing paper made by the armed groups. On Wednesday (January 15), the government and armed movements held a negotiation session in Juba to discuss the power-sharing during the transitional period.

Sudan and Kenya agreed to coordinate efforts between the two countries to achieve peace and stability in South Sudan as a transitional government should be formed next February. A leading member of the Sovereign Council in Sudan Mohamed Hamdan Daglo ’Hemetti’ Sunday (January 12) received the Kenyan Special Envoy to South Sudan, Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka. A statement issued by the Sudanese presidency stated that Hemetti, who is the head of government’s negotiating delegation for peace in Sudan and tasked with the South Sudanese peace process, renewed his government’s keenness to achieve peace in Sudan and South Sudan.

The leader of the National Umma Party, Sadiq al-Mahdi rejected the demand of the SPLM-N led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu for a secular state in Sudan as a condition to end the armed conflict in the Two Areas. Addressing a public meeting on Saturday (January 11) in Sinja the capital of Sennar state Saturday, al-Mahdi told his supporters that every political entity has the right when elections are held to campaign for the separation of religion from the state, or to call for a religious state or other political convictions.

The transitional government and Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) delegations on Saturday (January 11) held a consultation meeting in Juba to discuss the eastern Sudan process, brokered by the South Sudanese mediation. “During the meeting, the government delegation answered all the questions made by the SRF leaders regarding the consultative conference on eastern Sudan and the timing of its convening,” said the spokesman of the government negotiating delegation, Mohamed al-Hassan al-Taishi. He said that the conference will be held on the 14th and 15th January, with the participation of a high-level delegation from the mediation.


Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt Conclude Discussion in DC on GERD

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Water Resources of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan and their delegations met with the Secretary of the Treasury and the President of the World Bank, participating as observers, in Washington, D.C. on January 13-15, 2020. The Ministers noted the progress achieved in the four technical meetings among the Ministers of Water Resources and their two prior meetings in Washington D.C. and the outcomes of those meetings and their joint commitment to reach a comprehensive, cooperative, adaptive, sustainable, and mutually beneficial agreement on the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Toward that end, the Ministers noted the following points, recognizing that all points are subject to final agreement:

The filling of the GERD will be executed in stages and will be undertaken in an adaptive and cooperative manner that takes into consideration the hydrological conditions of the Blue Nile and the potential impact of the filling on downstream reservoirs. Filling will take place during the wet season, generally from July to August, and will continue in September subject to certain conditions. The initial filling stage of the GERD will provide for the rapid achievement of a level of 595 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) and the early generation of electricity, while providing appropriate mitigation measures for Egypt and Sudan in case of severe droughts during this stage.

The subsequent stages of filling will be done according to a mechanism to be agreed that determines release based upon the hydrological conditions of the Blue Nile and the level of the GERD that addresses the filling goals of Ethiopia and provides electricity generation and appropriate mitigation measures for Egypt and Sudan during prolonged periods of dry years, drought and prolonged drought.

During long term operation, the GERD will operate according to a mechanism that determines release based upon the hydrological conditions of the Blue Nile and the level of the GERD that provides electricity generation and appropriate mitigation measures for Egypt and Sudan during prolonged periods of dry years, drought and prolonged drought.

An effective coordination mechanism and provisions for the settlement of disputes will be established. The Ministers agree that there is a shared responsibility of the three countries in managing drought and prolonged drought.

The Ministers agreed to meet again in Washington, D.C. on January 28-29 to finalize a comprehensive agreement on the filling and operation of the GERD, and that there will be technical and legal discussions in the interim period.

The Ministers recognize the significant regional benefits that can result from concluding an agreement on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam with respect to transboundary cooperation, regional development and economic integration that can result from the operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs reaffirmed the importance of transboundary cooperation in the development of the Blue Nile to improve the lives of the people of Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan, and their shared commitment to concluding an agreement.


Prime Minister Dr.Abiy Ahmed pays an Official visit to South Africa

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed led a delegation to Pretoria for an official visit to the Republic of South Africa last week on 11-12 January 2020. The delegation, which included Ministers as well as senior government officials, was warmly welcomed in Johannesburg by the Finance Minister and other senior officials of South Africa. Aside from addressing the situation of Ethiopians living in South Africa, the visit was aimed to boost and enhance the bilateral and diplomatic ties between the two friendly countries in various sectors such as mining, education, health, tourism, aviation and multilateral fora.

In a high-level consultative meeting that was attended by various ministers and senior officials from both sides, Prime Minister Dr.Abiy Ahmed held fruitful discussions with President of South Africa, Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa on ways of consolidating the relationship in all domains of cooperation in a spirit of mutual benefits. The talks covered issues of mutual interest, focusing on the need to reactivate all the existing bilateral mechanisms and to expand cooperation in the areas of Social and Economic sectors in the spirit of friendship and solidarity between the two sisterly countries. President Ramaphosa and Prime Minister Abiy discussed the issue of Ethiopians residing in South Africa and agreed that the two countries need to cooperate on this matter. The two leaders agreed to establish a committee which follow-up the issue of Ethiopian Diaspora communities in South Africa by underlining the need for both countries to work together to address illegal migration, human trafficking and smuggling.

The two sides have exchanged views on potential areas of cooperation such as education, investment, industry, trade, health, tourism, mining, aviation, among others. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali committed Ethiopia’s support to South Africa’s chairship of the African Union 2020. “May South Africa’s chairship greatly impact the continent, particularly in advancing the continent’s vision for economic integration” said the PM. President Ramaphosa on his part said: “As both countries are signatories to the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement, as well as the Tripartite Free Trade Area, there are immense opportunities to improve trade and enhance investment opportunities in our respective economies.”

The Leaders agreed that the time had arrived to elevate the bilateral cooperation to a strategic partnership. President Ramaphosa and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali also requested the respective Foreign Ministers to take this process forward and to ensure the implementation of all the bilateral Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding.

During the visit the two countries signed one Agreement and two Memoranda of Understanding. The Agreement on the Waiver of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic or Official/Service Passports is expected to ease the travel of officials, which will contribute to further strengthening the bilateral relations.The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Tourism will be important to both countries in the creation of employment opportunities, especially for the youth. The Memorandum on Cooperation in the field of Health will be important in providing high quality health services for the citizens of their respective countries, especially the young and the elderly.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed met and held discussions with representatives from the business sector, professional associations, religious communities and other members of the Ethiopian Diaspora community. In addition, the Premium has addressed more than 20 thousand Ethiopian Diaspora communities at Imperial Wanderers Stadium in Johannesburg. In his speech, he has requested the Diaspora community to halt migration and living in vulnerability in foreign lands. He expressed that now is time to work to transform themselves and their motherland by investing the knowledge, experience, and the resource they have gained in south Africa; by promising that his government gladly support them.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been guest of honor for the celebration of the African National Congress’s 108th anniversary with President Cyril Ramaphosa. During the anniversary, on his remark Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said: “we Ethiopians always cherish the great heroism of South African men and women in the struggle for eradication of Apartheid, under the leadership of towering personalities such as Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo and many others.” Prime Minister Abiy said that regardless of their different political orientation, all successive Ethiopian Governments had unflinchingly supported the just cause of the people of South Africa for freedom and equality by reminding that in 1962 Nelson Mandela travelled to Ethiopia for three months of military training with Ethiopian passport under the name of David Motsamayi.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Abiy expressed that in the last several years in general and in the last 18 months in particular EPRDF has gone under many steps to radically reform itself so that it become more inclusive, progressive and cohesive united national party i.e. Prosperity Party. He expressed his party’s commitment to work closely with ANC in the spirit of Pan Africanism to the benefit of the people of both countries and through the Joint continental leadership to the benefit of Africa and beyond.


IGAD Executive Secretary begins Regional Familiarization Tour in Khartoum

The Executive Secretary of the Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, has made his first familiarization tour in Sudan on 8-9 January 2010. He met and held talks with the highest authorities of the Republic of Sudan.

DrWorkneh met with the President of the Transitional Sovereign Council of Sudan, Lt. Gen. Abdul-Fattah Al-Burhan on Thursday (January 9) at the Republican Palace and in the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Asma Ahmed Abdalla. On the occasionLt. Gen. Abdul-Fattah Al-Burhan affirmed Sudan’s support to the Executive Secretary and to the IGAD Secretariat to ensure the regional organisation meets the aspirations of the countries and the people it serves.

Prior to the meeting with the President, the Executive Secretary had paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister AbdallaHamdok on Wednesday (January 8). During their meeting, the Prime Minister and DrWorkneh discussed the importance of ownership of the organisation by member states. Prime Minister Hamdok agreed to participate in the laying of the foundation stone to mark a new era with the edification of new premises for IGAD Secretariat in Djibouti.

In a meeting the executive secretary has held with Asma Ahmed Abdalla, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sudan, discussion was made focusing on ways and means to make IGAD a more performing organisation. They agreed on the importance of reforming the regional organisation, endowing it with the revised Treaty, and operationalising the new structure.

The Executive Secretary wrapped up his two-day mission with a press conference at the Republican Palace immediately after his meeting with the President of the Transitional Sovereign Council.

The two-day mission in Khartoum marked the start of a familiarisation tour, which will take DrWorkneh to all capital cities of IGAD Member States in order to hold consultation meetings with the respective Heads of State and Government, Foreign Affairs ministries and other line ministries that the IGAD Secretariat closely works with. The Executive Secretary is also expected to take the opportunity to engage with the media, academia and civil society organisations.

DrWorknehGebeyehu is the sixth Executive Secretary of IGAD.It is recalled that Sudan has received the chairmanship of IGAD from Ethiopia at the13th Ordinary summit of IGAD Heads of State and Government held in Addis Ababa last November.


IGAD Launches National Consultations on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) said it has successfully concluded the first National Consultation on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden on Tuesday (January 14). According to a statement issued by the organization, the national consultation was held in Khartoum, Sudan from 13 – 14, January 2020 with active participation of all stakeholders drawn from the Republic of Sudan institutions with relevant mandate related to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

The consultation was officially opened by Ambassador Jamal Elshiek representing the Republic of Sudan as the Chair of IGAD and Ambassador HamzaElamin Ahmed, the Chair of the IGAD Committee of Ambassadors with the objective of enriching a regional plan of action and building momentum towards a commonly shared IGAD position and a regional strategy that will seize the opportunities and address threats in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The national consultation was convened in line with the resolution of the 2nd meeting of the IGAD Task Force on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden which was held in Djibouti from 15th to 18th September 2019.The national consultations are scheduled to be conducted in all Member States of IGAD, reads the statement.

It is recalled that a Ministerial Meeting of Arab and African Coastal States of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden was convened in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 6 January 2020 hosted by King Salman bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia where Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Jordan, Yemen and Eritrea formed a new alliance with the objective of tackling piracy, smuggling and other threats in the key international shipping lane.


Chinese Foreign Minister Pays a visit to Djibouti

Continuing the 30 years tradition of a Chinese foreign minister visiting Africa at the beginning of every New Year, the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China, Wang Yi has been scheduled to visit Egypt, Djibouti, Eritrea, Burundi and Zimbabwe. The Minister started his tour visiting Egypt last week on Tuesday (7 January 2020). In a press conference given during his visit to Zimbabwe, Wang said, the purpose of his visit to the African countries, among others,was to strengthen international cooperation and safeguard common interests between China and Africa. The Foreign Minister’s visit to one of the countries in the Horn of Africa-Djibouti- was made last week on Thursday (January 9).

Meeting the Chinese Foreign Minister in his capital city, Ismaïl Omar Guelleh President of Djibouti said Djibouti’s relations with China have developed in depth and yielded fruitful results in various fields. Speaking highly of the strategic partnership between Djibouti and China, and thanking the Chinese government and people for their assistance to Djibouti’s economic and social development, President Guelleh said: “Djibouti cherishes friendship with the Chinese people and regards China as a sincere friend and indispensable partner.” The president also expressed Djibouti’s expectations in expanding cooperation with China in the blue economy and digital economy, and enhancing the scientific and technological level of bilateral cooperation. Highlighting the huge contribution of China in constructing the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, President Guelleh said the railway is conducive to promoting regional connectivity and economic integration, and has become a model for Africa-China cooperation. “Djibouti is willing to take an active part in building the “Belt and Road” and implementing relevant projects of the “Eight Major Initiatives” of the Beijing Summit of the Forum of China-Africa Cooperation,” the President added.

Appreciating the personal care and guidance of President Xi Jinping of China and President Guelleh, Wang Yi said the strategic partnership between the two countries has maintained a high level of development. The Chinese Foreign Minister also appreciated the initiative taken by Omar Guelleh to scale up China-Djibouti bilateral relations mentioning Guelleh’s three times visit to China within the last three years. Taking the mutual respect, support and help that existed between the two countries into account, Wang Yi said the relationship between China and Djibouti have become a model of mutually beneficial cooperation between countries of small and large sizes. The Minister also assured his country’s firm support to Djibouti in taking a development path suited to Djibouti’s national conditions.

“China appreciates Djibouti’s active participation in the “Belt and Road” cooperation and regards Djibouti as a good friend, good partner and good brother,” the Foreign Minister added. He expressed China’s readiness to align its efforts in pursuing the “Belt and Road Initiative” and the outcomes of the Beijing Summit of FOCAC (Forum on China-Africa Cooperation) with Djibouti’s Vision 2035. He said “We will enhance cooperation in the blue economy, communications, digital economy and other fields, leverage the economic and social impact of such projects as the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway and the Doraleh multi-function port, promote the coordinated development of Djibouti’s railway, port and free trade zone, and build Djibouti into a regional business, trade and logistics hub.” Wang concluded his speech reassuring the Digibouti side that China would continue to provide support to Djibouti’s economic and social development.

On the same day, Wang Yi also held talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Djibouti, Mahamoud Ali Youssouf and jointly met with the press.


Somalia’s President two-day State Visit to Eritrea

Somalia’s President Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed was on an official State visit to Eritrea on 10-11 January as per the invitation of the President of Eritrea Isaias Afwerki.

According to a joint communiqué issued on January 11 by the Eritrean Ministry of Information, President Mohammed Abdullahi and President Isaias Afwerki had held frank and extensive talks on bilateral relations and regional matters of common interest.

The two Presidents, the statement said, “noted with satisfaction the robust growth in bilateral cooperation since the signing of their Joint Declaration on Friendship and Comprehensive Cooperation on July 29, 2018 in Asmara.”

The two Heads of State also appreciated the progress in the cooperation between Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia based on their Tripartite Agreement of September 2018, the statement said.

President Mohammed Abdullahi and President Isaias Afwerki stressed that, despite lingering challenges and difficulties, the regional climate remains conducive for effective and durable cooperation in the Horn of Africa. The leaders rededicated themselves to strengthening their efforts to advance the Tripartite Agreement as well as overall regional cooperation, the statement added.

Discussing the situation in Somalia, the two leaders lauded the considerable progress that has been made, while, at the same time, affirming that the full reconstitution of Somalia has yet to be achieved. “This requires,” said the statement, “first and foremost, the establishment of effective and strong national institutions, including defense and security institutions, as well as the resuscitation of the nation’s economy and social infrastructure.” In view of that, the two leaders agreed to redouble their joint efforts to consolidate Somali national sovereignty, peace and security and to boost socio-economic development.

The two leaders concluded their discussion calling on all friends and partners of Somalia and the region to support Somalia’s determination to set its own priorities and to strengthen its national institutions and capabilities.

President Mohammed Abdullahi thanked his host President Isaias for his hospitality and for Eritrea’s unwavering solidarity with Somalia.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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