Diplomats' Note

A Week in the Horn 24.01.2020

In this Edition

News in Brief

AU holds the 39th Ordinary Session of the Permanent Representatives’ Committee (PRC)

Deputy Prime Minister participates at UK-Africa Summit…

… and Highlights on the Margins of the UK-Africa Summit

Ethiopia and Latvia hold Second Political Consultation Forum

Kenya hosts Regional ministerial forum on Harmonizing Labor Migration Policies

Ethiopia successfully promotes its reform agenda at the 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland

Minister of Peace Concludes visit to UAE


Africa and the African Union

The 39th Ordinary Session of the Permanent Representatives’ Committee (PRC) of the African Union (AU) opened on Tuesday (January 21) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The two-day meeting had been held at the AU headquarters under the theme “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development.” The PRC discussed draft reports and prepare the agenda of the Thirty Six (36th) Ordinary Session of the Executive Council scheduled to take place 6-7 February 2020. The meeting of the PRC brought together the ambassadors of the African Union member states as well as AU officials. (See article)

The Police Commissioner of the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGP), Augustine Kailie has urged 130 newly deployed officers from Nigeria to serve diligently and discharge their duties in accordance to the rules and regulations governing the mission.He said this at the end of a six-day training to orientate the in-coming officers on their new work environment so as to enable them deliver on the AMISOM mandate. “All the courses that you have been taught are very pertinent to the mission arena. Respect diversity. You will have to interface with a lot of people from various backgrounds,” Kailie said.




Ethiopian President Sahelework Zewde on Saturday (January 18) granted high-level military titles to 65 senior army officers ranging from Brigadier General to Lieutenant General as presented to her by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Accordingly, 40 Colonels were promoted to the rank of Brigadier General; 19 Brigadier Generals to Major General; and 6 Major Generals to Lieutenant General posts. Six of the new generals are women, an unprecedented step in Ethiopian military history.

Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen on 20th January 2020 led an official delegation comprised of members from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ethiopian Investment Commission to participate at the UK-Africa Summit held in London. (See article)

On the margins of the UK-Africa Summit, Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen held bilateral meetings with ministers from the UK Government including the Secretary of State for International Development (DFID), Alok Sharma; Secretary of State for International Trade (DIT), Liz Truss; and Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), Andrew Stephenson. (See article)

The 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken place from January 21- 24/2020 in Davos, Switzerland, where  President of the USA,  Donald J, Trump, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Heads of States and  Governments, International Organizations, Global Financial Institutions and Donors including International and local Non-Government Organizations were among the participants of the forum. The 50th anniversary of the WEF has convened under the theme of “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable developments” that aimed at: on how to address the global economic challenges from the perspective of the Forth Industrial Revolution in coordinated manner among governments, private companies and donors through innovation and e-commerce in supporting local Small and Medium entrepreneurs in addressing job creation and youth unemployment in developing countries.  (See article)

Ambassador Mahmoud Dirir, Advisor to the Foreign Minister of Ethiopia delivered two letters of condolences from President Sahle-Work Zewde of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Prime Minister on the demise of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimur to Sultan Haitham bin Tariq bin Taimur. On the occasion Sheikh Khalifa bin Ali Al Harthy, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Diplomatic Affairs, officials in the ministry and the delegation accompanying the Ambassador Dirir were present.

The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) held on Saturday (January 18) consultation with stakeholders on guidelines for election reporting. The guidelines were prepared to raise awareness on how media should contribute their share during electoral campaigning as well as before, during and after election. According to the guidelines, journalists can make predictions before the election. However, it is prohibited to predict during election and until a preliminary results are announced.

Orthodox Church followers across Ethiopia on Monday (January 20) celebrated Epiphany (Timket). On Sunday millions including foreign tourists colorfully celebrated Ketera, the eve of Ethiopian Epiphany or Timket in the city of Gondar city. Timket is a festival celebrated all over Ethiopia to commemorate the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. It was registered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as Intangible World Heritage of Humanity last year. President Sahlework Zewdie and Eritrean Ambassador to Ethiopia Semere Riesom, Addis Ababa City Mayor, Takele Uma, First Lady Zinash Tayachew and Tourism and Culture Minister, Hirut Kassaw attended Timket celebration in Gondar

An Ethiopian delegation led by Oumer Hussien, Minister of Agriculture, participated at the 6th German African Agribusiness Forum on Monday (January 20) in Berlin, Germany. He was a high-level panelist on the topic of “Driving Private Sector Engagement for Africa’s Agriculture”. The Minister highlighted Ethiopia’s unique experience/success stories in engaging the private sector in agriculture sector and the opportunities/challenges the sector presents to potential investors.

The European Union (EU) is assessing conditions for deployment an election observation mission to the next general election of Ethiopia. During the discussion with members of the House of People’s Representatives on Wednesday (January 22), EU Policy Officer for Ethiopia Loic Defaye said “before we take any decision for deployment of observers we assess the condition. So, this is what we are doing right now.” Members of the team are spending more than two weeks in Addis and some regions to assess the situation.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) on Wednesday (January 22) launched the Davos Friends of Africa Growth Platform (AGP) to mobilize the global community for collective action. Launched at the WEF on Africa in Cape Town, South Africa, last September, the AGP aims to address the job creation crisis by creating100 million jobs in SMEs and start-ups by 2025. An Ethiopian delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen attended the launching of the platform which aimed to reach 1 million jobs in 2020. In his remark, the Deputy Prime Minister stated that more attention should be given for job creation in order to bring rapid transformation and growth in Africa. (See article)

Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt met on 22-23 January in the Sudanese capital Khartoum to discuss GERD. The Khartoum meeting is a technical and legal discussion on the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

The 2nd Ethiopian and Latvian Political Consultative Forum was held on Thursday (January 23) in Addis Ababa. The forum which was chaired by Ambassador Mahlet Hailu, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and Janis Mazeiks, Undersecretary of state- political director at the ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Latvia deliberated on agendas that can help the two countries boost relations at bilateral and international fora. (See article)

Ethiopia and Kuwait held discussion on the draft memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the employment of domestic workers. In the discussion held from 21-22 January 2020 in Kuwait city, the two sides concluded the negotiations with promising progress, it was reported.

Mr. Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia participated on Tuesday (January 22) in a round table discussion organized by the African Growth Platform at the World Economic Forum. The Platform was launched last September in Cape Town with the objective of bringing all stakeholders together to address the Continent’s timely challenges, particularly youth unemployment through the development of 100 million SMEs (Small and medium scale enterprises) and startups by 2025.

An Ethiopian delegation led by Minister of Peace Muferiat Kamil concluded its three-day visit to UAE on Tuesday (January 21). The delegates held talks with various high ranking government officials and leaders of organizations engaging in the digital technology sector. (See article)

Ethiopia and Finland have signed more than 1.3 billion birr financing agreement for the implementation of CoWASHprogramme. A delegation of Finnish decision-makers and opinion leaders visited the Community-Led Accelerated WASH (CoWASH) project site in Kinbaba kebele, Amhara regional state. Currently, the bilateral CoWASH programme covers 76 woredas in five regional states. In the past 25 years, over 5 million rural Ethiopians have gained access to clean water owing to Finland’s support.


Kenya’s security forces have been directed to intensify their operations against al-Shabaab barely a week series attack by al-Shabaab.Speaking at a meeting with top security officials last week on Friday (January 17) President Uhuru Kenyatta directed security officers to mount operations to flush out terrorist operatives and all sleeper cells in North Eastern and Coast region.He stated that sponsors and recruiters of terrorists must be targeted and dealt with harshly.

A high level Regional ministerial forum on Harmonizing Labour migration Policies in East and Horn of Africa was held in Nairobi, Kenya from January 20-21/2020 under the theme “A united Approach to safe, Regular and Humane Labour Migration”. The Ministerial forum aimed to  share best practices in labour migration management and prevention of human trafficking mechanisms as well as to Harmonizing  Labour Migration Policies of the region and to develop comprehensive strategies to unravel  multifaceted challenges of migrant workers in the East and Horn of Africa region. (See article)


A senior al-Shabaab fighter who traveled from London to join the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabaab militant group in the Horn of Africa has defected to the Somali government. Zubair al-Muhajir, who was born in Ivory Coast and joined al-Shabaab in 2006, said on Tuesday (January 21) he fell out with the group in 2013 when he was arrested and imprisoned for three years by its elite Al-Amniyat unit, which specializes in carrying out assassinations, choreographing and staging suicide attacks and gathering intelligence. “I defected because al-Shabaab, they are lying to the Muslims and to the world. They are claiming to implement the Sharia (Islamic law) which is not true because I know from incidents where they went against the Sharia,” he said.

The Somali delegation participating in the opening of the 37th session of Khartoum International Fair discussed investment, economic and commercial opportunities in Sudan. In a discussion with Sudan’s Secretary-General in charge of the National Investment Authority, Hanan Musnad, held on Tuesday (January 21), the visiting Somali delegation led by the Somali Minister of Industry and Trade Abdullah Hassan expressed Somalia’s desire to invest in Sudan for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries, pointing to the distinguished economic and trade relations between the two countries.

Somalia’s elite commando forces Danab with the help of the U.S. Africa Command conducted an airstrike against al-Shabaab fighters who engaged the Somali National Army Danab Unit near Bangeeni, Somalia, on Sunday (January 19), Somali and US officials said. The airstrike killed three (3) militants and no civilians injured or killed, US Africa Command statement issued on Monday (January20) stated.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday (January 20) that Somalia had invited Turkey to conduct energy drilling and exploration operations in its seas. “We had a proposal from Somalia. They said that Somalia had oil in its seas. [They said] as in Libya, [we] could do the same [drilling operations] in [Somalia],” Erdogan told journalists on the presidential plane returning from a summit in Berlin on Sunday, where world powers discussed the situation in Libya.

Somali Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Khaire visited Turkish nationals together with several Somali security agencies wounded in the al-Shabaab car bomb attack on Saturday (January 18). Six Turkish engineers and ten Somali security agencies providing security were wounded in when a car bomb targeting foreign nationals exploded in the town of Afgoye, 30 kilometers outside of Mogadishu.

The speaker of Somalia’s Federal parliament Mohamed Mursal Abdirahman on Sunday (January 19) has held a meeting with a high-level delegation from the United Nations Development Project [UNDP]. Mursal and the UNDP visiting officials discussed political and security issues in Somalia as well as the upcoming elections.

South Sudan

The SPLM-IO has rejected South Africa’s proposal to settle the critical issue of the states’ number and boundaries. Instead, it called for a swift resolution by a regional and international panel. Last week on Thursday (January 16), President Salva Kiir accepted a proposal made by South Africa’s Deputy President David Mabuza to form an arbitration body including the IGAD and South Africa. He further said this mechanism has 90 days, after the formation of the transitional government to settle the issue. Previously Kiir and SPLM-IO leader agreed to refer the matter to Mabuza as his efforts were focused on the states’ issue and had discussed it with the peace partners. However, on Friday, SPLM-IO leading figure Angelina Teny told reporters that it was vital to settle the two sticky issues the security arrangements and the number of states and boundaries before the formation of the transitional cabinet.


Sudanese government and SPLM-N Agar negotiating delegations last week on Friday (January 17) said they conclude talks on the political agenda and will resume talks on the last item, security arrangements, very soon. The Government and the SPLM-N led by Malik Agar are holding separate talks on the conflict in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan as the other SPLM-N group led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu declined to form a joint negotiating team with them. The SPLM-N Agar calls for a large autonomy for the Two Areas while the movement led by al-Hilu demands a secular state in Sudan.

Sudanese government has appointed three state ministers including a state minister for foreign affairs, according to the spokesman of the Sovereign Council Mohamed al-Faki. He disclosed on Tuesday (January 21) that the head of the Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan has appointed Omer GamarEldin Ismail state minister for the foreign affairs, Stephen Amin state minister for labour and HazimDiab state minister for the infrastructures.

Sudan’s Minister of Religious Affairs on Tuesday (January 21) reaffirmed his commitment to ensure religious freedom and protect churches adding that authorities are investigating a recent church arson in the Blue Nile State. On Monday 20 January, a local group, Human Rights and Development Organization (HUDO) said three churches had been burnt by unknown arsonists in Bout town of Tadamoun locality in Blue Nile State near the border with South Sudan.

The Sudanese government and Darfur armed groups on Monday (January 20) agreed in Juba to establish a special criminal court for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.The government and Darfur armed groups delegations continue discussions in Juba over the political issues before moving towards the security arrangements as they pledged to strike a comprehensive peace deal next month.Speaking to reporters after a negotiation session in Juba, Ibrahim Zariba, Sudan Liberation Forces Alliance (SLFA) negotiator and member of the SRF negotiating team announced that progress has been achieved on the chapter of transitional justice and reconciliation.

Sudan expressed regrets that neighbouring countries were not invited to participate in a conference organized by Germany to discuss a negotiated solution for the Libyan crisis. Berlin hosted on Sunday (January 19) a meeting for the leaders of Algeria, Britain, China, Egypt, France, Italy, Russia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the U.S. to discuss ways to end fighting between the North African nation’s warring factions.


AU holds the 39th Ordinary Session of the Permanent Representatives’ Committee (PRC)

Under the theme ‘Silencing the guns: creating conducive conditions for Africa’s development’, the 33rd African Union (AU) Summit was held on 21-22  January 2020, at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with the conference of the Permanent Representatives’ Committee (PRC) who were meeting at their Thirty Ninth (39th) Ordinary Session.

The two-day session listened to the reports of the various activities of PRC sub-committees and reports of the AU organs and their activities. Specific activity reports and briefings that were considered during this session include reports of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC); the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR); the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR); the African Union Advisory Board on Corruption (AUABC); the African Risk Capacity (ARC) Agency; the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF); and briefing on the Ministerial Follow-up Committee on the Implementation of Agenda 2063.

The PRC also exchanged views on the draft agenda, as well as the draft Decisions and Declarations of the 36th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council, and those of the 33rd AU Assembly, before adopting its report.

The opening ceremony of the session on 21 January took place in the presence of the Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission, Ambassador Kwesi Quartey, AUC Commissioners, all the Ambassadors of the 55 African Union Member States based in Addis Ababa, representatives from the diplomatic corps, the international community, civil society, media, private sector and invited guests among others.

On behalf of the Chairperson of the AU Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, the Deputy Chairperson of the AUC, Ambassador Quartey delivered a speech to officially open the PRC meeting. He underlined the importance of the Institutional Reform of the African Union (AU), in which the Assembly decided to mandate the Chairperson of the Commission to develop a new departmental structure that is lean and performance-oriented, taking into account the division of labour between the African Union, RECs and Regional Mechanisms, Member States and continental organisations.

The Deputy Chairperson also reaffirmed the Commission’s commitment to work with the PRC, in order to give full measure to the desirable cooperation and synergy between the two institutions. “We need to continue to improve on our budgetary processes and focus on implementation of our vision – Agenda 2063. We seek to use this opportunity to enhance collaboration between the PRC and the Commission.” he said, adding, “We need to appreciate the work of the PRC under the able chairmanship of Ambassador Osama of Egypt. We would like to use this opportunity to encourage the PRC Sub-committees to continue their useful work”.

On financing the Union, the Ambassador said that a retreat bringing together the Peace and Security Council, the Bureau of the Permanent Representatives Committees, the Board of Trustees and Executive Management Committee of the AU Peace Fund and the Chairs of the Sub-committee on General Supervision and co-ordination of Budgetary, Financial and Administrative Matters and Audit Matters as well as the Committee of Finance Ministers took place on 11 January 2020. The Retreat took stock of the status of operationalization of the AU Peace Fund. The Deputy Chairperson highlighted the commitment of AU Member States to ensure predictable and sustainable financing for peace and security activities in Africa. This is a clear testament to the validity and effectiveness of the Assembly’s Decisions. “While strategic partnerships on peace and security will always be required, the Peace Fund with its $400m endowment from Member States will enable to AU to drive its own peace and security agenda on the basis of its own assessment of the problems and its own determination of the appropriate solution.” added Ambassador Kwesi Quartey.

He also highlighted the work done on new structure for the AUC. He added that this will be extended to all organs to ensure coherence and harmony between the work of the Commission; and other organs to achieve the main phase of the reform and allow the incoming Commission to work in a continuously efficient and effective manner.

Remarking at the opening ceremony Chairperson of the PRC and Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Osama Abdel Khalek underlined three main domains related to the work of PRC: Improving the internal work methods with the Commission; Pursuing the main objectives, priorities, and projects of African Agenda; and Partnership Meetings and Engagement with diplomatic and international community. He appreciated the support of PRC members saying “I had the honor to chair on the 20th of February 2019, exactly 11 months ago. The one conclusion I came up with was ‘We have made it all the way to this point only with your support!’ So, first and foremost I want to say thank you”.

Ambassador Abdel Khalek shed the light on principles guided the work of PRC in addition to the objectives to be achieved at the end of the year. These principles included among others continuous constructive dialogue, predictable and transparent modus operandi, in addition to observing a satisfactory level of discipline and compliance. He noted the improved work with the AU Commission as well as improved cycle of work between departments.


Deputy Prime Minister participates at UK-Africa Summit…

Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia Demeke Mekonnen on 20th January 2020 led an official delegation comprised of members from the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ethiopian Investment Commission to participate at the UK-Africa Summit held in London.

The UK Government initiative hosted by Prime Minister Boris Johnson brought together more than one thousand attendees, including: fifteen Heads of State; Ministers from African Governments; UK Government officials and senior representatives; CEOs and leaders from African and British businesses; institutional investors; international organisations; financial institutions; and civil society. The Summit was held with the aim of creating new lasting partnerships between Africa and the United Kingdom in order to spur greater investment, jobs and growth going forward.

In his opening remarks, Prime Minister Boris Johnson affirmed the UK’s commitment to be Africa’s partner of choice for trade and investment. He went on to confirm that this would form part of the Government’s drive to ensure the continent’s growing demand for investment is met by UK expertise and innovation. Recalling his visits to the Continent during his tenure as Foreign Minister, he noted the special and historic links that exist between Africa and the UK. Particularly, he looked back fondly on his time in Ethiopia, entertaining attendees with the story of how he unwisely challenged Haile Gebreselassie to a run in the hills above Addis Ababa.

The Deputy Prime Minister, on his part, made the closing remarks at the Summit on behalf of the African continent. In his speech he appreciated the timeliness of the Summit, expressing confidence that it would further expand the special relationship between the UK and Africa and create more opportunities for growth. Mr. Demeke, remarking on Ethiopia, described its growth over the past two decades as nothing short of a miracle. He cautioned, however, that for Africa’s recent growth miracle to be sustained into subsequent decades, governments had to exercise discipline and follow the right policies and strategies. Furthermore, he invited UK Government and businesses to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which will see the establishment of a single continental market for goods and services, covering over fifty countries, with a combined GDP of over US$ 2.3 trillion and a population of 1.2 billion people. The Deputy Prime Minister concluded his remarks by providing an overview of the political, economic and social reforms currently being undertaken in Ethiopia – noting the successes and the work left to be done. In explaining the recent revisions to Ethiopia’s investment regime and improvements to its business climate, he called on UK business to be among the first to take advantage of these changes. Finally, he invited the UK to walk with Africa on its journey to prosperity.


… and Highlights on the Margins of the UK-Africa Summit

On the margins of the UK-Africa Summit, the Deputy Prime Minister held bilateral meetings with ministers from the UK Government including the Secretary of State for International Development (DFID), Alok Sharma; Secretary of State for International Trade (DIT), Liz Truss; and Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), Andrew Stephenson.

In his meeting with DfID Secretary Alok Sharma, the Deputy Prime Minister briefed him on the current state of the domestic reform process in Ethiopia, particularly the recently launched home-grown economic reform plan. On his part, the Secretary of State expressed the UK Government’s interest in engaging in work on infrastructure development in Ethiopia and confirmed that following a report commissioned by DfID Ethiopia had been identified as one of five African countries to receive part of an GBP£ 80 million funding programme for sustainable infrastructure. The Deputy Prime Minister expressed appreciation for the practical and flexible development support that the UK Government provides Ethiopia, and welcomed the UK invitation for Ethiopia to play a key role in the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) and the GAVI replenishment conference both set to be held in the UK in 2020.

In their discussions, the Deputy Prime Minister briefed the International Trade Secretary Liz Truss on the status of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and the progress of Ethiopia’s accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). His Excellency also informed her of Ethiopia’s desire to grow its exports through greater investment in agro-processing and the wider manufacturing sector, as well as highlighting the exciting opportunities for UK investors in mining. Noting Brexit, the Secretary of State expressed the UK Government’s commitment to strengthen the trade and investment ties between the two countries and highlighted their interest in signing a trade agreement with Ethiopia in the near future.

In talks with Andrew Stephenson, the Minister of State at the FCO, the Deputy Prime Minister elaborated on the preparations underway to successfully hold general elections later this year and the status of the domestic reform process in general. On his part, the Minister of State praised Ethiopia for the vital part it plays in the maintenance of peace and security in the Horn of Africa, particularly expressing deep appreciation for its role in regional peacekeeping operations.

On the same day, the Deputy Prime Minister was a guest of Prime Minister Boris Johnson at lunch and an invitee to Buckingham Palace for dinner, where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge hosted a reception in honour of African leaders, on behalf of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

In addition to engagements with UK Government officials, the Delegation also engaged in meetings with prominent UK businesses interested in investing in the pharmaceutical, agro-processing, telecommunications and renewable energy sectors in Ethiopia.

Ahead of the UK-Africa Summit, an advance team from the Ethiopian Investment Commission and the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) participated in a pre-Summit manufacturing forum on the 16th and 17thof January. Led by the Deputy Investment Commissioner, Mr Anteneh Alemu, the team successfully promoted the opportunities in manufacturing offered by Ethiopia to over 30 UK businesses. Additionally, Senior Director of Agribusiness and Markets Vertical at ATA, Mr MirafeGebriel, participated in a panel discussion on agro-processing, presenting Ethiopia’s vast investment potential in the area.


Ethiopia and Latvia hold Second Political Consultation Forum

The 2nd Ethiopian and Latvian Political Consultative Forum was held on Thursday (January 23) in Addis Ababa. The forum which was chaired by Ambassador Mahlet Hailu, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and Janis Mazeiks, Undersecretary of state- political director at the ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Latvia deliberated on agendas that can help the two countries boost relations at bilateral and international fora.

Ambassador Mahlet invoked the MoU signed between the two parties and how it has enabled to conduct periodic political discussions. She affirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to further the relationship in light of Ethiopia’s current political, economic and social reforms and noted the importance of expanding the bilateral cooperation across a wide range of areas, including the need to strengthen ties in education, forestry and ICT, as well as enhancing investment and trade, notably in the area of horticulture and logistics, and making use of the existing multilateral platforms of EU to further boost the relationship. Moreover, Ambassador Mahlet updated the Latvian side on the current situation in the Horn of Africa and the tripartite discussion between Ethiopia, Egypt and the Sudan on GERD.

Mr. Janis Mazeiks expressed his commitment to scale up the economic and political relations between the two countries and stressed the importance of finalizing draft agreements of cooperation for speedy implementation. Commending the collaboration areas raised by the Ethiopian side Mr.Janis also added potential issues that the two countries can team up as the current members of UN Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC). The Latvian side also expressed its keen interest to establish Latvian Honorary Consul in Ethiopia. Mr. Jānis Mažeiks also took the opportunity to extend his congrdulatory message to Dr. Abiy Ahmed for winning the Nobel Peace Prize of 2019 as it was recognition of Ethiopia’s commitment to peace. He also commended the comprehensive reform that is underway in Ethiopia.

The consultation was aimed at further enhancing mutual understanding and strengthening the bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the two countries. Ethiopia and Latvia have also agreed to elevate cordial relations that exist between the two countries and to facilitate the signing of agreements such as avoidance of double taxation and investment protection intended for this purpose.

The first round Political consultation was held in April 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia between State Minister Hirut Zemene and State Secretary of Latvian Ministry of Foreign affairs, Andrejs Pildegovičs. The diplomatic relation between Ethiopia and Latvia was started on March 11, 2008 following the signing of protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Latvian Embassy in Cairo is accredited to Ethiopia. Ethiopia on the other hand used to cover Latvia through its embassy in Brussels until June 2018, when the Ethiopian embassy in The-Hague was accredited to cover Latvia.


Kenya hosts Regional ministerial forum on Harmonizing Labor Migration Policies

A high level Regional ministerial forum on Harmonizing Labour migration Policies in East and Horn of Africa was held in Nairobi, Kenya from January 20-21/2020 under the theme “A united Approach to safe, Regular and Humane Labour Migration”. The Ministerial forum aimed to  share best practices in labour migration management and prevention of human trafficking mechanisms as well as to Harmonizing  Labour Migration Policies of the region and to develop comprehensive strategies to unravel  multifaceted challenges of migrant workers in the East and Horn of Africa region.

The Labour Ministers from Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania convened to cooperate on intelligence gathering and sharing to prevent smuggling and trafficking of migrants, to ensure cross border and integrated border management approaches to regularize and facilitate border crossings and to form regional Ministerial Labour and social protection forum.

The Technical Teams of the Labour ministries  presented their respective countries experience on migration governance, Bilateral Labour agreements, Ethical recruitment, application of international migration law, rights of workers, combatting smuggling and human trafficking and opportunities and areas of regional cooperation to promote safe, orderly and regular migration.

Dr. ErgogeTesfaye, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA), led the Ethiopian delegation. The Minister presented Ethiopia’s experience and reiterated the commitment of the Government of Ethiopia in the management of labour migration by developing clear national policy frameworks and legal instruments of migrant workers. Furthermore, she emphasised that Ethiopia embarked on the prevention of illegal migration and human trafficking by establishing a national taskforce chaired by the Attorney General under the auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister and amended proclamations that geared towards the proper management of labour migration.

Upon the completion of the Forum, The labour ministers of East and Horn of Africa have agreed and signed a communique on areas of regional cooperation, labour migration governance and policy, and protection needs and rights of migrant workers.

On his closing remark, Simon Chelugui, EGH, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Republic of Kenya noted migration policy harmonization in the region is pertinent to have united approach to address migration challenges as a region. The Cabinet secretary also announced that Ethiopia is chosen by the Ministerial forum to host Mid-term review on the progress made and to identify new areas of regional cooperation on Labour migration. According to the communique, the Regional Ministerial Labour and Social Protection Form (RMLSPF) will be held on annual basis with rotational chairmanship.


Ethiopia successfully promotes its reform agenda at the 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland

The 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken place from January 21- 24/2020 in Davos, Switzerland, where  President of the USA,  Donald J, Trump, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Heads of States and  Governments, International Organizations, Global Financial Institutions and Donors including International and local Non-Government Organizations were among the participants of the forum. The 50th anniversary of the WEF has convened under the theme of “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable developments” that aimed at: on how to address the global economic challenges from the perspective of the Forth Industrial Revolution in coordinated manner among governments, private companies and donors through innovation and e-commerce in supporting local Small and Medium entrepreneurs in addressing job creation and youth unemployment in developing countries.

Since 2011 Ethiopia has been participated at the World Economic Forum and uses each session to promote its economic opportunities of the country and negotiate to attract investors and business people that would create job opportunities to the betterment the livelihood of its population. This year the Ethiopian delegation led by Mr. Demeke Mekonen, Deputy Prime Minster of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has successfully participated at the 50th World Economic Forum and effectively promoted the deep political, economic and legal reforms undertaken in Ethiopia both at bilateral and multilateral meetings.

The 50th WEF has given much emphasis to the new horizon of hope and prosperity in the Horn of Africa in which the Form in collaboration with Ethiopia has organized a round table discussion on Diplomacy and Dialogue in the Horn of Africa and also a program dedicated on Ethiopia entitled Ethiopia on the Rise: Unlocking opportunities mainly focused on to promote the business and investment opportunities in as well as challenges to do business in Ethiopia.

In the Ethiopia event at Davos, Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonen was a Keynote speaker and underscored the deep economic and political reforms underway in Ethiopia which aims at to transform the national economy from government owned to private led economy. He said the Home Grown Economic reform has identified macro, structural and sectoral problems in major economic fields like in Agriculture, Manufacturing and Tourism sectors, where logistics inefficiency, forensic and import and export trade imbalances remains the major challenges of the economy of the country. In order to resolve such hurdles the government of Ethiopia has launched a serious reform programs that includes legislative reforms, easy of doing business and providing incentive packages to attract more FDI and establishment of job creation commissions chaired by Dr. Abyie Ahmed Prime Minister of Ethiopia and he further reaffirms the predictability and commitments of the new leadership in Ethiopia.

The Deputy Prime Minister further explained the opening up of the economy with liberalization and privatization policies of giant public enterprises, 70% of young population and cheap labour, its strategic location and lots of incentive packages are among the comparative advantages of investors to do business in Ethiopia and he called investors and business communities to use this opportunity and invest in Ethiopia.

In the second event dedicated to Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, entitled Diplomacy and Dialogue in the Horn of Africa. The Ethio-Eritrea rapprochement, where the bold decisions undertaken by both leaders in Ethiopia and Eritrea can be the best example on solving the African problems by Africans to meet the Africa Union initiative of Silencing of the Guns  by 2020 in the continent. The Ethio-Eritrea rapprochement and its positive spillover effects to the peace and stability in the entire region have been appreciated. In the discussion, the Deputy Prime Minister underlined the political will and genuine commitments of both leaders in Ethiopia and Eritrea was essential that make the rapprochement a reality. He further said that Ethiopia has played a constructive role for the regional peace and stability in mediating political parties for the peaceful political transition in Sudan, helping the signing of Revitalized Peace Agreement in South Sudan among the warring parties, fighting the terrorist Al-Shabab and strengthen the Federal Government in Somalia. He stated that Ethiopia under IGAD framework is a champion in building infrastructures to hasten the regional integration agendas. He further called the international community to seize this opportunity to invest and provide support technical and capacity building assistances at national and regional level to deepen and institutionalize the positive developments gained in the Horn of Africa region.

Countries, International Organizations and Private Companies participated in the discussion have appreciated the positive role Ethiopia has been playing for the regional peace and stability and the political commitments showed in the rapprochement that would have a positive impact for lasting peace in the region. They have expressed their readiness to invest and support the peace process and the regional integration programs.

The Deputy Prime Minister with African Heads of States and Governments of Ghana, Senegal, DRC, and Ministers have participated in Africa Programs at Davos that includes Africa Growth Platform, Friends of Africa at Davos and the African Peace-building programs. In those sessions the growth and investment opportunities of Africa was discussed, where participants have expressed that Africa is on the rise with fast growing economies, rich natural resources and young population, where the signing of continental free trade Agreement, CFTA can be taken as an opportunity to boost investment and trade in the continent.

However, the major challenges remains there that includes lack of technology and innovation, proxy wars and sporadic conflicts in Libya and the Sahel region, in CAR and DRC and the expansion of terrorist networks and attacks in the continent affects not only the inter and intra-state free trade and investment activities, but also the peace and stability as well as human security in the continent. Hence, the participants have pointed out that the Africa Union and Regional Economic Communities should to take the lead to resolve these conflicts with inclusive participation of local and regional and internationals actors.

In the Africa Growth Platform participants have agreed that Africa needs a huge investment to address unemployment and job creation issues mainly through Small and Medium Enterprises. Innovation and e-commerce with prudent intranet governance and data management remains critical to attain the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the continent.

In the sideline events, Mr.Demeke Mekonen, the Deputy Prime Minister met with Mr. Borge Brende, President at World Economic Forum held discussions on political and economic reforms underway in Ethiopia, about the upcoming national elections and the preparations to host the World Economic Forum Africa Chapter 12-13 September 2020 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Mr. Borge Brende on his side appreciated the political commitments and reform activities undertaken in Ethiopia and expressed his readiness to extend the full support for the successes of the reform activities and would also provide assistances of the upcoming World Economic Forum Africa Chapter to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Together with Mr. Demeke Mekonen, the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Mamo E. Mheretu-Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister and Chief Trade Negotiator and Dr. Eyob Tekalegn, State Minister of Finance have participated in the forum and held a number of bilateral meetings with investors, international donors and private companies and provide detailed briefings about the Home Grown Economic Reform and business opportunities in Ethiopia and most of the investors and traders have expressed their readiness to take part in the major investment like telecommunication and manufacturing sectors.


Minister of Peace Concludes visit to UAE

An Ethiopian delegation led by Minister of Peace Muferiat Kamil concluded its three-day visit to UAE on Tuesday (January 21). The delegates held talks with various high ranking government officials and leaders of organizations engaging in the digital technology sector.

The minister in discussing with Director-General of Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), H.E. Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi commended the Fund’s socio-economic support to Ethiopia and underlined the need to strengthen collaborations in development projects.The Director General assured that ADFD would continue its support for the economic reform that is underway in Ethiopia.In a discussion with Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of State in the Foreign Affairs of UAE and the Director-General and CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Mrs. Muferiat Kamil explained how the two countries can further collaborate in the economic arena including oil and logistics.

Mrs. Muferiat also met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of UAE H.E. Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan and discussed ways in which the two countries can further develop economic cooperation. Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan took the opportunity to appreciate the principle of tolerance and co-operation exhibited in the lives of Ethiopians. The Ethiopian delegation also held talks with Chairperson of UAE Women’s Association Shaikha Fatima bint Mubarak and underlined the need to enhance the capacity of women and mothers.

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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