A Week in the Horn

A Week in the Horn 10.03.2023

In this Edition

News in Brief

Ethiopia Reaffirms Commitment to the Founding Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement

Genuine Global Partnerships and New Pathways Crucial to Overcome Challenges Faced by LDCs

Ensuring Ethiopia’s Economic and Citizen-Centered Diplomacy are on the Right Track in Qatar

Ethiopia and Djibouti Agree to Advance Transportation and Logistics Cooperation

Ethiopia Warmly Receives Pakistani Business Community

Statement on the “Resolution” of the League of Arab States Regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)

Africa and the African Union

The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) on Wednesday (March 08) commended female peacekeepers serving in Somalia and women across the world for their contribution to security and stability in the region and on the continent. “Today, we take this opportunity to reflect and recognize the unique role women play in advancing peace and development and celebrate their achievements globally,” Mohammed El-Amine Souef, the head of the ATMIS, said in a statement issued in the Somali capital of Mogadishu to mark International Women’s Day.


President SahleWork Zewde on Tuesday (March 07) congratulated President elect, Bola Tinubu on his election to the office of President of Nigeria. She expressed her conviction that his election would serve as an opportunity to bring the longstanding and cordial relations between the two countries to new heights.

International Women’s Day was commemorated in Ethiopia on March 8 under the worldwide theme “Digit ALL: Innovation and technology for gender Equality.” President SahleWork Zewde, in a message she delivered in connection with the day, said women in Ethiopia should get organized in order to avert the various social challenges they have been facing. “We need a strong association that strives to make women’s issues a public agenda that exerts efforts to find solutions, and mobilizes all Ethiopians both inside the country and abroad for this purpose.”

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said partnerships and investments are essential for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to graduate. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his delegation were in Doha, Qatar to attend the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5). LDC5 took place from March 5–9, 2023, with the objective of mobilizing the international community’s commitments towards the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action for the LDCs (2022-2031) adopted by the UN General Assembly in April 2022. Prime Minister Abiy tweeted on Sunday (March 05) “Partnerships that are cognizant of the debilitating impact of debt on least developed countries and that are committed to alleviating these burdens by introducing a fast and predictable global framework of debt restructuring”.

During the course of his stay in Qatar to attend the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed met with Sheikh Tamim ibn Hamad Al Thani on Sunday (March 05). The two sides have explored bilateral ties and discussed regional issues.  The prime minister said that there are many opportunities for Qatari investments in various sectors in Ethiopia. The discussions revolved around supporting social development and investments in Ethiopia.

On the same news, Prime Minister Abiy held bilateral discussions with General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, President of the Sovereign Council of Sudan and Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed, the Prime Minister of Yemen, on Sunday (March 05).  Prime Minister Abiy held the discussions on the sidelines of the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) in Doha, Qatar.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen stressed the need to nurture transitional justice in order to consolidate the ongoing peace process in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has recently developed a transitional justice policy document that is expected to contribute to sustainable peace, reconciliation, and justice in the country.An inaugural ceremony of public consultations on transitional justice options in Ethiopia was underway on Monday (March 06) in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke, various government officials, and other stakeholders.

The transitional justice policy of Ethiopia would create opportunities to build peace and bring reconciliation to the country, the Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations Council said on Monday (March 06).The policy, which is believed to contribute to sustainable peace, reconciliation, and justice in Ethiopia, has been presented to various relevant stakeholders with the view of soliciting input.Speaking at the forum, Executive Officer of the Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations Council, Henok Melese, said transitional justice has contributed a lot to reconciliation and justice in many countries. The executive officer hoped that transitional justice would help victims of massive human rights violations face justice and allow the truth to be revealed.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia issued a statement today, expressing its dissatisfaction on the “resolution” issued by the League of Arab States on 9 March 2023 regarding the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). “The management and utilization of the Nile River, including the filling and operation of the GERD, must be left to the concerned parties in Africa,” reads the statement. “We should not have to remind the League that the Nile River and all the riparian countries are found in Africa.” (See full text)

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen, addressed the Summit-Level Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Contact Group in response to COVID-19 on post-pandemic global recovery on Thursday (March 02) in Baku, Azerbaijan. He also had a number of sideline meetings with senior officials of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Serbia. (See article)

The historic Pakistani business delegation visit to Ethiopia to explore investment opportunities in the country is crucial to strengthening the bilateral relations between the two countries and attracting investors to Ethiopia, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen said on Monday (March 06). The Ethiopian Investment Commission has organized a welcoming event for the Pakistani investment and trade delegation, comprised of 71 business personalities. “This high-level visit is really another important step to strengthen our bilateral relations,” Demeke said, adding that the relations are expected to diversify relations between governments, businesses, people-to-people levels, and other actors among the two countries.

The Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) took place in Doha, Qatar, from March 5–9, 2023. Themed ‘LDC5: From Potential to Prosperity’, this once-in-a-decade conference was convened to garner international support to help unlock the full potential of the world’s most vulnerable countries. The outcome of the conference was articulated in the Doha Program of Action, which is designed to be implemented through 2031. (See article)

An Ethiopian delegation led by the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, paid a working visit to Doha, Qatar, over the week. During its stay in Qatar, the delegation took part in a number of activities that aimed to scale up Ethiopia’s standing in the political, economic, and citizen-diplomacy sectors. Some of the events coincided with the LDC-5 Summit in Doha. (See article)

Pakistan’s business community, which consists of more than 71 delegations, arrived in Addis Ababa this week to explore business, trade, and investment opportunities in Ethiopia. The historic business delegation mobilized by the Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad participated in various forums during the delegation’s five-day stay in Ethiopia. (See article)

Ethiopia wants to attract even more additional investment from China in various sectors, Finance Minister Ahmed Shide told the media while visiting China last week.According to him, currently, Chinese investors are one of the major investors in Ethiopia in various areas. With a population of 120 million, and the fastest-growing economy, as well as ongoing and deepening economic reform, Ethiopia offers a comprehensive investment opportunity for international investors, he added.

Two Japanese technological companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ethiopian Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) to engage in recycling waste products from industrial parks to produce fuel and fertilizer in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Industrial Parks Development Corporation’s (IPDC) CEO, Aklilu Tadesse, Tanabe Co., LTD. Executive Director Yoshiyasu Tanabe, and STI Sun Technol Inc. Senior Executive Director Masanu Kaneko signed the MOU on Wednesday (March 08). 

The residents of Shire City, its surroundings said in the Tigray Regional State on Sunday (March 05) that the humanitarian aid being delivered to them has been contributing a lot to reduce the problems they had encountered. The Government of Ethiopia, along with humanitarian partners, has been delivering humanitarian assistance and restoring essential services across the Tigray region.


The Ugandan government and leaders of Eritreans living in the country have resolved over the past week to set up an information center that will provide vital business knowledge to Eritrean investors. This resolution was reached during the first-ever Eritrean diaspora investment conference organized by the president’s office in charge of diaspora affairs in Kampala, themed ‘Anchoring Eritrean Investment into a Vibrant Uganda.


A delegation led by Ethiopia’s Minister of Transport and Logistics, Dr. Alemu Simie, concluded a working visit to Djibouti from March 4–7, 2023, aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two countries in the transportation and logistics sectors. (See article)

Maritime forces from nations around the world, along with several international organizations, kicked off the multinational maritime exercise Cutlass Express with an opening ceremony held at the Coast Guard Training Center, sponsored by U.S. Africa Command and led by U.S. Naval Forces Africa (NAVAF). CE23 is one of three NAVAF-facilitated regional exercises that provide collaborative opportunities for African, U.S., and international partners to address shared transnational maritime concerns.

A Chinese medical team provides medical services in Djibouti. The 21st Chinese medical team dispatched to Djibouti has been providing medical services at the Peltier General Hospital since January 2022. By the end of February 2023, the medical team had provided 14,658 outpatient services, 576 emergency services, and completed 1,168 surgeries.


A Kenyan woman received Sh38 million in the global Dan David Prize for using digital technologies to capture and preserve artifacts. Chao Tayiana Maina captures and preserves “previously hidden or suppressed historical narratives in Kenya, enabling communities to engage with their cultural heritage and centering African histories within digital spaces”. Maina is one of 11 winners of the prize in 2023.


Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of Somalia, on Sunday (March 05) addressed the United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries, calling for policies and strategies to accelerate LDC development.He acknowledged Somalia’s development challenges, such as prolonged conflict and political instability, but expressed hope that these could be resolved through dialogue and an inclusive government-building process. “Although God has blessed us with tremendous opportunities and resources that can lead to development,” he said, “one of the reasons Somalia is struggling to achieve sustainable development is the legacy of prolonged conflict and political instability.”President Mohamud also discussed Somalia’s success in combating international terrorism.

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, had a fruitful meeting on Sunday (March 05) with the Emir of Qatar, Tamim Bin Hamad, on the sidelines of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) in Doha. The President and the Emir discussed the bilateral relationship and the mutual interests of both nations in the fields of peace and development in the region, as well as strengthening the long-standing relations between Somalia and Qatar.

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, has on Sunday (March 05) met with President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti on the sidelines of the ongoing United Nations’ Fifth Conference on Least Developed Countries (LDC5) in Doha.The two leaders discussed ways to enhance the long-standing relations between the brotherly countries.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Isaak Mohamud Mursal, officially signed, on Sunday (March 05), the Protocol on Free Movement of Persons, on an occasion that was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the capital, Mogadishu, in which IGAD officials, MPs, senators, and senior diplomats were present.This protocol, which was ratified by the seven IGAD member states on February 26, 2020, is an important step in promoting the free movement of goods, services, and people and the establishment of residence.

The Federal Republic of Somalia and the European Union held a meeting on Tuesday (March 07) in Mogadishu for their 3rd Political Dialogue. It was preceded by a meeting with Hamza Abdi Barre, the Prime Minister of Somalia.In both meetings, the discussions were rich, constructive, and wide-ranging based on the joint priority areas that had been agreed. These priorities will serve as the foundation of a framework for engagement that the Somali government and the European Union are presently developing to promote sustainable peace and security as well as prospects for prosperity.

Officials in Somalia say an al-Shabab attack on a military base in the south of the country was “repulsed.” The deputy president of Jubaland state, Mohamud Sayid Aden, told the media that al-Shabab militants used explosives and armed fighters to attack Janaa Cabdalle, 60 kilometers west of Kismayo. “As is the hallmark of their attacks, they used a series of explosives and suicide bombing, but the Somali troops defended the base,” he added.

The lower house of Somalia’s Parliament on Wednesday (March 08) approved a new anti-terrorism law that aims to provide a legal framework that will help government security agencies better fight and eradicate terrorism in Somalia. Members of Parliament approved the bill 133–3— with 7 abstentions.

An estimated 100,000 people have fled fighting in Somaliland into Ethiopia, the UN and Ethiopian refugee agencies said on Monday (March 07).Citing authorities in Doolo, located in the south-eastern tip of the country, more than 1,300 kilometers (more than 800 miles) from the capital Addis Ababa, the UN refugee agency said it believes more than 98,000 people have crossed the border since February 6.

South Sudan

President Salva Kiir Mayardit on Wednesday night (March 08) issued a republican decree sacking the country’s foreign minister.The decree readout on the state-owned South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) removed Mayiik Ayii Deng, who was appointed by the president about eighteen (18) months ago and last served as minister of presidential affairs.

A high-level meeting of the main armed opposition Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) on Saturday (March 04) condemned the removal of the country’s Defense Minister by President Salva Kiir Mayardit and urged him to revoke his decision. In a statement following a day-long meeting, the SPLM-IO condemned the presidential moves, which it said were unilateral and so violated the revitalized peace agreement that gives each party signatory the right to remove its own members from the government at will.

The UN mission in South Sudan on Tuesday (March 07) called on the government to expedite the establishment of the Reconstituted National Constitutional Review Commission to pave the way for the drafting of a permanent constitution.

The U.N. special envoy for South Sudan called 2023 a “make or break” year for the world´s newest nation. “It is possible the country can keep its commitment to hold elections in December 2024, but only if there is political will, he said on Monday (March 06).

South Sudan last week on Thursday secured 114.8 million U.S. dollars in funds from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help the country address food insecurity and support the health and education sectors. Speaking to reporters during a press conference held in Juba on Thursday, Dier Tong Ngor, Minister of Finance, said the fund will boost the country’s foreign exchange reserves. “This amount will have short-term and long-term impacts on our economy in terms of the short-term impact, we are going to use this fund or the amount that we are receiving to boost our exchange reserves,” said Ngor.


The acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ali Al-Saddiq, participated in the meetings of the 159th session of the Ministerial Council of the Arab League in Cairo. The meeting discussed the serious and accelerating developments in the Palestinian territories, Arab national security issues, and the efforts to return Syria to the Arab League, in addition to following up on the regular issues resulting from previous decisions.

The President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, met on Sunday (March 05), onthe sidelines of the United Nations Conference of the Least Developed Countries in the Qatari capital, Doha, with the President of the transitional period in the Republic of Chad, Mohamed Idriss Dubai.The meeting discussed bilateral relations between the two countries and ways of developing and promoting them, and stressed the importance of enhancing joint cooperation in various fields, as well as strengthening coordination between Khartoum and N’Djamena on regional and international issues of common concern.

Sudan’s head of the Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan discussed on Sunday (March 05) with the Qatari defence minister Hamad bin Ali Al Attiyah ways to develop military cooperation between the two countries.In a statement released in Khartoum on Sunday, before al-Burhan’s return from Doha, the Sovereign Council said he discussed with Al Attiyah ways to develop bilateral military cooperation.”The meeting stressed the importance of strengthening military cooperation between Sudan and Qatar and upgrading it in various fields,” added the statement.

In related news, the President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, General Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan Abdel-Rahman, returned to the country after his participation in the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, hosted by the State of Qatar from March 5 to 9, 2023.

The Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, Ahlam Madani Mahdi, chaired on Monday (March 06) in her office at the Ministry of Investment a preparatory meeting for the Sudanese-Somali Investment and Trade Forum to be held in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, from March 18–19. The forum will be held in association with the Sudanese Embassy in Mogadishu under the slogan (Brotherhood and Partnership).

The Sudan’s Elders Council (SEC) has presented a strategic vision to solve the Sudanese crisis in order to move towards the future and achieve development and sustainable peace in the country. The Chairman of the Council, Prof. Mohamed Hussein Abu Salih, called in SUNA’s Forum on Monday (March 06) on those in charge of the country’s affairs to recall the highest level of patriotism, stressing the importance of exploiting the national solutions for crises and establishing a strong future foundation based on national well.

Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Gen. Shams-Eddin Kabbashi, chaired at the Republican Palace on Wednesday (March 8) the final meeting of the national committee specialized in preparing the draft of the four freedoms between Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan. During the meeting, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Dafa’alla Al-Haj Ali, presented a comprehensive review of the final report of the committee’s work. In a press statement after the meeting, member of the committee, Ambassador Omer Al-Amin, stated that the formation of the committee and its work comes within the framework of the distinguished relations between the two brotherly countries, the fraternal ties between the two peoples, and the keenness to establish relations that benefit both countries.


Ethiopia Reaffirms Commitment to the Founding Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen, addressed the Summit-Level Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Contact Group in response to COVID-19 on post-pandemic global recovery on Thursday (March 02) in Baku, Azerbaijan.

He reiterated the commendable strides taken to respond to post-pandemic challenges that the Non-Aligned Movement has taken since the outbreak of the pandemic, stressing that Member States must build upon these efforts and follow up with concerted post-COVID recovery measures. In this regard, Demeke specifically mentioned the UN Human Rights Council and UN General Assembly resolutions on “universal, equitable, and affordable access to COVID-19 vaccines,” initiated under the Azerbaijani Chairmanship.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister also spoke in detail about the successful conclusion of the Pretoria Peace Deal between the Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF. In line with the founding principles of the Non-Aligned Movement, he said, the Agreement demonstrated Ethiopia’s capacity to resolve its internal challenges devoid of external interference. “Respect for the UN Charter, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations, non-interference in the internal affairs of states, and peaceful settlement of disputes are all universally accepted principles that Ethiopia adheres to,” he said.

He finally expressed Ethiopia’s support for newly emerging initiatives that aim to revitalize the NAM. “We must closely assess and adopt proposals that will allow us to work for our collective interest,” he said. Recognizing the fact that the vast expansion of the Non-Aligned Movement calls for the need to develop a stronger institutional structure, he registered Ethiopia’s support for the establishment of the NAM parliamentary network, which will “promote decisions made by Member States.” Representatives of about 70 countries attended the Summit.

Sideline Meetings with NAM Member States

Prior to the commencement of the NAM Summit-Level Meeting, Demeke Mekonne had a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Jeyhun Bayramov, in Baku. In their discussion, the two sides emphasized the need to strengthen bilateral relationships and build upon the growing ties between the two countries by cooperating in multilateral fora. Demeke Mekonen said that Ethiopia is interested in cooperating with Azerbaijan in defense and security, capacity building through technology, and the public sector, further inviting Azerbaijani investors to participate in investment options. Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister appreciated Ethiopia’s responsible leadership in resolving the conflict in northern Ethiopia peacefully. He also said that Azerbaijan will continue to sponsor Ethiopian students to study in the country’s higher education institutions.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen also had a discussion on the margins of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit in Baku with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, Kanat Tumysh, and First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Ivica Dačić. Their discussion focused on strengthening bilateral cooperation and mutual interests. Demeke gave a brief overview of the implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement and noted the need to expand relationships in trade and investment. The Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, Kanat Tumysh, appreciated the political and economic progress of the Ethiopian Government. He expressed Kazakhstan’s interest in working on tourism, education, and capacity building with Ethiopia. He called on the two countries to strengthen economic cooperation between them. Likewise, First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Serbia, Ivica Dačić, noted the need to scale up the historical relationship between Ethiopia and Serbia with new engagements. Kazakhstan and Serbia are members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and cooperate with Ethiopia in international fora.


Genuine Global Partnerships and New Pathways Crucial to Overcome Challenges Faced by LDCs

The Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) took place in Doha, Qatar, from March 5–9, 2023. Themed ‘LDC5: From Potential to Prosperity’, this once-in-a-decade conference was convened to garner international support to help unlock the full potential of the world’s most vulnerable countries. The outcome of the conference was articulated in the Doha Program of Action, which is designed to be implemented through 2031.

Ethiopia’s high-level delegation at the conference was led by Abiy Ahmed (PhD), Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. On the margins of the conference, the Prime Minister held fruitful discussions with several leaders, including the Emir of the State of Qatar and the President of the Transitional Sovereign Council of the Republic of the Sudan.

Ethiopia’s delegation’s participation in other official events of the conference was led by Dr. Fitsum Assefa, Minister for Planning and Development. She delivered Ethiopia’s national statement at the general debate, co-chaired a high-level thematic roundtable on resource mobilization, and spoke at two side events organized by UNCTAD.

In her general debate statement, Dr. Fitsum underlined the importance of reaffirming commitment to genuine global partnerships and the need to carve new pathways to overcome the challenges faced by the LDCs. She also pointed out that the global economic and financial system currently in place has failed to deliver a meaningful response to the challenges faced by the LDCs thus far. The Minister further underscored that commitments made to create level ground for the integration of LDCs into global markets did not yield a promising result. She emphasized the urgent need to free more resources for development finance through meaningful debt relief.

Sharing Ethiopia’s successful experience in agricultural reform, she said the significant increase in wheat production as well as the Green Legacy Initiative is among many good examples of what LDCs can achieve when they focus on their endowments and adopt the right priorities. The Minister concluded by asserting Ethiopia’s commitment to continue to pursue a pro-poor policy path in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2063 of the African Union, and the Doha Program of Action.

During the general debate, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of the sisterly Republic of Ghana, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, mentioned the Green Legacy Initiative of Ethiopia in Ghana’s national statement as an example of what LDCs are doing to address climate change challenges on their own and called on international partners to support such initiatives.

Speaking at a side event organized under the theme “Holistic and Multi-sectoral Interventions to Address Systemic and Structural Vulnerabilities in LDCs,” Dr. Fitsum shared the trajectory of Ethiopia’s development experience, focusing on the implementation of the 10-year Development Plan, and highlighted measures being taken to ensure policy coherence across all sectoral ministries in Ethiopia.

Apart from the plenary session, the conference featured eight parallel high-level thematic roundtables and close to eighty side events. As the Doha Program of Action has already been negotiated and endorsed by the UN General Assembly, Assembly In 2022, the conference concluded with the adoption of the short Doha Political Declaration.


Ensuring Ethiopia’s Economic and Citizen-Centered Diplomacy are on the Right Track in Qatar

An Ethiopian delegation led by the State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, paid a working visit to Doha, Qatar, over the week. During its stay in Qatar, the delegation took part in a number of activities that aimed to scale up Ethiopia’s standing in the political, economic, and citizen-diplomacy sectors. Some of the events coincided with the LDC-5 Summit in Doha.

Participating in a Business Forum

State Minister Ambassador Mesganu Arga addressed the Ethiopian Investment Forum held on March 6, 2023, in Doha, Qatar. The forum, which was organized by the Ethiopian Embassy to the State of Qatar in Doha, deliberated on promoting the investment potential and opportunities of Ethiopia to members of the business community in Qatar.

During his opening remarks, the State Minister underlined the need to augment trade and investment ties between Ethiopia and Qatar in light of the excellent bilateral relations existing between the two countries. He briefed the business community about the lucrative investment sectors that Ethiopia offers for foreign investors. The State Minister also highlighted investment-friendly policies and legal reforms Ethiopia has undertaken in recent years with a view to enhancing the role of the private sector in the economy.

Ambassador Feisel Aliyi, Ethiopia’s Envoy to the State of Qatar, provided a detailed presentation to the gathering about favorable incentives available to attract foreign direct investment in Ethiopia. The Ambassador further highlighted the market advantage that Ethiopia offers to foreign investors, both through its huge domestic market and its preferential duty-free access to various countries. He also briefed participants about Ethiopia’s natural resource potential as well as opportunities in the manufacturing, agro-processing, hospitality, and tourism sectors that are among the priority sectors identified for foreign investors. Ethiopia’s favorable infrastructure and eco-friendly industrial parks, located in close proximity to the country’s export corridors as well as its cheaper and sufficient energy power capacities, were also highlighted.

The forum ended with a follow up question and answer session. Some participants expressed keen interest in undertaking a pre-investment visit to Ethiopia. Clarifications were also provided to the questions raised by the participants of the forum.

Meeting Influencers in the Economic Sector 

Ambassador Mesganu Arga, along with Dr. Fitsum Assefa, Minister of Planning and Development, held bilateral meetings with Dr. Said Al Saqri, Minister of Economy of the Sultanate of Oman; Silvino Augusto Jose Moreno, Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of Mozambique; and Dr. Peter Nagy, Co-founder of a Hungarian-based international firm, Equilibrium Capital, on the sidelines of the LDC-5 Summit in Doha, Qatar. According to the discussion with the Omani Minister, both sides noted the need to strengthen economic ties between Ethiopia and Oman. The discussion with the Minister from Mozambique centered on strengthening trade and investment ties between the two countries. Both sides also emphasized the need to utilize intra-African trade potential within the AFCFTA framework. The meeting with the co-founder of Equilibrium Capital focused on the potential of the firm’s investment in Ethiopia’s energy sector through a joint venture. Equilibrium Capital is a firm engaged in the provision of sustainable financing, including in energy infrastructure.

Ambassador Mesganu Arga also held business meetings with Abdulla Salem Al Sulaiteen, Chairman of the Al Sulaiteen Group, one of the leading Qatari companies in the agriculture sector in Qatar; Sheikh Faisal Bin Qassim Al Thani, Chairman of AL Faisal Holding, one of Qatar’s largest privately held diversified industry groups and also Chairman of the Qatari Businessmen; as well as Sheikh Khalifa bin Jassim bin Mohammed Al-Thanj, Chairman of Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI). The discussions focused on business and investment issues of common interest and exchanges of views about investment potential and opportunities in Ethiopia.

Consultations to Strengthen Bilateral Ties and Cooperate in the Education Sector

Ambassador Mesganu Arga held a fruitful bilateral discussion with Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, on the sidelines of the LDC5 Summit. The parties exchanged views on regional issues of common interest. Ambassador Mesganu also held a meeting with Fahad H. Al Sulaiti, Chief Executive Officer of Education Above All, a Qatari Foundation that works to improve inclusive quality education worldwide. Both sides exchanged views on the Foundation’s potential cooperation with the Government of Ethiopia on funding education-centered projects in Ethiopia. The discussion also particularly focused on the role that could be played by the Foundation in rebuilding schools affected by conflict in Ethiopia, which is part of the country’s reconstruction program.

Commitment to Citizen-centered Diplomacy

Ambassador Mesganu Arga, along with Dr. Fitsum Assefa, Minister of Planning and Development, visited the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) under construction in Doha, Qatar. The construction of the church is now being carried out on the 1,846 m2 of land that was provided by the Government of Qatar. The EOTC religious leaders in Doha expressed heartfelt gratitude for the assistance provided by the Ethiopian Embassy in Doha in support of efforts made to realize the long-held vision of followers of EOTC to establish a church in Qatar. They particularly appreciated State Minister Ambassador Mesganu Arga, who demonstrated an exemplary role and able leadership in availing the Ambassador Mesganu Arga EOTC community in Doha of a plot of land from the Government of Qatar during his capacity as Ethiopia’s former Envoy to Doha a few years ago. During their visit, the Ethiopian senior officials signed the Church’s Guest Book of Honor. In their address to the followers who gathered to attend the Church’s service, the officials also reaffirmed the continued support of the Ethiopian government in safeguarding the interests of Ethiopian citizens abroad, including through the provision of the necessary support to ensure access to places of worship. 

During his stay in Qatar, State Minister Ambassador Mesganu also visited an Ethiopian Community International School in Doha. The school is currently providing education from KG1 to Grade 4 for more than 120 Ethiopian students. The Ethiopian Embassy in Doha and the Government of Ethiopia played key roles in the commencement and operationalization of the school. The Qatari government granted the school a building, and the school’s water and electricity are also provided free of charge. During his visit, Ambassador Mesganu received a briefing from the school principals about the teaching and learning processes at the school, and views were also exchanged on ways of addressing the challenges the school has encountered. The visiting officials also expressed the readiness of the Ethiopian government to continue to extend the necessary assistance to widen the school’s outreach and meet the needs of the Ethiopian community in Doha.


Ethiopia and Djibouti Agree to Advance Transportation and Logistics Cooperation

A delegation led by Ethiopia’s Minister of Transport and Logistics, Dr. Alemu Simie, concluded a working visit to Djibouti from March 4–7, 2023, aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two countries in the transportation and logistics sectors.

The Minister of Transport and Logistics met with Ismail Omar Guelleh, the President of Djibouti, to discuss issues of mutual benefit, including the crucial need to complete the Dikil-Galafi road to ensure smooth circulation of vehicles and cargo before the rainy season, and reached an agreement.

In addition to the meeting with the President of Djibouti, Dr. Alemu Simie also held discussions with Hassan Houmed Ibrahim, the Minister of Infrastructure and Equipment of Djibouti, and Abubakar Omar Hadi, the President of the Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority (DPFZA).

The series of discussions emphasized the importance of completing the route between Dikil and Galafi to enable seamless transportation of vehicles and freight. They also focused on speeding up the construction of a 35-kilometer road between Galamo and Moloud, as well as connecting Horizon Oil Terminal in Djibouti and the Awash Depot in Ethiopia to the Ethio-Djibouti railway to reduce multifaceted obstacles such as prices and transit periods for oil products.

The Ethiopian delegation also discussed the importance of constructing a conveyor belt to connect the Doraleh Multi-Purpose Port’s key side and silo to the rail line in accordance with the previous agreement reached to ensure effective bulk cargoes such as fertilizer.

Before concluding the visit, the delegation visited several key locations in Djibouti, including the Damerjog Industrial Park, the Red Sea World, Djibouti’s international exhibition center, the DPFZA, and port facilities.

This visit highlighted the significant role that Ethiopia and Djibouti are set to play in advancing economic integration by facilitating a more efficient and effective system through improved infrastructure.


Ethiopia Warmly Receives Pakistani Business Community

Pakistan’s business community, which consists of more than 71 delegations, arrived in Addis Ababa this week to explore business, trade, and investment opportunities in Ethiopia. The historic business delegation mobilized by the Ethiopian Embassy in Islamabad participated in various forums during the delegation’s five-day stay in Ethiopia.

The delegation was led by senior officials of Pakistan and included the chair of the country’s Chamber of Commerce, investors, and other parties. During their welcoming ceremony, Ethiopian Ambassador to Pakistan Jemal Beker stated that the delegation came to Ethiopia mainly to discern the opportunities in the investment sectors that have been given due attention by the government, and the members are from the manufacturing, agriculture, mining, pharmaceutical, and tourism sectors.

On March 7, 2023, Pakistan’s business community was briefed on the business options and favorable conditions in Ethiopia, where the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonen, the Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission, Lelise Neme, and other senior officials were present.

During the session, the Deputy Prime Minister stated that the government would provide all necessary support for the delegation’s investment activities in Ethiopia. He stated that the government is taking various measures to improve the bottlenecks in the field.

Commissioner Lelise Neme also said that it is the right time for Pakistani investors to operate widely in Ethiopia. The delegation attended a number of briefings on investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

On their part, the delegation extended their gratitude for the hospitality they have seen in Ethiopia and the investment opportunities they have observed in the country.

During their stay in Ethiopia, the Pakistani business community visited the industrial parks in Addis Ababa and discussed the issues that could be worked out with the investors there. Finally, they visited grand tourist places, including Unity Park, and appreciated the work Ethiopia is doing in the field of tourism.


Statement on the “Resolution” of the League of Arab States Regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)

The Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is dismayed by the “resolution” issued by the League of Arab States on 9 March 2023 regarding the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

The management and utilization of the Nile River, including the filling and operation of the GERD, must be left to the concerned parties in Africa. We should not have to remind the League that the Nile River and all the riparian countries are found in Africa. The League is once again serving as the spokesperson of one state, disregarding basic principles of international law. Such attempts to politicize the issue of GERD neither advance friendly relations nor support the efforts to arrive at amicable solutions, as they are not based on facts or supported by law.

The African Union has been facilitating the trilateral negotiations among Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt to resolve the remaining outstanding issues, guided by the maxim, “African Solutions to African Problems.” The League’s characterization of the negotiations is incorrect. The fact is that Egypt with its obdurate stance to maintain a colonial era-based self-claimed water allocation and its unending attempts to internationalize the matter is the reason for the delay of the negotiation.

The Government of Ethiopia has been committed to the AU-led negotiations. The League’s resolutions and statements by Egypt call into question whether Egypt has been engaged in good faith in the negotiations under the AU’s auspices.

The Government of Ethiopia continues to fill and operate the GERD in accordance with the Agreement on the Declaration of Principles of March 2015 signed between Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan, with full respect to the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization of transboundary water resources.

The Spokesperson Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

10 March 2023

Spokesperson's Directorate General

Spokesperson's Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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