A Week in the Horn

A Week in the Horn 06.01.2023

In this Edition

News in Brief

Pretoria Peace Deal: Ethiopian Government is Walking the Talk

2023 New Year’s Message from Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen

Africa and the African Union

The heads of state of the regional bloc, IGAD, will be meeting before the end of this month to discuss the status of the 2018 peace and the deteriorating security situation in South Sudan. On Monday (January 2), Kenya’s President William Ruto noted on his Facebook page that he received a call from Sudan’s leader Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and discussed the security situation in South Sudan and the larger east African region. “We committed to hold a special IGAD summit focusing on South Sudan before the end of this month to assess the status of implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan and address any emerging issues,” he noted.

The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia and Head of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), Ambassador Mohamed El-Amine Soufe, commended ATMIS troops and affirmed the mission’s commitment to ensure a safe and stable Somalia. The SRCC made the remarks during a two-day working visit to the port city of Kismayo over the past week to assess the mission’s performance and evaluate the welfare of the peacekeeping troops.


President Sahle-Work Zewde appointed on Friday (December 30) 14 Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ambassadors as well as 7 ambassadors to represent Ethiopia in various countries. In her tweet, she said, “The majority of newly assigned ambassadors are career diplomats. This demonstrates that proper attention is paid to the profession, that the deserving are being given opportunities, and that the diplomatic sector reform is on the right track. This also inspires the younger generation of diplomats in the Ministry.

President Sahle-Work Zewde has extended condolences over the passing away of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. “I am saddened to learn of the passing away of His Holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. My condolences to His Holiness Pope Francis, Catholics in Ethiopia, and around the world.” Former Pope Benedict XVI has died, aged 95, almost a decade after he stood down because of ill health.

Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, held on Monday (January 2) a phone call with the President of Turkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on key bilateral and multilateral issues. Following his conversation with the Turkish President, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed confirmed via a social media post that they explored means of growing trade relations between the two sisterly countries. He also indicated that the two leaders had made a commitment to work together on fighting terrorism.

In a statement issued following the Pretoria Peace Deal Agreement between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said, “The agreement signed today in South Africa is monumental in moving Ethiopia forward on the path of the reforms we embarked upon four and a half years ago. Our commitment to peace remains steadfast. And our commitment to collaborating for the implementation of the agreement is equally strong.” Indeed the Government’s commitment in implementing the terms of the Peace Deal was proven successful with encouraging news heralded in break-neck speed. (See article)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia issued a statement on Monday (January 1) congratulating President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Vice-President Geraldo José Rodrigues Alckmin Filho on their swearing-in ceremony held on Sunday during the Brazilian Presidential Inauguration. The Ministry, on behalf of the Government and people of Ethiopia, said the statement, looks forward to working with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his administration to elevate the Ethiopia-Brazil partnership to a new height to the benefit of the two countries and peoples.

Ethiopians residing in Western Gonder, Quara district and the Sudanese residing in Ankurana and Kerchedi villages held people to people discussions on Sunday (January 1) aimed at addressing root causes infrequent insecurities and tof guarantee security and cementing lasting peace in their borders. According to information from the Amhara regional state Communications Bureau, a dialogue was held among the neighboring communities in the presence of the security forces and community leaders from both sides. “The participants have discussed how to ensure lasting peace by preventing animal theft and tackling human trafficking,” it stated.

The FDRE Minister of Defense, Abraham Belay, called on Ethiopian ambassadors and heads of missions representing the country all over the world to undertake tasks to strengthen the reforms being implemented by the Ministry of Defense. The Minister attended the training being delivered to the heads of missions, senior staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and affiliate offices in the African Leadership Excellence Academy in Sululta. He briefed the diplomats and heads of missions about the reforms being implemented by the Ministry of Defense.

About 135,487 metric tons of food and non-food items and 879 thousand 980 liters of fuel were sent to Tigray, Debebe Zewde, Public Relations and Communication Director at the Disaster Risk Management Commission (DRMC), disclosed on Thursday, (January 5). Disaster Risk Management Commission (DRMC) disclosed that So far, 135 thousand 487 metric tons of food, non-food items and more than 1.1 billion Birr cash have been dipatched to Tigray region.

Some 368,000 liters of fuel have been transported to the Tigray region during the last six days, according to the Petroleum and Energy Authority. Petroleum and Energy Authority Director-General Sahrela Abdulahi told the media on Thursday (January 5) that efforts have been exerted to ensure an uninterrupted supply of fuel to the region. Recall that the government established a task force to make sure that fuel is directly transported to the Tigray region from Djibouti Port. Accordingly, a total of eight fuel tankers carrying 368,000 liters have arrived at their destinations in the stated period.

The newly formed Southwest Ethiopia People’s Regional State established a 70-member regional council, representing 13 existing nations and nationalities of the region, according to the regional communication bureau. At a meeting held on Tuesday (January 3), Abebe Mamo, the chief administrator of Sheka Zone, welcomed the establishment and said that the regional council will help to strengthen long lasting solidarity and brotherhood among the diverse national groups in the region.

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna announced on Thursday (January 5) that she would travel to Ethiopia next week with her German counterpart Annalena Baerbock “to consolidate peace”, after the agreement signed on November 2 between the government and Tigrayan rebels.

The International Committee of the Red Cross-Ethiopia (ICRC Ethiopia) stated that it recently distributed food supplies to 24,000 citizens in Guji zone, Oromia region. ICRC Ethiopia’s post on social media indicates that it has distributed food aid supplies to 4,000 households (24,000 individuals) affected by conflict in Finchawa town, Dugda Dawa woreda of Guji zone. The food supply, according to ICRC Ethiopia, was delivered by its team from Nekemte.


The United States on Thursday (January 5) offered a $10 million reward to find a leader of Somalia’s Al-Shabaab militants over a 2020 attack on an air base in Kenya that killed three Americans. The State Department said it would offer the reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction in any country of Maalim Ayman, leader of the Al-Shabaab unit Jaysh Ayman. “Ayman was responsible for preparing the January 2020 attack,” a State Department statement said.

Turkana leaders have renewed talks with their South Sudan counterparts to address border tensions pitting communities along the common boundary. For the last week, there has been brewing tension along the Nadapal, Kenya–South Sudan border after a suspected Toposa militia shot at the Kenya security armored vehicle at the camp and shattered the windscreen. Two people, among them a local and a Toposa honey hunter, were reportedly shot dead by unknown gunmen in separate incidents along the border point. 

Kenyan startups managed to raise KSh 135.8 billion in 2022, emerging second in Africa in terms of fund mobilization. Nigeria beat Kenya to be ranked first with KSh 148.1 billion. Kenya was followed by Egypt (KSh 101.2 billion) and South Africa (KSh 67.9 billion). Data from the American newsletter, The Big Deal, showed that Kenya recorded a 2.5-fold growth between 2021 and 2022. The Big Deal noted that the African continent raised $4.8 billion (about Ksh 593.3 billion) during the year under review.


Somalia and the UAE have signed an agreement to bolster military and security ties and cooperate in anti-terrorism efforts. The deal was inked on Wednesday (January 4) evening in Abu Dhabi by Somali Defense Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur and his counterpart, Mohammed bin Ahmed al-Bowardi. The agreement will enhance “institutional capacity-building of Somalia’s security forces and support ongoing efforts to eradicate al-Shabaab from Somalia,” Nur said in a statement.

The death toll in Wednesday’s (January 4) twin suicide attacks in central Somalia has climbed to 35, including both civilians and soldiers, with another 72 people wounded. Two suicide bombers of the al-Shabaab terrorist group targeted two residential buildings in Mahas, a town in Somalia’s Hiran region, early on Wednesday. The growing casualty count was confirmed on Thursday by Mumin Mohamed Halane, the town’s mayor, whose house was targeted along with the residence of federal parliamentarian Mahamed Abuukar Jacfar.

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received on Wednesday (January 4) a letter sent from Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The letter touches on bilateral ties between Kuwait and Somalia and ways of promoting them in all fields, as well as issues of mutual interest, including the current developments in Somalia. This came during a meeting between the Kuwaiti foreign minister and Somali Minister of Planning, Mahmoud Sheikh Fareh, where the two sides discussed boosting bilateral cooperation between the two sisterly countries and the latest regional and international developments.

South Sudan

“President Salva Kiir Mayardit on Wednesday (January 4) held a meeting with the Deputy Secretary General of the SPLM party, Akol Paul Koordit, to discuss problems hindering the party and plans to reorganize and structure the party in preparation for the upcoming general elections,” Kiir’s office said in a statement yesterday. South Sudan’s transitional period ends next month, but a new peace roadmap agreed upon by Kiir and Machar’s groups extended the transitional period through February 2025, with general elections expected to be conducted in December 2024.

At least 13 people were killed and five others wounded in an attack in the Abyei region that’s disputed between South Sudan and Sudan, the UN peacekeeping force said on Tuesday (January 3). “A combined armed group of Nuer and Twic Dinka launched an early morning attack on the Rumamer village, 15 kilometres south of Abyei Box, killing thirteen people and injuring five others (all Ngok Dinkas) while some 27 houses in the village were burnt down,” the United Nations Interim Security Forces for Abyei (UNISFA) said in a statement.

A member of the Azerbaijani peacekeeping mission in South Sudan has been awarded a United Nations (UN) medal. According to the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the UN, the authorities of the organization presented the medal to Major Ilkin Khalilov. Two Azerbaijani peacekeepers have been serving in South Sudan’s capital, Juba, since January 2019 on a rotating basis, spearheading Azerbaijan’s commitment to the peacekeeping mission largely through observation tasks.

President Salva Kiir Mayardit on Tuesday night removed at least 15 senior state government officials in a mini-reshuffle across the two states of Unity and Jonglei, according to a number of presidential decrees read out on the state-owned South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC). In Jonglei, the president revoked the appointment of the state speaker of parliament, Amer Ateny Alier, who was appointed on the ticket of the main armed opposition, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO), when the state law-making body was reconstituted in November 2021.

President Salva Kiir issued a stern warning against the perpetrators of violence, saying the government will forthwith act against them if they continue with their deeds. Kiir noted in his New Year’s address to the nation that the country had survived the grim aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, but there were still areas of concern such as flooding and intermittent conflicts. “I am deeply concerned by the subnational violence taking place in areas within our country,” he said. “To those fueling this violence, be warned that the government will not sit on the sidelines any longer. “We will take action against those who will continue to engage in this senseless violence,” the head of state warned. His remarks came in the wake of an increase in ethnically motivated attacks in parts of the Upper Nile, Jonglei, Greater Pibor Administrative Area, Central Equatoria, and Warrap states, among others, in recent months.


Chairman of Sudan’s Transitional Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan reaffirmed on Saturday (January 7) the commitment of the military to exit the political process in the country. Al-Burhan made the remarks in a speech to the nation on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of Sudan’s independence. “We reiterate the commitment of the military institution to completely exit the political process together with our commitment to protect the transitional period in response to the revolutionary demands and necessities of transition,” Al-Burhan said. He expressed the hope that the transitional government would be formed with its main programs aimed at finding urgent solutions to the economic problems, completing peacebuilding, achieving security and stability, and preparing the country for the elections.

The Sudanese Mineral Resources Company announced the production of more than 18 tons of gold in 2022. The body described it as the highest productivity in the history of the mineral sector in Sudan. The Director of the General Administration for Supervision and Control of Production Companies, Engineer Alaeldin Ali, said in a press statement on Monday (January 2) that productivity increased by one ton and 611 kilograms, compared to the highest production in the last period, which was achieved in 2019.

The commander of a force of Rapid Support Forces and Joint Forces, Brigadier General Abashar Jibril Balayel, has affirmed the deployment of a joint force of RSF and the Armed Forces to secure the border strip between Sudan and the Central African Republic and to combat all negative phenomena such as trafficking of weapons and drugs, smuggling, and security violations that take place in the two countries at the directives of the state. This came during a joint meeting held on Wednesday (January 4) with members of the Chamber of Commerce, the native administration, the Peace and Reconciliation Committee, and the dignitaries of the Um-Dukhun locality in Central Darfur State.


Pretoria Peace Deal: Ethiopian Government is Walking the Talk

In a statement issued following the Pretoria Peace Deal Agreement between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said, “The agreement signed today in South Africa is monumental in moving Ethiopia forward on the path of the reforms we embarked upon four and a half years ago. Our commitment to peace remains steadfast. And our commitment to collaborating for the implementation of the agreement is equally strong.” Indeed the Government’s commitment in implementing the terms of the Peace Deal was proven successful with encouraging news heralded in break-neck speed.

Resumption of Basic Services

The Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) announced that power services had been restored in most parts of Tigray region, including the regional capital Mekelle, just 12 days after the Peace Deal was signed.According to the Power Operator, “In the wake of the peace agreement, technicians have been deployed to Tigray in addition to the two regions; Amhara and Afar, and damaged facilities have been reequipped with the necessary spare parts.” In a discussion with community representatives in Mekelle held on December 27, 2022, Ethiopian Electric Utility Deputy CEO, Solomon Tassew, disclosed that almost the entire Tigray region has been connected to the national power grid.

Sharing the same platform as Ethiopian Electric Utility Deputy CEO, Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot Tamiru announced that telecom services have been resumed in 27 towns in the Tigray region. She said the restoration comes after the completion of repairs to 981 kilometer-long fiber optic cables, out of a total of 1,800 kilometers needing repair. Telecom services have been interrupted in the region since the early hours of Nov. 4, 2020, following the attack on Ethiopian National Defense Forces stationed in various parts of the Tigray region. Efforts were made to restore services if not for the TPLF militants’ sustained attacks on the lives of line operators and the communication infrastructure.

With the restoration of telecommunication services, more than 60 banks have managed to resume operations due to the restoration of telecom services, according to the CEO. It was just six days prior to this announcement that the Bank of Ethiopia issued a statement heralding the resumption of banking services in its branches in Shire, Alamata, and Korem cities.”The bank was forced to suspend its banking services because of the instability in the northern part of the country,” the statement reads. “Conditions permitting, we will continue with our efforts to expand our services and step by step restart services in all branches.” Some private banks also announced the reopening of their branch offices in the region.

Then came a statement by Ethiopian Airlines, announcing the resumption of its flights to Mekele. The announcement caught many people by surprise, and the jubilant mood of the people, as observed in the media reports, demonstrated the people’s longing for peace. The resumption of flights, according to the airline, “will enable families to reunite, facilitate the restoration of commercial activities, stimulate tourist flow, and bring many more opportunities that will serve society.”On the following day, the airline announced that it would resume commercial flights to Shire Town in the Tigray region from its hub in Addis Ababa as of January 1, 2023. The airline also discloses that it will boost the flight frequency to Mekelle to three times a day, starting from January 1, 2023. Media reports indicated that the flights to Mekelle and Shire from Addis Ababa and vice versa were booked immediately following the airline’s announcements.

Unfettered Humanitarian Access

The conflict has left millions of people dependent on aid in the Afar, Amhara, and Tigray regions. In a press briefing held on December 30, 2022, Disaster Risk Management Commissioner Shiferaw Teklemariam disclosed that about 170,000 tons of food have so far been delivered to the war-affected regions of Ethiopia. According to the commissioner, the federal government and partner organizations have succeeded in fulfilling 100 percent of the total demands for humanitarian access in the three conflict-affected regions since the implementation of the Peace Agreement.

The Commissioner also indicated that a ministerial committee has also been formed to speed up rebuilding efforts. “While there is a ministerial committee formed for humanitarian operations, another committee, led by the Ministry of Finance, is expected to look for finance for the rebuilding work in the war-affected regions,” he said. Around 8,400,000 people are in need of humanitarian aid. Among these, 5.2 million live in Tigray, 2.4 million in Amhara Region, and over 715,100 in Afar Region. According to him, the federal government of Ethiopia provided about 15 MT, WFP provided about 74 MT, NGOs (Joint Emergency Operation Plan) provided about 76 MT, and other partners provided about 5 MT of emergency food assistance in two rounds, benefiting 8.3 million people.

Peace Minister Binalf Andualem, who is also Northern Ethiopia Humanitarian Support and Rehabilitation Coordination Head, told the media recently that in addition to humanitarian food aid, 1,400 metric tons of medicine and 10,000 metric tons of non-food items have been provided to the Tigray Region. Basic commodities needed for humanitarian aid are being supplied through all the humanitarian corridors of Kobo, Gondar, and Afar Abala without any restriction, he said.

To ensure an abundant and consistent supply of fuel for the Tigray region, the federal Government established a task force to oversee the transportation of fuel directly from Djibouti Port to the region. The Petroleum and Energy Authority has given permission for the transportation of fuel to the Tigray region accordingly since December 28, 2022. Petroleum and Energy Authority Director-General Sahrela Abdulahi told the media that a total of eight fuel tankers carrying 368,000 liters have arrived at their destinations in the stated period. She said, “Following the peace agreement, we have been working on ensuring fuel access, primarily up to Shire.” However, starting from November 28, the authority has given permission to Petroleum Supply Enterprise for the transportation of fuel to the entire region without any preconditions. Thus far, some eight fuel trucks have arrived in the region. According to Sahrela, fuel is currently reaching all the cities in the region, including Mekele.

Law Enforcement and AU-MVCM

On December 26, 2022, Ethiopians heard good news that further demonstrated the federal Government’s commitment to implement the Pretoria Peace Deal. A delegation of the Federal Government of Ethiopia led by Tagesse Chafo arrived in Mekelle that day to oversee the implementation of important issues in the peace deal. The delegation was the first of its kind as a high-level federal Government entity to visit Mekele in the last two years. This act was a sign that the peace accord is on the right track and moving forward. Members of the National Dialogue Commission have also joined the delegation. The delegation was warmly welcomed in Mekelle.

A few days after the high-level Ethiopian delegation visit to Mekelle, the Pretoria Peace Agreement mediating team, led by former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, as well as African Union representatives, IGAD Chief Workneh Gebeyehu, and diplomats from various countries, arrived in the capital of Tigray. It was on the same day that the AU Monitoring, Verification, and Compliance Mission (AU-MVCM) officially launched, where Gedion Timotios (PhD), Ethiopia’s minister of justice, and officials of the TPLF were in attendance. In a statement he issued regarding the launching of the MVCM, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “The signing and launch of the AU-MVCM in Mekelle is another important step towards securing lasting peace for the people of northern Ethiopia.”

Following the launch of the MCVM mission, the African Union announced on Wednesday (January 4, 2023) that the full team of the AU Monitoring, Verification, and Compliance Mission (AU-MVCM) had been successfully deployed in Mekelle, Tigray region, Ethiopia.According to the statement, “The deployment of African experts is consistent with Article 11 of the Agreement, relating to the Monitoring, Verification, and Compliance of the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) signed on November 2, 2022, and specifically to the Parties’ agreement to appoint, through the AU High-Level Panel, a team of African experts to monitor the implementation of the permanent cessation of hostilities.”

In the meantime, the federal Government of Ethiopia announced on December 29 that it has started to deploy members of the federal police to Mekele, which is based on the CoHA agreement. The permanent CoHA Article 8 (3) states that, “The ENDF, the Federal Police, and other federal security organs shall take full and effective control of national airspace, aviation safety, and security, and all federal facilities, installations, and major infrastructure such as airports and highways within the Tigray Region.”

In the words of Olusegun Obasanjo, the signing of the Pretoria Peace Agreement “is not the end of the peace process.” “Implementing the deal remains critical to its success.” The steps taken so far by the Government of Ethiopia in implementing the peace deal and the commitment of the African Union have been remarkable. Support from partners for the AU-led process remains crucial to the success of the peace deal.

Note: Issues related to “Transitional Justice” will be covered next week


2023 New Year’s Message from Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen

Dear members of the diplomatic community,

Representatives of regional and international organizations based in Addis Ababa,

All people who celebrate the New Year according to the Gregorian calendar,

We are on the eve of welcoming a new year and bidding farewell to 2022.

I wish you and your families a very happy new year! Best wishes for 2023!

As you are aware, Ethiopia has encountered numerous internal and external challenges in the year 2022. The conflict in the northern part of my country was one of the gravest challenges.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all parties that helped us forge a peace deal that all Ethiopians deserved.

I sincerely believe that you will continue to stand with us in implementing the peace agreement which is an outcome of the maxim, “African Solutions to African Problems”, and support the reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in the conflict affected areas.

Despite the hurdles we faced, our country was able to achieve outstanding outcomes that paved the way for Ethiopians to enjoy a bright future.

Ethiopia welcomes the New Year with the hope of sharing our optimism for a better tomorrow with you all. We aspire to see a better 2023 with a strengthened relationship with our partners.

Let us march together in the spirit of the New Year to a prosperous future. Happy New Year!


Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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